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  • If you can return all 4 jewels quick enough to Booster during Marrymore, the kissing sequence shows Toadstool kissing Mario....and Booster and Bowser inexplicably kissing each other. One for the scrapbook indeed.
  • At one point, you come to the town of Marrymore. Inside the wedding chapel, Chef Torte and his assistant are baking a cake. Having Mario jump on said cake results in the following reaction:

 Chef Torte: 'Vat! 'Vat! 'Vat are you doing?

Assistant: Oh that's nice, you've stepped on the *they hit Mario off the cake*


  • A few hours into the game, Mario offers the people of the Mushroom Kingdom a summary of The Story So Far. Of course, since he's a mute protagonist, this involves acting out the events of the game to that point... which in turn involves physically transforming into some of the relevant characters, such as Princess Toadstool (as she was then still known in the West) and Bowser. When he transforms into Bowser, the Toads collectively jump back in shock, and some of them even hide behind the nearest available cover as if he were the genuine article. And when he re-enacts a long fall by disappearing off the top of the screen for a moment, one of the Toads runs over to the door and looks out as if to say "Mario? Now where did he go?"
    • Once Toadstool is rescued, the party explains the plot to the Mushroom Kingdom officials. A highlight is Mario portraying the giant sword Exor (complete with matching facial expression), while Bowser portrays his own castle. Ouch.
  • Gaz is a boy in Rose Town who idolizes his doll Geno, at the expense of other heroes. When Mario first enters his house/inn, he's pitting dolls of Mario and Bowser in battle against each other. Bowser wins (much to the obvious dismay of Mario, who is standing right there), so he can have his Geno doll defeat Bowser. Later on, when the now-possessed Geno tells Gaz that he's joining Mario on a quest, Gaz agrees that Mario needs all the help he can get. Mallow has to physically restrain Mario from decking the kid.
  • In the same town, there lives a gardener who seeks to have the legendary "Seed" and "Fertilizer", to make his plant grow. Each time that he's given one of the items, he gets overjoyed, to the point of running around frantically and talking really fast. The crowner is when said gardener reacts like this again after seeing his plant grow into a beanstalk. Needless to say, Mario gets bewildered reactions.
  • One of Bowser's weapons is a Mario doll that is most likely intended to be thrown at the enemy. When Bowser uses it, he places it to the side and throws Mario instead.
    • What really makes it funny is Mario's arms flailing when Bowser does it.
  • Managing to get the masher has Mario doing his victory pose with the line saying 'you got the masher' then the masher klongs him on the head causing him to collapse...ouch!