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  • Complete Monster: The Iron Alliance as a whole, with Dr. Deviler , Angel Killer and Giras Q standing out above the rest.
  • Crazy Awesome: Inspector Kumano has an umbrella that can protect against bullets and a bike pump whose handle doubles as a sword.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Inspector Kumano. It helps that he gets his own focus episode.
  • First Installment Wins: To put things in perspective, this is the only part of the franchise to get a TV Tropes page (as of this writing). Super Robot Mach Baron doesn't even have a page.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: One of the Iron Alliance's plots involves using the robot Magma Wolf, to devastate Japan by creating earthquakes. Already quite distressing back then, but the fact that the time period is the 21st century does not help one bit, considering what happened decades later in real-life Japan.
  • Narm Charm
  • Special Effects Failure: For starters, most of the robots have obvious folding rubber joints.
  • Unfortunate Implications: While most of the stolen expo robots aren't too stereotypical, Black Masai, the robot from Kenya, stands out. A robot with big lips, carrying a spear.