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Alpha 3


A long-running, Massive Multiplayer Crossover video game franchise, based off almost every Humongous Mecha series ever made in Japan. Also known as Super Robot Taisen if you're looking for the US releases (retitled to avoid a trademark conflict with Robot Wars) or just feeling particularly Japanophilic.

In western terms, imagine if The Avengers (both teams of that name), the Justice League, Spider-Man, the Scoobies, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, the Doctor, and The Incredible Hulk teamed up with G.I. Joe, SG-1, Battlestar Galactica (the original and rebooted series), and the crew of the Serenity. Inject them with industrial levels of weapons-grade hot blood. Now imagine the threat it would take to bring them all together, and imagine them pounding it flat.

The first Super Robot Wars was released on the Nintendo Game Boy, and featured mecha from Mazinger Z, Gundam (various series) and Getter Robo (who usually appear in subsequent games). As the series grew, more series were added, as well as their characters. Each game would take the storylines of all the series and merge them into one (mostly) complete whole. This often required some creative interpretation, particularly in the case of Gundam, as characters, mecha and events that took place decades apart in the original stories will now occur within a matter of weeks of each other, if not at the same time.

The usual setup for your average Super Robot Wars game is pretty simple: take the story of every Humongous Mecha series included, put it in a blender, and set to "liquefy". The player usually sees the story through the eyes of an original character and their mecha. As the story begins to wind down, an additional threat from another planet or dimension makes itself known, and the gathered heroes come together to beat the unholy hell out of them.

Of course, the interactions can sometimes have an interesting effect on the various characters. The Super Robot Wars Alpha games, for example, are highly regarded by many fans for making Shinji Ikari much less of a wuss.

Starting from the second game, entirely new mecha and characters are introduced. These became known as Banpresto Originals. In 2002, Banpresto released Super Robot Wars Original Generation for the Game Boy Advance, which consisted entirely of the original characters and mecha created for the series over the years; a sequel appeared in 2004. Both are the only Super Robot Wars games to be released in North America, due to the obvious lack of licensing problems. This finally came full circle with the release of a 3-episode OVA set after the second game, and a TV anime Divine Wars, which retells the story of the first game. As of 2011, an anime of the second game entitled The Inspector was released.

Compare Another Centurys Episode, the third-person Mecha Game equivalent also made by Banpresto (in cahoots with From Software of Armored Core and Metal Wolf Chaos fame) and SD Gundam G Generation, a similar strategy series centered exclusively around the Gundam franchise.

The Super Robot Wars games, based on the classification from a template in The Other Wiki:

  • Alpha Timeline SRW
    • Super Robot Wars Alpha: The first SRW to get a rather complex storyline, centered on the Balmar invasion and, to some extent, on the terrestrial Choukijin plot (in actuality, the story is simply an upgraded form of Shin Super Robot Wars). Released in May 2000 on the Sony Playstation, it's the first game to allow pilot customization of skills and statistics and also brings back old characters like Ring Mao, Irmgult Kazahara, Masaki Andoh, Lune Zoldark, Shu Shirakawa and the SRX Team, as well as Ingram Plisken and Viletta Vadim from Super Hero Sakusen. A Video Game Remake was released on the Sega Dreamcast in 2001, featuring 3D visuals, increased difficulty, secret boss characters and a cameo of the G-Breaker, a robot from Bandai's Sunrise Eiyuutan.
      • Important Banpresto Original characters debuting here: Kusuha Mizuha, Brooklyn "Bullet" Luckfield, Rio Mei Long, Ryoto Hikawa, Leona Garstein, Tasuku Shinguji, Yuuki Jaggar, Ricarla Borgnine, Eri Anzai, Kenzo Kobayashi, Robert H. Oomiya, Kirk Hamill, Levi Tolar (later known as Mai Kobayashi), Laodicea Judecca Gozzo, Euzeth Gozzo
      • Series Debuts: The End Of Evangelion, Mobile Suit Gundam F90, Super Dimension Fortress Macross (Includes the original TV series and movie Do You Remember Love?), Macross Plus.
    • Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden: A Gaiden Game of the Alpha series involving Time Travel to an apocalyptic future and the battle against the Ancestors/Machinery Children; remains a fan favorite. Released in March 2001 on the Play Station, it's the first game to incorporate the Support Attack/Defend system and it also brings back Masou Kishin characters for their final appearance before the Original Generation sub-series, which was a source of Urban Legend of Zelda speculation that Banpresto got sued by Winkysoft for using their characters (Word of God states the team really just wanted a break from the recent spate of Masou Kishin-centric stories). Also features the first theme song in the series, performed by JAM Project, "Hagane no Messiah".
    • Super Robot Wars Alpha 2: Proper sequel to Alpha, released on the Sony Playstation2 in March 2003. First title to introduce squad-based mechanics and revolves around the Sealing War against the Gun Eden. Also marks the promotion of Sanger Zonvolt, formerly The Dragon in Alpha Gaiden, into a protagonist, and confirmation the canon heroes of the Alpha games are Kusuha Mizuha and Brooklyn Luckfield.
    • Super Robot Wars Alpha 3: The most crowded SRW at its time (33 individual series!). Released in August 2005 on the Playstation2, this is the sequel to Alpha 2, ending the Balmar War saga. It's also famous for introducing Sega's Virtual On characters, the first time another company's video game series was brought into the franchise. The SRX Team, who were absent in Alpha 2 sans Viletta, make a full blown return, as do all of the previous game's originals.
      • Important Banpresto Original characters debuting here: Touma Kanou, Minaki Tomine, Cobray Gordon, Selena Recital, Baran Doban, Luria Qayitz, Almana Tiqvah, Hazal Gozzo, Ace Gozzo, Shiva Gozzo, Calico McCready, Spectra McCready, Etzira Tolar, Son Gan Long, Ruach Gun Eden, Keisar Ephes
      • Series Debuts: Virtual On (Includes Oratorio Tangram and MARZ), King Of Braves GaoGaiGar FINAL, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED.
  • Other Standalone SRW
    • Shin Super Robot Wars: Released in December 1996 for the Sony Playstation, it marks the debut of the SRX Team and Balmarians, both of which got a comprehensive retooling when Super Robot Wars Alpha was released.
    • Super Robot Wars 64: Released in October 1999, this is the only entry for the Nintendo64. Notorious for having loads and loads of stages, a rather complex branching system, and many original mecha the Shadow-Mirror would base theirs off of (or outright use). Original characters and mecha confirmed by Word of God not to appear in Original Generation.
      • Important Banpresto Original characters debuting here: Brad Skywind, Katz Folneus, Manami Hamill, Aisha Ridgemond, Arklight Blue, Elrich Schtazen, Selain Meneth, Reese Greasewell
      • Series Debuts: Giant Robo, God Mars
    • Super Robot Wars GC: The only SRW for the Nintendo Gamecube, released in December 2004. Done in full 3D and uses a unique parts system that determines where damage is dealt to a machine (head, torso, limbs). Gets ported to the Xbox360 as Super Robot Wars XO in November 2006, which adds a turn-based online multiplayer mode.
      • Important Banpresto Original characters debuting here: Akimi Akatsuki (male and female)
      • Series debuts: Baxinger, Sasraiger, Daiorja, Mazinkaiser (OVA), Zettai Muteki Raijin-Oh
    • Super Robot Wars NEO: First SRW for the Wii. Released in October 2009, it utilizes the same 3D scheme from GC/XO and eschews a grid-based movement system for a radial-based one, a first for the franchise. This is also the first SRW to be totally devoid of real robots (G Gundam is the Gundam representative, and even then, you only get the God Gundam).
  • Original Generation
    • Super Robot Wars Original Generation: First proper Original Generation game released on the Game Boy Advance in November 2002. Features original characters only and mixes the first part of the Balmar War and Divine Crusaders War, alongside never-before-seen originals. Also the first one to touch "The School" subplot hinted in Alpha 2, which later mingles with other originals and introduces a unique interchangeable weapon system. Since it's devoid of licensing problems, it's the first to be localized into English.
      • Important Banpresto Original characters debuting here: Elzam von Branstein, Kai Kitamura, Latooni Subota, Shine Hausen, Radha Bairaban, Katina Tarask (Gameplay debut; she debuts in a trading card game), Russel Bagman, Garnet Sandi, Giado Venerdi, Daitetsu Minase, Tetsuya Onodera, Eita Nadaka, Lefina Enfield, Sean Webley, Eun Hyojin, Rishu Togoh (Not his playable debut), Marion Radom, Randolph Laker, Siebel Mistrel, Adler Koch, Tempest Hawker, Lily Junkers, Kar-Wai Lau, Tenzan Nakajima, Nibhal Mubhal, Graien Grasman, Atad Shamran, Gaza Haganer, Galuin M'Habel, Septuagint
    • Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2: Sequel to the first Original Generation, released in February 2005 on the Game Boy Advance and got localized, too. Continues the story and adds up the Inspectors, Shadow-Mirror, Einst and Machinery Children.
      • Important Banpresto Original Characters debuting here: Ouka Nagisa, Wodan Ymir, Echidna Iisaki, Archibald Grims, Van Vat Tran, Agilla Setme, Cuervo Cero, Brian Midcrid, Mitsuko Isurugi, Kenneth Garret, Filio Presty, Stern Regisseur
    • Super Robot Wars OG: Original Generations: Video Game Remake compiling the two Original Generation Game Boy Advance titles for the Playstation2 in June 2007. Presumably due to cost considerations, this game has yet to be localized. Adds up the Twin Battle System and retouches the story with minor and major alterations, including the addition of the originals from Reversal; effectively, the game essentially Retcons the first two Original Generation games (as well as the first 3-episode OVA) via Continuity Reboot. The game was intended to celebrate the franchise's 15th anniversary.
      • Important Banpresto Original Characters debuting here: Lorenzo di Montenego, Murata
    • Super Robot Wars Original Generation Gaiden: Gaiden Game sequel to Original Generations, released in December 2007. Rather short compared to other entries in the series, but features lots of bonus material like a trading card mini-game and a battle viewer. Story-wise, it continues from Original Generations and adds the ODE Incident from the OVA/drama CD, Duminuss, the Shura, and a revamped Einst (now called Jetzt), as well as the heroes and villians from one of Banpresto's early crossover franchises, Great Battle. Also features cameos from Touma Kanou of Alpha 3 and the originals from MX.
      • Important Banpresto Original Characters debuting here: Kouta Azuma, Shouko Azuma, Foglia Esto, Eric Wong, Kyle Bean, Celcia Farm
    • The Second Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Sequel to Original Generation Gaiden, this will be the first Super Robot Wars to be released on the PlayStation 3. The story will include Kusuha and Ibis' from Alpha 2 and follow up on Hugo and Aqua's MX story introduced in OG Gaiden. New series entrants will include Joshua Radcliffe and Cliana Rimskaya from Destiny, Ariel Org and Duvan Org from the obscure Real Robot Regiment and Ing Egret, the last of the Machinery Children who first appeared in Lost Children, a manga side-story from Alpha 2. Release date is currently set for a winter 2012 release.
  • OG Saga (A selection of Gaiden Games for the Original Generation series. By Word of God, each takes place before, during or after the events of the main series, but are separate from them)
    • Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier: First spinoff game under the title "OG Saga". Basically a multiverse-travelling Eastern RPG. Released for the DS in May 2008. Features a cast referencing previous SRWs and crosses over with Namco X Capcom and Xenosaga, showcasing Reiji Arisu, Xiaomu and KOS-MOS. Released in the US in April 2009, making it Reiji and Xiaomu's international debut.
      • Important Banpresto Original Characters debuting here: Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, Aschen Brodel, Suzuka-Hime, Sanuki Nanbu, Shuten, Cardia Basirissa, Otone, Anne Sirena, Bonny Maxmad, Katze Kotolnos, Ezel Granada, Kyon Feulion, Henne Valkyria, Koma, Shirou, John Moses Browning, Lee Ly, Marion Sumii, Dorothy Mistral, Rubor Cucullus, Wahrschein Lichkeit
    • Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier EXCEED: DS sequel to Endless Frontier released in February 2010. All playable characters from the previous game return alongside new protagonists. Ties into the events of Original Generation Gaiden, as Axel Almer, Einst Alfimi and Fighter Roar make their way to the Endless Frontier as playable characters, including MOMO of Xenosaga. Mark Hunter from Gaia Saver makes a cameo.
      • Important Banpresto Original Characters debuting here: Aledy Naash, Neige Hausen, Cindy Bird, Pete Pain, Hamelin Silbato, Gerda Miroir, Cleo Gretel, Lok Eye, Hild Brun, Rig the Guard, Vanar Gand, Hela Gand, Jolm Gand, Gagun Laos/Gymnos Basileus
    • Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Masou Kishin - The Lord of Elemental: An Updated Rerelease of Super Robot Wars Gaiden for the DS in May 2010. The intent is to incorporate and expand on the untold Masou Kishin story and characters into Original Generation Continuity.
    • Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Masou Kishin - Revelation of Evil God: Set for a January 12, 2012 release, this will be a Play Station Portable sequel to The Lord of Elemental and marks the 15th anniversary of the Masou Kishin series. Revelation of Evil God will come bundled with the The Lord of Elemental DS rerelease, complete with enhanced visuals and extended voice acting.
  • Other games:
    • Hero Senki: Project Olympus: An Action RPG for the Super Famicom that features Toku heroes Kamen Rider and Ultraman, as well as several Gundam pilots in Powered Armor stylized to their Gundams.
      • Important Banpresto Original characters debuting here: Gilliam Yeager
    • Gaia Saver: Another Action RPG for the Super Famicom similar to Hero Senki.
      • Important Banpresto Original characters debuting here: Mark Hunter
    • The Great Battle (1-6): An Action Game series mostly appearing on the Super Famicom, featuring Super-Deformed heroes such as Ultraman, Kamen Rider, various Gundams and the original Henshin Hero Fighter Roar. The series also spawn many spin-offs to various genres, such as Battle Pinball, Battle Racer, Battle Dodgeball and so on. Although these games seem to be free of plot, the fact Kouta Azuma uses a hoverboard, similar to the one used by Roar in Battle Racer and in the Endless Frontier EXCEED drama CD might tell us something.
      • Important Banpresto Original characters debuting here: Fighter Roar, Dark Brain, Professor Kisaburo
    • Super Robot School: A High School AU simulation spin-off based on the titles and sprites featured in Judgment, W and K, but replacing Tekkaman Blade with Getter Robo Armageddon (which is really W's Shin Getter with pilot portraits from Destiny). The Original Generation version of Compatible Kaiser also appears. One of the saving graces are Moe characters designed by Eiji Komatsu (of the Deep-Blue series and Maburaho). Apparently based on a desire to expand the concept behind Link Battler and the XO multiplayer modes. Released for the DS in fall 2009.
    • Shin Masou Kishin: Panzer Warfare: Released around the same time alongside the Cybuster Animated Adaptation, it uses similar mecha designs for the Elemental Lords. Supposedly takes place in the far future when the civilization of La Gias has long since been forgotten, but the game's generally ignored by fans since it's somewhat disappointing. Although it brims with material for WMG, Banpresto never touched Panzer Warfare again...until the release of Super Robot Wars Z, where this version of the Cybuster can be seen in the Shurouga's Ley Buster attack animation.
  • Animated Adaptations
    • Super Robot Wars Original Generation The Animation: A 3-episode OVA set after Original Generation 2. The story's about the next generation of unmanned mecha from The Federation inexplicably going berserk and kidnapping people as part of an Assimilation Plot, including several of the main characters. The OVA's story would be re-adapted into a set of bonus missions in Original Generations called "2.5: Unified Wisdom"; the story is fully fleshed out in Original Generation Gaiden.
    • Super Robot Wars Original Genration: Divine Wars: A 26-episode TV adaptation of the first Original Generation game that re-tells Ryusei Date's story.
    • Super Robot War Original Generation: The Inspector: TV adaptation of Original Generation 2 and sequel to Divine Wars. Series now airing on Crunchyroll.

See here for the massive character sheet.

These games feature examples of:

  • Anime Theme Song (Divine Wars' Break Out. "Whooooah, whoa-oh-oh-oooohhhh, Super Robot Waaaaars!")
  • Arms and Armor Theme Naming: The series features several characters named for brands of guns, including Kyosuke Nanbu, Excellen Browning, Ingram Plisken and his clone Viletta (presumably supposed to be Beretta) Badim. Ingram's most famous Humongous Mecha, the Astranagant, is another example (Astra + Nagant).
  • Ascended Glitch (Any music will be overrid- TROMBE!!!. Doubles as a Good Bad Bug)
  • Attract Mode (Following the title, a battle animation demo will play if you don't push any buttons)
  • Beam Spam (A favorite tactic of Gundams or any Real Robot series that utilize Frickin' Laser Beams)
  • Battle Couple (Prevalent in nearly each game's original characters)
  • BFS (Any and all incarnations of the Zankantou/Colossal Blade)
  • Big Bad (Usually an Original Generation, but older titles use a few from licensed series)
  • The Blank (Generic nameless soldiers in Super Robot Wars tend to be this, both good and bad. It's not too noticeable if they're wearing a space suit, but some of them look rather creepy.)
  • The Cameo (Certain Original Generation characters show up with their respective machines in Another Century's Episode: R)
  • Clown Car Base (Depending on the primary battleship and mecha you have)
  • Colbert Bump (Some of the more obscure series, such as Hades Project Zeorymer, immediately gets attention prior to the game with their debut is released)
  • Color-Coded Armies
  • Combination Attack (Mostly ones from the same series, but there have been crossover combinations)
  • Character Exaggeration (Gundam 0080's Bernie Wiseman often gets depicted as a Zaku fanboy. Heaven forbid he cross paths with the Borjarnons...)
    • Kou Uraki's dislike of carrots, basically a throwaway gag in Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, is made distressingly canon...
    • Lunamaria Hawke's aiming ability due to her missing a battleship with a beam rifle in Gundam SEED Destiny is translated into "awful range and hit skill combined with the Strike Spirit Command costing 30 SP". The only other character to match this level of exaggeration is Masaki Andoh. Luckily, Banpresto compensated by giving her a good melee stat.
  • Combining Mecha
  • Continuity Nod (Mostly for its Original Generation, specifically characters making cameos making a reference to what they'll be doing once they're fully integrated into continuity)
    • To say nothing about the parts you can equip on machines, such as the Tem Ray Circuit, based off an item that Amuro's father made in the original Mobile Suit Gundam that is nothing more than a piece of junk. It has its uses, however.
  • Darker and Edgier (Notably certain games following Alpha. Even The Inspectors isn't immune to this, when compared to Divine Wars: the opening scene features a helpless SRX Team virtually annihilated by Beowulf)
  • Deflector Shield: Many enemies use this. Warp Fields in Original Generation, Orgone Cloud/Distortion Field in Judgment... The list goes on
  • Divergent Character Evolution (There were eight "pre-built" hero options in Alpha, one for each character design: Kusuha and Bullet become protagonists for the rest of Alpha, four are fleshed out into distinct characters in Original Generation, while the remaining two appear in Original Generation 2. Similarly, the rest of the selectable heroes in Alpha 2 get their individual place to shine in the sequel)
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty (Many, as someone has to keep the Ragtag Bunch of Misfits in line and in shape. Tetsuya Tsurugi of Great Mazinger usually plays this role)
  • Easily Forgiven (So you've pulled a Face Heel Turn and joined The Dark Side, while shooting up a bunch of our guys. Hey, we're all cool with it now; so, Katejina, want to join the gang again?)
  • Escort Mission (Losing a mothership or specific unit results in a game over. In some cases this even means destroying a specific enemy unit)
  • Eviler Than Thou: Einst towards Inspectos and Shadow Mirror in Inspector anime - their attacks forced them and heroes into Enemy Mine situation at one point. They even took over Wendelo.
  • Evil vs. Evil: When two enemy fractions meet with you at the battlefield, one will be "primary enemy" and other "secondary enemy". They can ocassionally go against each other's throats. Sometimes done story-wise, most notably being W, where you have Zonderians from GaoGaiGar fighting Radam from Tekkaman Blade, The Radam fighting The Evolouders from Detonator Orgun and The Evolouders fighting Eleven Lords Of Sol from GaoGaiGar FINAL.
  • Fan Nickname (A hefty amount by the fandom with the Original Generation, but Gundam, Mazinger and Getter form the "Holy Trinity" of SRW)
  • Fan Translation (The original, marginal Super Robot Wars 3, and the completely excellent Alpha Gaiden, courtesy of Aeon Genesis. Hopefully the rest of Alpha is coming soon!)
  • Fan Service (The Inspectors, ESPECIALLY the ending, which is nothing but the female cast in bikini's at the beach, except for one, who's in a School Swimsuit)
    • Some of the main female cast is notably absent: Carla, Lune, Lefina, Lemon, Alfimi, and fan favorite Pettanko Ibis.
  • Five-Man Band: The ATX Team.
  • Fix Fic (The series goes out of its way to avert more unpleasant elements and "fix" problems many fans had with the original series, with the most recent being Super Robot Wars Z towards improving peoples' attitudes on Gundam SEED Destiny by mellowing Shinn Asuka out and saying "What the Hell, Hero?" to Kira Yamato and his friends. Being able to have the Mind Screw plots of Neon Genesis Evangelion and The Big O make sense earns the writers for Super Robot Wars a place in history)
  • Foreshadowing (Beginning around the time of Original Generations, Banpresto started including hints at future games. A few examples:)
    • In Original Generations, Lemon Browning reminds Axel Almer that Beowulf isn't the only person with the "wolf" monniker. In the sequel Original Generation Gaiden, the Cry Wolves from Super Robot Wars MX show up.
    • In Original Generation 2, Lamia mentions a number of Shadow-Mirror units were lost in transit when they jumped before the main group. In Original Generation Gaiden, Axel makes references to Shadow-Mirror's "Project EF" — as in, Endless Frontier, where some of those lost units ended up.
    • In the DS remake of Super Robot Wars Gaiden, Masaki gets so lost his friends aren't really sure where he is anymore. Three months later after the remake is released, he finally turns Another Century's Episode: R.
      • Likewise, in the SRW crew's ending for the game, Autumn-Four sends Ryusei, Kyosuke and Masaki back to their world...except Masaki arrives alone in the familiar La Gias; Ryusei and Kyosuke are nowhere to be seen...
  • Fragile Speedster (Most real robots, especially ones from Macross, tends to be a combination of this and Glass Cannon. The Garland/Proto Garland from Megazone23 stands at the very far end of the spectrum)
  • Fun Size (The appearance of the robots in a lot of games' combat animations)
  • Game Breaking Bug (For one, Destiny's botched armor system on super robots makes tanking useless...and the 3.85m Garland a godsend)
  • Guide Dang It (Most secrets)
  • Harder Than Hard (Recent games have Dynamic Difficulty scaling between "Easy", "Normal" and "Hard" depending on how many "Skill Points/"Battle Masteries" you earn by clearing stages quickly, killing bosses who normally run away after taking a certain amount of damage and so forth. They also have "EX-Hard" mode, which permanently locks the difficulty at Hard, gives enemies higher stats and stronger attacks, and makes it more expensive - if not, outright forbidden - to upgrade the characters and mecha)
    • Nintendo Hard (Try playing older games in the series lacking present-day game mechanics like Support Attack/Defend, Combo System, Squad/Twin Battle/Tri-Battle/Partner Battle System...and counterattack during enemy turns...)
  • Hey, It's That Voice! (Used as the basis of a LOT of jokes. Sailor Moon is especially popular to reference, given Tohru Furuya (Tuxedo Kamen) is in practically every game by virtue of playing Amuro Ray, and Mitsushi Kotono (Sailor Moon) shows up extremely often as well, most famously as Misato Katsuragi. They also like to play around with this if you save in-scenario and quit)
  • Hot-Blooded: Never in history has such an pure concentration of hot-blooded heroism ever been assembled. Handle the games with care, your game system might spontaneously combust from the sheer awesomeness of it.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: Done many times in cases where the script of the series being played out means the heroes must lose, even though it might still be possible for the palyer to win in gameplay terms.
  • Humongous Mecha (Obviously, although a lot of smaller units are in too, especially after Judgment broke tradition)
  • Joke Character/Lethal Joke Character (The Boss Borot of Mazinger Z epitomizes this trope for SRW. How much "joke" and how much "lethal" varies from game to game)
  • Left the Background Music On (Especially when Macross is involved. In particular, the Information High and Do You Remember Love? sequences in the Alpha timeline)
  • Let's Split Up, Gang! (The characters regularly split up into two or three groups for a few missions at various points in each game. Besides influencing the course of the story, these usually allow the player to unlock hidden characters and/or machines.)
    • It's also a nice way to level up characters you've been neglecting and suddenly decide to use: just take the route they're not available in. When they rejoin, their levels will increase relative to how long they've been away, usually enough to match your own.
  • Mecha-Mooks (Sometimes enemy mecha are controlled by a Super AI rather than a soldier)
  • Mighty Glacier (Most Super Robots)
  • More Dakka (Z has an entire class of attack, the TRI-Charge, based on all three mechs in a squad simultaneously unloading rapid-fire weapons in the general direction of the enemy...and then Boss Borot completely subverts it)
  • Mythology Gag (So, so many)
    • The series has a few gags with its own originals: two from 4/F/F Final, Irm and Ring, feature somewhat prominently in Original Generation and make cameos in the early Alpha games. However, they aren't direct expies of their old characters (like, say, Masaki and Gilliam is the same from series to series): the Irm and Ring in Alpha/Original Generation are significantly older than their first appearance, and rather than a simple lovey-dovey couple, they're separated, but tend to bicker Like an Old Married Couple
  • No Experience Points for Medic: Until Super Robot Wars Gaiden.
  • No Export for You (Out of all the above, the US market only get two GBA games, Original Generation animes (undubbed) and Endless Frontier. International copyright regulations suck, don't they?)
    • To be fair, Bandai and Toei combined currently own the American distribution rights of all the newer series. Anything Macross-related, though, is caught in the legal snarl that prevents most of it from ever making it overseas by itself. In fact, W's lineup consists entirely of Bandai and Toei-held, American-released series... barring Voltron (still held by World Events Productions, who are in dispute over it with Toei for the rights to make a movie).
    • To all those who stayed hopeful the Video Game Remake Original Generations might get localized, well...
    • Tatsunokovs Capcom will hopefully serve as an inspiration for Bandai Namco to put forth the effort
  • No Fourth Wall (A staple of the "Save And Quit" messages, which can vary from standard Guilt Based Gaming messages derived from particular series' casts to Hey, It's That Voice! jokes (One of Alpha Gaiden's most notorious is Masaki "Hikaru Midorikawa" Andoh speaking in Heero Yuy's voice from behind an "unknown character" portrait))
  • One of Us (Hikaru Midorikawa is such a major fan of the series, he has been a beta tester for some of their games and has a page on Banpresto's official blog. To that end, any character voiced by him (e.g. Heero) will have more special battle quotes against enemies. He may even throw in a few extra lines in for "his" characters for free)
  • Original Generation (Trope Namer)
  • Overly-Long Fighting Animation (Ein Soph Aur and End of the Galaxy comes to mind, though almost all of the strongest moves count...)
    • It got toned down somewhat with Z...somewhat. You still get stuff like the Final Dynamic Special, with 4 Super Robots ganging up on one enemy group using almost everything in their respective arsenals.
      • Not to mention the Nu Gundam. Fans joke the entire animation budget was used on it.
    • this got one uped in SRWMX one could double team attack the foe with the Shuffle alliance and the Final Dynamic special both team attacks for one long (a little over 2 minutes) needless to say just about everything not a full health boss is almost certainty dead after taking 2 finishing team move combos.
      • Upped again in SRW Original Generations, where one could do a double team attack, followed by a second double team attack on Suppourt Attack. Shown here with R-Formation/Tatsumaki Zankantou to Twin Bird Strike/Royal Heart Breaker.
  • Precursors (Several names are mentioned: Alpha has the "First People", W has the "E's" and K has the "Crusians". Some titles like Destiny or Scramble Commander 2 have relics left by a nameless race. A source of Epileptic Trees in the mythos)
  • Real Robot Genre (Trope Namer)
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: As part of being a Char Clone, Elzam paints his robots black with red bits (Along other tweaks). He eventually gets his own robot, the Aussenseiter, which is also in this costume. He eventually does a Heel Face Turn, though.
  • Relationship Values (Some of the games have a built-in mechanic where pilots adjacent to a friend, rival or significant other gain higher stats during scenarios. Quite useful in the games it appears, as it can affect the skills of the pilots if they're surrounded by the people closest to them)
  • Relationship Voice Actor (Abundant, and pretty much unavoidable)
  • Required Party Member (Often used for the first appearance of a character in a game or when the game is reenacting something from a series.)
  • Road Cone (Any game with multiple character routes with a direct sequel or was introduced into Original Generation)
  • Schizo-Tech (Alpha Gaiden and Z, mainly. Yes, technically, Xabungle, After War Gundam X, and Turn a Gundam all take place in post-apocalyptic settings, but the technology and terminology for each fluctuates so wildly between them, you could even call this a "Schizo Setting" for Alpha Gaiden, since one continent uses gasoline powered mechs, half of another continent roams about in landships scavenging for mechs, and the other half of said continent is practically Victorian with very little concept of mechs or high technology whatsoever)
  • Second-Person Attack: Quite a few attacks do this, probably so the animations can play fine regardless of how the target looks. A good example would be Mazinkaiser's Final Kaiser Blade.
  • Spin-Off (Most famously Endless Frontier and Another Centurys Episode, but there are others such as Super Tokusatsu Wars, Real Robot Regiment, Super Hero Sakusen (Super Hero Operation), Legend of the Sunrise Heroes...)
  • Super-Deformed (An iconic trait. They changed it in Shin and fans didn't like it. It actually has a key purpose, though: because the sprites are so small, it's easier to animate them for Overly-Long Fighting Animation)
    • In addition, the visual style serves to minimize weirdness from units of massively different size interacting.
  • Super Move Portrait Attack (Abused to hell and back when even the most basic attack is precipitated by a cut-in of the pilot)
  • Super Robot Genre (Trope Namer)
  • Transformation Name Announcement (Aside from any and all obvious anime-based examples, two of the best known users amid the original characters are Ryusei and Sanger...Good God, SANGER!)
  • Transforming Mecha
  • True Final Boss (Septuagint in Original Generation, Neue Regisseur in Original Generation 2, Neo Granzon in Alpha Gaiden and many more. Until it reached the Play Station 2, the series loved this trope)
  • Turn-Based Strategy
  • Units Not to Scale (Averted in the Scramble Commander titles)
  • World of Badass
  • Xanatos Planned This Index (Includes the following:)
  • Unwitting Pawn (The protagonists/player gets to play this a lot before they get upgraded to spanners)
  • Wolverine Publicity (If Amuro is among the characters, expect him to use the Nu Gundam even if he's in his teens and none of other elements from Chars Counterattack are present)
    • The most notable character out of this trope should be Kabuto Kouji, who appears in EVERY single series to date.
      • Which makes sense due to the fact that Kouji is the FIRST mech pilot. Removing him would be like removing your ancestor out of the family tree.

Pretty much any anime trope can be found in Super Robot Wars sooner or later, due to the fact that it contains so many anime series. Some that stand out, though, are:

  • Actor Allusion (There are quite a few jokes stemming from characters from different series being played by the same voice actor))
  • Adaptation Distillation (As a result of Fix Fic)
  • The Alliance (Classic Timeline's Zuvorg Alliance subverts this: it's all just the Zuvorg, from what we can see, and they have their share of bad apples)
  • Alternate Company Equivalent (During the Play Station era, Takara made games known as Brave Saga series with very similar gameplay, including Yuusha Commands in place of Spirit Commands. As the name implies, it's a crossover of Sunrise's Brave Series but also included Armored Trooper VOTOMS, Fang of the Sun Dougram and Panzer World Galient as Real Robot representatives)
  • Alternate Continuity (Classic, Alpha, Compact/Impact, Original Generation, etc...)
  • Alternate Universe (Each game continuity's essentially an Alternate Universe to each series included. Z takes this trope and runs with it - poor Setsuko!)
  • Anyone Can Die (If a game can save a person who fell victim to this, it usually does this, too)
    • But partially subverted because even the most hated villains may live (if it's a sequel series), due to the Fix Fic nature of the games, thus characters who're supposed to die will live, with the added bonus of certain villains performing a Heel Face Turn and joining the crew.
  • Bilingual Bonus (Several characters and mechs are named after foreign words)
  • Brainwashed and Crazy (In addition to several characters from the various anime series represented in the games undergoing this, many of the originals have undergone this trope at some point)
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Kyosuke Nanbu and Excellen Browning. Excellen is not gentle per se(she's more genki), but Kyosuke is DEFINITELY brooding, and Excellen is very sweet and loving with him.
  • The Cape (Haran Banjou and Rom Stol play this role whenever they show up)
  • Cloning Blues (The Balmar Empire love this, and then, the Database of W repeats it)
  • Epic Flail (Baran Doban pretty well perfects this trope via use of a Super Robot-sized wrecking ball capable of being swung FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF SOUND)
    • Sikalog does this, too; the weapon he uses is an actual flail.
  • Everything Is Better With Penguins (NEO features the character Zanbar, a talking penguin, who pilots the Penpader, a penguin robot)
  • Everything's Better with Samurai (Sanger, Bullet and their master, Rishu Togoh)
  • Expy, Captain Ersatz (Both characters and mecha: Grungusts are clearly Mazinger expies with a little Daitarn-esque transformation thrown in (hell, Irm basically acts like and fulfills the same plot purpose Banjou Haran does in "normal" SRWs, except with less dough), and in no way whatsoever do Huckebeins resemble Gundams...honestly: just ignore the head thing and the coloring, totally. Z's Gunleon has many similarities to GaoGaiGar, and maybe a little hint of Evangelion. However, the Randgrith barely even bothers to hide it: it's basically Fang Of The Sun Dougram as drawn by someone other than Kunio Okawara. Interestingly, its Ace Custom Laz Angriff is red, compared to the green Randgrith, which brings to mind another line of mechs designed by Okawara...)
    • Compatible Kaiser's updated appearance in Original Generation is almost a complete clone of Gravion (granted, it's the same mechanical designer Masami Obari).
  • The Federation (Usually Mobile Suit Gundam's Earth Federation in most games, and its own version in Original Generation)
  • Gratuitous Foreign Language (You name that language: it's there)
  • Hot-Blooded (Masaki and Ryusei are the ones that stand out, but almost everyone can be this, thanks to the Hot Blood/Valor Spirit Command)
  • Improbable Weapon User
    • Not only does the Gunleon carry a giant spanner and throw a smaller one for one of its attacks, it has spanner-nunchucks - and gets a lightning-effect pose when used.
    • And who in the right mind would pilot a heavy armor-riddled machine that can barely move with a pile bunker and titanium ball bearing launchers??
  • Insulted Awake (Arado Balanga does this for Seolla Schweizer once thrice, at least in Original Generation 2. It finally takes when he gets thrown like a rag doll shortly afterward)
  • The Kingdom (Tons from included series, with its own in Original Generation)
  • Large Ham (What else would you expect from a series full of Super Robot pilots?)
  • Latex Space Suit
  • Loads and Loads of Characters (By the end of any given game, you've got the complete cast of at least a dozen different series on your side. Alpha 3 takes this to unheard-of heights with twenty-seven casts, some having a double-digit character count, leaving you with well over 100 deployable characters and even more mechs to choose from)
  • Macross Missile Massacre (The original!)
  • Made of Explodium (Just about every attack in the game - laser blasts, sword slashes, punches, giant-robot rhythmic gymnastics, etc. - ends with a colossal explosion. Any enemy destroyed will spontaneously explode, whether or not they're robots. Rare exceptions are the Tekkamen in Judgment and W, who shatter into pieces, and the Festum disappearing into a black hole when destroyed in K. In Z, Anti-body Coralians will...uhh...turn to sand-like stuff and break apart, Gravion's Big Bad will implode and the Shurouga...turns into a bird and dissappears amidst black/purple fog)
    • Zonders finished by GaoGaiGar's Hell and Heaven explode just as they did in the series, and it doesn't matter who you are if you get hit by the Goldion Hammer: you're turning into photons.
  • Marth Debuted in Smash Bros (Since Namco X Capcom doesn't (and probably will never) appear internationally, Endless Frontier is the first time non-domestic gamers will (legally) see Reiji Arisu and Xiaomu)
  • Massive Multiplayer Crossover
  • Multinational Team (Z particularly exploits this (ZAFT, the fact that virtually all the aliens are bad guys...)
  • The Nudifier (The Bartolls of Original Generation: a requirement for you to be put as its pilot is to be stripped naked first. If you get caught by it, get ready to strip; however, instead of funny, this is usually played for Nightmare Fuel and Fan Disservice)
  • The Power of Friendship / The Power of Love (Practically event-driven, but they also serve as Spirit Commands)
    • Friendship: Restore all allies' hit points.
    • Love: Perfect hit/dodge, 2 x damage/money/experience and +3 movement for one attack. Generally given to especially awesome Real Robot pilots.
    • Courage (the Super Robot version): One-turn perfect hit, near-invincibility, 2 x damage, barrier-piercing, +3 movement and +10 Will.
    • Guess Hope should be included: 2 x money and experience, full hit point restoration and +10 Will.
  • The Power of Rock (Certain heroes from the Macross and GaoGaiGar universes use it as attacks or boost stats to allies)
  • Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh (Usually an introduction of a powerful enemy)
  • Rule of Cool (Driving force behind a lot of the games, characters and mecha)
    • The whole premise of the series is this.
  • Schrodingers Cat (TONS)
  • Shut UP, Hannibal (The heroes' usual response to a main villain's speech)
    • And then there's Sanger Zonvolt...
  • Shout-Out (Overloaded)
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Many, many characters.
  • Summon Bigger Fish (Let the EVA Unit-01 go berserk and it can help you against a powerful foe, but it isn't really a reliable strategy as the EVA is an uncontrollable Berserker)
  • Supreme Chef (Elzam)
  • Theme Naming (Virtually all Balmar characters...and the Ruina...and the Shura...)
  • Theme Music Power-Up (Nearly everybody gets one, but Ratsel's the most obvious)
  • There Is No Kill Like A Dynamic Kill
  • Time Skip (W does this to allow it to use a set of series, then use the sequels of said series in the same game. Alpha Gaiden revolves around our heroes taking one past two or three apocalypses to use Desert Punk mainstays Xabungle and Gundam X)
  • Time Travel (First used in Alpha Gaiden, the whole plot in Reversal and partially responsible for the Database in W)
  • Took a Level In Badass (Many characters, and thanks to Fix Fic, Shinji's much-appreciated badassery stands out the most in Alpha 3. He took enough levels to do a Bright Slap, for God's sake)
  • Turn the Other Cheek
  • Urban Legend of Zelda (The "Two Year Rule", a belief that Banpresto won't include an anime in SRW until two years after it's ended in order to avoid spoilers. In reality, shows can't be added until the rights come up for licensing; this rule can be disproven simply by looking at the original Super Robot Wars, which had Mobile Suit Gundam F91 barely over a month after it came out in theaters)
    • Additionally, the idea that Banpresto and Winky Soft had some kind of falling-out, which is why the Masou Kishin characters haven't appeared in a mainstream game since Alpha Gaiden.
  • Victory Pose (For certain attacks (such as a Super Robot's finishing attack, for example), new animations will be added in if the attack destroys an enemy outright. This is referred to as a "Dynamic Kill")
  • Wave Motion Gun (Too many to list even amongst the Original Generation mecha, though the most famous example with them is, hands down, the SRX Team's HTB Cannon.)
  • We Will Not Use Photoshop in the Future (Both civilians and the heroes in Z fall to this)