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This series is just full of these. One of the main reasons why the games are popular is also probably credited to how kick ass the character Leitmotifs are.
- First of all, the anime characters all have their openings and other music for their own Leitmotifs. Many of these are awesome in and of themselves. See the relevant Anime sections for those.
- Toki o Koete (aka Crossing Through Time) is a VERY inspiring heroic piece, and it gets better in SRW F/FINAL remixes. In fact, even the basic midi version in SRW 3 was enough to raise the excitement level by a considerable margin.
- Trombe!, Elzam von Branstein's Leitmotif in Super Robot Wars, is not Final Boss music. It overrides Final Boss music, regular boss themes, special level music, the theme tune of the apocalypse, everything. Except The Beautiful Blue Danube and anything out of Nekki Basara's Fire Bomber, because those're being played in-universe.
- And have me mentioned the fan vocal version??
- The Sword That Cleaves Evil, the theme of Sanger Zonvolt. When you hear it, you will always get the feel that some poor evil chap is going to get cleaved. With a very big sword.
- Gate of Magus, Zengar's original theme, later adopted by Wodan Ymir, his cyborg memory clone. The image of a desperate struggle between good and evil is conjured into the mind of the listener by the interplay of flute and organ music, with the exchange of blows represented through the cacophonous roar of trumpets and copiously ominous percussion.
- Similarly, Zengar's second theme for Dygengard/Daizengar is so awesome it
breaksCLEAVES the fourth wall.
- Everywhere You Go, the theme of Ryusei Date. This is apparently so awesome that before Bandai Namco took over Banpresto, this song is used as the theme song of the company.
- Back in the day when Mazinkaiser is still a SRW exclusive unit, it dont have the currently used themesong from the OVA. However Banpresto make an exclusive themesong for it which isnt any less awesome, here is the one used in the game, and this one is a vocal version by Ichiro Mizuki
- Dark Knight, Axel Almer's theme. Made of pure ass kicking (which will be delivered straight to your face, if you're unprepared)
- Ash to Ash, Lamia Loveless' theme. Enchanting and cool in a way, portraying the change between a cold-hearted soldier into a protector.
- Crimson Carnage God, the theme of Folka Albark. One of the better tunes in Compact 3, turned more awesome in the Play Station 2 age, so much you can get the vibe that it's actually KENSHIRO in a Humongous Mecha kicking ass.
- Neppu! Shippu! Cybuster!, the Hot-Blooded theme of Masaki Andoh. To be honest, the Lord of Elementals has a lot of catchy awesome songs, which will turn out awesome when they get ported into OG 3. A sample of their tracks can be seen here.
- Forgetting the OVA version? Unforgivable. The wind is calling, someday you'll hear its voice.
- Not to mention that the first moment this song is used in the anime, is great example of a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- This is pure, live, awesomeness [1]
- The Masou Kishin has their own Leitmotif turned into Image Song. Amongst them, this troper would vouch for the Image Song version of Tytti's theme, 'From The City Of Water And Ice'. It doesn't sound quite as hotblooded as you think, but it certainly fits her character and sounds REALLY beautiful. It's Kikuko Inoue singing it, what else do you expect?
- The Wind of La Gias, the title theme from the Super Nintendo game The Lord of Elementals, has a dark yet epic vibe in it. Its Original Generations version is pure Badass.
- Forgetting the OVA version? Unforgivable. The wind is calling, someday you'll hear its voice.
- Marionette Messiah the theme of Levi Tolar/Mai Kobayashi, combining both a sad theme and pure ass kicking.
- Violent Battle, playing whenever you fight any of the Inspectors.
- The Valsion, Exactly What It Says on the Tin, this plays when you fight Bian Zoldark's Valsion (and other Valsions). It does convey the theme 'You're fucked up'.
- This troper doesn't even like Soul of Steel (at least in the GBA games), yet he still finds it to be Crowning Music of Awesome when the SRX first shows up in each game.
- Add lyrics, and you have a song people learn Japanese just to sing along with. Really, that applies to just about any song in the series. And they tend to be given lyrics often.
- The upgraded version's theme, Battle God of Steel definitely qualifies.
- And let's not forget Variable Formation, the theme that plays when the SRX combines.
- "Ware Koso wa Baran Doban", the theme of Baran Doban.
- The troper feels GONG is one of the greatest songs ever made, both in terms of the melody's essence, as well as the the context of the song in relationship to the game it appears in. See the lyrics for yourself.
- Although it can be argued that Skill is the most popular JAM Project song, used as finale of many of their consents concerts, or used for an encore. Both are great, and like asking a parent to pick their favorite child to decide what one is the best.
- Opening songs are most of them well done. Don't forget to check out So Close Yet So Far.
- The songs of JAM Project are pretty much the incarnation of this whole trope, having the power to turn just about anything into a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Fans have made this powerfully clear in a number of AMVs made over the years. One powerful example: The end of the opening scene to Alpha 3 shows the Alpha Numbers staring down an impossibly huge number of Balmarian ships, and charging towards them, eventually getting buried in an endless swarm of Aerogaters. The actual music makes this scene look rather doomed and depressing. Overlay the end of Skill to it, however, and you absolutely cannot believe for an instant that they aren't going to emerge victorious. (Or hold back the Manly Tears the end of that song forces from you.)
- The Arrow of Destiny pretty much screams final boss.
- Black Stranger, the theme of Asakim "Not-Masaki" Dowin. Maybe he's a complete depraved bastard, but boy, does that song just kick ass.
- Shippu Jinrai, the theme of
DaiRaiOhDyLIOHUnit DGG-XAM3 Custom. You're not officially a Dynamic General Guardian until your theme song is capable of kicking an opponent's ass on its own. - Kotetsu no Beowulf, anyone?
- And since you bring it up, we also gotta mention Platinum Lucifer/Fallen White Angel, Excellen's theme. A cheerful, energetic piece, just like a cheerleader. And since you're probably now imagining Excellen in a cheerleader's outfit, you're welcome.
- King of Ruin, the theme of Perfectio, the final boss of SRW Destiny. It may be a redundant boss, but GOD DAMN IT! That music is just way too epic to not enjoy!
- The theme for the Ruina Generals is just the kind of music you listen to for that special urge to kick their asses to hell and back as well.
- Messenger From the Void and THE GUN OF DIS.
- The predecessors of both these songs, Time Diver and Another Time Diver is also made of much love as well.
- The first time we hear Crying Survivor in Alpha 3, Selena has just thrown off her disguise...
- Fairy Dancing/Dancing Fairies may be just as awesome as Royal Heart Breaker itself. Or maybe R.H.B is only really awesome with the song?
- And for additional awesome, the vocal version, used in Episode 10 of The Inspectors, sung by Latooni & Shine's seiyuu.
- Bullet Striker, the theme of the Super Robot Wars W's Valhawk.
- Just One Chance, used for the final attack of SRWW's Valzacard, also fits the bill.
- Determination, the theme that plays when Mihiro gets to pilot the Valhawk solo, is shockingly full of win and may be the best original piece in the game (tellingly, it's the longest, as the only piece to clock in at over two minutes a loop). It's gentle enough to match a character like Mihiro but forceful enough to match the phat asskicking she's capable of handing out, and it's worth keeping on the Valhawk even when you get Kazuma back.
- It's kept on the Valstork too, so you can still hear it by using Shihomi, after she succeeded Blessfield. This quite possibly makes it the Ardygun family theme song.
- The Final Boss theme Eternal Memory despite being upbeat for a final boss.
- SRW J has many awesome themes, but one to catch is Calvina Coulange's whole themes: Revenger & Guardian Angel. Revenger also gets some kickass remixes too. For someone who's mostly abandoned amongst the fandoms, she has a collection of kickass pieces.
- Let's not forget Touya's Fate and Limited Over after CharacterDevelopment. Also, the Fury Knight's Moon Knight is good too.
- From spinoff Endless Frontier (or Mugen no Frontier, depending on what you prefer), there's "Where Infinities Meet", Orchestral Army, and "All Right! (ver. SP)". It also has decent versions of Dark Knight, Steel Beowulf, Platinum Lucifer, Code ATA, and Time to Come.
- Add Suzuka-hime's two themes: "Dance it Out!" and her Limit Break theme "Dance it Out! (Hyper Remix)" to this list.
- What about Chaos? The original GBA version sounds even more epic!
- And then there is the Aquastyle remix, bringing its epicness Up to Eleven.
- The Gunleon starts with a pretty badass theme in Land Crasher. And then, the Magna Gunleon transforms into existence, and you're given the absolutely awesome Makenaize! Gunleon. You're about to be wrenched straight out of existence if this one comes on your sound system.
- While you're at it, don't forget The Wings that wipe away the tears. Full of sadness, but also powerful
- CHIMERA- the theme of The Edel Bernal, the True Final Boss of Super Robot Wars Z. It perfectly conveys his evil and twisted psyche and ambitions.
- Shooting Star, Cut Through The Night!, the theme of Ibis Douglas. It certainly conveys the gentleness and willpower of one certain clumsy Captain Crash to completely evolve into a kickass pilot who can finally spread her wings and soar high into the sky and reaching her dreams... through a kickass music!
- There's also the remix used after she gets her upgraded mech in Alpha 2, Shooting Star, Cut Through The Night Ver. H!
- K has Authumn Loneliness, a beautiful calming melodies.
- There's also Active Mind and Astral Burst.
- Also Edax which sound fit their nasty mech nicely.
- Cherry Blossom Illusion, Ouka Nagisa's theme, brings to mind a bird soaring on the wind. In a way it's almost heroic but her situation is a rather ironic one. This only makes it even more satisfying when she fights for your side.
- Kurogane Arrange Music made a great version of her theme
- Dark Prison, the theme of Masaki's rival Shuu Shirakawa. The O Gs remake is kickass on its own, but the Alpha Gaiden version also delivers the ominous feeling of what kind of twisted person Shu is, a true Magnificent Bastard kept in prison for so long, his release WILL spell disaster on his enemies and your team.
- Dragon and Tiger Soaring in the Heavens ~ For Us, There Are No Enemies, Shin Ryukooh and Shin Koryuoh's theme, is suitably epic for the final form of the primary Original unit of the Alpha series; this troper used just it for its entire debut stage, just to keep the music going. Its vocal version is even better.
- For the Day That Has Yet to Come. Holy shit.
- The Land of Beginnings
- The song Machine Soul was used to promote SRW MX, and later remixed to promote OG 2 and OGS. Another fine example of great SRW music.
- Not original to SRW, but: Let's Go Gekiganger 3 was included in Super Robot Wars W. So you can have it playing in the background when Gai Daigouji does all his awesome moves.
- When you hear Armageddon, you know that you're in for a ride through hell. This is a boss level, and you can expect your units collective asses to be handed to themselves.
- UNCHAIN WORLD by Nana Mizuki which use in Endless Frontier EXCEED's OP. Listen...words cannot describe it.
- The Soul of Alpha plays when The Cavalry arrives in the Alpha series.
- Fight for Tomorrow (Super Robot Wars Compact version)
- Over The World Wall, the theme of Fiona Gureden, seems to convey epicness and fun in one roll.
- Super Robot Wars NEO has Spiritual Transmission and Sword of Justice
- Doujin remixes of Super Robot Wars are relatively few and far between, but some are kickass in their own right. Have an example in moAbi's Steel Beowulf.
- Super Robot Wars L brings us Walking Towards the Blue Sky in the Rushbird, Feathers Wandering Around in the Night Sky in the Straybird. Not to meantion their special attack themes Beyond the New Door and Sure to Become Honest. And last of all their combination move theme Wings of Time.
- L's Final Boss music Grand Throne
- The rallying themes from O Gs and OGG. When it looks like the enemy's about to win, the rallying themes kick in and the player and the characters get a Heroic Second Wind. And to add more awesome, there are orchestrated versions of past SRW themes, and get used in the endgame of '"The Inspectors:
- Commencement of a Distant Battle, Compact 2's theme.
- Machine Soul, the ending theme of Impact.
- Go! Ver OGs, the reorchestrated version of JAM Project's already awesome Go!
- Rocks Ver OGG, the main theme for OG Gaiden.
- And last, but not least, Hagane no Messiah, Alpha Gaiden's theme.
- Super Robot Wars Z 2 gives us NOAH
- The Final Judge. Whoa.