The first time I fought the Stern Regisseur in Super Robot Wars: Original Generation 2, I was somewhat confused by the Game Over condition: You have to destroy the massive space station-sized Stern Regisseur before it can enter Earth's atmosphere. On my first playthrough, I thought "Couldn't I destroy it just as fine above Earth as in space?" But on my second playthrough, I realized that the point of the scene was that in its desperation to destroy humanity, the Stern Regisseur was trying to Colony Dropitself.
The theme of Dis Astranagant is titled "Gun Of Dis," which abbreviates to G.O.D. Normally this could be passed off as a coincidence; however, the magic phrase needed for it to use its most powerful attack is "tetractys grammaton," which stems from tetragrammaton, a term referring to YHWH, God's name.
This troper didn't realise it at first, but when someone looks at the artwork for Einst Alfimi and Excellen Browning, the top halves of their outfits bear a striking resemblence.