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Fridge Brilliance[]

  • The first time I fought the Stern Regisseur in Super Robot Wars: Original Generation 2, I was somewhat confused by the Game Over condition: You have to destroy the massive space station-sized Stern Regisseur before it can enter Earth's atmosphere. On my first playthrough, I thought "Couldn't I destroy it just as fine above Earth as in space?" But on my second playthrough, I realized that the point of the scene was that in its desperation to destroy humanity, the Stern Regisseur was trying to Colony Drop itself.
  • The theme of Dis Astranagant is titled "Gun Of Dis," which abbreviates to G.O.D. Normally this could be passed off as a coincidence; however, the magic phrase needed for it to use its most powerful attack is "tetractys grammaton," which stems from tetragrammaton, a term referring to YHWH, God's name.
  • This troper didn't realise it at first, but when someone looks at the artwork for Einst Alfimi and Excellen Browning, the top halves of their outfits bear a striking resemblence.