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  • In Super Robot Wars Reversal, the villain decides to activate her secret plan and escape to victory, by travelling through time with the device built for her by the hero's kidnapped sidekicks. She activates it quite triumphantly... only for it to turn out to be sabotaged and kill her. Horrified, her homunculus run to her, and do the only thing they can think of. Realizing she can't stop them from sacrificing their souls to save her life, she offers them a boon - when she kills the heroes and remakes them, she'll make them any way they want her to. They accept, and promptly sacrifices their souls to heal her. Even then, despite being nothing more then a mindless, soulless husk... their bodies stay by her, protecting her for the rest of the battle with their lives. This troper almost couldn't beat the game, since it meant killing them and making their sacrifice in vain.
    • In Original Generation Gaiden, however, this moment did not happen, due to the villain getting a very good dose of Character Derailment into a plain bitch... of a blob.
    • But at least it gives us another set Heartwarming scenes, notably Axel Almer's Heel Face Turn event and his eventual speech towards Lamia, declaring that he finally would consider her a human being (And this is coming from that guy who used to make fun of Artificial Human!)

 Lamia: I am... Lamia Loveless... the creation... of Lemon-sama...

Axel: And don't you ever forget that. Because from now on... you're no longer W17. You're Lamia.

    • The same incident gives us this exchange:

 Kyosuke: Axel.

Axel: ?

Kyosuke: Thanks... I owe you one.

    • And later on, Lamia returns the favor when Axel finally expressed confusion on what to do after punching out a Cthulhu named Dark Brain, telling him to find his paradise. Then Axel promised to let her be the first to know if he ever finds one. Aww...!.
  • During the Earth Cradle stage in OG 2, Mai has a battle dailouge towards Ouka. It's something like "For Latooni's Sake I'm going to disable your mech!" Never let the love triangle they're in make you assume that the two aren't good friends.
  • How do you one-up the ending to Gunbuster? Have Shin Getter Robo, Raideen and Genesic GaoGaiGar show up and, in full voice, have Ryouma, Akira and Guy cheer Noriko and Kazuma on!