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  • Daitestu, and Alfimi's death in Super Robot Wars Original Generation 02, although Original Generation Gaiden does bring the last one back to life.
    • Forget that, the real Tear Jerker is Ouka's sacrificing herself to save her "siblings" one last time.
      • And Inspectors takes this Up to Eleven.
        • YMMV, some people feels it's worse than the game version.
    • This troper actually cried when he learns that in OG 2.5, Banpresto modified the OVA that instead of surviving, Lamia Loveless was instead killed by Juergen, one that causes The Stoic Kyosuke Nanbu, her would-be-savior at least in the OVA, shed Manly Tears, and Seolla, along with Latooni shed tears of sorrow even when they attack Juergen. This troper, on the other hand, aside of drenching up in tears and Nightmare Fuel, has developed a really Unstoppable Rage to slaughter Juergen for what he did to Lamia all along, including mentioning how sadistic he'll be killed, never mind that Duminuss eventually did the job for him, he wants to do it himself, as he thought unlike those people mentioned in the previous tear-jerking events, her 'death' adds nothing except only despair. Of course, in turn, in OG Gaiden, her being alive and saved by Axel Almer instantly counts as a heartwarmingly awesome scene.
    • And even the classic games are not safe from this trope as well. Particularly in SRW Gaiden, regarding of Ricardo Silvera's death. Between Tytti trying to save his life and him telling her it's futile, to eventually stating that he's happy to be tended by an angel like her before he dies... all while Tytti just was about to return his love to her warmly, the prelude of her Allergic to Love. It just adds to the tear-jerking that he is a Boisterous Bruiser, a potentially lovable character, but considering Gaiden comes after EX, perhaps it was to make way for Mio, though honestly, this troper thinks being Put on a Bus could be a better fate...


  • None of the latest titles are revealed in late 2019 and 2020 after a decade of yearly reveals. This is not a bad thing, as many fans believe that developers needed time to create a new game.
    • Unfortunately, this reaction worsened after the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
      • 7+ months later and still nothing...
        • Ultimately subverted after the announcement of Super Robot Wars 30 on June, 2021. the OG series, on the other hand...