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Super Robot Wars[]

Each story choice in the Alpha series is connected to the next game[]

In Alpha 3, each character's storyline features the appearance of a protagonist from Alpha 2, effectively continuing their storyline. Alpha 1, by contrast, had eight templates from which the player chose two. But, going by their characterizations in the Original Generation games, you can draw a continuation line of the Alpha 2 and 3 stories to one of each pairing:

  • Kushua's storyline, of course is the most obvious, as it's her and Bullet through all three games. Super Robot Storyline, with Kushua as the main character and Bullet as her SO.
  • The second line, going from Sanger Zonvolt to Touma Kanou would start with Taksuku and Leona, with the Super Robot storyline.
    • In OG, Tasuku pilots the Giganscudo, which is a shield to match Sanger's sword. Additionally, Leona is the cousin of Elzam / Ratsel.
  • The third storyline, Arado and Seolla to Cobray Gordon, starts in Alpha with Yuuki and Carla with the Real Robot storyline.
    • Arado and Seolla in Alpha 2 and Original Generation 2 start off on the Bad Guys' side (While Cobray is originally a Balmarian). That means the four of them are teammates and members of the Neo DC in Original Generation 2, and you even have to fight all four of them in some early missions.
  • The fourth line, Ibis to Selena, of course began with Ryoto and Rio, Real Robot storyline.
    • Both Ibis and Ryoto don't like fighting all that much, but will readily do so when needed. Plus, they both have an interest in working more peacefully with their mecha. Also, they're both matched up with someone who often considers them a rival (Rio and Sleigh, respectively).

Endless Frontier takes place in the same multiverse as Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha.[]

Setting aside the "Meta-level connection" theory on Nanoha's WMG page, the Endless Frontier is what exists outside the TSAB's sphere of influence. The Cross Gates were created by the Belkan Empire to allow easy travel between their outlying territories, and they had thousands of years of dominance to conquer and colonize hundreds or even thousands of worlds, creating a massive but loosely-connected web of colonized worlds. The Bureau, by comparison, has only been around about 150 years and is still consolidating its' power around what used to be the Empire's core worlds. In the meantime, Belka has been all but forgotten on the Frontier, so magic isn't as common as it is in the Bureau's territory.

  • By extension of course, this means that the rest of the Original Generations timeline also takes place in the same multiverse as Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. Which leads us to...
    • But that theory with the Crossgates can't be used because the big Crossgates were created by the Einst when they were trying to go back to their own home universe and the little ones were created by Formido Heim with the data they found inside of "Tinkerbell" which leave implicit that those ones were created with data of the XN System, and actually the Endless Frontier it's just one world that was separated into other worlds with that row of hexagonal pillars called "Endless Frontier" which was created because of the Einst when they create the Crossgates. But maybe they can still be connected with the theory I formulate which I call "The Theory of the Shadow-Mirror/TSAB Incident" which says that maybe, when the Shadow-Mirror's army were traveling to the Original Generation universe they were detected by a TSAB battleship, and they try to arrest the Shadow-Mirror because they were considered hostile but then, the Shadow-Mirror attacks the TSAB battleship to distract them to they could get the oppotunity to escape but, in self-defense, the TSAB counterattack them and end up damaging the well-known Shadow-Mirror's Trilobite-Class Carrier "Neverland" causing it to desviate to the Endless Frontier where the carrier explode over Lost Herencia due to the damage and making that the back part which contained the the W Series crash below where it explode and the aerodynamic front part of the "Neverland" which contained the main computer "Tinkerbell" and the W-10 Arkgain was still descending until it crash in Formido Heim and then we all know what happens later on the story.

Sanger Zonvolt is the father of Alicia Testarossa[]

Don't ask me how Precia got to him, or at least his genetic material, but there's no other explanation for Fate having a sword like that. the resemblance is just uncanny.

  • Alternativly, Precia used Lemon's W-series data to build Fate; specifically, Wodan Ymir, as he is the one who despite being a Clone/Robot behaved like his former self.
  • New theory to explain the Testarossa girls' appearance and general A CHAR-ness, as well as Alicia's other parent. Alicia Testarossa was the product of a trans-dimensional fling between Precia and Elzam Branstein (henceforth known as Trombe!Char), either before he was married or less likely after he was widowed. When Precia was creating Fate, she decided to due the ironic supervillain thing and use Lemon Browning's data on Sanger Zonvolt, Elzam's Heterosexual Life Partner, to enhance Fate's (henceforth known as Loli!Char or Yuri!Char) combat mage skills beyond their already considerable genetic potential. This means that if Alicia ever were revived, she and Fate would have an awesome combination attack.
  • Sanger is also clearly related to Zest.
  • And Signum is clearly a remodeled Lamia... which leads us to the WMG entry below.
  • If we use the Alpha timeline instead of the OG line (or just mash both together...) one could assume that because of Cobray's sliding Shishio Guy could have ended up in Midchilda. If he just so happened to get a checkup from Quint (Subaru and Ginga's mother), the scientist/mage could have gotten a very useful DNA sample. Thus why Subaru and Ginga have DNA so willing to accept Cybernetic parts.

Both Lamia and Aschen are directly based on Signum... IN-STORY (not just Shout-Out)[]

It is well known that Gilliam, after his stint in Classic Timeline's final episode (SRW Final), goes back to jumping through dimensions and went back to evil. It is possible that at one point, he stumbled into Mid-Childa. Absorbing its knowledge so far, Gilliam, at that time using the name 'Helios Olympus' quickly warranted fame and notorietry, which caught the attention of the TSAB. Signum was dispatched to take care of Gilliam, but he quickly overpowered her. Signum was captured and experimented by Gilliam, with not much effect rather than simply taking her data before she was rescued by the rest of the TSAB and Gilliam eventually jumped to the Shadow Mirror universe. Thinking that Signum's data may help their progress, he hands down the data towards Lemon, who was just finished creating W-06, and eventually used Signum's data to create Aschen, and later Aschen's data, which is from Signum, is used to create Lamia.

The OG universe is the result of a huge Crisis on Infinite Earths style event for all the mecha anime that have ever appeared in a SRW game.[]

Only the characters created by Banpresto managed to survive, and all the universes merged into just two. The Shadow Mirror and the regular universe. Of course, this means that Gilliam was pretty much screwed into trying to return to his homeworld, seeing as it kind-of was crushed into the OG-verse like the rest.

All the Human Aliens are actually descendants of one or more of the various ancient civilizations from Earth.[]

Think about it: if advanced civilizations like the Mikenese Empire or the Mulians can build Humongous Mecha, they can probably build space ships, too. At some time in the distant past, the colonized other worlds, which eventually developed their own culture & some forgot the origins. A few even made minor alterations to themselves such as Horns or different chemicals in their blood.

  • The funny thing is, this was actually a major plot point in Alpha 3. The Protoculture seems to be the ancestors of pretty much everyone, most especially the Earthlings, Zentradi, Balmar, and Buff Clan.
    • First People first creat Proto Culture, whose creat Zantradi, Buff Clan and modern Earthling. First People eventually leave Earth (handful of them stay, known as people of Mu) and send the seed of their race to Balmar with Gun Eden. While First People themselves colonized on Solo where they creat Ideon and perish.
      • However that's only the Alpha series universe. If you are going by OG universe though than the Fury would definitely count as the progenitors of the human race; who's to say that the moon was the only ship the Fury had as a Sleeper ship, others of their kind may still be across the universe on other planets and created life there to inhabit those worlds eventually.

If Cliana Rimskaya from SRW D gets to OG3, it will deal with her story about 'How she gets the Split Personality', also linking her with the ODE System plot[]

In SRW Destiny, we just accept that Rim has been having Split Personality problem, how she got into that, we are not fleshed about it. However, with what we have with Ibis in OG 2... on how her past before accidentally killing Filio gets fleshed out, it is possible that if Josh and Rim gets into OG 3, we are not immediately dealing with Ruina, but on how Rim copes with her two personalities (though the Ruina plot may be implemented all together as well). Speaking of that, the ODE System has yet to be completely destroyed, and it's located in Hellgate... Gate... Gate... doesn't the Ruina come from some sort of Gate too? Ahem, at any rate, I would think that the ODE could serve good as a precursor to Rim's split personality problems, considering that their modus operandi seems to be about combining all personalities into one. A possible scenario may be about Rim getting caught in one of the Bartolls' attack, but before the process of absorbing her can be completed, the ODE realized one thing: she is not good as a pilot, and absorbing her would make a blunder for further progress, and she is someone that should be protected according to their protocols. So she is thrown out, found by Josh and be cared. In process of absorbing, Rim gets 'acquaintated' with one relentless persona that wants to get back at the ODE, and forcefully rests herself in Rim's body, thus causing her to get a Split Personality. On how she could survive the ODE's absorption despite not being Lamia could be credited on how Josh's father is said to have performed lots of experiments on her, one of the experiments might caused her to develop something on her that enables her to survive.

Of course over the course of the game, we can see how both personalities struggle to eventually be a harmonic figure in form of one Rim.

The original-character storylines that began in Z will be continued in a future Original Generation game.[]

In her "good" ending, Setsuko ends up in a parallel world where Toby and Denzel are still alive, heavily implied to be the OG-verse. In-game clues (no doubt designed to fertilize Epileptic Trees) point to Asakim's backstory being tied to the OG stalwarts Masaki Ando and Shu Shirakawa. To take advantage of this, instead of retelling the Z story in an OG game, the two series will get a full-fledged crossover.

  • Actually that Toby and Denzel are the same alternate ones that Asakim had with him earlier (turns out those two didn't die when Setsuko beat them after all) So she's still in the Z verse.

The Ruina are subordinates of Dark Brain[]

The Ruina exist to cause death and destruction, gaining power from negative emotions and tasked with propagating them. Dark Brain cannot die unless all negative emotions in the multiverse are dispelled. It makes sense that the Ruina are in fact an extension of Dark Brain as an insurance policy that these negative emotions are never swept away.

    • It could also be possible that the Ruina may not be Subordinates but actually a failsafe that acts on their own accord. Dark Brain just reaps the results of that. It is possible that Dark Brain may have created a Pocket Dimension using some of it's own negative emotions and let it fester for a period of time, Dark Brain probably knew that there were artifacts in other universes that could allow that dimension to be opened or possibly planted some of them itself through agents traveling to those universes.
    • Either that or that any beings that are sentient and possess curiosity will accidentally release the Ruina in a failed attempt to understand the limits of their own technological prowess. (In other words it is the SRW equivalent of Pandora's Box)

The next game will have a disaster either hit Ryusei, or Kai, or Garnet and Giado (or their children)[]

Let's face it, Latooni is not just The Woobie, she is a non-romantic version of Fatal Attractor. Those who are close with her will be entangled with bad things, mostly just to make her sad:

  • Her friends from The School one by one dies due to Training From Hell (except Arado, Seolla and Ouka)
  • Shine got kidnapped and becomes entangled with Adler's GEIM System and almost died for it.
  • Arado went through a Cherry Tapping gone wrong, and almost died for it.
  • Seolla had her memories altered many times and set out to kill them, putting all of them to a near death danger.
  • Ouka, after being rescued, pulled off a Heroic Sacrifice.
  • And not even her non-School Aggressors friends are safe:
    • Rai ends up meeting Archibald... loses his cool temporarily, then almost died for it, being fatally shot.
    • Lamia becomes the biggest victim of ODE System, thought to be dead, later comes back Brainwashed and Crazy and was VERY close to blowing herself up.
  • Since the game seems to thrive Serial Escalation to make Latooni suffer, it is not implausible that the next game, they will toy around with more people close with her, especially the most obvious one: her love interest Ryusei (and to that extension, her superior Kai, or her foster parents Garnet and Giado). So in the next game, we probably would see Ryusei suffer another disaster that doesn't lead to his Alpha 3 Heroic BSOD (That's more like Aya's disaster).

Seolla was given her Gag Boobs to raise Arado's morale[]

Come on, you know it to be true

Sanger Zonvolt and Klaus Wulfenbach are distantly related. Also, Sanger is a minor Spark.[]

They look a lot alike and are both Germanic. Also, Wulfenbach sparks are said to like big machinery... and nothing tops the Zankantou for that. Also would explain both Sanger's ability to make his robot and those around it utterly defy physics, e.g. breaking the supposedly unbreakable Earth Cradle and his compelling voice (When Sanger tells you to shut up and listen, you do.)

  • This theory is either the most terrifying or the most awesome thing I have ever read. Probably both.
  • Interesting suggestion. On that note, are Sparks and Psychodrivers related?

In OG, the Ruina might originate from Hellgate/ODE[]

Think about it, would those people die happy when they were absorbed by the ODE? The Ruina breeds on negative emotions, so they may respond to that. The ODE also has a tendency to leave their victims' body a withered husk, and the Ruina's modus operandi to get their generals are possessing people's bodies (as seen with Glacies and Wintos). Linking with that WMG about Ruina-Dark Brain, it is possible that Dark Brain sets Duminuss up to manipulate ODE and Juergen so they can create a place where his subordinates (the Ruina) may make appearance and spread terror to the universe. So in the end, we might see the Ruina taking over the ODE and converting the Bartolls into their respective machines, and originated some of their new generals (Glacies and Wintos) from the withered body husks of the ODE victims (which explains that their control wasn't so long and enabling them to do Heel Face Turn later). Juergen might also be brought back as an original new Ruina general this way, but this is less likely. Probably, in the Ruina's mind: A place with lots of negative emotions + lots of free bodies to posses = PROFIT!

  • A little too over-complicated. If the Ruina are created by Dark Brain, it's just meant to be a safety net. Duminuss also dismissed ODE as unnecessary. Not to mention for centuries that the Ruina were sealed away in the South Pole.
    • The OG series is known to mangle with the originals' history for quite a bit. I mean, even they changed Raul and Fiona into Half-Identical Twins and changed them from originating from a Crapsack Future into the Shadow Mirror universe. I wouldn't be surprised if Banpresto changed the Ruina's origins, since IIRC, even in D, there seems to be no explicit reason about WHY the Ruina must originate from South Pole. Even if there is, Banpresto can still change it. Or if you insist, Banpresto could come up with some freak accident that drops Hellgate to Southpole, along with ODE, allowing the Ruina to breed on it. As for Duminuss' concern, she deems it useless... FOR HER OWN PURPOSES, not knowing Dark Brain's greater plan. It is very possible that she didn't understand Dark Brain's goal to cloud The Multiverse with negative emotions, thus failing to realize it's future use for Dark Brain thus she has no use of it anymore. No wonder Dark Brain was pissed when he got summoned, Duminuss wanted to be a milestone to his future plans.

Asakim Dowin is Masaki Andoh's Shadow Mirror-verse Evil Twin[]

It's pretty obvious really, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

  • If Axel fought Masaki in OG 2, he'd remark that he knows about Cybuster and wants to have a chance to fight it, but never know it. Considering Asakim never referred his Shurouga as 'Cybuster'... how could the Shadow Mirror and Axel call it 'Cybuster'? Can't be Asakim, as much as this seems to be a cool concept...
    • Well, it's like Lemon. Asakim used to be Masaki and Shouroga used to be Cybuster, but something happened to them, most likely connected to whatever sin Asakim committed that got him cursed with immortality. This most likely happened to them while they were back in La Gias, and anyone who'd heard of Cybuster on the surface probably didn't hear about it. Of course my other alternate theory is that this isn't a Masaki at all, but an alternate Shu, and Shouroga's appearance/attacks and Masaki's voice actor are just redherrings that have some crazy explaination, but I'm not sure how to justify that, aside from him looking like Shu to me.
      • That's if there's one La Gias per dimension, if La Gias turns out to be another 'exclusive' thing... But it's most likely La Gias has its doubles.
        • There are multiple La Giases. So far there's at least 3 (SRW 2-F-Final La Gias, Alphaverse La Gias, and OG La Gias)

There is more of the likes of Asakim, coming from a reversed La Gias[]

Okay this may be a bit off, but it is possible that the Shadow Mirror La Gias is twisted beyond hell that it creates something like Asakim out of the Masaki of that dimension. Perhaps the La Gias inside that dimension is anti-La Gias, instead of mildly peaceful with occasional civil wars here and there, it could be a La Gias where Shiva Volkruss prevails and rules with an iron fist. Masaki was a Heroic Sociopath at first, when one of his sociopathy turned into a sin that got him caught and cursed with immortality and becomes Asakim, the more he spends his time, the more he forgot about his 'Heroic' part and turns into a Complete Monster who only cared about how to get himself killed.

Like how Asakim is Not-Masaki, there could also be Not-Yang Long, Not-Tytti and Not-Mio, with their dark versions of Granveil, Goddess and Zamzeed. They could be allies to Asakim when he was Masaki, but were also punished and now went separate ways, becoming Complete Monsters in their own way; or they could be part of the corrupted La Gias who were responsible of capturing and punishing Asakim with immortality. And besides, if you want to imagine how Not-Tytti sounds, it's easy. Just imagine one certain megalomaniacal guitar-wielding bitch.

  • That's assuming that they start focusing on La Gias again and bring the other Elemental Lords back into the games at some point in the future. That might be possible considering Asakim's introduction might mean they'll be focusing more on the Mosukishin storyline in the future. Alternately, La Gias wasn't really that different from other versions, but something horrible happened to Masaki in that world that warped him beyond recognition and turned Cybuster into Shouroga. His sin is that he killed the other Elemental Lords, and maybe more than just them, in a fit of insanity as a result of this change. For this, he was cursed with immortality and banished. This would explain why he's so emo and determined to break the curse, no matter what it took. In this case, he wouldn't be a Heroic Sociopath who forgot the "heroic" part, but a guy like the Masaki we all know who got broken really badly and fell down the slippery slope pretty hard after, eventually becoming the Complete Monster from Z, or just went plain crazy. Either way, Asakim's a Fallen Hero. Doesn't change the fact that he's a bastard though.
    • We're not sure if Asakim's sin is killing his dimension's versions of Yang Long, Tytti and Mio. In any case, it's also possible that the three could return evil, in separate games. In fact, if SRW K still deals with the Holy War that Asakim mentions, one of them (corrupted version) may make appearance there. OR, if they don't want to bother with that, they could turn Yang Long and Tytti into their respective Ruina generals Ignis and Glacies. But that'll mean leaving Mio out... unless of course, Mio never appeared and Ricardo is the only Herald of Zamzeed, and his death went uncorrupted.
      • Well really we don't know what Asakim's sin is at all. I just picked the one that seemed most likely cause Masaki to turn into a bad guy. This still all depends on whether or not Banpresto will start focusing on Masaki's story again.
    • If Terada is making up Not-Yang Long, Not-Tytti or Not-Mio, they do not need to link back to the Elemental Lords. Remember, even when Asakim is introduced, he's not seen within the vicinity of Masaki. The dark versions of the Heralds need not to be placed alongside the 'good' heralds, just like how there's no Masaki around when there is Asakim.

Setsuko and Mail Beater are actually two halves of Dark Brain[]

After somehow acquiring the Twelve Keys, their power proved too great and horrible for even its existence, undergoing a self-induced Heel Face Turn. To provide itself with a measure of control, it divided itself into two halves; one who drew out the power of the Keys when happy and one when sad, drastically reducing the potential damage that could be caused to reality. The personalities of the two women, both good people at heart, ensured that provided they would meet up, would mean both would not trigger their abilities at the same time. Setsuko's determination to defeat Chimera in fact comes from the fear that someone else may try to claim the power of the Twelve Keys and not learn the lesson that she did.

Ryusei is dilberately not responding to Mai's and Latooni's affections[]

Ryusei does actually have an appreciation for regular girls (See his comments on Garnet's outfit), and he's not stupid. Dense at times, but not dumb. No, Ryusei knows what it's like to lose a loved one, his dad was a police officer that died on duty, after all. And he's in the military where getting shot at it part of the job. He knows there's a chance he'll die, and he doesn't want to have loved ones to leave behind.

Getter Rays, G-Power, GN Particles & Spiral Power are all manifestations of the same force.[]

All are glowing green, all enable the laws of physics to be over-ridden by Rule of Cool, all respond to emotions & all but one start with G, which, when you look closely is actually kind of a spiral.

  • Confirmed in case of Getter Ray and The power. They're, along with Beamler, Psychic Power, STMC, Anima Spiritia and Ide are aspect of Akashic records (fate).

The Edel Bernal will be back as the final boss in Z2.[]

Sure you fix the dimensional collapse he caused but you didn't actually permanently kill him. Which means he's probably still out there trying to repeat the process again. Plus he's just too awesome and amusing a villain not to use again.

  • He's killed, at least in normal and good ending. Setsuko's (or Mel's in Rand route) sphere absorb his very soul as she stop him from attack Kei and Orson. This is because Edel has the replica of her sphere.

The next Super Robot Wars will have Code Geass and Gurren Lagann.[]

Both were hits as far as I can tell, and it gives Real Robot and Super Robot fans a number of things to drool over, such as a Char/Lelouch team up, Kamina and Lelouch Jeremiah Gottwald, THE ULTIMATE SYMBOL OF LOYALTY! in a Lensman Arms Race of ham, and Gurren Lagann vs Unit 1. The money would flow.

  • Typically, a series is given a three-year minimum waiting period before being used in a game, to minimize spoilers. However, in rare cases (namely, Gundam Seed), if a show is popular enough, they'll use it early. So this is doable.
    • That settled, let's try to guess what role they would have in the plot. I personally think that they'll use the post-timeskip designs for everyone who survived the first arc and put them alongside anyone who didn't make it. After all, SRW is 90% Rule of Cool anyway. The plot itself would obviously involve Kamina punching Gendo. Repeatedly.
      • The three-year rule isn't true anyway; as one example, consider that Mobile Suit Gundam F91, which hit theaters March 16th 1991, was in the original SRW, release date April 20th 1991. Either way, Geass and Gurren Lagann are both big enough that if said rule did matter, they'd be prime candidates for breaking it, probably along with Mobile Suit Gundam 00 once it finishes. That said, This Troper predicts Geass Season 1 in Z2 and R2 and GL in Z3.
        • This Troper believes that Nunally should also get the mecha from the spin-off manga Knightmare of Nunally. I don't care if SRW only adapts anime, Nunally must kick butt, darn it!
          • Both Crossbone Gundam, and Red and Blue Frame Astrays have appeared in SRW, so it's not impossible....
        • Kamina and Gendo? I'm personally betting on either Kamina or Simon epically punching Shinji Ikari in the face. Come on, they're going to have to do it to someone sometime.
          • Rossiu should be the one to do it. Then we would have a progression from Kamina -> Simon ->Rossiu -> Shinji.
        • Viral would probably be a boss.
    • Personally, this Troper hopes that if Geass gets in, Sora Kake Girl (though it doesn't have a prayer for quite awhile) will be alongside it at some point. Because any interaction between Lelouch and Leopard can only be awesome or hilarious.
  • Confirmed! It took a few years (more than 3 since Gurren Lagann ended), with a few non-flagship games in between, but both are indeed debuting together in Z2.

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 will also appear in the next Super Robot Wars game.[]

Which means we can look forward to such things as Setsuna's friendship with Heero Yuy and maybe Sagara Sousuke. A battle between Amuro Ray and Ribbons Almark, Char, Zechs and Mu La Flaga's reactions towards Mr. Bushido and a chance to use the Final Dynamic Special on Ali Al-Saachez.

  • Five bucks says there'll be a way to save the first Lockon, leading to a tag-team attack between him and the second.
  • Or dragging Graham back to shape and FIGHT for our cause (Masuraoh is... quite a nifty unit to have). Or snatching Nena and deliver "What the Hell, Girl!?" on that crossing of Moral Event Horizon, and then shape her up to be good.
  • Don't forget The Immortal Colasour!
    • With the Game Master skill imported from SRWZ. He's undefeated in simulator battles, after all.
  • For crossover purposes 0 Gundam will actually be RX-78-2 Gundam from UC timeline.
    • And following the destruction of Ribbons' Reborns Gundam (and his duel with Setsuna in the 0 Gundam), Amuro gets the blueprints for the machine somehow (most likely Veda, of all places) and modifies his current Nu Gundam into the Hi-Nu Gundam, hence why the Reborns is given the Fan Nickname GN Hi-Nu Gundam.
  • Macross Frontier would fit well alongside 00 - Quantum Brainwaves and Fold Waves seem very similar, and one could easily see Ribbons and Grace O'Connor teaming up to "improve" mankind (with each intending to betray the other and lead themselves).
  • Also, there's the possibility of Kira vs. Ali, Aka: ARMAGEDDON!
    • Only God knows the result, or the player.
  • Confirmed! Including the Macross Frontier, Gundam Wing and Gundam Seed Destiny crossovers. Awesome, huh?

OG 3 will have the fourth Dynamic General Guardian Unit (in addition to DaiRaiOh)[]

  • It will be focused around punches - Daizengar: swords, Aussenseiter: guns, DaiRaiOh: kicks, ???: punches. It will be given to Katina, since she made a comment in OG 2 that "a real man only needs fists to fight". Then she'll paint it red and force Russel to copilot it.
    • Katina already has the GAB-L to look foward to, so she's out. If anything, the last DGG will be a Super Robot capable of transforming into a motorcycle, just for a second example of "real men ride each other", and the fact the Shout-Out to Kamen Rider is complete.
      • But the GAB-L is a hideously bad design. I do support the motorcycle thing, though.
    • Yes, Real men ride each other, if fourth Dy-Gen-Guard issued motorcycle mode, and Russel riding it, Angry-desu ON TOP issue for Excellen. Real woman indeed.....
    • I hope it's a two-person unit for Yuuki and Carla; they're both members of the Kurogane's crew, so they have a link to the DG Gs, and Carla's a dancer, which would fit perfectly with the Motion Capture Mecha aspect of the Dynamic General Guardians - Yuuki could control the guns. It would also make sense to have a second ranged Dynamic General Guardian after two melee ones (Dygenguard and Rai Oh).
      • It might be the counterpart for Endless Frontier's Jyaki-Gun-Oh. Yeah, it's listed as a Chokijin, but to me it looks more like a DGG series.
      • I always figured it'd be a female robot, as the DGG's were designed by Bian Zoldark to match his love of super robots.

Irui will or will possibly be captured by the Ruina in OG 2nd (PlayStation 3) / OG 3 (DS)[]

  • Since in Alpha 2 Irui is responsible for attempting to seal the Earth and the Ruina actually succeeded sealing the Earth in SRW Destiny, it only makes sense that Irui and the Ruina may be interlinked somehow. She may become Brainwashed and Crazy due to the Ruina's methods of recruitment, much like the ODE System Theory above.

Kaworu Nagisa is a Time Diver[]

Which is why he seems to be aware of other Super Robot Wars games he's been in, despite them being in alternate universes. This may apply to his fellow SRW F Final end-bosses Paptimus Scirocco and Shapiro Keats as well. In Kaworu's case, this might actually extend to canon as well: see the Evangelion WMG page.

  • If this is not the case, he and the others might just be in on Gilliam's dimension-hopping technique.

W-10 is 'pilot' Haken[]

I am assuming that any W-Series which start with 0 is expected to be combat androids, not piloting androids. Therefore, it could happen that W-10 is a piloting android version of Haken. For instance, Caldia (W-06) is the combat android version of Echidna (W-16), whereas Aschen (W-07) is the combat android version of Lamia (W-17). If Haken is W-00, and he's a ground fighter, W-10 would be a pilot, with Haken's traits, and most likely be an android. On how he is to appear? If Endless Frontier is getting a sequel, W-10 may appear. Or he can appear in OG 3, with the excuse of being thrown in a different timeline than the rest of the Shadow Mirrors.

  • Why? There's no point in breathing anymore life into the Advance story or its elements anymore. MX is on the way, Alpha 2's settling in (Ibis' story, nonetheless, and the Youkijin's appearance in OG Gaiden that practically kick starts the Gun Eden plot), Axel and Alfimi have gone and left for their "piece of heaven" and Masou Kishin has the slightest chance to finally be given a place in OG (so says Word of God).
    • Well, maybe not OG 3, but could be in the future. Besides, it is very unlikely that Axel and Alfimi has left the plot completely. A lot has been prophesizing that Axel may play the role left by Rom Stoll during the MX storyline: being the Big Damn Heroes most of the time. Also, there's always a chance that his paradise might end up as being with the Feddies, after for some reason he found out that he prefers peace, just like in his Advance ending?
      • Most likely, some part of the OG storyline will involve a trip to the Shadow-Mirror universe, to deal with Beowulf.
    • Unlikely, given that W00 (Haken) himself was supposed to be the pilot of the Gespenst Haken (presumably a scaled-up version of Phantom) But that means that Haken and the gang could end up in the OG- or SM-verse, which makes me wonder if Excellen will try to get him to call her "Sis" or "Auntie?"
  • Sis. I don't remember the name, but in Endless Frontier when you find out that Harken is a W-series the name of his creator is not Lemon, but rather a mans name. Probably Excellen and Lemons father.
    • Uh no. The Japanese clearly said "Remon", so it must've implied Lemon. However, Atlus slipped up and mistranslate it as 'Raymond'. Considering it only appears once, we'll assume that the corruption of the data of Mai Tierra has gone so deep that some of the information is distorted, including Lemon's name.
      • In that case, Haken is Lemon and Axel's son. His DNA had to come from somewhere.
        • Please elaborate. Judging from the OG continuity, Axel had no time to be the Casanova Wannabe as he is in Advance. Haken being a Lovable Sex Maniac just CAN'T come from OG Axel's DNA. And there's no mention about Lemon and Axel doing it.
        • There's no mention that they didn't, and no reason to believe that they wouldn't. A number of times in OG 2, both are questioned on the possibility that they're using the other. The question would then be: using the other for what, exactly, if not "stress relief"?
        • Haken's DNA had to come from somewhere. Lemon and Axel may not have made him the old fashioned way, but rather have contributed to him. After all if your going to make a supersoldier, you want the best genes you can get. Lemon is a genius, and a very good sniper style mech pilot. Axel is an increadibly good martial artist, whos shown superb durability.
  • Now that Axel's gonna make a trip to the Endless Frontier, I suppose we'll find out when/if he regains his memory.
  • Not to mention the Drama CD is a crossover between Endless Frontier and the main O Gverse, FEATURING FIGHTER ROA AND EXCELLEN!
    • ALL THEORIES JOSSED!!. EXCEED reveals who is W-10. It's... Arkgain.

Raymond Browning and Lemon Browning are two separate people[]

Specifically, Raymond is Lemon's father (or possibly mother), who used the W-series program to first attempt to revive Lemon through genetics, making her stronger, faster, and able to learn quickly to make up for lost time. This plan was eventually halted, although it would later be picked up again to make Haken. At this time, Lemon Browning -who had since been restored to life through cybernetics- revised the "super soldier" strategy through the use of androids and made Haken as well for whatever reason. Hence, Raymond Browning would be credited with making at least the plans Haken, Lemon Browning would be credited for the others.

And Hey, does we mentioned earlier that Lemon actually Excellen revived to similar system as W-series? and them when Lamia ask about Excellen's Family:


 Lamia : M-miss Ecellen, do you have any families?

Excellen : Hmm? Just my father, why?


That means more or less, RAYMOND IS EXCELLEN'S FATHER BUT IN OTHER UNIVERSE, which Excellen's parents abuse their job as researcher to revive Excellen as Lemon. In short Raymond revives Lemon AND making Haken with same technology

    • The Inspectors anime confirmed about Excellen's current family members. When Lamia asked "Do you have any family members?" Her response was "Just Dad and me."

The last game in SRW Z timeline will include Bokurano[]

If they keep the dimensional conflict theme and darker tone that is. The dimensional robots like Zearth are yet another creation of Taichi as tools to destroy unworthy worlds, indirectly force the Sphere holders to finish the holy war. And the game possibly being first that loaded with Bad Ending with worlds being destroyed left and right.

  • And to add some interesting battle, Bokurano stage will feature alternate player team on enemy side (you known, every Super Robot love their world). It would be cool if two version of Gaiking and Mazinger crash, and you damn the other side to perish forever.
    • Pah. Far, far, far more awesome would be a recreation of the @3 manga's final battle, where the two sides Take a Third Option and team up to blow the bad guys right out of the universe. Bonus points if the "enemy" force contains the Original Generations regulars, and monster bonus points if we get a team attack from Sanger and Sanger and Wodan.

Mist Rex is from a race that is part of the Zuvorg Alliance[]

Not much to substantiate this one, unfortunately, but his machines had a Greek theme to their names and attacks, similar to the Inspectors and possibly the Guests.

If Shin Mazinger and GaoGaiGar appear in the same game...[]

There will be a combo attack for sure involving either the Goldion Hammer or Crusher. Think about it, Shin Mazinger turns into a god-powered fist, which in theory could be worked to equip to GaoGaiGar in place of Goldy Marg. Awesomeness would ensue.

  • Dynamic Magnum?
    • Either that or Big Bang Magnum.
  • That, or if Gurren Lagann and GaoGaiGar appear in the same game we can have a Goldion Hammer/Giga Drill Breaker combo. You know you want it.

Lamia was cloned during the Hellgate Incident[]

My theory is that the Lamia that was sent out to fight and eventually got shot was actually a near-perfect clone created by Duminuss, her actual plan was to once again make her The Mole to the EFA when she's rescued, only with a certain trigger-word kinda like how The Edel Bernal worked on Edel Bernal (Say "I LOVE YOU" and she'll obey every of your command, period) which will not make her gain any semblance of development which may cause her to rebel. The real Lamia got snatched out after capture and reprogrammed right off bat and kept hidden (as Duminuss referred her as its 'trump card', thus keeping her hidden for a good while) as a backup plan. As it turns out, the ODE reacted on its own protocol, destroyed the clone-Lamia and thereby ruining Duminuss' plans thus it dismantled it and had to resort to its backup plan. Which would kinda explain why Lamia didn't hold any resentment to Juergen even if he was the one shooting her down and she has no special dialogue towards him when pitted together in the Free Battle, even when she has one against Bartolls: Because she didn't have the clone's memories, thus she doesn't even remember Juergen shooting her, thus there's no basis for resentment.

The XN-Geist could appear again[]

It is possible that someone may have rebuilt the XN-Geist from Schematics and data possibly left behind in Gilliam's world In Hero Senki Gilliam did run an organization, he may have had scientists helping him build the XN-Geist and maybe a few of them did not want to see their work go to waste, so they may have stored the prototypes, engines, and data of XN-Geist in a separate location when the main headquarters was destroyed. Given that it was an evolving machine, it is possible that there may have been other parties interested in it Given that Vindel used it is pretty much obvious that System-XN could be restored back in Gilliam's world

Suzuka isn't actually flat... her bra is just too tight.[]

The oni is mostly known for their strength, I would surmise that the Shiki-Oni is no exception. Therefore, any oni women would have trouble with keeping up their large breasts, so when a woman is born, their bra is created to be very tight that they could press their boobs enough to move around freely. Suzuka's not born a fighter thus her bra was so tight that it shrunk down her breasts. For a quadruple-digit year, she gets used to that tight bra and is the Pettanko we all know and love. And for the record, there might be other female onis like her that missed our attention.

A future game will feature Iron Man and Megas XLR.[]

The series has a surprising amount of popularity in the west for a game that has never been legally exported so it really is only a matter of time before the west's star super robots join the forray.

Aledy and/or Neige is/are actually (a) W-series adroid(s)[]

In Endless Frontier, when you find the chamber the W-series were held in, W06's (Cardia) and W07's (Aschen) pods weren't the only ones open. two others were also empty. Where did they go?

  • Those 2 W-series androids may have been taken by someone or they broke out of their own accord
  • Officially debunked: Aledy and Neige are fully flesh and blood; not artificial. The missing pods belong to W03 and W05, the former being Pete Pain, the latter being Big Bad NOT-Wodan Ymir

Take a Wild Guess on what are the remaining Twelve Keys that Dark Brain sought[]

Known so far:

  • The Compatible Kaiser's Overgate Engine (Taurus-themed Sphere possibly because bulls are known for stubborn, hot-bloodedness, right?)
  • The Excellence's Time Flow Engine (Might be considered the Gemini Sphere because Gemini is the Twins and sometimes Twins are known to work together.)
  • Dark Brain (Sagittarius-themed Sphere)
  • Gilliam Yeager (Scorpio-themed Sphere because Gilliam is noted for being "Magnetic, elusive, sexy and determined".)
  • Einst Alfimi (Pisces-themed Sphere because of obsession with Kyosuke and Excellen.)

Hinted, but unconfirmed:

  • Sphere of Wounded Lion (Gunleon + Mel)
  • Sphere of Sorrowful Maiden (Setsuko)
  • Sphere of Swaying Scales (Crowe)
  • Sphere of Lying Black Sheep (Aim)
  • Sphere of The Inexhaustible Gourd (Uther)
  • Sphere of Truthful Goat (Asakim)

That's eleven; now let the guessing begin. It can encompass any Banpresto-related series not yet entered to the OG universe. Try to give the reasons too.

  • Lamia: the reasoning behind this was because Lemon's project was way too grand for a Mad Scientist. I mean, 'creating a robot which look and act like human'? It's near impossible, but Lamia ended up being the most successful product. The reason behind the success was because Lemon secretly got ahold of one of the Keys and implemented it when creating Lamia, thus causing her to succeed in her part. This also justifies that, if Duminuss did orchestrated the ODE Incident, it did so because she wanted Lamia, one of the Keys to Dark Brain. However, she made a mistake of putting it to the ODE, which caused the protocol to 'kill' her. Duminuss was just about ready to give up on her, but it found her, and unfortunately, the Key has been quite damaged that it's not going to function properly and it'll take a long time for her to recover the Key abilities. Being... well, kinda impatient (and realizing that she just needs a few to bring forth DB), Duminuss decided to abandon Lamia being the Key and reduced her into a perfectly disposable pawn.
  • Origin Unit from Scramble Commander 2nd. The Big Bad use it to destroy the world in the end by return the world to Zero Break Point AKA "origin of time and possibility. Fact that its imperfect replica used on protagonist mech eventually drive him berserk also sound like sphere.
  • here is good chance that Asakim hold another Sphere since he state how only other sphere holder can free him from The Punishment.
  • SRX's Tronium Engine, either that or the Extra Over Technology (EOT) behind it, since the Tronium Engine was built from EOT. Either that or the most highly concentrated form of Tronium which would be the Mother lode.
  • The Astranagant's Dinn Lev, or possibly the Dis Astranagant's Dis Lev, due to their the two machine's interdimensional powers
  • The Baldona Drive from Another Century's Episode 3 due to its dimension-crossing properties.
  • The Schlaffen Celeste in the Endless Frontier: An enormous wrecked ship whose Wave Motion Gun is capable of breaching dimensions, and tends to drag things and people from another dimension into the Endless Frontier.
  • The Ark Alpha from Another Century's Episode R; not only does it reference in-game the Baldona Drive, it pulls in, not just two, but nearly a dozen universes.
  • Es Technology Given that the Es existed before the current universe, it may make sense that Dark Brain could want something from them, hell we all know that Valcazard can literally punch a hole in dimensions itself with some of it's attacks.

The Z-timeline will get its own gaiden game similar to the Masou Kishin one.[]

  • It will be divided into two parts like the original. The first will feature Asakim as someone similar to Masaki, and his punishment is inflicted on him at the end of that act. The second half will pick up after the last of the "normal" Z-games, featuring all the surviving Banpresto originals working together to finally defeat the Taichi.

SRW and Nanoha will eventually cross over with each other.[]

Most likely in the Endless Frontier series, since there aren't any Humongous Mecha in Nanoha (yet...). Seven Arcs have shown themselves to be huge SRW fans with the endless Shout Outs they keep putting in their works, and Banpresto seems to find this amusing enough to Shout Back at them with stuff like Setsuko's Glory Star Starlight Breaker attack. In this troper's experience, the two franchises have large overlap in their fanbases and one of the two companies involved has a long track record of catering to its' fanbase. All Banpresto has to do is make the offer...

Determining if Ryuusei ends up with Latooni or Mai will be up to player choice[]

They can make it so when they decide to wrap up the O Gverse, you get to choose wich girl he ends up with. It'll be due to choices or actions made in the game, and will affect the ending, and possibly give you a specific combination attack.

  • Alternativly, Latooni and Mai will realize that individualy neither of them has a chance of breaking through to Ryuusei, and will team up on him for an OT 3/Tenchi Solution.
  • Highly possible, Consider that both girl get along very well. Ending of OGG already has three of them watch anime together.

In the OG games, the GAB-L will be Balmarian[]

The GAB-L's head looks rather like the masks some of the Balmarian commanders wear. Compare it to Ace or Shiva Gozzo's masks, for instance. In addition, it's sufficiently mind rape enough to fit in with Etzira's tactics, at the very least.

When J characters are add to OG-verse, Touya will get Granteed while Calvina will has Belzelute[]

Almost obvious, Calvina has character of Real Robot pilot, an ex-professional Red Baron who already had experience with her machine. While Touya is fully Super Robot, an Ordinary High School Student who get dragged into cockpit. And by take the mech's Mid-Season Upgrade into calculation, Brigandi is pretty much new enhanced parts while it is hinted that the mecha dragon Basileus which used to combine with Granteed to form as Dracodeus is actually Fury's Physical God. So it make more sense that such thing will heed call of Touya, one with Furian blood rather than Calvina.

Unfortunate for Coustwell, I guess it will become secret mech like Vysaga was (along with the blue Vorlent, but that thing is secret since J).

  • For Raftclanz, Al-Van and Fu-Lu will be mutually exclusive secret characters, just like Gale and Julia in J.
    • Al-Van will survive, no matter what you do. Unlocking Fu-Lu either takes Al-Van out of piloting or puts him in the back seat of Calvina's bot. Remember, in Calvina's ending, she almost pulls a Together in Death when Al-Van tries a Senseless Sacrifice to bring the Fury Mothership under control.
      • Unlocking playable Al-Van/Fu-Lu will get you a single-seat Raftclans. A two-seater unit for Calvina or Touya and one of the Fury Girls will unlock independantly. Only reason for this is that in Calvina's route the engineering guys build a Raftclans from the ones you trashed just before the last mission, but it's never combat usable. The two fury girls you don't take use it to save Calvina and Al-Van from their Senseless Sacrifice.
    • Al-Van will have a combo attack with Calvina, as well as level 2 love bonus with her. Seriously, with the way she flips out on anyone who insults him after she gets a shard of his memories in the endgame, I was expecting they would get a love bonus in J.
    • Al-Van will be absurdly broken as a pilot. Like, Elzam levels of broken. Seriously, the final boss is in full-blown A God Am I mode when Al-Van shows up and he still freaks out about fighting him.

Counter-WMG: Each of the Fury Girls will take one mecha and get split up[]

The one with Bellzute will probably end up encountering Calvina, probably on the Hiryu Kai. The above WMG is also a good reason for Touya to get Coustwell instead, with part of the plot being the OG Numbers and the Fury both searching for the third girl and Granteed, which will either be lost or end up with a third yet-unaffiliated group of heroes (possibly based out of the Valstork).

Z is linked to Another Century's Episode R somehow[]

The two games share a surprising number of series in common (Overman King Gainer, Gundam Seed Destiny, Genesis of Aquarion, and most importantly Super Dimension Century Orguss), and director Terada said that they had a lot of ideas they wanted to implement in Z but were unable to; perhaps ACE:R is the unimplemented ideas, stripped of most of the Supers and turned into an ACE game?

    • Actually, the OG universe is linked to ACE R, Ryusei, Kyosuke, and Masaki are getting warped to what's left of the planet Aria.

Shiki-Onis are not mammals.[]

Suzuka is so flat because she has no mammary glands. She gets jealous of the other girls' endowments simply because Human culture is so pervasive throughout the Endless Frontier that she can't help but adopt their standards of beauty, like how so many black women get their hair straightened to look more caucasian.

Gilliam Yeager will appear in Z2[]

Gilliam is a dimension traveller, and dimensional travel forms part of Z's plot. Gilliam was originally a member of an organisation called ZEUS, of which ZEUTH is just an Engrish version. Added to that, his namesake Chuck Yeager was central to the book The Right Stuff, which Z gives a Shout-Out to as the name of the Glory Star squad's theme music.

  • Alternately, Cobray Gordon could show up. Or both, both would be cool.

Kyosuke and Ryusei were sent after ACE:R, to an Alternate Earth[]

As noted Ryusei and Kyosuke wasn't sent back to their Reality when Autumn-four sent them back. This will be use to play for SRWD, SRWK, ACE:2/3 Final , and where Rand Travis will come from. The main purpose of this second world is make the After the End World that is part of those games, "Earth B".

As such Kyosuke and Ryusei will find themselves against the Ruina helping Joshua and Cliana fight them, as well as trying to recover this forsaken world from the UCE Government, finding Mist which would be the prolouge to K, and finding a way home.

During this in "Earth A" the Story would start as shown in ACE:R with Hugo & Aqua's story, Alpha 2's plot which would lead to Bullet's Brainwashing and Filio's & (maybe) Sophia's Death, and SRWEX/SRW4 which may lead the EFA army to La-Gias.

The Game Engine may newly include Bag of Sharing(No matter how unbeliveable it looks to prevent Gamers not to downplay one group and route split like ACE:3 seeing what happening in each world and then choosing which world to go to.

As such "Earth A" in ACE and SRWK is actually "Earth B" in terms of setting, but "Earth A" in their point-of-view. And that Kyosuke and Ryusei may not return home for a while...

If any western mecha series ever get added the first set for Real and Super will be Mechwarrior / BattleTech representing Real Robot and Megas XLR for Super Robot.[]

The series will eventually include Metal Wolf Chaos.[]

Why? Why not? Ideally, it'd be in the same game as Gurren Lagann and include a path involving a Michael Wilson/Kamina teamup. Unfortunately, that part would inevitably be an Obvious Beta, since that much awesomeness in one place would cause the programmer's heads to explode.

Z2 or a later OG will include a Good Counterpart to Shu to oppose Asakim.[]

Asakim is yet another mask of Nyarlathotep.[]

Come on. His dominate color is black, is very charming Complete Monster, and currently working in grand scheme of Cosmic Horror Story. And as we known, Nyarly can take possession of human's body. It will make more sense if future Z title include Demonbane.

Beowulf will return as a major antagonist in OG3.[]

In OGs, the in-between missions leave the conclusion of his fight with Axel unspecified, and even in the adaptations that expand upon the particular battle (the audio drama and The Inspectors), Beowulf clearly isn't dead. With an Evil Twin Eldritch Abomination version of Kyosuke still around and about somewhere in the multiverse, a final showdown is simply begging to happen eventually.

The Muge Zorbados Empire and the Shin Mazinger version of Mycenae will mostly conquer the world between the two parts of Z2.[]

Because the ending of Shin Mazinger just leads so well into the beginning of Dancougar.

  • Unlikely. While I agree that they will conquer some part of Earth, the One World Order compose of Earth Sphere Federation, OZ and Britania will be in their way.
    • True; although the question remains about whether or not that is a good thing...
  • Jossed; apparently the Z2 Dancougar team has already defeated the Muge Zorbados Empire, and Shin Mazinger does not even finish its plot in Z...

The next time a Super Robot Wars game features Gurren Lagann, there will be an option for Kamina to survive.[]

As someone pointed out, series debuts are usually more focused on following the plot than other times the series is featured, so we can only hope for next time. Besides, anyone who doesn't want to go to the end of the series with Kamina in Team Dai-Gurren is lying.

  • Officially debunked: Kamina dies. Maybe after the Alternate Spiral Labyrinth, but maybe not.
    • The next time. As in, after Z2.
    • Banpresto is never going to have Kamina simply avoid his death, because doing so would utterly shaft Simon's Character Development. See also Gai Daigouji's death in Nadesico; while there is rarely a game that features Nadesico that does not allow Gai to survive, he usually "dies" and comes back much later in the plot after the relevant character development for Akito. Kamina will probably be made available in the Alternate Spiral Labyrinth, because it is close enough to the end of the series that Simon has already become more of a badass than Kamina, by Kamina's own admission; having Kamina back would not screw up the conclusion too much. Hell, knowing Kamina's popularity he might be recruitable in the second part of Z2.
      • Jossed again: he doesn't appear in Saisei-hen at all.

Esther will play a more major role in Saisei-hen.[]

Because, really, is there anyone who does not expect this to happen?

  • Confirmed

Bullet willingly sides with the Garden of Baral in Original Generation[]

According to Word of God, Bullet will not be putting on the mask during his Brainwashed and Crazy stint he had back in Alpha 2 for the Second Original Generations. Since Destiny has been confirmed, the appearance of the Ruina is enough for the Nashim Guneden to begin sealing the Earth a la Alpha 2. Bullet witnesses just how dangerous the Ruina are firsthand and agrees with the Nashim's plan, leading to a rift of opinions between him and his Nakama. Because of this, he leaves his comrades and willingly allies with the guardian of Earth and her "minions"; by proxy, his decision also affects the KoOhKi, who goes along with him. This leads to Bullet taking on a more Well-Intentioned Extremist side, with touches of xenophobia, that has been lurking in him since Original Generation Gaiden.

Without the KoOhKi, the RyuKoOh/KoRyuOh can't be formed, thus the RyuOhKi will absorb a Grungust Type-3 to become the RyuJinKi, which has been confirmed to appear.

The Glory Star will appear in the Second Original Generation[]

According to the official website for the Second Original Generation, the government establishes "GS", a military organization independent of the Earth Federation Army, who answers solely to the current Earth president concerning military problems. Additionally, Aidoneus Island (formerly the Divine Crusaders HQ) is renovated by the government with various projects and weapons, specifically an experimental squadron testing new mobile weapons.

The Glory Star in Super Robot Wars Z was an experimental weapon test group, though it turns out to be a cover to try out Setsuko Ohara's Sphere. While the appearance of Spheres in Original Generation is unlikely (given Z still has yet to cover the full extent of it), the Glory Star appear to cover a wide range of experimental weapons (likely Ing Egret's EXbein Expy "Ashe", Ariel Org's Flickerei Geist and possibly even the Cerberus, Garmreid and AI-1).

Counter-WMG: "GS" does not stand for "Glory Star"[]

Two possibilities: "GS" stands for "Gaia Saver", which would mean this organization not only answers solely to the Earth president, but is also a secretly-backed operational force designated to be the last line of Earth defense, in case the current, standing army is ineffective against extraterrestrials. Gaia Saver would also allow a reappearance from Mark Hunter from the same-named Action RPG from the Super Famicom (how he got from Endless Frontier to Original Generation would be another matter).

Alternatively, "GS" stands for "Gaia Saber", in reference to a dialogue between Graien Grasman and Mitsuko Isurugi back in Original Generation 2, where they determine what the Earth needs is not the "Shield of Aegis", but the "Sword of Harpe", prior to the coup d'etat.

When Star Driver debut in a SRW game...[]

many characters will start to laugh because of his design.

Ariel Org is Ouka Nagisa, resurrected as an Artificial Human[]

In Real Robot Regiment, Ariel is a product of the "Idealants" project, designed to create the perfect android. Building on the idea the "GS" are a secret military organization, they have been investigating Lemon Browning's W-Series intensively, alongside building new mobile weapons, one of which is the Flickerei Geist. Since Ouka died in the Earth Cradle, which was littered with Machine Cells, the "GS" took her battered, but remaining body in an attempt to emulate what Lemon did prior with the W-Numbers. The result is Ariel Org; to reinforce this theory, "Flickerei" means "patching" or "patchery" in German. What did Ouka's Rapiecage mean in French? " Patchwork".

Depending on your choices in Hakai-hen, Kamina and Euphemia il Britannia may be Not Quite Dead in Saisei-hen[]

So a lot of people on /m/ has been complaining about SRW Z2's linearity? Well I bet that Banepresto is preparing something big to happen for Saisei-hen. Given Kamina's popularity it is likely that he could be brought back for Part 2. The main reason that Kamina, Lockon and Euphemia died was because their deaths were needed for Character Development and story progression, so they can't just avoid their deaths in any game. But it can be argued, with the case of Gai from Nadisco that SR Ws can bring a character back to life in a plausible way AFTER Character Development that resulted from their deaths has taken place suppose the player fufils specific requirements for their survival. That way fans get their Fix Fic at the end and Character Development still flows properly with the "dead" characters that have caused the Character Development to happen emerge as Not Quite Dead when their revival can cause less damage to Character Development. Lockon on the other pretty much dead for real, given the existence of a second Lockon that will take his place. After all, there is a reason that the first part of Z2 is called World Breaking Chapter and the second part Reborn World Chapter.

  • Eh, he could come back in a Dynames a la TerminExia and get a combination attack with Lockon II. It would be awesome but probably not happen.
    • Well this IS SRW, and ""anything"" can happen...
  • Confirmed for the latter, but only if you hit specific requirements.

After Z3 is finished, there will be a "SRW All Stars" game for the PlayStation 3.[]

...Which will feature characters from the Alpha, Z, and NEO, as well as J, W and K. Also, the new additions in this teamup will have mechs from UFO Dai Apollon, Baratack, Gundam Unicorn, Gundam 00: Awakening of the Trailblazer, Brave ExKaiser, Might Gaine, J-Decker, Goldran, Dagwon, Dai Rugger XV, Albegas, Macross Dynamite 7, and more. Plus the SRW debut of Gundam BattleField Record 0081 and Brave Saint Baan Gaan (If Daiteioh dubuted in NEO, so can this one), and the return of Mechander Robo, Vision of Escaflowne and Ninja Senshi Tobikage. Not to mention online play with teamup online play too.

    • Who said that there will be a Z3?
      • When Z2 Saisen-hen is done, there would be one, although it'll take a long time.
    • Are you assuming that A Wakening is not going to be in Z3? Seems like a bit of a leap. It will probably be a long wait until Z3 is even out, so Unicorn might even be able to be thrown in there.

If the SRX team is put out of commission in future games it will be from radiation poisoning[]

  • Tronium is 10 times more radioactive than Uranium. So by chance it may happen even if the Engine is strong enough to resist damage, it still can leak radiation.
    • Unlikely: the only reason to shaft the SRX Team is so the R-Units can receive a major overhaul to compete with current mobile units. That being said, the SRX Project is barely finished yet, since the end result is the SRX Banpreios and due to less constraints with the story of Original Generation (unlike Alpha), the Altered upgrades to the R-Units may make an appearance (which didn't appear in Alpha).

Mobile Suit Gundam F91 and Crossbone Gundam will be added to Saisei-hen, to set up Victory Gundam in Z3.[]

Because we all know they are going to do something with Victory, and this would just increase the awesome factor because... it's Crossbone and Crossbone is awesome. Plus, neither has been in a SRW since the Alpha series and they are due for a revisit.

    • This Troper also expects ZZ to appear in Z3, or if we're lucky, Saisei-hen.
  • Jossed: neither appear in Saisei-hen.

Yuuki and Carla will receive the Suzaku and Genbu Chokijin in OG3.[]

  • We already have the RyuKoOh, representing Seiryuu and Byakko, piloted by Kusuha and Bullet. Wouldn't it be awesome if the rival machine was piloted by their rivals? They're Psychodrivers and were involved with the Chokijin events in OG 2 as well.
    • There's no reason to suggest Yuuki and Carla are Bullet and Kusuha's rivals anymore. Likewise, Yuuki and Carla's minor plot point back in Original Generation 2 with the Choukijin is rendered insignificant following the RyuKoOh's debut. However, the WMG about them gaining the BuJakuOh/JakuBuOh is what some players have been hoping for (though this theory isn't all that new; it's been suggested way back since Original Generation 2).
    • A little hard, consider that RyuKoOh Denki is now canon, and it's stated the JakuBuOh was absorbed by the RyuKoOh. There is still some chance if the Shin RyuKoOh can seperate, but that's a very slim chance.
      • New scans for Second Original Generation reveal the BuJakuOh/JakuBuOh, after all, though with entirely new pilots. Whether Yuuki/Carla get that chance to use them is still up in the air.

Calvina Coulange is the straight AU counterpart of Momoko Naito.[]

Their character designs are quite similar (I first noticed the resemblance upon seeing this picture). I figure that not finding love in high school led her to seek fulfillment elsewhere, so she joined the military and became an Ace Pilot.

The Jetzt will be back in the Second Original Generation... with the Youkijin.[]

In Gaiden, just before you defeat the Jetzt Regisseur, a convenient Ijin shows up and resonates with the Regisseur. What's better than one cosmic horror? Two cosmic horrors COMBINED!

Saisei-hen will include an optional scenario to prevent the death of Nena Trinity[]

And gives us the databook-only Arche Gundam Drei (which Regene Regetta failed to deliver thanks to Ribbons' interference) as the closest way to play as Ali's Arche Gundam. Aside of the existing data, Super Robot Wars is known for making what could be impossible be possible, like manning up Shinji Ikari. Nena is a popular character in Japan, so this could happen. Plus imagine what would be her joining scene like: A What the Hell, Hero? of epic proportions.

  • Agree that you should be able to save Nena, but getting Arche Drei sound little too good to be true. Not to mention that, gameplay-wise, Throne Drei with Liang's GN cannon should be more useful.
  • Alternately, we may get to save Anew Returner. Yeah, she wouldn't be playable until after Ribbons is dead, but she sure deserves a second chance more than Nena. And frankly, I'd take an addition battleship crew member over the Throne Drei or Arche Drei. The Arche Drei isn't actually a very good machine anyway. Yeah, the beam negation and fang jamming is nice, but it has no offense whatsoever. Seriously, 2 fangs and a beam saber? Maybe if it brought Throne Drei and Liangs weapons it would be good.
    • Jossed for saving Nena, but confirmed with Anew.

Regarding the new character from Masou Kishin 2 that pilot black cybuster[]

Blond Hair/yellow-ish hair, check. Bird based mech with black coloring ? check. Simmilar mecha to main character, only black ? check. He could be an Expy of Alan Igor from Dancougar

  • Note that his name is Eran/Elan Xenozakis. Eran/Elan sounds awfully similar to Alan.
  • Which also counts as a rather weird Hilarious in Hindsight: Masaki actually shouted "Yatte Yaruze!" in Alpha Gaiden. Now, he gets his own version of Alan.
  • The catch is they have different voice actor.
  • He could be the person that appeared in one of Asakim's Ley Buster picture. The one with the damaged Cybuster.

Selena Recital is not only a Shadow-Mirror agent, she's Lemon Browning Back From the Dead[]

Though this is likely only the case when Original Generation incorporates Alpha 3, let's see what we have. The Soleares is very much like a melee Weiss Saber (complete with attack drones and an "AS" designation), and it's upgraded in a way most Shadow-Mirror pilots tend to do it- with whatever useful-looking machinery is on hand. She appears and disappears very suddenly, and her allegiance is questionable at first. But why Lemon specifically? LOOK AT THE TWO. Same hair color, same eye color, same body figure. The only differences are Lemon's headband thing and Selena's eyes being more opened, which is hardly intensive cosmetic surgery. The personality shift can be explained based on Lemon dialogue with Excellen: she wanted to see what she was like in an Alternate Universe, and it turned out her AU counterpart was very playful and flirty. Selena is very playful and flirty as well. She switches sides so much because she feels like it, and she doesn't know which faction will take her deeper into the plot. She was revived using the same techniques she used to make Wodan from Sanger (and since she's a cyborg Artificial Human anyway, it can't be too difficult), and it's very likely she just uses Selena as a name after essentially becoming a W-Number. The Spanish is a little odd, but maybe it's similar to Lamia's Engrish/VerbalTic thing, and it might also explain why their voices are a little different (though it could easily just be because Selena is just more upbeat).

  • "Same body figure"? Unlikely, since Lemon, or Excellen for that matter, does not have an interstellar, gravity-defying rack. But above all, why bring Lemon back, when she was a "defective" Replacement Goldfish to begin with? This isn't the same as the above WMG of Ariel Org theorized to be Ouka Nagisa, resurrected as an Artificial Human: the connections aren't superficial, but based on hanging plot elements ( Ouka getting killed in an area littered with regenerating Machine Cells, for example).
    • They have about as much reason to resurrect Ouka as much as Lemon, in fact maybe less so considering Lemon's expertise in artificial humanoids. Considering the relative success of the W-Numbers, they may want the person responsible for them to make more, Replacement Goldfish or not. Besides, Selena's one massive hanging plot thread in general. Where did she go? What happens to her? All that's ever really told of her is that she wants revenge on Spectra. Besides, the only reason Excellen and Lemon don't have physics-bending chests is because they have somewhat modest outfits (if tight in Excellen's case and if you've seen The Inspector, Lemon isn't too bad off either. I highly doubt Selena's any bigger, and even if she is then being brought Back From the Dead justifies it anyway. Anything from "we estimate that's her relative figure since she was kinda damaged" to "hey Mark, I'll give you 20 bucks if you add on a cup size". And yes, I am turning breast size into a plot point.

At one point, Setsuna will don Zero's mask[]

And he will recite his famous line from other series "Zero! Ore no na ha Zero!".

Possible Sansei-hen Final scenario[]

Takes place right at the end of Gurren Lagann's story, everyone elses stories are done, forming an even stronger Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann to fight the Anti Spiral King, and beat him without sacrificing the Mech.... and then Gaioh shows up, declaring that the galaxy sized mecha is close enough to a god to be its opponent, forcing a final battle in Anti Spiral space, Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann vs Gaioh.

Asakim is Crowe[]

Come to think of it, Brasta and Shurouga really looks rather simmilar, in which Shurouga is more gold than white. It can be that the misfortune caused by the sphere doesnt get better, It Got Worse and Crowe is overloaded by the power that come from the misfortune without getting the enough number of fortune to balance it out, thus turns him into the twisted being that is Asakim. Not to mention Crow(e) is commonly associated with Death and Misfortune. Considering the fact that Crowe is a He-Man Woman Hater and what Asakim does with Setsuko (Sphere power aside) and Xine (Your Mileage May Vary)...

64 Originals will not appear in Any OG games[]

Think of it, who owns Super Robot Wars? Well Bandai Namco of course. And then, who owns the original units and characters from SRW 64 then? Nintendo owns it. Word of God says that Nintendo owns those characters and it'll be illegal for Bandai Namco to use them in a OG game. There goes the fan's dreams on seeing the Earthgain in OG 2nd, turned to dust due to licensing issues.

  • Word of God confirmed this ages ago regarding the 64 originals not appearing in Original Generation. As for whether Nintendo actually owns the characters, Word of God wasn't explicit about that, though that's unlikely the cause for them not appearing.

Xine was not killed by Asakim between games[]

Let's face facts: it's been heavily implied that Xine was the one who Asakim got the Truthful Goat and there are enough clues to help support that. However, CHIMERA and The Edel also come into consideration with this. The entire reason that CHIMERA warms up to ZEUTH in SRW Z is purely so they can gain access to the protagonist's Sphere and can make a copy of it. If one of their own was in possession of a Sphere then this convoluted plan would be wholly unnecessary and not to mention more dangerous, since what eventually gets the better of The Edel is getting absorbed in the original version of the Sphere of his copy because of a reaction between the two.

There is also Asakim's behavior in the original game as well, and his tendency to explain himself to some degree. Even in the Rand route, where he vehemently denies being involved with Setsuko, his body language while saying that undermines the claims. In short, he's pulling a reverse-Aim. No matter how much he's trying to bullshit everyone, he can't help but leave a clue behind. This would mean that the Truthful Goat was already in his possession and when he tells Xine to live freely, with an honest smile, he genuinely meant it because his involvement with her had reached its end.

As for why it takes Asakim so long to use the Truthful Goat when he's had it all this time? That's because he doesn't know how. It's not until Saisei-hen, when Asakim destroys a ZONE, that he figures that out by gaining some of the Black Knowledge.

Besides, when's the last time Banpresto killed a character off-screen like that? Ingram in the Alpha games?

When D's cast is introduced in 2nd O Gs, they may mention the string of events leading to the 1st DC War[]

Given that essentially are in the region, they will either mention or have heard of it; Or may even be on the same base where it occurred, if anything it may even be a contributing factor as to the Ruina's arrival. Felio unleashes the Ruina, Granzon's actions may have activated the gate to begin with.

Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger will appear in a Super Robot Wars game sometime in the future[]