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The Franchise in general[]

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Any time one of your favorite series gets included. In particular, the reception to Super Robot Wars Z 2 featuring the Super Robot Wars debut of Gurren Lagann was overwhelmingly positive.
  • Broken Base: Though the games helped flesh out the characterizations, there are some fans who didn't actually buy it due to their great dislike to them.
  • Demonic SpidersGhost X-9s in Alpha and the Katana clones in Endless Frontier
  • Ensemble Darkhorse (Sanger Zonvolt began as a sympathetic enemy and late-joining Sixth Ranger type in Alpha Gaiden, but was so popular among fans of the game he was brought back as a major character for Original Generation, as the main character for Alpha 2 and has a prominent role in Alpha 3, then representing main timeline SRW OG in Project X Zone. Being one of, if not, THE biggest badass in the Banpresto multiverse helps)
  • Game Breaker (See entries here).
  • Goddamned Bats (Barrelions from Original Generation, nearly all mooks in Destiny)
  • Harsher in Hindsight: In 30, fans rejoice that both chaste mechaphiles, Ryusei Date and Ernesti "Ernie" Echevalier (a character from Knights and Magic), have finally met each other in the game for the first time. Though, unlike Ryusei who's fixated with robots instead of being into women in the WHOLE franchise, Ernie (at least his original novel counterpart rather than the Anime's) has lost his relatable chaste mechaphile status after the 9th volume of The light novel, where he marries Adeltrud "Ady" Walter.
  • Ho Yay: Sanger Sombold and Rätsel Feinschmecker, two masculine Heterosexual Life Partners, is known for one thing; their mechs, DyGenGuar and Aussenseiter's horse mode rode each other in battle for an epic finisher.
  • Memetic Mutation (Trombe over-* * )
    • A scene in the final episode of Divine Wars about the characters' WTF reaction on Lefina in a Playboy Bunny outfit is also becoming a meme on its own, usually having them get surprised on WTF scenes in other media...or even getting recursive by reacting to the reaction panels of its "Gaijin 4koma" predecessor.
  • No Yay: In spite of the Ship Teases between Ryusei and Latooni/Mai, it's better off to have the former on being a massive chaste mechapile to keep him completely relatable with the audience who shares the same mindset as him.

The Merchandise[]

Model Kits (Kotobukiya's S.R.G-S, Bandai's High Grade, etc)[]

  • Replacement Scrappy: While sharing similar extensive articulation with a few additions compared to S.R.G.-S' "Ver. Progressive" release, the High Grade Alteisen somehow gets this reaction given its lack of color-coded separation on some areas such as the skirt armor, the Vernier on the stomach area, and the white stripes on the upper armor area. Not helped by the fact that both the "Ver. Progressive" S.R.G.-S and the High Grade largely sharing the same price point.
  • Tainted by the Preview: While this strategy was nothing new since it still sells, Some of the recent PVC figurines of the female SRW characters, such as the exclusive Schatte Südwesten swimsuit figurine (with a rather suggestive melted ice cream between her...assets), is the reason why some or half of the fans would rather be a chaste mechaphile instead.