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Here. Super Robot Wars in RP form. All the characters are members of the Galaxy Defense Force and fighting to protect the Earth from all of the original series' enemies. Unique among Livejournal games in that a significant portion of the gameplay was in AIM Chat-based "missions" - between 1 and 3 per week; this feature was kept for the offshoot mecha_dressing and the planned Spiritual Successor Super Robot Wars Unlimited Generation Alpha. In addition to every trope ever from the series represented...
Tropes used in Super Robot Wars Unlimited Generation include:
- Aborted Arc - Occurred from time to time when certain people had to duck out of the roleplay for various reasons, leaving a character arc or even a series hanging.
- Also an example of Real Life Writes the Plot.
- Ace Custom - Regularly happened with characters getting new upgrades for their machines post-series (or sometimes just late in their story), such as Duo's Deathscythe Spirit, Axel's Soulgain Mugen, and Patrick's Dynames Tau accompanied by a number of automated grunts.
- Adaptation Expansion and Ascended Extra- Bound to happen due to not having everyone from every show. Prominent examples of people having a bigger role than they did originally include Sochie Heim, Signum, and Anew Returner.
- Also applied to mecha, with the game's willingness to use obscure units, MSVs (especially from SEED), and units that haven't actually appeared yet in the canons the game supposedly uses, like Banpreios, Laevatein, and Shin RyuKoOh.
- Actor Allusion - A common subject of jokes. Also Talking to Himself.
- Occasionally, in memes and OOC chat, OCs alluded to their own PBs; for example, Julius suddenly and inexplicably displaying a fear of women, or Mila responding to "Setsuna" by mistake.
- Almighty Janitor - Axel Almer (silly version) is the base's janitor, despite being one of the more powerful fighters both in and out of his mech.
- Alternate Universe
- Anime Theme Song - Yes. It has its own opening.
- Apocalypse How - Due to the various canons involved, the GDF had to deal with averting everything between Class 0 and Class X.
- Ascended Meme - *bans Deus*, Deus being a former player, became Memetic Mutation after many shenanigans in the OoC chat. Then, when the final battle on the Silentium homeworld came around, the heroes discovered that the final boss was a machine named the Deus Imperator. How was it destroyed? By Simon combining Gurren-Lagann with Megas XLR and GaoGaiGar...then crushing it into light using a drill-augmented Goldion Crusher. In other words? The GDF dropped the banhammer on Deus.
- And it gets better: THIS WAS NOT PLANNED.
- Authority Equals Asskicking - Gilbert Durandal showed this in freaking spades in the the Destiny finale, using a Gundam from a CE fanfiction to beat the likes of Kira, Shinn, Luna, Cagalli, Alto, Lamia, and Shiro left and right and coming close to beating them single-handedly.
- Badass Army
- Back for the Dead - Kittan missed out on the final Gurren Lagann missions. That didn't stop him from showing up in the Grand Finale and outdoing his canon death.
- Battle Couple (Besides the reinforcements, the Dual finale was staffed entirely with these. Fitting.)
- Beach Episode - The mission Beach Rescue Operation.
- Better to Die Than Be Killed - This is Hauwsr's ultimate fate. Rather than face death by Janus and Saturnus's hands because of causality reversal, Hauwsr causes the Black Hole Engine to self-destruct.
- Big Bad - Silentium.
- Bigger Bad - Admittedly a silly variant, but the Nazis. Frequently (especially when involved with the Hildebrand canon), the term "Then the Nazis win" is a catch-all term for what would happen if something didn't go as it was predicted. Even Saturnus and Janus have noted their sheer omnipresence in different realities.
- Big Bad Wannabe - In the Gundam 00 finale, Ribbons. Yes he was a threat in the Reborns, but the focus of the final mission was Setsuna having a clash of ideals with Kira Yamato and dueling him instead. In the end, Ribbons was taken down by Patrick using a barely functioning Ahead.
- Big Damn Heroes - Many instances, but especially Hauwsr during TERMINUS.
- Which was followed up by a Gunship Rescue by the Neo Argama, Battle 7, the Gargantua, the Nadesico, the Asura, AND the Kurogane all opening fire on Totus Mundi. It kept fighting.
- Blind Idiot Translation: Riki's farewell speech. Played for laughs.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall - Pretty much every Disgaea mission ever, though especially so in A Netherworld Encore: Evening of Darkness, in which Laharl distracted the mod (Li-Chi) running the mission by mail-ordering her a model of the GP-02. Another mod (TK) had to finish the mission.
- Li-Chi 'accidentally' apologized in the IC chat before 'realizing' she said it in the wrong chat.
- During Braves! Death At Dawn!, not only did the GaoGaiGar narrator talk up the GGG's last resort, 'the miracle machine, Projectile X,' but in addition Axel responded with "I like what that mysterious voice was saying. Let's trust it."
- Break the Game Breaker - It's become somewhat of a running gag that the 00-Raiser, one of the strongest mobile suits at the disposal of the GDF, is constantly being totaled on missions.
- The Cathedral Terra also had to be sealed inside a pocket dimension to keep it from succumbing to the laws of physics.
- And let's not forget the Soulgain. It gets trashed on just about every single mission Axel sorties in. But thanks to its regenerative abilities, it's usually good to go again by the next mission.
- Brick Joke - When Masaki was dropped, the excuse used was that he had gotten lost on his way to pick up a pizza. Two and a half years later, he returns... and still has the pizza with him.
- In a conversation they had following their duel, one of the things Cagalli mentions to Shinn is that he should be glad she's not charging him for the Akatsuki's repairs, referring to a running gag from more than half a year ago where Shinn would have to pay for the repairs the Strike Gundam (technically Orb property at that point) out of his own pocket.
- Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu - The fate of Loran at the end of Turn a Gundam's finale, wherein he lost the use of his legs. Loran's handler was planning on dropping him and wanted a decent in-game explanation for Loran leaving.
- Broad Strokes - Lamia and Axel's canon incorporates a mix of both the plot from Super Robot Wars Advance and Super Robot Wars Original Generation.
- Brought Down to Normal - The eventual fate of Laharl, who attempted to hack the game to the point of being omnipotent, but in the end dropped his level down to a measly 3. More than enough for Prinnies to take him in a fight.
- Came Back Wrong - Saturnus and Janus in the finale due to manipulation of Claustrum and Discordia's powers. Justified because, if they came back right, they would have no reason to fight against the GDF.
- Captain Smooth and Sergeant Rough - Bright and Hauwsr.
- Cherry Tapping - Patrick Colasour kills Ribbons Almark with the useless vulcan cannons of a mook robot that had all of its limbs blown off. Seriously, this actually happened.
- The Chessmaster - Your mileage may vary whether the big bad of Goblin, Norton, is actually a chessmaster, but he wants to be one so bad that he actually made chess piece-themed robots. These ChessBots moved and attacked like actual chess pieces.
- Christmas Episode - Complete with a Grinch as the enemy. In fact, the GDF attempts to use Christmas spirit on him, only to have it backfire!
- A second one happened, and it was awesome. But the best part was the ending: A mass team attack based off the lyrics to The Twelve Days of Christmas, topped off by Santa himself dealing the finishing blow via Colony Drop WITH A GIANT PEAR TREE.
- Cluster F-Bomb - Hauwsr: whenever something goes terribly wrong or just gets on his nerves, a steady stream of cursing can be heard from his office.
- Combining Mecha - Gurren-Lagann and GaoGaiGar, for starters.
- And having Gurren-Lagann opens up infinite possibilities. Like the time it combined with the Eternal.
- Creepy Doll - Emily, according to Asuka. No one was surprised.
- Defrosting Ice Queen - Shiro H's character arc starts as a Gender Flip of this. ...Basically. ...Plus occasional bouts of insanity, taking the Enemy Without in as a Split Personality, and lots of model robots.
- Demoted to Extra - Inverted with Auel in contrast to his treatment in Super Robot Wars K and Super Robot Wars L and then taken a little bit further. Whereas in those games, he's only around for cutscenes (if even that!), he's managed to survive for quite a while, even outliving Stella.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu? - The final boss of Hildebrandsleid was a Lovecraftian horror from beyond the cosmos; its name was Msspld Cthulu (Misspelled Cthulhu).
- Dying Moment of Awesome - Hauwsr yet again.
- Dynamic Entry - Happens all the time.
- Early-Bird Cameo - Prior to showing up once again to serve as a boss for an upcoming Gundam SEED Destiny mission, Cagalli stumbles into the Dual finale with the Akatsuki.
- Everyone Can See It - Just about every pairing in the game starts as this, canon and otherwise. They tend to stay that way for long periods of time.
- Everything Trying to Kill You - This tends to happen when you have over a dozen enemy factions all running around at once.
- Expy - Often referenced as strange coincidences, much like the Actor Allusions.
- Char Clone - Repeatedly lampshaded by the man himself.
- First Church of Mecha - Played with, then inverted by Livejournal Original Chanda. Her mecha is at first believe to be Kalki, the 10th and final avatar of Vishnu, but eventually it turns out that Chanda is the Avatar. Her mecha is Devadatta, Kalki's White Horse.
- For Want of a Nail - The Gundam SEED Destiny plot was derailed well before the canon actually started due to Shinn Falling Into the Cockpit of the Strike (due to not having Mu) during Blue Cosmos's attack on Orb. As a result, most of his issues with Kira were out in the open and patched up rather quickly.
- Four Is Death - There are four Imperati: Claustrum, Discordia, Janus, and Saturnus.
- Four-Star Badass - Hauwsr.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man! - Has happened quite a few times, but as Bright is an NPC, he wasn't responsible. The most famous instance was Simon slugging Shinji Ikari in the face for trying to fight alone.
- Godwin's Law of Time Travel - Frequently, the time traveling organization GAF (Galaxy Attack Force) answers questions about why they do or do not do various things with the explanation, "Because then the Nazis win."
- Going Down with the Ship - Carrie, Ray's Capulet Counterpart. Her Redemption Equals Death was justified in OOC chat by the statement that she'd gone too far to pull a believable Heel Face Turn.
- Gondor Calls for Aid - the Grand Finale pulls out all the stops, complete with Ginga, Erio, and Caro, Rozalin and Adell, the Protodeviln, Shu, Lune, and the Divine Crusaders, Leonard Testarossa, Rika, Takato, Henry and Jeri of the Digimon Tamers, and even the previously unseen Inspectors showing up to lend a hand.
- Grand Finale - besides epic dedicated missions for the conclusion of individual plots, there was the two-part climax of the RPG - SILENTIUM and EARTH, the latter of which was the largest mission (by line count) in the whole game by almost 50%.
- Gratuitous Latin - Silentium, full stop. Individual Original canons also gave us Gratuitous Hebrew and Surprisingly Good Sanskrit.
- Guest Star Party Member- During the Gurren Lagann finale, Ryouma Nagare returned with the Tengen Toppa Getter Emperor.
- During the Disgaea post-finale mission, Chidori Kaname showed up mainly to translate Bonta-kun's words for everyone while complaining that Sousuke had all the time in the world to fix that defect.
- Heel Face Turn - Aside from all the canon ones, the vengeful Silentium soldier Anguis eventually decided to stop being a Jerkass and help the Earthlings overthrow his government.
- Heel Face Revolving Door - The Chars Counterattack canon put a surprising number of people through one, particularly Ennil, Julius, and Char.
- Hero of Another Story - The usual in-game excuse for when a character is dropped prior to the conclusion of their plot is that they were transferred to a different GDF base, where presumably their stories continue on.
- Huge Holographic Head - Subverted in Hildebrandsleid. Boss Head, the leader of GAF, appears to be huge, floating, disembodied, half transparent blue head wearing Indiana Jones' hat and a clown nose. You can squeeze the nose. It honks.
- Humongous Mecha
- Interestingly enough, not every series represented is a mecha anime/video game. Notable exceptions include Digimon Tamers, Disgaea, and Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. The first two were allowed because of the game's need for players when it first opened, the last because... really, who can say Nanoha isn't /m/?
- Indy Ploy - Happens a LOT.
- Katanas Are Just Better - During the Turn a Gundam finale, the sword fight with Gym Ghingham got extra focus when Gym threw out a sword for every combatant on the field to use. Lockon tries shooting him with a pistol, but "Oh my god, the man is like a bear." Gym just takes the bullets and keeps going. Lockon decides he needs to learn how to use a sword, and fast.
- Prof's OOC comment about this moment is rather amusing. It was something to the effect of, "I like how this scene means that in UG, at some point Gym Ghingham looked at his cockpit and thought 'This cockpit needs something ... I know! SWORDS.' " The best part is, Gym Ghingham is crazy enough for this to not be hard to imagine.
- Killed Off for Real - Out of player characters, there was Neil Dylandy, Captain Daitetsu, Emma Sheen, Connor O'Tormey, Char Aznable, and Kittan Bachika.
- Large Ham - Hauwsr.
- Lethal Chef - Shiro with anything not an apple-based dessert confection. As it turns out, though, this is entirely intentional on his part.
- Jamil and Kusuha made inedibly bad "health cookies" and shared them around the base. For extra irony, the one person well-known for liking disgusting food (she not only ate Shiro's non-apple cuisine, she combined it to make it worse) got one of the only good cookies, with similar results to the rest of the base.
- During the April Fools Day mission I Hunger, the Earth was attacked by Unicron, Galactus, and Sinistar. They considered the option of feeding them Nia's cookies.
- Let's Play - Yes, there is an LP treating this like a video game. Started by Prof (mod, plays Sousuke Sagara, Patrick Colasour, Klan Klang, and Sho Musashi), and continued by Chris (plays Simon, Domon Kasshu, Tetsuya Onodera, Kamille Bidan, Garrod Ran, and Athrun Zala).
- Made of Explodium - The game continuously lampshades this, narration giving such crafts the nickname "made of SEED Battleshiptonium".
- Made of Indestructium - When Ryuusei became a Zonder, it was formed of mecha models and old video game consoles, including Game Boys, Super NES', NES', and one Virtual Boy. Good ol' nintendium.
- Mecha Kitchen Sink - Even if we just include the original canons, we have two groups of aliens with entirely different MOS, multiple mercenary organizations, creatures from Hindu mythology, and then there's everything dealing with Hildebrand.
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover - Par of the course, this being Super Robot Wars. However, the finale takes it to the next level, with the Silentium fleet of enslaved thralls including units of the Reavers, Protoss, Orkz, the Iron Tribe and various assorted Star Control 2 races. Not to mention evil duplicates of Gunbuster, Aquarion and Mazinkaiser.
- Mega Manning - Julius stole and copied some Silentium super-beam-saber tech. This actually wound up turning against the people using the copies, since the Final Boss knew how to just...turn them off. In a straighter example, Asuka also held onto the copy-Lance of Longinus that her Eva got stabbed with and used it until the end of the game.
- Mood Whiplash - Several missions due to putting silly and serious canons together in the same mission. One of the best examples is Lionheart, which took the early episode of Nanoha where a kitten finds a Jewel Seed and becomes a Mega Neko and replaced the kitten with Calumon. Then the actual plot of the Tamers episode it was named for kicks in...
- Name's the Same - Shiro Hawthorne, one of the original characters, just so happens to have a mother with the name Dahlia.
- Noodle Incident - Subverted with the infamous Cake Incident involving Mid-Boss. Although those present don't like talking about it, the events of said incident are archived and occurred "onscreen", so to speak.
- No One Could Survive That - Shiro Amada and Kira Yamato are the reigning champions of this. Any time they end up MIA, the other characters take bets on when they'll return.
- Shiro Amada died so many times that during the Bangai-O finale Mrs. M summoned 'the spirit of your fallen comrade Shiro Amada' to give them advice. Everyone was very confused, except Riki. "Oh, no! Shiro! I'll never forget you! I knew the alcohol would be your downfall!"
- On the other hand X doesn't survive "that" and still finds ways to return.
- No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup - Averted with the Destiny Gundam. Even though Kira and Athrun stole it from ZAFT, Heine used the one meant for him during the finale and Durandal used a machine meant to beat the Destiny at its own game.
- Non-Player Character - Excluding enemies, the game has General Hauwsr, Bright Noa, Gendo Ikari, and Lordgenome. It used to also have Ingram Prisken and Lee Linjun, but both have since pulled Face Heel Turns.
- Oh Crap - Silentium's first appearance.
- "Humanity has achieved Spiral Danger Level Three."
- Near the end of the recent Earth Cradle mission, things were looking good. The only guy left to worry about was Archibald in a fairly basic Ashsaber while everyone else, though worn out, would have plenty of strength to beat him. And then Grahf had to give him The Power.
- Really, this goes for ANY time that Grahf has given someone the power. This also occurred with Michelo Chariot, Beelzemon, and, as noted below, Quatre in Wing Zero.
- The Zeta Gundam finale pulled two, one right after the other. First, the Jupitris launched four Psyco Gundams. Then, after a brief speech from Mineva, the Gwanban responded — with FOUR BIG ZAMS. Once the Big Zam is mass-produced, indeed.
- Which is oddly heartwarming when you remember that the Big Zam was Mineva's dad's pet project.
- And one for the players, too! In the first phase of TERMINUS, Janus and Saturnus fused their equipment and abilities to form Totus Mundi. And thanks to their powers to bend time and space, the initiative — which is normally given for players — consisted entirely of turns for Totus Mundi.
- One Steve Limit - Certainly not followed. The game had three or four Shiros, for one.
- Original Generation - Besides the Banpresto originals, a collection of original characters with their own canons were developed for the roleplay.
- Plot Armor - Arguably everyone, ESPECIALLY bosses.
- Subverted by Hildebrand, whose nigh invincibility was due to being part of a Stable Time Loop. The universe just wouldn't let the thing break until it was supposed to. Hildebrand Kaiser was basically Made of Indestructium.
- Reality Warper - the Imperati and the Silentium High Council are basically this. Individual Imperati are tough enough when limited to only being able to warp one of matter, energy, time, or space. Then, they start combining...
- Real Robot
- Reasonable Authority Figure - Generally every NPC whose name isn't Gendo Ikari or Lee Linjun.
- Redemption Equals Death - After being captured after his attempt to drop Axis on the Earth, Char sorties one final time in ESCALATION, only to be killed a ways into the battle.
- Revenge Before Reason - Anguis. He wants to inflict as much pain upon Bullet as possible for killing his lover to the point that he focuses exclusively on him. He can afford to, though — his mech is tough.
- To put this in perspective: It had a Lambda Driver that overpowered the Arbalest's, and it withstood a team attack made by the Raikou Kai, the Grungust Type-3, the Impulse, and Burning Gundam.
- Rotating Protagonist - Lots of canons. Lots of main characters.
- Rouge Angles of Satin - Happens occasionally during mission descriptions, including the infamous line "The shit (meant to be shot) pierces-"
- Rule of Cool - the FAQ states "In accordance with the strict rules of SRW continuity, you are only allowed to diverge from canon if it is totally awesome."
- Rule of Drama - Averted. More than a few missions will feature a serious plot event and a more humorous one (usually Disgaea) at the same time.
- Screw Destiny - The general state of mind of the GDF; but when you have so many Super Robot series, it's not surprising.
- However, the most recent (and to date, most triumphant) example in the RP belongs to none other than Shinji fucking Ikari. Not only did he completely reject Instrumentality, he broke Eva's laws of physics to save Rei from death. All because he simply cared about her so much that he didn't give a damn what limits were in his way, literally including fate itself.
- In a more literal sense, what they're doing to Destiny itself.
- Happened once again in EARTH, with two people. First, Saturnus used his causality reversal to declare that the Twin Satellite Cannon would be used against them, and Janus threw up a shield. Garrod decided to cheat destiny instead — by using Requiem's relay stations to redirect both the microwave beam and the Twin Satellite Cannon's shot.
- The second time, though, was to determine that their shield would hold. Needless to say, it didn't. It was pierced by Kittan's Dying Moment of Awesome.
- Settled for Gay - Alex married Julius so he could do her taxes for her.
- Ship Tease - The aforementioned Katina/Viral Crack Pairing counts, but the main source of ship tease has actually been Duo Maxwell. He's been teased with Kaname Chidori and Asuka Langley Soryu, but OOCly, everyone knows nothing would ever come of those due to having their own love interests in the game. Given the kind of girls those two are, the jury is out on whether he has awful luck or he's getting off easy.
- Shout-Out - if it's a mecha series and not actually in the game, someone has probably referenced it. Witness Shinji's predilection for Inazuma Kicks or Shiro's anything ever. Hell, even stuff that HAS been actually in the game gets randomly referenced - Asuka tends to use Getter Robo OVA moves when powered up by the plot.
- Sinister Geometry - Silentium, obviously. Their Fan Nickname is "GEOMETRY".
- Student and Master Team - Asuka and Ryouma.
- Super Robot
- Super Robot Wars
- Sure Why Not - More than a few plot twists or deviations from the canons end up being thought-up on the fly during a mission. The most notable was Setsuna being shot down during the Memento Mori mission and being captured by Ali and Ribbons.
- Actually, while a lot of things in missions do follow this trope, the above-listed 'most notable' example was entirely preplanned. But one of many legitimate examples would be ...
- Ennil summoning the Vaisaga during the Wayward Signet finale.
- "Asuka moves over to Projectile X and sees if the G-Stone power is compatible with Evangelions." "THE POWER OF COURAGE AIDS ALL."
- Tasuku and Teppei figuring out a way to get the self-destructing Kunrun away from the Hagane (which was replacing the Libertad at the time) without having to come onboard. How did they do this? Pulling the ship out of the way. End result: one dislocated arm, one Vivian Medlock spared from her canon death, and complete victory.
- Then there was that time Axel kicked a door and it exploded.
- The Ghost - Amuro Ray, and in fact the first Zeon conflict (aside from the events of Mobile Suit Gundam The 08th MS Team), were not shown on-screen and resolved at some point during the Time Skip. In spite of that, when he does show up, Amuro is still recognized by everyone present as a living legend.
- The Other Darrin - Sometimes someone will pick up a character after someone dropped them.
- Theme Music Power-Up - See Crowning Music of Awesome.
- Time Skip - at the end of the first "season" after the EDF base was destroyed.
- Token Minority - Parodied in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers-based April Fools' joke mission, where Touji and Mila are drafted into the makeshift team and given robots for no other reason than that they were disabled. (The mysterious being in charge insisted upon following the formula of children's shows from The Nineties.)
- Took a Level In Badass - Certain characters undergo this as a result of the way the game is set up. The two best examples? Shinji Ikari and Jeri Kato.
- Took a Level In Jerkass - Inverted to a degree with grouchier characters, but most noticeable with Shinn Asuka.
- Transforming Mecha
- Transparent Closet - Rather shamelessly for some characters, most notably Subaru and Teana.
- Up to Eleven- Both the IC mentality of the GDF, and even extends OoCly to missions. Consider: the mods managed to make End of Evangelion even weirder.
- And then they gave the Anti-Spiral even more powers. And this was before the final battle.
- And then the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann finale itself. It managed to be EVEN MORE EPIC THAN LAGANN-HEN.
- And THEN came the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann bonus mission, which managed to MATCH the finale in terms of awesome. How it was done: Simon vs. Captain GARlock.
- Uptown Girl - Teppei/Sara, though the latter's more of a Fallen Princess... and then we find out that Teppei didn't even find out Sara was rich until the epilogue, because she never thought it was important enough to mention. Awkward.
- Village Bicycle - A literal case of this. Certain machines were borrowed or used by people who never did use them in the original canon, if they were even around at all. This has happened to the Strike and Aegis, Gurren, Wing Gundam, and the 0-Raiser, GN-Arms, and Gundam Dynames, among other examples.
- Averted, however, with the Gundam Mk-II and Shining Gundam. The former was just never used between Kamille's Mid-Season Upgrade and Emma's arrival, and the latter can only be used by select individuals because of its control scheme.
- Weddings for Everyone/Babies Ever After - almost every single living GDF member with a love interest, canon or game-canon, in the epilogue.
- Welcome Back, Traitor - A Super Robot Wars tradition! It worked out better for some characters than others, though...
- What Could Have Been - Original Character Mila, an engineer with no actual canon events of her own, was actually a supporting character in a canon thought up by RPer Jisu, and included in the RP rather than the main protagonist simply because of the abundance in original canons already. What's more, she wasn't even taken from her own route, but from Ruby Blue, where she had the least significance to the plot.
- Wham! Episode - many, but none more so than Mission 67 - ENCOUNTER.
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs? - Hildebrandsleid was made of this. Hildebrand was a Weirdness Magnet; the things that tried to steal it include a sporting and gentlemanly swordfighting Godzilla, origami dinosaurs with 'laminate' armor, a giant laser-shooting, card-game-playing pyramid, and a fire-breathing totem pole held in the mouth of a tiger shark held up by a bear standing on a bouncy ball resting on the back of an elephant that was riding a tricycle.
- And then for the finale they fought Cthulhu. Oh, I'm sorry. Msplld Cthulu.
- Where Are They Now? Epilogue - here.
- White and Grey Morality - What the recent Orb mission mainly consisted of. Aside from a small Blue Cosmos detachment, everyone involved (the GDF and even the A-LAWS and ZAFT) were justified in trying to stop him. It's just that Cagalli was there in the Akatsuki, wanting to drive them off so Orb could solve its own problems.
- Worthy Opponent - Saturnus and Janus skirt the line between this and Friendly Enemy, being fairly good sports and choosing to retreat when the GDF's managed to beat them (in spite of the difficulty).
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle - Players were led to believe that the penultimate Maha Avatara Kalki mission was that canon's finale. The plot twist wouldn't have worked nearly as well without the OOC statement.
- In the Gundam SEED Destiny finale, even after defeating Rey and Durandal, the group became divided over what to do with the Requiem superlaser. Said argument went on for a good while after that only ended when Kira rigged the Requiem to explode.