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Audi famam illius. (Hear the fame of that one!)

Solus in hostes ruit (Alone he rushed into his enemies)

et patriam servavit. (and saved his country.)

Audi famam illius. (Hear the fame of that one!)

Cucurrit quaeque (He ran,)

tetigit destruens. (destroying everything he touched.)

Audi famam illius. (Hear the fame of that one!)

Audi famam illius. (Hear the fame of that one!)

Spes omnibus, (Hope to everyone,)

mihi quoque. (also to me.)

Terror omnibus, mihi quoque. (Fear to everyone, also to me.)

Ille (That one)

iuxta me. (is near to me.)

Ille iuxta me. (That one is near to me!)

Socii sunt mihi. (They are allies to me,)

qui olim viri fortes rivalesque erant. (Those who were once strong men and rivals.)

Saeve certando pugnandoque (And by contesting and by fighting fiercely)

splendor crescit. (Surely our splendor grows.)

In addition to its own music, the Super Smash Bros. series has a habit of taking older music tracks and making them awesome, whether they already were or not. The entirety of Brawl's soundtrack alone could count considering it featured the largest number of videogame composers to work together on a single game.

Note: If the music is unchanged from its original game, then put it in its relevant section of Crowning Music of Awesome, not here.


Animal Crossing[]

  • Go K.K. Rider! is high on many a player's favorites list.
  • The 2:00 AM remix in Brawl is a neat rock/pop remake of what was originally a very low-key, mellow jazzy piece.
  • Even if not very fit for fighting, the double remix of Tom Nook's Store and Town Hall is so catchy enough to make you come back to listening it. And if you don't, you're gonna whistle it on forever.
  • The Roost/Brewster's Roost is a beatiful arrangement of the original which sounds like from a romantic movie.
  • Title (Animal Crossing: Wild World) rains gentle chills of nostalgia down to your spine, reminding you of those times of playing Animal Crossing on DS so addictively. Sucha cheerful tune.
    • And for more dedicated Animal Crossing-players, the composers hid in some recognisable tunes from the series in the tune:
      • Blather's Museum-Theme can be heard (topped with clock sounds)
      • There are throwbacks to 3pm-4pm's and 6am-7am's-tunes (which would play each corresponding to the real-life clock in your DS.)
      • And most of all, the Loan Paid Off-jingle is also included, just for the hard workers who spend their months (or maybe days) paying their loan for Nook in order to get a bigger house. How dedicated!

Donkey Kong Country (more)

Fire Emblem (more)


Kid Icarus[]

Kirby (more)

The Legend of Zelda (more)

Metal Gear (more)

Metroid (more)

Mother/Earthbound/Mother 3 (more)

Pokémon (more)

Sonic the Hedgehog (more)

  • The Angel Island Zone Remix. Such a pity that it was the only Sonic song that got a remix for Brawl...
    • The instrumental version of His World is nice to listen to while fighting, mainly since there aren't any distracting vocals to put you off.

Star Fox (more)

  • First off, they have both Main Themes from the SNES and N64 games.
  • Corneria has always been a fan favourite, though it took until Brawl to get a remix of it.
  • And of course, Star Wolf.
  • Area 6

Super Mario Bros. [6] (more)

Wario Ware[]

Yoshi's Island/Yoshi's Story (more)




  1. The version uploaded by SilvaGunner before his account deactivation had over 1 million views, to put the song's awesomeness in perspective.
  2. Medley consisting of the following Red and Blue tracks: Route 1/Route 2 music and Viridian City/Pewter City music.
  3. Medley consisting of the following Diamond/Pearl/Platinum tracks: Dialga/Palkia battle theme, mixed in with the background music from Spear Pillar itself.
  4. The track containing Gold/Silver/Crystal's Wild Pokémon battle music is actually a medley of the following Generation II tracks: Wild Pokémon battle theme, Gym Leader battle theme, and Champion battle theme.
  5. The track containing Red/Blue/Green/Yellow's Wild Pokémon battle music is actually a medley of the following Generation I tracks: Pokémon Trainer battle theme, Gym Leader/Elite 4 battle theme, and Wild Pokémon battle theme.
  6. And Dr. Mario, Mario Kart and Luigi's Mansion
  7. being medley of title theme (at the beginning), main theme (in two segments, another coming after instruction theme) and the cooking/recipe instructions theme at the middle where the character talks