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- In "The Fear", Jonathan Crane--the Scarecrow's true identity--is "helping" Commissioner Gordon and the Super Powers Teams (the episode was part of the The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians era) capturing his alter ego ala Hannibal Lecter prior to the events of Red Dragon. However, the Scarecrow was also a member of the Legion of Doom during Challenge of the Superfriends and hence the few times the Legion of Doom stayed captured, the Super Friends and the police should've learned his identity prior to the episode.
- 1973-74 episode "The Androids".
- How did Dr. Rebos' androids infiltrate the first space mission as astronauts? What happened to the original astronauts who were supposed to be on the flight? Did the android astronauts (or some other androids) kidnap them? Nothing was mentioned about them after the crash.
- Dr. Rebos and his assistant Loco disguised themselves as reporters and their truck as a van for Bow Wow magazine, then drove to the Cape Courageous base. They meet Wonder Dog and take several pictures of him (so they can make an android...er, canoid duplicate of him). They then give him a award for being "Dog of the Year". There's just one problem: the only reason Wonder Dog was outside the base is that he forgot his Top Secret pass and wasn't allowed inside. How exactly did Dr. Rebos know in advance that this would happen and Wonder Dog would be available?
- 1973-74 episode "The Fantastic FRERPS". The G.R.E.P.S. company know from previous experience that when their shipments are hijacked the drivers are given a receipt signed "Roy La Post". Why don't they tell them that if they receive such a receipt, they're to immediately call in that they've been robbed and try to catch the robbers? When it happened in an early scene, the people didn't even bother to look at the receipt to see who signed it!