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Characters who have, at one point in their careers, have been called Supergirl, a supporting character in the Superman mythos.
Supergirl (Pre-Crisis) (Linda Lee Danvers / Kara Zor-El)[]
Superman's younger cousin, Kara Zor-El survived the destruction of Krypton thanks to her father, Zor-El, putting a protective dome around Argo City that sent it hurtling into space. However, the citizens of Argo were quickly dying from kryptonite poisoning, so before they died, Zor-El and his wife Alura placed their daughter in a spaceship and sent her to Earth where she could flourish under Superman's guidance.
At first acting as Superman's "secret weapon" while she developed her powers in secret under the assumed name of Linda Lee Danvers, Supergirl eventually burst onto the superhero scent as the Maid of Might. She had a long and illustrious career fighting evil--she became best friends with fellow superheroine Batgirl I (Barbara), became a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes (and struck up a romance with Brainiac 5), and even saved her parents from the past and helped them found New Krypton on the distant planet of Rokyn. She gained her own sidekicks in the form of Streaky the Super-Cat and Comet the Super-Horse.
In the end, Kara died a hero. When the Anti-Monitor attempted to destroy The Multiverse, she sacrificed her own life so that her cousin might live. In so doing, however, she severely set back the Anti-Monitor's plans, making victory possible for the heroes of the surviving Earths. The greatest tragedy of all, however, was that with the destruction of the Multiverse and changes to the timestream, Kara was erased from history, and no one at all remembered her heroic life and death.
- The Chick
- Distaff Counterpart
- Break the Cutie
- Interspecies Romance: With Brainiac 5.
- And almost with Comet the Super-Horse. To be fair, he WAS human at the time...
- Magic Skirt
- Naive Newcomer
- Heroic Sacrifice
- The Pollyanna
- Secret Identity: Linda Lee Danvers.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
Supergirl I (Matrix)[]
A purple shape-shifting creature from a Pocket Dimension, she was created by that universe's Lex Luthor and patterned after the New Earth Superman. When that universe was attacked by Phantom Zone escapees that she was no match for, Pocket Universe Lex sent Matrix to recruit New Earth Superman, but was too late to save the universe. Matrix was later taken in by Superman to be raised by Supes' adoptive parents and eventually became the first Post-Crisis Supergirl. She later accidentally fused with Linda Danvers below, and made her the next Supergirl.
- Artificial Human
- Shape Shifter
- Flying Brick: Even more so than Superman.
- Foe Yay: With Lex.
- Naive Newcomer: So naive she shacked up with Lex Luthor!
- Put on a Bus: Same as Linda below.
- Invisibility: One of her lesser-used powers.
- Telekinesis: The source of most of her powers.
- Woman Scorned: When she finds out Lex is evil.
Supergirl II (Linda Danvers)[]
- The Atoner: For her sins as a cultist and several other mistakes.
- Bare Your Midriff: Her second costume. Lampshaded in the comic when a cop called it her "Britney Spares" outfit.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fallen Angel
- Foe Yay: With Buzz.
- Playing with Fire
- Put on a Bus: After her series ended, Linda pretty much dropped out of The DCU. She hasn't been consigned to Canon Dis Continuity, but she's barely ever mentioned anymore, either.
- Secret Identity: As Linda, though by the end of the series, pretty much everyone knows.
- Shout-Out / Canon Immigrant: Her second costume is based on DCAU Supergirl.
Supergirl III (Cir-El)[]
- Canon Dis Continuity: She was erased from history.
- To add insult to injury, she had erased herself, was brought back to do a major crossover event, then was subsequently sent away again right afterward.
- Darker and Edgier
- Kid From the Future: She claimed to be Lois and Clark's kid. She wasn't.
Supergirl IV (Linda Lang / Kara Zor-El [Post-Crisis])[]
Superman's older cousin, Kara Zor-El survived the destruction of Krypton thanks to her father, Zor-El, putting a protective force-field around Argo City that sent it hurtling into space. However, the citizens of Argo came under attack from the evil alien Brainiac, so before they were conquered, Zor-El and his wife Alura placed their daughter in a spaceship and sent her to Earth where she would care for her young cousin Kal-El.
Arriving on Earth, Kara found that she had been in suspended animation for decades and her cousin was now an adult while she was still a teenager. Adopting her cousin's mantle as Supergirl, she trained under both Batman and Wonder Woman.
- Abusive Parents: In her first origin, her father made her kill her classmates, sent her to murder her cousin and stood around with her while she was naked. WHY. See Retcon below.
- In contrast to the previous origin, it's her mother who verges on this at points after her father's death. She never goes farther than being verbally abusive to Kara, though. Her father, on the other hand, was a doting Nice Guy.
- Anti-Hero: Before Character Development.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Darker and Edgier: She got over it.
- Evil Is Sexy: During her brainwashing as a Female Fury she practically was this trope
- Groin Attack: What she did to a stalker; fortunately, he was the Spear Counterpart to Power Girl, so it ONLY hurt a whole lot.
- Hot Amazon: She trained with them.
- Legal Jailbait
- Ms. Fanservice: To a vomitous point at first, especially considering she was underage. This was, thankfully, later dropped.
- Panty Shot: Though her skirt might have been a Magic Skirt considering that is covered anything at all most of the time, when it really physically couldn't. When Jamal Igle took over art duties, he finally gave her some shorts.
- Plucky Girl: After Character Development.
- Replacement Goldfish: After Superboy's death, Cassie develops a close friendship with Kara. Later on, she decides to cut off ties with Kara specifically because of this trope. Kara didn't take it well.
- Retcon: That thing about her father raising her as an assassin and having her stand around naked all the time? It was just a hallucination she experienced due to latent kryptonite poisoning.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Wonder Girl in the Teen Titans. They nearly kissed in Supergirl: Identity.
- Secret Identity: Linda Lang.
- The Tease: She liked taunting Captain Boomerang Jr. about his obvious crush on her. She eased up on it when she realized it was a real Jerkass thing to do.
- Took a Level In Badass
Supergirl 1,000,000 (Ariella Kent)[]
- Combo-Platter Powers
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Does Not Know Her Own Strength: Understatement.
- Enfante Terrible: How everyone else views her, as this six-year-old is too naive and innocent to realize that she destroys everything around her whenever she moves.
- Goo-Goo Godlike: Comes with being the daughter of Linda Danvers and an alternate Silver Age Superman. She is most likely second only to Superboy-Prime when it comes to raw power.
- Nightmare Fuel: In-universe.
- Psychic Powers
- Random Teleportation: How she explores the cosmos.
- Red Baron: Supergirl 1,000,000 and R'E'L The Destroyer of Worlds.
- Time Travel
- Walking the Earth: Walking the multiverse.
Supergirl (Cosmic Adventures) (Linda Lee / Kara Zor-El)[]
An alternate version of Kara from the all-ages comic, Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade.
- Break the Cutie: Mxy tries this. It doesn't work. She's Supergirl, darnit!
- Cloudcuckoolander: With her constant fantasies of "Moon Supergirl".
- Evil Twin and Evil Counterpart: Belinda.
- Naive Newcomer
- Friendly Enemy: With Lena Luthor.
- Plucky Girl: Her unending optimism despite all odds infuriate Mxy to no end.
- Secret Identity: Linda.
- Strange Girl: Her spaciness and acting out get her pegged as one by her classmates.