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The Comics[]

The film[]

  • Idiot Plot: So you're PERSONALLY responsible for losing the Omegahedron and decide to man up and go after it yourself. You heard less then 5 feet from you that without the Omegahedron Argo City has only a few days to LIVE. Sooooooo you spend the first day learning to fly, go to sleep in a park, then spend the SECOND DAY making up your alter ego and going to school; even when you get a solid lead on the Omegahedron and get up to go after it you sit down and complete the day, play soccer and shower because...the teacher and Lucy Lane said so? No wonder the city was almost dead by the time you could TEAR yourself away from your fun new life.
  • No Social Skills: Most people assume from that scene where Kara puts one of Lucy Lane's discraded bra on over her school uniform that she is doing so because she doesnt know what it is. But its equally plausible that she is simply trying it on to see whether it fits and then getting embarassed when Lucy finds her trying to pad it out cause its too big. By this point she has been sharing a room with Lucy for a few days getting dressed and undressed in front of each other and even taking communal showers with the rest of the class. Kara is presented throughout the movie as a curious girl unafraid to ask questions. If she really didnt know what a bra was she would have asked Lucy before now and even if she didnt Lucy, and the rest of the class, would have certainly noticed that Kara wasnt wearing one.