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Season 1

  • Sam got one in the very first episode of Season 1. "I'm taking you home!"
  • Mary does have a long list of awesome moments, but her second appearance in "Home" springs to this troper's mind as her most awesome. She sacrifices herself (like mother, like father, like sons) to destroy the poltergeists and bitch-slaps it with a "You get out of my house. And let go of my son" before bursting into flame. Also a Tear Jerker moment as, when they see her, Sam is in tears and Dean is very close to losing his shit.
  • This troper fell in love with the show when, in "Asylum", they actually had the guts to make Sam hate Dean enough to call him a pathetic, mindless little soldier, shoot him through a wall with rock salt, and then not hesitate to try and shoot him four times with an actual (but empty) gun.
    • Followed by Dean (who had given him said empty gun) saying words along the lines of "Man, I'm not gonna give you a loaded pistol."
  • John's whole plan to risk his neck to trick the demons in "Salvation", just so his boys would have a shot at killing The Demon. It failed, but it was still pretty awesome.

 Meg: Holy water, John?! That's real cute.

John: (grins, as if to say, "Thanks.")

  • In "Devil's Trap," right before the truck crashes into their car (which is a Crowning Moment of Awesome all by itself), there's an utterly beautiful Sam-really-does-adore-Dean moment. John is bitching at him for not being able to shoot (thereby killing the demon and John himself) and saying that killing the demon comes before everything, including family. Sam takes a quick glance at Dean (who is the backseat and barely even alive) and says "No, sir. Not before everything." Aww!

Season 2

  • The opening to the episode "Bloodlust." The Impala reborn, to the tune of "Back in Black." This troper has heard the sequence described as "car porn" (not that kind). The description is not lying.
    • Although, as far as Car Porn goes, a better example is the Season Six episode "Two and a Half Men." It ends with Dean unveiling the Impala and a lot of close-up shots panning lasciviously over the car. Substitute some "bow-chicka-wow-wow" music for "Smoke on the Water" and a woman for the Impala, and it would look exactly like a porn flick.
  • Fans disagree on a lot of things, but most can safely agree that Dean's graveyard slide and stabbing the zombie to her coffin in "Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things" and Sam beheading Gordon with barbed wire in "Fresh Blood" were the most awesome kills ever.
    • Speaking of Gordon, this troper was actually really impressed by Sam in "Hunted," first refusing to die in the bomb trap, and then getting Gordon the police. Never has something so P.C. been so awesome.
      • The writers must agree on the whole "decapitating Gordon with barbed wire" thing. Three years later, in "Mommy Dearest", when they run into one of his vampire victims, it gets brought up, and Dean actually describes it as awesome.
  • "Born Under a Bad Sign": Bobby brings himself and Meg!Sam some beers. Meg!Sam drinks his beer, only to start coughing. Turns out Bobby put some holy water in Meg!Sam's beer. Bobby tops it off with "Never try to con a con man", followed by a punch to Meg!Sam.
  • "What Is And What Should Never Be" is widely considered to be in a class of its own. It shows a level of subtlety not usually known for CW shows, angst and pain seeps from every pore (and what happens afterwards makes it even more painful) and suddenly, everything that Dean is and has done/felt over the course of the season makes perfect sense. Bravo.
  • Dean shooting the Yellow-Eyed Demon in the Season 2 finale. Afterwards, it's like a chapter in the boys' lives is over. They did it!

Season 3


 Ruby: (to Sam) I'm the girl who just saved your ass.

  • The entire ending scene of "Bedtime Stories." Evil / Cold / Badass!Sam is incredibly hot, it provides a believable (and certainly complex) reason for him not doing quite as much as he should have to try and save Dean, and just when you think they're going to wimp out and have him leave her alone, they have him shoot her in the head. I repeat, SAINT!SAMMY SHOT THE CROSSROADS DEMON IN THE HEAD! AWESOME!
  • "Mystery Spot" was a Crowning Moment of Funny for Black Comedy.
  • The mass exorcism over the P.A. system in "Jus In Bello" had this troper jumping up and yelling, "You Magnificent Bastards!" Pity it ended up being for nothing, though...
  • The third season finale, "No Rest from the Wicked," had the boys singing to Bon Jovi's Dead or Alive in the car. Definitely awesome. Also awesome? Bobby saying, "Family doesn't end with blood!" Yeah!
    • Also from "No Rest For The Wicked," this troper (who was unimpressed by Lilith's Creepy Child getup earlier in the episode) really started loving her when, instead of monologuing at the captured heroes, Lilith simply says, "I don't have to answer to puppy chow" and, giggling, lets the hellhounds rip Dean apart while forcing Sam to watch helplessly, practically orgasming over Dean's pain and Sam's anguish.

Season 4

  • Castiel's entrance in the Season 4 premiere. Completely Badass.
    • "I'm the one that gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." And then the bit with the wings? Yes.
    • Castiel's response to Dean getting shirty about angels not helping out in 4x02 basically can be summed up as telling Dean to put on his big girl panties. His actual words? "You should show me some respect. I dragged you out of Hell, I can throw you back in." Dean doesn't seem so eager to argue right after that.
  • Second episode of Season 4: Bobby's supernatural panic room. Completely made of cast iron. Coated with salt. He built it on his weekend off. Love him.

 Dean: Bobby... you're awesome.

  • "A Supernatural Surprise." A Crowning Moment of Awesome for Jensen Ackles, a Crowning Moment of Funny for the show.
  • Dean telling the hosts of heaven to go screw themselves, time and again.
    • In "It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester," he tells God's little Power Rangers that if they want to smite a town, they'll have to kill him with it.
      • Sam Winchester VS. Samhain, starting with "Demon death ray? Yeah, those don't work on me." Culminating in Sam sending a demon to Hell so powerful the Angels were nervous about it - using only his mind!
        • Samhain should also get props for his fight. When Lilith first found out her demon death ray didn't work on Sam she ran for her life. Samhain punched Sam in the face. Samhain is the only demon to go up against a juiced up Sam and still be alive at the end of the season.
    • Later, he's prepared to return to Hell, knowing exactly what that means, in order to protect Anna - he calls Uriel's bluff so thoroughly, the angel takes a minute to marvel: "You're just crazy enough to go, aren't you?"
    • In "Sympathy for the Devil," there's one incredibly tense exchange where Zachariah systematically tortures and threatens Dean and his family to make the little mortal do as he's told. On the floor in pain, Dean keeps repeating "no" to every demand. The guy is freaking committed to his principles.
  • In This Troper's opinion, the psychic Pamela was a minor Crowning Moment of Awesome during "Heaven and Hell" and especially when she died.
  • Bobby killing the siren. He calmly walks into frame, blocks an axe-swing from Possessed!Dean, stabs Possessed!Dean in the shoulder to get some Possessed!Blood and, calmly as a baseball, tosses the knife between the siren's shoulderblades.
  • Dean and Sam in "Death Takes A Holiday", learning all those cool tricks the ghosts they've fought used to use on them--in the space of a day at most.
  • How can we not mention Anna in "On the Head of a Pin?"

 Castiel: We still have orders to kill you.

Anna: Somehow, I don't think you'll try.

    • "But there's still... me."
    • Sammy vs Alastair. "I'm stronger than that now. Now I can kill." BADASS.
  • "I'm the prophet Chuck!" It's unbelievable how such a simple line can be delievered in such an awesome way.
  • Dean punched an angel in the face.
    • ...and nearly broke his hand because it was like punching a brick wall.
    • And what makes it even better is that he then proceeds to guilt-trip Castiel into turning against the other angels and helping him try and stop the Apocalypse.
    • Dean apparently does not learn his lesson the next time he tries punching an angel, though, so this kind of takes the awesomeness down a notch.
    • Castiel gets two in the season finale:
      • First, he breaks Dean out of room where the angels are holding him until Sam can unleash Lucifer. He cuts open his own arm and starts drawing an anti-angel seal on the wall of the room, and when Zachariah wooshes in to stop him, he slams his hand against the seal and Zachariah is banished. Badass angel, indeed.
      • After getting Dean away, he teleports them both to Chuck's place so they can figure out where Sam is. The archangels figure out what's going on and the room starts shaking and the windows are bright and glowing, which means they're coming to beat the crap out of whatever's threatening the prophecy Chuck is making. Castiel yells at Dean to get to Sam, saying, "I'll hold them off. I'll hold all of them off!" while wooshing Dean off to Maryland. He's standing up against what he himself has described as one of the most savage and powerful creatures in all of creation. To stop the Apocalypse. Which his superiors WANT.
    • Despite being viewed with a near-unheard of amount of vitriol by most fans, it is undeniable that Ruby got a major Crowning Moment of Awesome in the S4 finale. She reveals to Sam that she had been playing him all along and was, in fact, a bad guy. Throughout S3 & S4, she managed to convince Sam that she was a "good" demon that was just trying to help him, when she really just wanted him to break the last seal to free Lucifer. And, because she is awesome, she got it done. In fact, this moment was arguably lampshaded as Ruby crows "Even you have to admit — I'm awesome!" to Sam.
    • Ruby: "You never needed the feather, Dumbo."
    • There is an argument to be made that the fact that Azazel and, by extension, Hell and Heaven, have been playing the entire Winchester family like a cheap whistle for almost 40 years is pretty awesome.

Season 5

  • In the fifth season premiere "Sympathy for the Devil," Bobby fighting off the demon possessing him just long enough to stab himself in the gut with the demon-killing knife. Also chewing out the hospital attendant afterwards.
    • Dean's line "I learned this from my friend Cas."
    • Also, everything that Castiel did in his short scene in that episode.
  • In "Free To Be You And Me," Castiel's line to get the Archangel Raphael to come for him was downright Badass.

  Castiel: "I'm here, Raphael. Come and get me, you little bastard."

    • And his last line to Raphael also counts.

  Castiel: "Maybe one day, but today you're my little bitch."

      • The fact that even Dean looks impressed and can't come up with a wittier one-liner than "Yeah, what he said" just highlights Castiel's badassery.
    • In the same episode, Sam spitting out the demon blood that someone had forced down his throat. Despite the fact he had just admitted at the end of the previous episode that he was still craving for it. And then he proceeds to kick some ass. Awesome.
  • Dean Winchester, spook hunter with a GED and a give'em hell attitude, comes face-to-face with Lucifer, currently in the midst of bringing about a biblical apocalypse, who proceeds to tell Dean the story of how he defied God and was cast out of Heaven. Dean's response to the Devil himself?

  Dean: You're not fooling me, you know that? With this sympathy for the devil crap? I know what you are. You're the same thing, only bigger. The same brand of cockroach I've been squashing my whole life. An ugly, evil, belly-to-the-ground, supernatural piece of crap.

  • In 5x8, Dean calling out Gabriel on being too scared to stand up to his family. Just a huge Take That to the whole idea of the apocalypse. No, it's not fate, it's not divine retribution. It's two brothers throwing a tantrum.
  • "The Real Ghostbusters": Chuck--nervous, awkward Chuck--whamming a ghost with his microphone stand. No wonder Becky fell for him.
    • You forgot to mention the Six Million Dollar Man sound effect!
    • Also, when the fake Sam and Dean man up and offer to help the real Sam and Dean. Oh man, that moment of revelation on Dean's face gave this troper goosebumps:

 Dean: Guys, no.

Fake Sam: Why not?

Dean: Because this isn't make believe!

Fake Dean: Look, we know; we're not nuts. We're freakin' terrified.

Fake Sam: Yeah, but if all these people are seriously in trouble, we gotta do something!

Dean: Why?

Fake Dean: Because...that's what Sam and Dean would do.

  • Castiel in 5x10, pretending to kiss Meg, but then using her as a bridge to escape the burning ring of holy fire.
  • In the same episode, Ellen, after a hellhound gets close enough for her to feel its breath, she just smiles and says, "You can go straight back to Hell, you ugly bitch!" She then proceeds to blow them all up.
  • Michael in "The Song Remains the Same." Burning Anna to ashes. Sending Uriel away with just a snap of his fingers. Awesome.
  • Even though he had to go back to the demon blood to do it, Sam possibly kills Famine after he eats four demons, but as they're digesting, Sam nukes them in his stomach.
    • According to Pestilence in "Two Minutes to Midnight", Famine is still kicking, but Sam has still made him a sniveling wreck.
  • Ash hacking Heaven for shit and giggles and just because can is, to this troper, by far the most Badass thing in the series and more than deserves to be motioned. Honestly, it always makes me grin widely every time I see that scene, especially when taken in consideration that he constantly does this under the nose of Zacharias and the rest of the garrison, it just gets better and better.
  • Probably all of "Point of No Return," but each of Castiel's fight scenes deserve their own mention. Hell, all of his scenes, period.

 Castiel: I REBELLED FOR THIS?! So that you could surrender to them?! I gave everything for you, and this is what you give to me?!

    • Another that deserves a special mention: Castiel has to defeat four angels. The first one, he can take out with the knife, but then there are three angels surrounding him. What does he do? He rips his shirt open, and slams his hand against his chest that was cut to shreds because he'd cut the angel-banning sigil into it.
    • Dean gets one too, when he kills Zachariah. Before, he also told him that his condition for saying "yes" was that Michael had to roast him.
    • Zachariah in the bar. Such a Magnificent Bastard.
      • Made even more awesome/horrifying by the way it defines the difference between him and Castiel. Zachariah really doesn't give a shit.
  • In "Hammer of the Gods," Kali toasting Lucifer. Explosively. Didn't do much, but it was still rather impressive.

 Lucifer: They are broken! Flawed! Abortions!

Gabriel: Damn right they’re flawed. But a lot of them try. To do better. To forgive. And you should see the Spearmint Rhino.

    • Lucifer ripping apart several gods with about as much effort as it takes to swat a fly. Also:

 Lucifer: Nobody gives us the right. We take it.


    • Dean standing up to a room full of Gods, threatening them and attempting to take charge of the proceedings (to reiterate; a room completely FULL of GODS) was incredibly impressive.

  Dean: Alright you Primitive Screwheads, listen up. Now on any other given day I'd be doing my damndest to kill you, you filthy murdering chimps. But hey, desperate times. So although I'd like nothing better than to slit your throats you dicks. I'm going to help you.

      • Made even more awesome just because of the fact that he looked like he was about to shit his pants in fear the entire time, not to mention Sam looking at him in total HORROR as he attempts to shrink into his chair (which is an impressive feat for a guy who's 6'5). But the true proof of Dean's incredibly badassery is the fact that it ACTUALLY WORKS.
  • When we first met Crowley, he gave us the feeling that he was awesome. "The Devil You Know" confirms it, especially his Big Damn Heroes, involving his very own hellhound.

 Dean: You can control them?

Crowley: Not that one. I brought my own [pats the (invisible) beast, which judging by his hand is roughly to his shoulder]. Mine's bigger. SIC 'IM BOY!

  • At the end of "The Devil You Know" when Sam finally gets his chance for revenge on the demon that started the whole damn thing by butchering his girlfriend. The demon is trapped in a back alley with salt, Sam with demon-killing knife at the ready:

 Demon-Brady: What is this?

Dean: All those angels, all those demons, all those sons of bitches, they just don't get it do they Sammy?

Sam: No they don't Dean.

Dean: You see Brady...we're the ones you should be afraid of.

  • Death. That particular Horseman is simply the personification of Crowning Moment of Awesome.
    • Especially his entrance in "Two Minutes to Midnight". Jen Titus's haunting rendition of "O Death" as he walks down a busy Chicago street. A man on his cell phone bumps into him, and it looks like Death wouldn't have minded that, except the man rudely tells him to watch it. Death brushes his bumped arm, casts a cold look back at the man, and the sorry bastard kicks the bucket right on the sidewalk. All in awesome slo-mo.
      • Have to give some honors to Dean too. Sitting at the same table than the personnification of death itself and not running away is somewhat more impressive than hunting a wendigo. Once he realises Death knows he's there, he's clearly shitting his pants, but keeps going regardless. But still, there's no way he stole the spotlight from Death, he's just too awesome.
      • I feel like Castiel needs a mention, for showing up in the nick of time only to be mocked by Pestilence with, "Not a speck of angel in you." And then? Then, Castiel jumps up, throws out the one liner, "Maybe just a speck," and cuts off his finger, winning them the ring they need. Badass indeed.
  • "Swan Song" gives us Dean slotting rock music into the Metallicar's tape deck, then rolling up to the confrontation between Satan and Michael. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" Then Castiel throws holy fire at Michael to give Dean time for a chat. Then Bobby fires at Satan in Sam's body, despite knowing it won't do a thing. Nice job, all.
    • Not to mention the fact that the music in question was "Rock of Ages" by Def-freakin'-Leppard.
    • What about Sam taking back of his body from Lucifer and then tossing him and Michael into Lucifer's prison?
    • While Castiel's "assbutt" line is probably a Crowning Moment of Funny, molotoving Michael right afterwards was incredibly badass.
    • Dean arguably gets another one when he threatens GOD, as if He were just the next monster-of-the-week on his hit list.

  Dean: Well, if you do see Him, you tell Him I'm comin' for Him next.


Season 6

  • In "The Third Man", Castiel gets some more moments when he fights off some of Raphael's followers, but the best is definitely when he throws his blade across the room and nails one of the angels directly in the chest. That was awesome.
    • Why no mention of Balthazar? He only disintegrates the archangel Raphael's vessel with Lot's salt. And this is after he told Castiel he wouldn't help him in his Heavenly war.
  • Bobby shoving the Ookami into a woodchipper in "Weekend at Bobby's". Anyone who says Bobby is not badass is a liar.
    • For that matter, the way he managed to Out Gambit Crowley and get his soul back.
    • Bobby calling Sam and Dean out on a lot of their bullshit. Seriously, his "The Reason You Suck" Speech is truly epic and completely accurate about how much their do rely on Bobby and expect him to drop everything for them. What's awesome about it is that Sam and Dean are somewhat emotionally stunted because John Winchester was a very aloof and absent figure towards them, his mind was always on the mission. From their stunned reaction, it's possible this is the first real time that any father figure towards them has told them to shut the hell up, man up, and deal with their own problems and not run to "dad" everytime it gets tough.
  • Sam's escape plan in "Caged Heat". Trapped in a room waiting for demons to walk through the door any second, what does he do? Bite his hand and paint a Devil's trap on the ceiling with his blood. It was at this point that I knew Robo-Sam has gone as epic as he could go, and I welcomed the return of his soul.
    • Castiel frying Crowley before the latter can even finish a sentence. Remember, this is Crowley, who defied Lucifer and succeeded beautifully in making the Winchesters his puppets, and Castiel erases him from existence without blinking an eye.
    • Crowley got one last moment of awesome before his death: Sam, Dean, and Meg have trapped him in a devil's trap, and Meg is about to kill him - and he knocks her on her ass, takes her knife, uses it to break the trap, and pins Sam and Dean to the wall. If Cas hadn't shown up when he had, Crowley probably would have won.
      • It sucked seeing a Badass like Crowley go. But if anyone was going to waste him, it would have to be the equally Badass Castiel and not the demon or the "Functioning Morons".
        • Though it gets a bit less awesome in hindsight, as we discover in "Mommy Dearest" that not only is Crowley still alive, but Castiel is working with him. Which means they faked that whole thing. Which I suppose is awesome in it's own way...
  • Castiel's Big Damn Heroes moment in "The French Mistake," which includes a nice Call Back to his first appearance all the way back in Season 4.
    • Another one from "The French Mistake": Kripke not going down after getting shot TWICE. The third shot offed him.
    • And there's of course the biggest badass in the entire episode, the one producer who casually avoided a bullet by leaning backwards, and went off stage.
    • Speaking of "The French Mistake", the writers really outdid themselves on this one. When you've actually put your main characters in an alternate dimension where they're their actors filming the show that they're in, complete with hundreds of Take Thats from everything from the show structure and Angst content, to the ratings, right down to the lighting guy and the director arguing about a fade to black, you just have to throw up your hands and give them a round of applause. Well done, you've officially completely and utterly fucked over the Fourth Wall into non-Euclidian geometry.

 Sam: Our life is a TV show!

Dean: ... Why?

Sam: I don't know!

Dean: No, seriously, why? Why would anybody want to watch our lives?

Sam: Well, I mean, according to the interviewer, not many people do.

  • In "My Heart Will Go On", Fate verbally bitch slaps Castiel about letting Balthazar alter history in order to create new souls for the civil war in Heaven. And then, she blackmails Cas into changing history back by threatening Sam and Dean.
    • Balthazar bears mention in this one too just because, since it's him, you could believe for a moment that he really changed time over a movie and that titular song.
  • Samuel. Freaking. Colt. The man worked out how to use Sam's cellphone and then sent the phoenix's ash's to him one hundred and fifty years later!
  • How Dean deals with Eve (aka the Mother of All freakin' monsters) in "Mommy Dearest": She bites him, in order to turn him into one of her hybrid monsters, only to discover that Dean had previously ingested some of the Phoenix ash - the one thing that can hurt her - and that by tasting his blood, she's ingested it. Cue gory death.
    • Moments later, Cas has a moment of his own by killing an entire diner full of Eve's Elite Mooks with a wave of his hand and a burst of light.
  • In "The Man Who Would Be King", Castiel bursts into a demon safe house and knocks two demons to the floor, killing them in the process. The third demon in the room has an Oh Crap moment and tries to ditch his body, only for Cas to grab his demonic smoke, and proceed to force it back into the body so that he can kill it. Awesome.
    • Two other ones from "The Man Who Would Be King":
      • One comes from the boys and Bobby by trapping an Archangel of Heaven. Granted they done this type of thing before, but it was Castiel who they had done it too. That alone is awesome for them.
      • The other comes from Crowley for turning Hell into an eternal DMV line. Doubles as a CMOF, but still awesome nevertheless.
      • And another near the end of the episode in the form of Crowley's Villainous Rescue - the boys and Bobby have Castiel trapped in the holy fire, when the lights start flickering, and they look outside to a huge cloud of demon smoke heading towards them. They run for it, leaving Castiel behind; a few minutes later, after the smoke has surrounded the shack they were in, Crowley calmly enters through the door and sets Castiel free. Then, just before leaving, he gives a brief Hannibal Lecture:

  "You know the difference between you and me? I know what I am. What are you, Castiel? What are you willing to do?"

  • You know what? Even with what happens at the end of "The Man Who Knew Too Much" to Castiel, he did it. He accomplished everything he set out to do, he stopped Raphael and made sure the Apocalypse didn't start again, he outplayed Crowley and ensure the demon would get non of the power he was after, he figured out how to open Purgitory and absorbed ALL the souls and didn't explode (again) as feared. And he did all of completely alone. Granted him being alone was partially his fault and he does snap at the end of it all but everything that betrayed or abandoned him was worried about (monsters getting out, him helping Crowley take over Hell, exploding) didn't happen. It makes all of his declarations that he had it all under control all the more heartbreaking because the fact that he did leads to him losing it.
    • What makes the moment so awesome was seeing Rapheal of all people have a Oh Crap moment and nearly begs Castiel for mercy only to be epically denied.
      • What makes it even sweeter is that Castiel kills Rapheal the same way that Rapheal and Lucifer killed him. How you ask? By blowing him up like meat filled waterballon with a snap of his finger.

Season 7

  • Alright, so 07x1. Castiel's behavour as a God was a dangerous slippery slope that you knew was going to start out as a brutal, but quasi-understandable attack against people who genuinely suck, before descending to complete madness. But before he really went off the deep end he took out the leader of an faux version of the Westboro Baptist Church (while stating that he did not pass judgement on sexual orientation) and the leaders of the entire Ku Klux Klan. Even a very pissed off Dean had to give him props for that one.
  • In "Slash Fiction", the head Leviathan gives a verbal beatdown to Crowley, after he tried making a deal with the head Leviathan. He basically bitch slapped someone who is in control of Hell, and Crowley couldn't do a thing because the Leviathans were among the Old Ones.
  • "Season 7, Time For A Wedding": Becky, of all people, taking down a demon (who was kicking Sam's ass) with the knife.
  • "How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters": Bobby shooting a monster in the trees about thirty feet above him in the foliage, in the dark, and nailing it with one shot.
  • Bobby gets several in "Death's Door" (which is quite impressive for a man in a coma); first, he manages to trap the Reaper chasing him in one of his memories; second, he delivers an epic Shut UP, Hannibal to the memory of his abusive father; third and final, he manages to temporarily wake up from his coma — with the bullet still in his brain — long enough to pass on some vital information to Sam and Dean. The last one turns out to be a Dying Moment of Awesome.
    • Dean gets one as well when he faces down Dick Roman, the Leviathan who shot Bobby, in the parking lot, just DARING him to face him one-on-one right then and there in front of the crowd. And Dick backs down.
  • Castiel's epic He's Back moment in "The Born Again Identity". He takes down the squad of demons guarding the hospital where Sam is currently interred, then proceeds to save Sam by killing the demon about to torture him via electro-shock therapy, followed by healing Sam's mind by absorbing the insanity into himself. And did I mention that up until now he was amnesiac, with his initial assault on the demons being a leap of faith based on what Dean told him? Even without his memories, Castiel proves he's a Badass.
  • Sam and Dean swapping out the suitcase containing Dick's precious cargo with a bomb made of borax in "The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo". Dick is so shocked at having been outwitted that he just stares blankly as it ticks down and eventually explodes in his face. Also, the Winchesters breaking into Dick's headquaters with a magnificent jump and barrel roll through (cracked) glass walls, splashing borax in the leviathans' faces and fleeing with Charlie in their arms as Ghost!Bobby flings an increasingly-pissed Dick around and pins him down so that he can't catch them. To sum it up, this episode was not kind to Dick, and it was glorious.
  • After nearly an entire season of running from Leviathans and barely managing to survive them due to their Weaksauce Weakness, as of "Reading is Fundamental", the brothers know how to kill a Leviathan. Both the lengths the brothers went to so they could find this out and that this means the Leviathans will have to start being afraid of the Winchesters is awesome.
  • The Impala's triumphant return in "Survival of the Fittest". After spending most of the season locked up in storage, we see it peeling down the road to smash into the SucraCorp parking lot, knocking aside security guards before crashing into the sign in front of the building. All to the tune of "Born to be Wild". Awesome.
    • This is followed by Meg getting out of the car and taking on about half a dozen Leviathan guards with a jug of borax and a machete (sadly, most of this is offscreen).
    • How Dean and Castiel take down Dick Roman: he knows about the God weapon designed to kill him, so they distract him with a fake one before Cas grabs him from behind and Dean stabs him through the neck with the real one. Dick promptly explodes.
    • Crowley proving yet again that he's the series' resident Magnificent Bastard, by playing the Winchesters and Leviathans against each other and ensuring that he's the only winner this season. By the time everything's done with, Dick's dead, leaving the Leviathans leaderless and disoriented; Dean and Cas have been sent to Purgatory; Meg and Kevin are his prisoners; and Sam is now alone and powerless.