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When angels die, they are reborn human.[]
While humans go to Heaven when they die, angels are reborn human. What Anna did was technically suicide: she tore out her own grace. (I'm equating "grace" to "soul", btw.) That means that our favorite angels are still alive in some form or another, and the dickish ones will hopefully develop a little humanity and learn some lessons. Everybody wins!
Supernatural takes place in the same universe as So Weird.[]
Fi's dad was a hunter, and that's how he got killed. It makes a whole lot of sense if you think about it.
- Season three was supposed to be Fi going to hell to save her dad, before Disney nixed it as too heavy for a children's show. So he sold his soul for rock 'n' roll, the demon collected, and his soul's in hell. But between the beginning and end of the contract he got into being a hunter because of his encounter with said demon.
Ruby was actually Meg[]
They're similar enough in personality and abilities, they were never on-screen together, and Meg's real name has yet to be revealed. The Meg in Seasons 6 and 7 could be an unrelated demon the Winchesters previously defeated, like Lust from "The Magnificent Seven"; when they mistook her for Ruby/Meg, she decided to roll with it for shits and giggles.
Bobby never actually buried his dad's body[]
His mom was obviously not happy with what Bobby did, so it wouldn't have made sense for her to help cover up the murder. She probably called the police herself. Digging a hole takes a long freaking time, especially a six-feet deep one being dug by a kid, so chances are Bobby started digging while his mom reported him to the cops, but when they showed up, Bobby threw down the shovel and ran like Hell.
It's also very likely that Robert Singer was not his real name He changed it to that to avoid the law. Why did his parents call him Bobby, then? Just an inaccuracy of his memory caused by the bullet in his brain.
- But wasn't the house of his youth the same one he lived in as an adult?
Dean never escaped the Djinn[]
What if Dean never escaped the Djinn from "What Is and What Should Never Be"? Instead, his escape attempt pissed it off, so it turned his fantasy world from a happy place where Mary never died to a world where everything that could possibly go wrong, does go wrong.
Think about it: Seasons 1 and 2 are relatively light-hearted, and the boys have a lot of success stories. From AHBL onwards, everything just keeps getting worse. It's the perfect torture.
Sam is NOT in hell[]
Basically, I think this because Death said Sam was hallucinating. And it would be pretty mind-screwy and a slap in the face to viewers if it turned out that Season 6 and 7 were just things made up by Lucifer to torture Sam.
- However, the more I view the episodes of Season 7, the more I wonder if maybe Dean is the one in hell because it seems like all the negative things taking place on the show affect him the hardest. Maybe he actually died after the end of Season 5 (before Castiel came back) and everything preceding it is what he's experiencing in hell.
People who get possessed develop lung cancer[]
Demons manifest basically as huge clouds of smoke. And they stay inside people's bodies for however extended periods of time. If smoking cigarettes are bad for your health, possessions certainly can't be GOOD for you, even if you survive.
- Jessi's mother, who was practically the only person we saw who got posessed years before the series started, seemed alright. Physically, at least.
Eve was not named for the Biblical Eve, but after the titular villainess of Parasite Eve[]
Search your heart. You know it to be true.
Castiel is God[]
In season seven's premier episode, the title was, Meet the New Boss the next line in the song it is taken from is, Same as the old boss.
The other Special Children were also surrounded by demons[]
- Ava was set up with her fiance by a demon. When the demon killed her fiance, it was the beginning of her Break the Cutie journey that led to her Face Heel Turn.
- Maybe her fiance was Sam's demon pal Brady, Faking the Dead. After all, they shared the same name and Bobby said that demon possessions were rare (before the Hell Gates got opened, of course).
- Max Miller's parents were possessed when they abused him.
Hallucifer is not a hallucination[]
They proved in "Free To Be You and Me" that an archangel and his vessel are connected, even when they're apart from each other, and Cass even uses that connection to summon Raphael. Maybe Sam's "hallucinations" are Lucifer (from Hell) trying to use this connection to A.) mess with Sam, and B.) get out of Hell. Think about it - Sam has never "hallucinated" around someone who'd recognize it for what it was, like Castiel.
- This troper has been accepting that as canon since "Hello Cruel World" when, in one scene, Lucifer stabbed a knife into the table. Several shots later after Lucifer is gone, the knife is still standing upright in the table.
- Pretty much Jossed, much more likely that Sam did it and but perceived it as something Lucifer did (a la Tyler Durden's actions in Fight Club).
Where a person goes in their afterlife depends on their beliefs[]
This could explain all the afterlives mentioned by other religions (ex. Valhalla, Nirvana) - whatever afterlife you believe in, you go to after you die. Why do Sam and Dean go to Heaven when they die? Because they already believe that the Christian God exists, having already met "angels of the Lord". This troper can't recall it off the top of her head, but in S6, Raphael said something to the effect that the guy who's personal heaven he was in made it there because he was devout, which might give a little support to her theory. Ash and Pamela (who we saw in Heaven)'s faith is never mentioned in the series, but for the sake of this WMG, let's assume they believed in God. This might explain why John, Mary, Ellen, and Jo are AWOL - it's not too much of a stretch to assume that most hardened hunters are atheists because of all the hellish things that've happened to them/they've seen happen. In John's case, I think this was confirmed - according to the Supernatural Wiki, his dog-tags said he didn't have faith in any religion. Where they ended up, then, is anyone's guess.
- In Limbo, perhaps?
Castiel is God's substitute plan[]
We've all been dreading/hating/despising the Season 6 finale, where Cas declares himself to be 'the new God'. Well, maybe it's not such a bad thing and was just God's plans all along (maybe the whole civil war thing was a bit off rail, but what are details to Him?); everything that happened was so God can permanently take a vacation on earth and have someone else powerful take over heaven stuff for him, but still making sure this person won't destroy all the humans as well.
I mean, think about it, it took a full year for Cas develop to the point of stop simply following orders. Of all the other angels who do have a brain of their own, he's the only one who doesn't think of humans as hairless apes/mud monkeys who should be killed for simply existing. He's also the only one who still blindly loved God even after the other angels were allowed to jump start Apocalypse. It's always been puzzling why in Season 5, Cas was brought back with diminished powers (rebelled doesn't count: he was new and improved after Swan Song). Perhaps it was so that, with diminished abilities, that was meant to teach Cas about the trivial matters of humanity; and since he had to experience the 4 horsemen himself thanks to his humanization, he'd be more appreciative of what humans have to go through and conquer, and less likely to sic the Apocalypse on earth again like Raphael wants to so badly.
Lastly, like Zachariah pointed out for the seals, if God DIDN'T want this to happen, there was no way it would've. Sure, the Apocalypse came and he didn't care, but surely there would be something done when someone wants to usurp the position of God? Just saying.
- Or, maybe, God knew it would work out, since God is supposed to know everything. Personally, I believe God DID care about the Apocalypse--he interfered enough to give the Winchester boys a chance, didn't he? Why do that if he really didn't care? Maybe he just wanted the world to fix itself. And since he sealed the Leviathans in Purgatory in the first place, he HAD to know that Cas would suck them in if he opened the door to it. So maybe God just let Cas take over for a few days because he knew it wouldn't last and he still trusts the world to get itself out of its own messes. Also, free will is kind of a basic tenet of the Abrahamic traditions, which seem to be what this God comes from. Despite the angels claiming it doesn't exist, clearly it does, since the Winchesters stopped the Apocalypse and burned the script. So maybe God was letting his creation exercise free will, like he promised.
The pagans, God, the Horsemen, Eve, and the Leviathans are all the same type of creature[]
God created angels to be his warriors and human souls to be his power source in order to overthrow other members of his race. Eve saw what was coming and tried to even the odds by making humans into monsters so that she'd have their souls and be strong enough to fight God off, but lost. God locked the rest of his species into Purgatory, but some (ie. the pagans) managed to escape. In Season 5, Lucifer broke the Horsemen out of Purgatory by giving them demon souls to make them stronger and bound them to his will. Pagans and Leviathans eat people because it's how they eat souls to get stronger, with the endgame of finding and killing God/throwing God into Purgatory so that they can rule Heaven and Earth. Boom. No matter what Season 7 says, this theory is now this troper's personal fanon.
Castiel is possessed by Azazel[]
He took control when Cas absorbs the souls of Purgatory (where the souls of dead demons, ghosts and people killed by Ruby's knife go).
Dean's love/slight obsession with pie is because it reminds him of his mother.[]
It is revealed in the season 5 episode, "Dark Side of the Moon", that Mary gave/made Dean pie at least once (and seeing as it was one of Dean's happiest memories the emphasis of that moment is even more emphasized). In other words, Dean may love pie because it reminds him of one of the happiest times in his life (with his mother).
Sam is still in Lucifer's Cage...[]
and Season 6 is a hallucination designed to screw with him. After all, there's more to torture than just physical pain. This explains why there's a heavier focus on Sam than Dean. The soulless thing embodied Sam's worst fear - of becoming evil and hurting people. Dean giving up on his life with Lisa and Ben and throwing himself into retrieving Sam's soul happened because they wanted Sam to feel guilty for causing his brother pain. The reason why Cas is turning dark-side is because Michael is still pissed about getting incinerated with holy fire. In the season finale, the version of Sam who supposedly remembered Hell actually knew that it was all just an illusion; after "waking up", Sam knows that he is still in Hell. He and Adam are trapped with Michael and Lucifer, forever, without any hope of escaping. Sweet dreams, folks.
- Played with quite a bit in the Season 7 premiere. At least Sam's Lucifer hallucination mentions this.
- OP: Similar theory: The illusion is all for Dean. After all, the very first episode of the season had djinns making him hallucinate that Azazel was back; and right after that, Sam showed up to save him, miraculously resurrected from the Cage - probably Dean's greatest wish at that point! However, everything went downhill from there, because the demons were behind all of it and wanted to make Dean suffer as much psychological torment as possible by giving him the thing he wanted most back, ruining it, making his life suck again, etc., all BEFORE they wake him up and gloat about how none of it was real. (I never for one second bought that the demons WOULDN'T want his blood for helping lock their daddy back in a hole, btw. They should've been hunting him down the second it happened.) One explanation? Perhaps he was ambushed and captured before the last scene of "Swan Song", and the entire year he spent with Lisa and Ben (the promise he made to Sam getting fulfilled) was just the demons screwing with him. Perhaps they'll wake him up when they feel he's good and broken so they can interrogate him to learn how to bust Lucifer out. (This entire WMG is poorly-written, badly-reasoned, and incomplete to boot, but my fingers are tired and it's five in the morning, so I think you get the gist of it.)
Demons are just ghosts[]
Demons are dead human souls that are weak to salt and iron. That sounds a bit like a certain other creature. Also, ghosts are said to be able to move objects, take over bodies, and leave behind ectoplasm when they're angry. Demons have spent time in Hell, so I imagine they're always angry, so just replace ectoplasm with sulfur, and you've described demons again. The only huge difference is that demons have no true form beyond smoke, which can be explained by their soul being mutilated in Hell.
- Confirmed in-show.
- Episode?
- Just when they say that every demon was once a human. they're just changed by their time in Hell.
- That doesn't imply that demons are just ghosts, though.
- Yes it does. Just very twisted/corrupted ghosts with amped up abilites.
- Burning their bones kills them. Bobby seems to agree with this WMG, and it seems pretty much confirmed.
- OK. So, at the very least, demons are similar to ghosts. So... what happens when their bones get burnt? For ghosts, it doesn't seem like it sends them back to heaven. It looks much more like they get annihilated - totally wiped out. Does that mean that if everyone on the planet was Viking-funeraled, there wouldn't be any more demons?
- Probably not, but it would be AWESOME.
- Demons are similar to ghosts, but they're not exactly the same. Ghosts don't leave behind sulfur. Ghosts don't look like black smoke. Ghosts rarely possess people, and when they do, they don't give them nifty powers like the ability to teleport around or shoot out blasts of demonic light (that DemonBlood!Sam is immune to). It's more fair to say demons are kind of like…pumped-up Super Ghosts, created by Lucifer. Not just regular restless spirits.
Demon blood is a placebo[]
So Sam is a psychic, and his powers supposedly come from demon blood. However, this makes no sense, because Sam's powers run low only a few weeks after not drinking any of Ruby's blood. How could he have gone 22 years without any demon blood, and when he did, having only had a few drops? Ruby tells us at the end of Season 4, "You didn't need the feather to fly, you had it in you the whole time." The only reason he lost his abilities in Seasons 3 and 5 were because the demon he thought he was getting power from died. This is also why a passive ability like immunity to Lilith was preserved in Season 3. The reason Ruby told Sam demon blood made him strong was so that he could be ready to hold Lucifer. This would make Sam the most powerful psychic in the world if he ever realized it.
- Alternately, Sam's powers depend on his mental state. The demon blood has proven (and even been discussed) to make Sam feel more powerful and in control, more dominant; being an empathetic person at heart, maybe he simply cannot access those emotions, and by extension the powers, without its influence.
Blues Clues and Supernatural take place in the same continuity.[]
Steve's house is actually Lucifer's Cage. The entire scenario is an elaborate hallucination created by Lucifer's endless years of boredom, which have slowly turned him insane. The 'Steve' Character a detached identity he has assumed as a result, and he constantly solves mysteries in a continual cycle to pass the endless eons of time.
- Joe is Michael. The events of the Steve/Lucifer series take place at the same time as the Joe/Michael series; They are seperated so they won't fight.
- Blue is Sam's Soul.
- Magenta is Adam's Soul.
Sam is the intended host of Lucifer.[]
This was Ruby's intent all along. This is what old Yellow Eyes was after: a proper host that Lucifer could possess that would add to Lucifer's already substantial power.
- Confirmed in 5x03. Lucifer described his current vessel, Nick, as "an improvisation."
Dean is the intended host of Michael.[]
In line with the above WMG, when Zachariah told Dean that he had to be the one to kill Lucifer, he meant that, as the "First Seal," he was the only one Michael could possess.
- The First Seal was the corruption of Michael's vessel (or "The Righteous Man") in Hell.
- Confirmed in episode 1 of season 5. Dean doesn't want Michael to possess him, for a good reason.
Dean and Castiel had a child who was kidnapped by Zachariah and sent to the very far future on another planet.[]
And you know who that child grew up to be? None other than the good captain, Jack Harkness! If you really think about it, it could make sense. It is a really long story...
- Dean and Jack's facial expressions are way too identical.
"Still, at least I won't get pregnant. I'm never doing that again." |
- I would give anything for this to be true, omg.
The finale is going to be a awesome Cain and Abel brawl between Michael/Dean and Lucifer/Sam[]
At least that's what going to happen if the brothers fail.
Sam was forced to kill Adam.[]
When the two descended into the cage, they were at each other's throats. Perhaps, they continued the fight except this time it was a cage match. Sam, free of Lucifer's control, had to kill Adam/Michael in self-defense. It would also explain why Adam didn't leave the cage with Sam. It might explain his behavior in "The Third Man." He's trying to rationalize that decision by being more ruthless.
- Jossed in "Appointment in Samarra." He's stuck in the cage (which probably would make him prefer if he were killed).
Supernatural takes place in the same universe as Heroes[]
It's set at the same time, during which a number of complete strangers are suddenly showing evidence of superpowers. You figure it out. From this, it follows that:
- Maya's power is the result of being possesed by a demon. (It explains the black eyes.)
- The characters with powers in Heroes will eventually be forced to kill each other off until only one is left. Sylar was just the first to figure it out. Of course, this could get complicated now that we know that Claire's blood can bring people Back From the Dead.
- Daphne's even from Lawrence, Kansas. Appearance says her family is an offshoot of the Campells.
Supernatural takes place in the same universe as Dogma[]
Think about season 4 for a minute. Also, related to the first two WMG, Dean is the intended host of Jay, and Sam is the intended host of Silent Bob.
- It makes sense considering they've taken the exact same approach to Lucifer. This Troper constantly recalls Bartleby's parking lot speech when watching the show. The theologies sync up perfectly.
Hendrickson is alive and will become a hunter.[]
We haven't seen a body, and after an experience like that there's no way he's going back to the FBI. My guess is that now that he knows demons are real, Hendrickson will become a hunter and team up with the Winchesters at a later date.
- Sorting Algorithm of Deadness score: 2.86, so there's some hope for Back Next Season.
- I came up with a Sorting Algorithm score of an even 3, but that doesn't factor in the fact that A) Kripke has said they're done with the FBI plot, B) The show's usual method of wrapping up storylines, and C) The fact that the episode in question was written by Sera Gamble who's said in interviews that one of her favorite things to do is kill off well-liked characters and she does it so often that it borders on Author Appeal, or something close to it.
- Jossed in 4.02 when Hendrickson comes back as a very pissed off spirit due to "The Rising of the Witnesses"
- I came up with a Sorting Algorithm score of an even 3, but that doesn't factor in the fact that A) Kripke has said they're done with the FBI plot, B) The show's usual method of wrapping up storylines, and C) The fact that the episode in question was written by Sera Gamble who's said in interviews that one of her favorite things to do is kill off well-liked characters and she does it so often that it borders on Author Appeal, or something close to it.
Sam's visions were never a power, but he's started getting powers again and isn't telling Dean[]
Sam's visions were never a power, just something the YED would send him to get him where it wanted him. Hence why there was no real consistency and they were often useless (or worse). This was practically admitted when Andy sent Dean a vision in All Hell Breaks Lose and it worked just like Sam's. Sam's 'original' power, like Andy's mind control and Jake's super strength, was telekinesis, but he's worked so hard to suppress the vengeful, killy part of himself that it only came out when he actually 'saw' Dean die. The whole point of the scene in the cabin at the end of season 1 was to hurt Dean in front of Sam and hopefully get him to unleash his powers again, hence the taunting and the gun placement. While Sam tries to move the gun, he just isn't unlocking the right part of his brain because the danger of death to Dean isn't so immediate and acute as before (and perhaps, with their father there, he doesn't really think it will happen).
Sam has since claimed that the powers just 'went away', but given that he only experienced one bit of one power once, I wonder what his basis for this is? Bela says the spirits warn them to run far away from Gordon in Fresh Blood, despite the fact that they survive the encounter so presumably it's not just because he's so physically dangerous. When Sam decapitates Gordon, not only does he have a nasty look on his face but he surely has just done something that Sammy would previously have found physically impossible. Powers must have been involved. So the reason they were told not to go after Gordon was that doing so would lead to this situation in which not-quite-Sammy gets really wound up by Gordon, sees Dean in immediate, acute danger and snaps. Dean chooses not to bring up the impossibility of what Sam has just done, probably in denial (although he looks uneasy). Since then, Sam has had access to powers and has been hiding this (along with the other things) from Dean. Perhaps he has also been choosing not to use them again, so far, but the damage has been done.
- This was perhaps proven with the season three finale, "No Rest for the Wicked": Ruby says that Sam's powers are just "dormant" and that they can wipe out Lilith and, at the end, Lilith fails to kill Sam (not for lack of trying) for some reason. It still remains to be seen, however, what his actual powers are.
- From "All Hell Breaks Loose", I got the impression that all the pyschics were capable of all the different powers; one would manifest first, and once they gave in to the Yellow-Eyed Demon the rest were automatically unlocked.
- In season 4 Sam is shown to have the ability to psychically force demons out of people they have possessed. It seems to take a LOT out of him though so he probably won't be using these powers on EVERY demon. Still it's a better way to go when the other ways usually end up with the hosts dying. Of course this COULD be just another step down that slippery slope that YED had him on.
- This Troper swears that, in "The Mentalists", when Sam's Spoon bends and unbends, the first thing she thought was that Sam did it and was getting his powers back, especially seeing as not only had the spoon-bending guy walked off by then, but said spoon-bender was shown as one of the fakes the next time we see him.
- Ditto. This Troper hopes it's this, but it's probably nothing, because there are too many other arcs set up for this season already.
Dean will claw his way out of Hell and come back as a demon.[]
Well, obviously the writers will bring him back, and it would be pretty cool if he came back as a demon, with the entire package of demonic powers. Plus there's tons of potential for difficulties with other hunters, a little like when Gordon Walker was convinced Sam was the Antichrist. The only problem with this is that to come back, Dean would have to possess someone. Not only does this raise ethical issues, but it kind of defeats the purpose of bringing Dean back if he's not going to be played by Jensen Ackles.
- His body is still on Earth so maybe he'll possess it.
- Almost right. He does get out of hell (with a little help from Cas) and he's presumably something more than an ordinary human, given the whole vessel thing. As of "I Know What You Did Last Summer" (4x09) we know that Dean remembers his time in Hell, and that he definitely did some torturing while down there, but that seems only to have reinforced his humanity and righteousness somehow.
About the Season Four Spoilers[]
"Guy" is actually Dean, "Kristy" is actually Ruby. Castiel is an angel. This troper has seen these theories in multiple places, but she saw them first on the very intelligent and witty boards of Television Without Pity, so credit where it is due. If you don't know and would like to, the names are from the spoiler sides that have recently come out for the season 4 opener, called Lazarus Rising. The basic reasoning is: "Guy" sounds a lot like Dean, what with the sarcasm and all, and his situation seems to be like Dean's (he was just "rescued" and is described as "defenseless", and he knows Bobby well). As for Kristy, we know that Katie Cassidy (formerly Ruby) is gone, but that the character is not, and Kristy is described much like Ruby was. As for Castiel, he seems to have benevolent intentions, and although he calls himself a demon, Kripke said that we would meet a new supernatural race of beings, and other sources have mentioned that Supernatural will use a lot of religious images, particularly relating to Heaven and Hell, and lastly, research (coughGooglecough) has revealed that Castiel is the name of an angel. Also, with a title like "Lazarus Rising", it would be surprising if they DIDN'T resurrect Dean, and it makes sense for "Guy" to be him.
- All three are confirmed by Lazarus Rising.
The CRD in "Bedtime Stories" was telling the truth.[]
Let's face it, Sam didn't do all that much to help Dean out (onscreen) in Season Three. He might have hated himself for it and it's obvious that he loves Dean more than anything but as she said, he was kind of going through the motions. Jared Padalecki has also said that, in S4, Dean's like "I'm big brother, we do what I say" and Sam's like "I managed four months without you. Where do you get off taking control again?" And besides, from the looks of his reaction she had obviously hit a nerve and when have demons ever really lied anyway? The only time that I can remember is when Meg was being interrogated and she told the boys that John was dead.
Dean can't (permanently) die.[]
Okay, so this is a big Back From the Dead show but seriously, how many times has he had an onscreen death or was supposed to have died? There's obviously the big one in No Rest For The Wicked (and it's likely that Castiel is going to pull him out of hell because there's work to be done. What work?), there was plenty in Mystery Spot, he shoots his doppelgangers dead in Dream A Little Dream Of Me and Skin, he stabs himself to get back to reality in What Is And What Should Never Be, he was supposedly dead in In My Time Of Dying, he was ready to die as far back as Faith and we see him get shot in the head in Nightmare. And that's not even counting the whole wish to rest thing or the suicide in slow motion that he had going in the former half of Season Three. All that has got to count for something. And how cruel/awesome would it be to have the established Death Seeker to actually not be able to die?
- Interesting theory, and not entirely unsupported by canon, in that the angels have a vested interest in keeping Dean alive until it's time for Lucifer and Michael's showdown. But a lot of those on-screen deaths weren't actually Dean. "Dream A Little Dream of Me" doesn't quite jive with "What Is And What Should Never Be" (in that Dean says in the latter that if you're about to die in a dream, you wake up) but if you accept that the dream-Dean was actually a personification of waking Dean's subconscious fears and anger, then shooting it wouldn't actually have an effect on Dean. In a way, it's a metaphor for his facing his issues (finally). In Skin, the shape-shifter wasn't actually sharing a body with Dean, so Dean's own mortality isn't in question. Mystery Spot is a little trickier, but since that was the Trickster trying to teach Sam a lesson, it can be argued that Dean didn't actually die at all during that time--it was all in Sam's mind. In short, it's easy to buy Dean as a Death Seeker, but I think he's just as mortal as anyone else when he doesn't have something bigger watching his back.
- Considering that the Trickster is really the archangel Gabriel, there's a very good chance that Dean really did die thousands of times. It would certainly gel with "Dark Side Of The Moon", where Castiel says specifically that they've been there before many times but don't remember it. "Changing Channels" certainly shows he's got the power to play up alternate realities and keep them that way.
The Trickster is actually a Q.[]
Possibly even that Q. In Mystery Spot especially he uses similar tactics to the ones Q employs in Tapestry and Best of Both Worlds, and has the ability to change his shape, change time, make days repeat and bring back the dead. He has the same interest in testing and "improving" Sam that Q seems to have in Picard and takes the same joy when his target is reduced to begging him for help. Despite being a shapeshifter, the Trickster has a "default" form he uses with beings who have seen him before, just like the Q, and he's survived two sure attempts on his life --- easy to do if he's actually immortal.
- Hah! He does kind of look like a Q, too, doesn't he? Jossed by "Changing Channels," sadly. Though since he's described as a pagan god, and addressed as "Loki" by the other gods in Hammer of the Gods, that might explain where some of his power comes from.
- No, no, no, Q is actually Gabriel - we all know he likes pranks, especially involving aliens: pretending to be an advanced alien lifeform in order to mess with the humans would totally be his style.
- This Troper would like to point out that, in the Expanded Universe novels, Q is pretty much every single Trickster God ever (including Loki), not just on Earth. Q is also on the Pals with Jesus page, for what it's worth. Making this one...hilariously possible.
How the series will end.[]
The series will end with Dean being forced to kill Sam. You have to admit, they've foreshadowed it like crazy. Also, in the process of killing him, Dean will probably somehow "save" him.
- And then kill himself. Fade to black. Cue credits.
Season Four Ruby is really Lilith.[]
OR Ruby has been in league with Lilith the whole time. And she's setting Sam up to be the skinsuit for Lucifer.
- Alternate theory: Ruby really does hate Lilith's guts, but she was in league with Azazel--we found out in "In The Beginning" that he was up to something bigger and more ambitious than we ever realized, and whatever his plan is, it definitely involves the Last Psychic Kid Standing. By encouraging Sam to use his powers, even for good, Ruby hopes to send him down the slippery slope to the Dark Side.
Uriel is going to be killed by Sam.[]
Everything we've learned about Uriel so far screams on-screen death, or maybe a fall. Anyway, he's violent, not really likable, and is threatening one of the main characters. Since (1) Kripke doesn't like to make ominous threats for nothing (2) Sam has to go dark at some point for the plot to have a sensible climax (3) Sam just being turned into dust would be a really boring ending, it seems like at some point Uriel's going to try to kill Sam, and Sam will become involved in Uriel's death. We already know angels can die from Are You There God?, and it would be a heck of a turning point.
- Uriel was ganked by the very blade he used to kill other angels, and it was being wielded by Anna.
Ruby is trying to finish the plan that Azazel started.[]
Considering how Azazel wanted to have a general to control a demon army, Ruby could just be one of the many demons that Sam was going to lead — and perhaps the only one that's willing to see ol' Yellow Eyes's endgame through to the very end. Perhaps the only reason Lilith wanted Sam's head on a platter at all is because Ruby wanted to see Azazel's plan through to the very end.
- Wasn't this kind of confirmed by "Lucifer Rising"?
Supernatural's Azazel is the same one from Fallen[]
Demons named Azazel? Check. Sadistic assholes who like to screw with people? Check. Want to cause the Apocalypse? Check. Enemies with guys named John who they possess, who are essentially pushed to suicide after failing to kill the demon/s? Check. Shows creepy interest in John's love interest? Check. In Fallen, Azazel's POV is even yellow - perhaps because of his eye color?
Ruby is an undercover/fallen angel[]
Devil's advocate, literally - she's there to oppose every option of them upstairs to make sure Free Will still has a say and the boys actually think through their actions. I know she's supposedly relatively low-level from her eye-color, but it's a possiblity that could be part of her disguise. If you're inflitrating the enemy, then you go in as a soldier, not a general.
The Angels in the series are a different type of Angel then we thought.[]
Pffft like this needs a reason.
Dean is a Trickster[]
Love of sweets? Check. Smarmy attitude? Check. Loves showing up people who are "dicks"? Check. Immortal? Death hasn't really stuck yet. He even rather intuitively figured out the Trickster's reason for selecting his targets in Tall Tales before they even knew what they were facing. And for some reason, Dean not only liked the Trickster's style but was even a tiny bit sorry to have to kill him (even if that death didn't stick either). Whether he knows it or not, there might just be a little something more to the elder Winchester.
- Taking this to its logical conclusion, he's the Trickster. Remember, it's established that the Trickster can make illusory copies of himself, so having seen them together doesn't eliminate the possiblity. Suddenly the Trickster's motive in "Groundhog Day" makes more sense--he wants to help Sam get used to Dean's death because he is Dean, who doesn't want Sam to save him. This theory makes a lot more sense with the caveat that Dean doesn't actually know he's the Trickster; the Trickster we've seen is a projection of his subconscious, which is free to use Dean's powers as it pleases.
- Unless the writers are up to something seriously brain-breaking, this was Jossed by "Changing Channels".
The trickster has no weakness.[]
He's been stabbed by his "one weakness" twice and is still running around. He (they?) probably made up a weakness and spread it around for kicks.
- Alternatively, he's never actually appeared to anyone. He just makes copies of himself to mess with people.
- Confirmed in Changing Channels: He's actually Gabriel.
- Uh, what about the fact that another angel can kill him? Not to mention that being trapped by holy fire is a weakness, if not necessarily a fatal one.
The trickster is God.[]
Related to the above WMG, there is only one "trickster", and even that trickster has no real physical form. It can't be a coincidence that the two times they hunt a trickster it's the same one, and each time the trickster is teaching moral lessons to people through ironic punishments and other "mysterious ways", as God would be apt to do. Also, this explains what God is doing during his supposed absence, and allows him to still exert his influence and not have abandoned his creations, but would still have thrown the angels off his trail. Alternatively, the trickster is a human manifestation of God, similar to Jesus in Christian tradition.
- Turns out he's Gabriel. Or so he says. That could turn out to be yet another Trick.
The Impala is really a TARDIS.[]
Its trunk is obviously Bigger on the Inside, considering all of the weaponry and clothing it has to hold at any given time.
The Friday the 13 th remake takes place in the Supernatural universe between seasons 3 and 4...[]
Think about it, the "I'm looking for my sister" thing in the trailer could be a perfect cover story, and Sam goes under other names all the time.
Dean is now uncircumcised[]
He mentioned that all his scars had disappeared after he was raised from hell. My guess is that it also includes the hoodie.
- But has he been rehymenated? And was he circumcised to begin with? When in canon did this ever come up? Why do I think you're so awesome now?
- Didn't he explicitely say he was "rehymenated"? And, well, he is American.
Dean has never actually eaten pie[]
Consider: he orders pie often, discusses how much her likes pie, we often see him eating food in general, but have you ever seen him successfully procure and consume pie?
- Jossed in a big way when Dean gets offered pizza-pie by everybody's favourite horseman of the apocalypse, Death.
- It was jossed even before that in "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid" when Bobby's undead wife baked and fed both of them pie.
God has been imprisoned by the four angels.[]
In the Season 4 finale, when Dean asked where's God in the angel's plan to allow Armageddon to occur, Zachariah simply said that he "has left the building." Then Dean looks at the gate behind him. In another episode, the fallen angel Anna Milton said that only four angels have seen God. Presumably they are the only ones who are allowed to since they are the highest level of angels.
This theory suggests that some time ago, the four angels are tired of following Gods orders and have him sealed behind the gates. This would explain why God has yet to make an appearance in the show. It would be revealed that he indeed did have a hand in the Season 2 episode "Houses of the Holy", where he caused a freak accident which killed an abusive boyfriend. It was a sign to get Dean's attention as he is chosen.
Bodiless spirits have 'static' personalities.[]
Static in the sense of being hard to change. This would explain all the ghosts caught in patterns from when they were alive, doing exactly the same thing over and over. It would also explain why Dean came back from Hell as just a sadder version of himself, instead of being a vastly different person, even though he spent 40 extremely traumatic years there. After all, even if you have a pretty good life, you're a very different person at 60-70 years than you are at 20-30. Think of it - Dean spent more time in Hell than he did alive. And traumatic experiences cause a much greater change in personality in a short time, hence all the 18 year olds who go off to war and come back a couple of years later completely different. Dean's experiences in Hell are about the only trauma the main characters experienced that the authors didn't portray entirely accurately to Real Life. This theory could explain why.
- To be fair, we don't really know what a realistic depiction of the effects of spending time in hell on one's psyche, would look like. We know what the effects of physical and mental torture are, and these are portrayed accurately to Real Life. But we really have no idea what exactly supernatural or mystical torment would do to someone, so they have a bit more leeway here. For all we know, torture in hell only hurts a person's soul, not their mind, which could be why his personality isn't noticeably changed.
- Then again, if we are to believe Ruby, some "bodiless spirits" in Hell actually become demons, so they did change. I could see both of those working, though, since it seems to be accurate for ghosts, and Dean. In fact, this is something I have assumed as true without even realizing it's not explicitly canon...
- It is never stated, however, that time actually moves slower in hell. This seems to be a common misconception among Supernatural fans. It is only stated that time feels like it lasts much longer, what with the indescribable agony and all. Kind of like how a really bad day can seem to drag on forever, but it's not actually any longer than any other day.
Lucifer is responsible for bringing Castiel back from the dead[]
- There's only one who not only could have brought Castiel back but also teleported Dean and Sam to safety... God.
- Yup, turns out it was God.
Lucifer is God.[]
In line with the theory above that the 4 archangels imprisoned God except this explains where he's been all this time. So God became estranged from the daily affairs of heaven and contact with the lower orders of angels either through apathy or manipulation by his seemingly loyal lieutenants. Possibly there was a war in heaven in which the propaganda story of the betrayer Lucifer was created. Anywho, in the aeons since then God lost his sanity and came to hate his ow creation.
John Winchester is God.[]
Oh, how greatly I don't want this to be true. Considering the critical roles we've learned Sam and Dean have, and how both God and John are Disappeared Dad's, this could quite soon turn into the most messed up trinity ever. Plus, why is it so convenient that they have a mother named Mary and a father named John, and the intended hosts of Lucifer and Michael are brothers?
- That's the most disturbing theory I've heard yet. Except the Virgin Mary was married to a guy named Joseph, not one named John.
- And let us never speak about by short term memory for my own religion again. Still, John is the name of half the New Testament people, so cut me some slack. Lest I post a WMG that John the Baptist was Joseph's Flying Brick superhero identity
- And notice that one of the alternate names for Lucifer is "Samael." So close to the name of his vessel Samuel.
The mortal world will end in Armageddon.[]
The side of Heaven might win the battle, but it will be a Pyrrhic victory if it happens at all.
- More or less confirmed by the angels--they (aside from Castiel) don't really care how many humans suffer or get annihilated during the final conflict, as long as they win.
Cain and Abel were the original vessels for Michael and Lucifer[]
Think about it. It'd be the perfect place. Armageddon was intended to be early...but both Cain and Abel didn't want to destroy the world so the elder brother killed the younger to bare the 'mark of shame'.
- Or, the world began the same way it's going to end. Elder brother kills younger brother.
Supernatural takes place in the same universe as Good Omens.[]
Meaning that yes, Mark Sheppard's Crowley is the same Crowley as in the book. You've even got the Four Horsemen and angels who want the apocalypse to happen. And when they couldn't get the Antichrist kid from "I Believe The Children Are Our Future" to destroy the world, the demons went looking for another one they had planted eleven years ago, who due to a miscommunication was switched at birth...
- I assumed it was the other way around, that the Tadfield Apocalypse happened before the Winchester Apocalypse.
Bobby is God and it's all a test.[]
- Yes please. I think I read a fic like this once...
- Wrong character but, aside of that, it wasn't too far from the truth.
Bela was the first seal[]
All we know about the first seal is that it was a woman who was Dean's first victim in Hell. (Alastair said as much in "Heads on a Pin".) Dean already hated Bela because she stole the Colt and destroyed his last chance of getting out of going to Hell. Besides, he already had told her he'd see her in Hell. Let's face it, aside from a demon, Bela would probably be the one Dean would want to get revenge on most.
Most episodes since 5x04 show how come "The End" storyline doesn't come to pass.[]
Dean and Sam getting back together is what changed everything. This is why "The End" timeline isn't going to come to pass. With each episode, we see the differences between the original timeline and the changed timeline.
First of all, from 5x04 we got to know that the angels disappeared/left and aren't coming back. They didn't. What actually happened was that in the original timeline - when the boys were separate - Jesse nuked the angels. Perhaps without Sam's insistence on saving Jesse, Dean went along with Castiel and they attacked him. Perhaps, without Sam - who has experienced the temptation of the dark side himself - Jesse could not be convinced to not join the demons.
Second of all, it took Dean five years to locate the Colt. Why? Because Becky called Sam to the Supernatural Convention. In the original timeline, he simply ignored her. He wasn't hunting so he didn't care about "Chuck's" "life-or-death" situation. Therefore, they never got the tip about the Colt, they never met Crowley and as such it took Dean five years to track the Colt down - only to find out that it's ineffective against the devil.
Third, how did Lucifer end up in Sam's body? Two possibilities. One is that without the Abandon All Hope and Sam, Interrupted, Sam's rage issues were never addressed. Lucifer never revealed that Sam should "feed the anger in his belly" and this has somehow led to Sam saying Yes. The other possibility is that something went very, very differently during the body swap episode. Perhaps Garry swapped with Sam when Dean wasn't around and wound up saying Yes. Without Dean there to figure out that Sam was Not Sam, Garry was convinced to let Lucifer in.
- The Gary thing is less likely considering the main reason Gary and his friends decided to perform the body switching spell in the first place was because the demons had declared Dean as "Hell's Most Wanted". If Dean and Sam were separated, the kids wouldn't really have had a reason to switch bodies.
At the, well, end, of "The End" Dean says something along the lines of about how the brothers "keep each other human." Whithout Dean around, Sam really doesn't have anything good in his life, and has no personal stake in the outcome. Sure, there's the whole planet thing, but seriously, Lucifer is wearing him down every night for two years and he's supposed to hold on for some abstract concept (seeing as how humans don't actually comprehend super big numbers).
The Trickster created all the other Tricksters.[]
Just like how Lucifer created all the demons, the Trickster made a whole race of tricksters just like him (Loki, Coyote, etc). It shouldn't be out of his power range since he's actually the Archangel Gabriel, and Lucifer still managed to make an entire race as a fallen angel.
Supernatural is a production of the Ouran High School Host Club.[]
Like a real-life Mori and Hani, Jensen and Jared are lighthearted dudes who constantly make with the angst and woe on camera so the ladies will swoon. As themselves, they try to always be charming and dashing, with great success.
God will take the form of Sam and Dean's mother[]
Something that someone I know suggested. Him being John makes sense, but is also too predictable. Their mother has the strongest influence on the whole Winchester family. Dean and John both loved her, and Sam never got a chance to know her, but still has more respect for her than for his father (though he may be finally starting to forgive his dad) whatever God does when he shows up, he'll take the form with the greatest significance for Lucifer and Michael's hosts.
Dean will say Yes to Lucifer; Sam will say Yes to Michael[]
Dean and Sam are of the same bloodline, so it may not matter which angel goes in which brother.
- Jossed. Sam is only Lucifer's vessel, because of the demon blood. He can't be possessed by Michael and Dean can't be possessed by Lucifer.
God hasn't given up them[]
Come on, not even Supernatural writers can be that cruel. Can they?
- Heh, heh, heh....
Castiel is in love with Dean.[]
Just watch 5.18. Seriously.
- Agreed. Sure, I am a shipper, but from a more realistical viewpoint, I'd say that it's definitely unrequited love. I mean, he gave up EVERYTHING for Dean. Literally. At first it would have been believable that he did it to save humanity. But then again, everytime he talks about his sacrifice, he says specifically, "for you!". It would also explain the stalking (In 5x14, Dean hadn't finished describing where they were, and Castiel popped up right in front of him), the lack of personal space, and why he stuck around with him for FIVE years in a Crapsack World (5x04).
- Dean is aware of it, which explains why he chose these specific words to taunt Castiel: "Last person who looked at me like that, I got laid." Knowing that his affections were being mocked made Castiel even angrier.
- Even my brother watched the episode (doesn't know anything about the show) and his reaction after watching it was him saying something along the lines of "oh, so this is like queer as folk with demons?" It makes me wonder just why they wrote 5.18 like that, they could've played Castiel as being angry with Dean taunting him- but why choose such suggestive lines? Oh and 5.04, with Castiel becoming human so that he could stay with Dean specifically even though the other Angels had gone back to Heaven.
- (4.10) While Anna was kissing Dean, there was a cut-in to Castiel's facial expression. He appeared upset and jealous. (5.03) Castiel didn't seem at all interested in having sex with the hooker, but smiled when Dean put his arm around him. Also, his dialogue in 5.18 was reminiscent of a betrayed lover. ("I gave everything to you, and this is what you give me?")
- At this point I'd be more surprised if this wasn't true. In 6.03 after not answering Sam for a year, Castiel responds to Dean almost immediately. Sure, he may snap at Dean, "You think I came because you called?" but it comes off like he's just pissed that Dean is being such an asshole about the whole thing. He's pretty much already confirmed to Sam that that's exactly why he came, especially with the comment that he and Dean "share a more profound bond".
- Hehehehehe. You can say one thing for the writers of Supernatural: they know their audience far too well. 6.20 is literally Castiel's recount of why he made a deal with the devil because Dean wasn't there for him. Because Castiel didn't want to ask Dean for help and interrupt his new happy life, he made a deal with Crowley for the power to defeat Raphiel. You don't need to be a shipper to read into that. Hell, you don't even have to be in the show's target demographic to read into that! It's bloody plaintext! In fact, it's in this very wiki. I think you'll find it under I Want My Beloved to Be Happy.
- Exactly. They know, and they're taunting us with it. (Which is totally okay, to be honest.)
Dean is already possessed by Michael[]
This happened when he said yes. Which is why he could kill Zachariah in "Point of No Return."
- It's stated a few times that an Archangel's sword can kill another Archangel. It's never said that it has to be an Archangel wielding the blade.
- Jossed. Michael possessed Adam because Dean never said yes.
It'd be a good plot to pick up sometime and it can be used for an episode. Why the staff never have mentioned it is a mystery to me.
- While looking this up on The Other Wiki, I found the supposedly haunted Winchester Mystery House in California. More potential relatives?
Castiel or Bobby (or both) will die at the end of season 5.[]
Judging by the episode synopsis' for the last three episodes, it seems pretty likely. Here they are, for anyone interested (obviously, slight spoilers ahead)
- It could also be Author Avatar Chuck.
- After the spoilers were released about Castiel's battle with Michael it has almost been confirmed that Castiel will die. (Please, please don't read these if you want to remain unspoilered for the end of Series 5, unfortunately I stumbled upon them by accident and now am preparing myself for the inevitable.)
- Then again, it makes me a bit suspicious, because it's so obvious. It would be such a big turning point for the show, I just can't believe that it will happen. Never Trust The Trailer. Or spoiler, in that case. Also (real spoilers!) it said "beloved character". Which means it could be anyone ranging from Castiel to Crowley, Meg or even Dean and Sam. Hell, maybe even Lucifer. I don't think that there's one character left on the show that is generally disliked (like most of the female characters). Remember last season, when a "fan favourite" was to die? While I'm one of the few who liked Ruby, I think that we all know that she was anything but a fan favourite.
- Inclined to agree here. That seems like the exact sort of spoiler that "leaks" to throw people off the scent. (My money's on Bobby - unless Chuck re-appears some time soon, in which case they might gank him to show off Michael or Lucifer by killing a prophet and his archangel.)
- It's almost certainly one of the good guys. No matter how much you like the way Lucifer is portrayed on the show, "beloved" is an unlikely description of a villain. And it would have to be someone who's appeared on the show frequently. Which means... yeah, either Castiel or Bobby.
- Alternate theory: it's a cop-out. The synopsis doesn't say that anyone dies, just that someone "faces death", which could mean a near-death experience or a Heroic Sacrifice interrupted at the last second. And we know that The Grim Reaper is showing up in person, so maybe the character will literally face Death.
- Confirmed. Castiel and Bobby are both killed by Lucifer when they try to interfere with his battle against Michael. However, after the battle, Castiel is brought back by God, reinstated with angel powers, and subsequently brings back Bobby.
In the event that Dean and Sam say yes, Dean will first convince Michael not to kill Lucifer.[]
Dean will chew out Michael for not holding onto his brother and letting him make the mistakes that led to Lucifer falling. Dean's issue with Gabriel was that he was too afraid to stand up to his family. Dean's issue with Michael will ultimately be that he was a shitty big brother for not keeping Lucifer on the straight and narrow. Michael will try to reach out to his little brother. Whether or not Lucifer redeems himself, well...
Crowley's eyes are yellow[]
Just to complete the allusions to Good Omens. Hey, it'd explain why he never flashes his eyes like the other demons do (the boys'd probably shoot him dead on the spot if he did).
In the finale, Lucifer will get a new cell mate[]
Both Sam and Dean will be possessed by Lucifer and Michael, but both will suppress them long enough to jump into the cage together. And be trapped / fighting each other for eternity
- There can be no worse cell mates, they're all family.
- Mostly confirmed. Lucifer (in Sam's body) is trapped in the cage with Michael (in Adam's body).
God is Good[]
It has been stated on the main tv tropes page for Supernatural that this show thrives on Alternate Character Interpretation (and this troper agrees with this). With this in mind, lets look at what we know about God. First of all, Lucifer fell because he hated the fact that (and other angels have confirmed this) of all God's creations, he loved humanity the most. Secondly, lets remember that Dean is a major believer in free will. God's not snapping his fingers and making everything better allows for people (and angels and demons) to make their own decisions, mistakes, and deal with the consequences. Speaking of which, it should be pointed out that technically, it was Dean who broke the first seal and Sam who gave into temptation and freed Lucifer, so the Apocalypse is their fault. Maybe God wants them to take ownership for their mistakes. And finally, Dean says to Joshua that God can stop both the Apocalypse and, implicitly, everything that's wrong with the world. However, Dean said in an earlier episode that he would gladly take the pain of this world over paradise. Its also been established that he LOVES his job. So Dean wants God to stop the Apocalypse, remove all the problems of the world, and yet still allow it to be a place where conflict happens, there are hauntings, and Dean can go around drinking, stealing, and having lots of sex? Just because Dean is the hero, the audience does not have to assume he is right when he calls God a "deadbeat dad with excuses". He has been shown to be a flawed human being, whose entire line of reasoning for calling God a bad father rests on contradictory desires.
- YMMV depending on your views on religion, since the show follows the actual Judeo-Christian lore quite closely.
- Somewhat supported by the end of Swan Song, wherein Chuck whom many fans believe to be God in disguise, says that maybe the apocalypse was a test for Sam and Dean (standing in, presumably, for all of humanity) on what values they would cling to and what paths they would forge when presented with such impossible situations. They wind up choosing love of family and free will over all else--which are both very important values in Judeo-Christian doctrine. Without getting into a theological debate, it's possible, within the show's universe, that God chose Sam and Dean as examples of these human virtues, both to test them AND to teach his fractious angelic children a much-needed lesson about loyalty and forgiveness.
- Makes sense if one stops thinking of God as, well, God, and instead as a parent not much different than any human parent (in his own image, much?). God's almost always referred to as a father and the archangels actually call him "Dad". It's like he's got a species made of nothing but indecisive twenty-somethings; they're old enough to support themselves, in theory, but they still haven't moved passed the point of missing the time when Mommy and Daddy took care of paying the rent. Kind of supported by the conversation between Castiel and Dean at the end of Swan Song, when Castiel told Dean he got exactly what he wanted. To this troper it implied that having God snap his fingers and make everything alright forfeited the right to free will, just like a twenty-something still depending on his parents can't truly be said to be an independent adult.
Crowley is God[]
Saw this on Television Without Pity message boards: he restored Bobby's ability to walk, told the boys where Death was right away but wouldn't face Death himself, and hasn't been in a scene with the amulet yet.
Chuck is God.[]
Come on, after the vanishing act at the end of Swan Song? There's no other way.
- Confirmed! Misha Collins stated in this interview at around the 3:40 mark that Chuck was indeed God.
- It's also more subtly implied earlier in the episode, he's writing about the car, so he knows what will happen, but professes ignorance to the brothers. This shows he is actually directing events rather than passively knowing about them. Sam appearing immediately after Chuck says "they passed" suggests this was all a test of human free will, and he has released Sam without freeing Lucifer.
- The problem with this theory is that the amulet didn't work in season 4 when they first met Chuck. But God being God, he probably found a way to negate the effects, or maybe the amulet wasn't working from the beginning.
- Joshua himself rather explicitly said that if God doesn't want to be found, the necklace will do no good. Which kinda makes sense, considering that it is God we're talking about.
- The alternate possibility is that, as a prophet, Chuck has finished the story that he started all those years ago. His job done, he's been whisked off to Heaven.
- The way I see it, Chuck actually lived happily ever after with Becky. God assumed Chuck's form, and residence, for that episode. It certainly explains a lot more, including the change in personality of moments when he's alone during that long gap between appearances. Though I'm still kind of weirded out by that one call he was expecting. Though maybe that was an act to not have Dean realize he was expecting him.
- Biblically, prophets and the like usually die/are assumed to heaven after their work is done. My sanity demands this be true with Chuck, because otherwise, what was the point of the amulet?
- Easy: The revelation of God's apathy towards the Apocalypse acts a huge turning point and a catalyst for some of what happens next. Cas, after his desperate searching, is devastated to find God is blatantly hiding from them and loses most, if not all, of his faith in just about everything (God, Heaven, the Winchesters and their plan). Hell, he even ends up on a bender over it. Dean really loses faith as well, and in the next few episodes basically does a 180 and thinks that maybe saying yes to Michael isn't such a bad idea.
- This Troper came over to this page right after seeing the finale, and was about to put this one up, but was beaten to the punch!
Lucifer didn't go in the pit.[]
I seem to recall a certain conversation between Lucifer and Gabriel in which Lucifer said that he taught Gabriel all he knows, so his "clone" trick wouldn't work on him. Lucifer used his old trick to get Michael into the hole and out of the way. Without Michael or the rings, what are they supposed to do now?
In Season 6, Sam will be an angel.[]
Flickering lights are one of the signs. This isn't particularly likely - it'd take away a lot of the tension, certainly, and Sam might have just been deposited there by one instead.
- He could also be a demon. Which, personally, I would quite approve of. I felt cheated out of demon!Dean, after the foreshadowing we got in Dream a Little Dream of Me.
- Demon!Sam is more likely, since it's mentioned in one of the later episodes (forget which one) that in order to become Lucifer's vessel, Sam will have to consume more demon blood than ever before, and that doing so will irrevocably change him.
- It was confirmed in late season 6 that the flickering light was evidence of an angel, Castiel, returning Sam, sort of.
Season 6 will start the same way Season 1 did.[]
Now that Dean's playing happy families, Sam's going to have to get Dean back on the road with him. What's the best way to get him away?
- Alternatively, it might start the same way season 4 did, with Castiel appearing to recruit Dean for a specific purpose (maybe stopping Sam who turned into an über-demon?)
Castiel is the most powerful entity on the show. (Except God and Jesse)[]
Think of it: Michael and Lucifer are in the pit, and it is implied that Castiel will resume Michael's position ("new sheriff in town"). Castiel has to be strong in order to gain respect from his siblings (after all, he was public enemy no.1 in heaven), which means that he's probably as strong as Michael himself now. Michael was stronger than Lucifer, who was stronger than all the pagan gods. Unless there is something we don't know, Castiel should be the strongest.
- I know that nobody seems to remember/care about him, but... what about archangel Raphael?
- Well, I think it's safe to assume that Michael was stronger than him. I can imagine that Raphael and Castiel work together, though.
- Either that or Raphael is still trapped in that circle of fire.
- Well, now he is.
Sam and Adam are not trapped in the Pit.[]
Angels only need vessels when on Earth. And the pit was designed to contain Lucifer (and by extension Michael, as they're both archangels), not human souls. So Lucifer & Michael both ditched the meat suits as soon as they hit the bottom of the pit, and of course Sam and Adam would be instantly fried by the backwash of any cage fight those two had. So Sam & Adam are dead and in Heaven... well, at least Adam is. Judging by Sam's appearance at the end of the finale, and the streetlight shorting out, Sam's either resurrected (Cas is just handing those out for free nowadays) or a ghost.
- Resurrections! Get your resurrections here! Two dolla! ...In all seriousness, this makes sense. Though, would Adam die, or what?
The Pit is not a part of Hell.[]
The Pit was designed to contain Lucifer, not to torture him. Perhaps, the Pit was not unpleasant for Sam sans the isolation and unruly cell-mate. Lucifer never complained about the Pit, only about being put there for his disobedience. Sam doesn't want to tell Dean about this because he's ashamed that he didn't suffer more for his mistakes. Also, Lucifer's ability to "whisper through his bars" in "Lucifer Rising" implies that Earth time is comparable to Pit time, unlike Hell, where time flows about 120 times faster than it does here on Earth.
In the end, Castiel will fall.[]
Well, first of all, it's been built up to for two seasons. Second, I wouldn't be surprised if it went like this: Castiel tries to set a new order and allows the other angels to feel and think for themselves, because he has experienced it too. However, this will backfire on him. Of course, in the end everything will be fine again because Status Quo Is God, but he will decide to leave heaven. Or, he won't be able to connect with the other angels because he can feel, which will either drive him insane or cause him to follow Anna's path, i.e. ripping out his grace.
- Gabriel could feel too, didn't mean he had to rip out his grace. Did mean he took one long-ass vacation, though.
- Spending two millenia hidden among humans tends to do that to you. It was probably a survival tactic as well; good luck interacting believably with humans when you're the physical equivalent of :| .
The entire apocalypse was engineered by God as an object lesson in forgiveness and brotherly love for Lucifer and Michael.[]
If we assume that God is, in fact, all-knowing, and that He had some plan that went beyond what the humans and even the angels on the show could comprehend, it's entirely possible and believable that the entire apocalyptic story arc, and maybe the entire series, were completely subject to His will. He created Sam and Dean and put them through all sorts of trials in order to hone their skills and their devotion to both each other and humanity. Think about it: Sam and Dean are so strongly devoted to each other that even the angels find it remarkable. Gabriel tells them flat out in Mystery Spot that they are one another's greatest weakness, and everyone knows it--but we've seen time and time again that they are also each other's strength.
What if God intended all along for the apocalypse to happen, for Sam and Dean to be tested to their limits and beyond...and to succeed? That's why He wouldn't intervene to stop events from taking their course, but also why He zapped them onto the plane during Lucifer's prison break, and why He resurrected Castiel, not once but twice. Cas learned a lot about humanity, loyalty, and faith in a relatively short time with the Winchesters. It's possible that God intended for Lucifer, Michael, and the other angels to have a chance to learn the same lessons, to forgive one another and come back into the fold. In a way, God was also granting the angels a chance at free will and at the redemption that they all craved; it's just that they didn't see it for what it was.
If so, then that's why Cas was brought back with all his powers restored (and possibly even upgraded) and why Sam is still around at the end of the season. (It's part of his and Dean's reward for playing their intended parts.) It's also the reason that things really only seem to go right for the boys when they're working together. Sure, they have to be willing to make horrendously difficult decisions, and even to sacrifice themselves and their happiness for one another and for the greater good of humanity, but each time they make a step in the right direction, they're rewarded with a new ally or new information.
This also ties in nicely with the theory that Chuck is God. If that's true, it allows God to be on the scene the whole time, subtly directing events and helping the boys out on occasion. For instance, when he lectures Sam about his demon-blood addiction, it's not so much a scolding as it is a subtle reminder that "you're better than this, Sam." He offers vital information that can't be obtained anywhere else (such as when he tells Dean the location of the showdown between Lucifer and Michael) and many of his conversations with the guys serve the purpose of subtly reinforcing their relationship and their own particular moral codes.
This Troper also likes this theory because it puts Sam and Dean back into the position of fairly typical mortals(rather than universe-breaking badasses) but does so in a way that doesn't detract from their legitimate awesomeness. They're still heroes, but, like everyone else, are ultimately playing roles that they don't fully understand in a divine and ineffable plan.
At some point, Demon!Bela will appear.[]
Because demons were once humans and time passes faster down in hell, and given that Bela probably wouldn't have lasted as long as Dean did before taking up the knife, Bela is probably well on her way to becoming a demon herself by now.
- DO WANT. She never really got enough time to shine when she was still alive.
- I have been hoping for that ever since she was killed off. I was one of the few fans who LOVED her.
True angelic vessels run through bloodlines, and Michael implies that Dean and Sam are related to Cain and Abel. But there must be a lot more than just one single family that stretch back to Cain and Abel. All the special children are from bloodlines that can be traced back to Cain and Abel, and in each one, there is a potential vessel for Michael and Lucifer. Because if a vessel dies (assuming they don't just get ressurected) there's got to be a backup, right? Like the potential slayers in Buffy the Vampire Slayer - they become the true vessel, if the original dies, or is never going to say yes (which is why Adam became the Michael's vessel when it was clear that nothing was going to make Dean say yes). Because what was the point otherwise of Azazel having that contest in Cold Oak if it ended with killing Lucifer's only true vessel? All of them had the potential to be vessels, Azazel just wanted to establish who was willing to kill for survival, and who he could manipulate easiest into opening the Devil's Gate in Wyoming, thus releasing Lilith, then eventually killing Lilith to release Lucifer and ultimately agreeing to be Lucifer's vessel once he was freed from the pit. The reason Sam was Azazel's favourite was because he was the first true vessel, and also because of the Cain/Abel-esque relationship he had with Dean.
Azazel is "Man", the evil demon in the episode of A Haunting called Demon Child.[]
At the end of the fifth season, there will be an awesome car chase between the Impala and the cars of the Four Horsemen.[]
At this point, we have seen that War had his Red Mustang and that Famine had his black SUV. After all these years, the Impala deserves an incredible Crowning Moment of Awesome, and it couldn't get better than that.
- HELL yeah!
- Well, Pestilense car is pretty damn crappy. Lets keep up hope for Death's Steed.
- And Death drives a beautiful off-white Cadillac El Dorado, so the whole "car chase of epic win" scenario is still possible.
- Original poster of this guess here. Maybe the chase will only be with Death. Dean will probably try to cheat him by finding another way of trapping Lucifer than by sacrificing Sam or by looking for a way to make him leave Hell, taking huge risks while doing so. Also, Death is the horsemen that we have the most chance to see again, except maybe Pestilence, but there's no way his Pinto can keep up with the Impala.
- Jossed. Death willingly gave up his ring. What could have been...
- Well, at least the Impala played a very big role in the finale. It's just that it was a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming instead of a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
Dean is bisexual.[]
His weird obsession with Dr.Sexy, among other things, and also, "last PERSON who looked at me like that, I got laid."
- It may just be me, but this wouldn't be too surprising. After all, getting some action is better than no action; there are a lot of people who prefer the opposite sex, but wouldn't immediately refuse sexual advances from their own gender, either.
- Jossed in "Live Free or Twihard." Boris is a walking talking aversion to Vampires Are Sex Gods but Dean's refusal to his advances are less "No Way In Hell You're Getting Any Of This, Ugly" and more like "Sorry, I'm Straight."
- Not really. That refusal could've easily been more along the lines of, "Sorry, I don't have sex with blood-sucking monsters."
Michael has possessed Adam[]
After "Point of No Return", someone had to say it. And it would be a way for Michael to show up without Dean letting himself be possessed.
Bobby will definitely die soon.[]
He's the only main character who hasn't at one point or another, and I just have a feeling about it, for another reason that's rather difficult to write down. Whether or not he stays dead is another matter.
- Confirmed. Has his neck snapped by Lucifer himself. Castiel brings him back, though.
- Season 7.
Bobby will die because of the deal with Crowley.[]
Three possibilities. 1) Crowley is lying and never intended to return Bobby's soul. 2) Crowley will basically hold Bobby's soul hostage to keep Sam and Dean in line. 3) Crowley was being honest, but will get killed in the ensuing battle, leaving Bobby for the hellhounds.
- And 'Swan Song' averts this: Bobby did die but at Lucifer's hands, and was then resurrected by Castiel. No mention was made of the disposition of Bobby's soul but given that Castiel's new job is as Commander of the Host, Crowley probably doesn't want to go up against that.
Castiel was teleporting the burgers out of his stomach as he ate them in "My Bloody Valentine."[]
When asked how many he'd had he said "It's in the low hundreds." Given the time that had passed his stomach should have exploded like the twinkie man's. Instead, he didn't even seem to gain any weight.
- It's either that, or being possessed by an angel has given Jimmy a metabolism to put the Flash to shame. Or, even creepier, eating that much was destroying his (Jimmy's?) stomach, but his angel healing factor was repairing the damage as soon as it occured. It makes one wonder if Castiel didn't notice the terrible pain this would have caused because he was so thoroughly under Famine's spell by that point.
Crowley will go on to become Badger[]
People who are possessed by demons don't age, right? If he manages to not get killed long enough, he could easily end up leaving Earth That Was and become a crime-lord in the Firefly-verse under another identity.
- He's currently moonlighting as a man named Jim Sterling, because being the king of hell gets boring sometimes.
- Recently, he's just quit the FBI and helped stopped an alien invasion by going through time and space.
The Campbells are capturing monsters to reveal them to the media/military[]
They are doing this in order to force people to realize what`s out there so they can protect their families and not have to go through the average hunters backstory
Chuck is a Trickster[]
John was the one who brought his father in law back and the one getting him to capture creatures[]
The Pit is actually the Pit of Voles[]
Taking in count that Lucifer is supposed to be trapped there, it would explain many of the badfics (e.g. My Immortal).
S6!Sam is not Sam. It's Lucifer[]
It was never explained why Sam wasn't crazycakes over being in hell, despite for a short time. Hence, it's not Sammy--Sammy is dead. If you're wondering how he got out, Shiva. He's the god of rebirth and redeath, his son is dead and was eating people, and he's a little ticked off at the brothers. Obviously he's pissed at Lu too, but he blames the bros for Ganesha's death.
- Or alternately, Sam is still possessed, but has taken control somewhat. This accounts for some of his more mysterious actions. He's more or less is in the driver's seat, but Lucifer is still somewhat influencing him. The mother of all backstreet drivers.
- OR, Sam's soul is still in Hell, and the traits which make him human (empathy, compassion, etc) are stuck there along with it.
- Confirmed in 6x07.
Chuck is the Metatron[]
Think about it: the voice of God is a prophet writing books about what's happening. It would be a good way for God to communicate and maybe even help without having to get involved, allowing humans to exercise their free will.
God is a Sam/Dean shipper[]
If the theory of Chuck being God is correct, why else would He write the books? Easy: He wrote them so the fans would ship the brothers together in fics. Same reason to why Chuck went out with Sam's fangirl.
Ben really is Dean's son[]
Ben is biologically Dean's son. Lisa didn't tell Dean the truth before because she had her suspicions about Dean's life and didn't want Ben drawn into that life (like Carol Marcus.) And in the year Dean was living with them, she didn't tell either of them the truth because she knew Dean would be pulled back to the hunter's life and didn't want Ben to go with him. Because there is no way that boy doesn't have some Dean genes in him.
- I believe quite the opposite is true about Lisa's attitude towards hunters. Lisa has showed nothing but respect for what hunters do. Perhaps, lying to Dean about Ben was her way of freeing him to do what he does best. She could not risk Dean choosing his son over the safety of the world. Lisa's stuck in a lie and it's only a matter of time before the truth comes out.
- Perhaps this IS true, and the only reason Lisa didn't inform him of this during their off-screen year after S5 is because she didn't want Dean to feel obligated... or something.
- Or maybe the kid is his, but at that point Dean was, in her own words, "that guy she spent one weekend with forever ago". She didn't really know anything about him, except perhaps that he was a bad boy who made a living under dubious circumstances. Not knowing anything about the guy, she might not have wanted to have this practical stranger upset the clearly good life she's made for herself and her son. From what she told Dean of Ben's "real" father, it doesn't seem like she's made the best romantic choices in the past.
The above is true, and Ben is will host Michael at some point[]
We've seen Lucifer!Sam but never Michael!Dean, which would be very interesting. The threat of Michael possessing Adam instead of Dean wasn't enough to get Dean to say "yes", but Dean cares more about Ben, so Dean will take the bullet for him.
Adam is going to be Raphael's new vessel, or at least be his soldier[]
Adam wanted the apocalypse so that he could see his mother again, and Raphael is trying to restart the apocalypse, so it makes sense that he would agree to help him. It also makes sense that Adam would be revived from Hell just like Sam.
- I hope so, or else Adam's spent the last 120 years in Hell alone with two archangels.
- It is possible Raphael has (or is going to) raise Adam from the pit the same way Castiel did for Sam, i.e. without a soul.
Raphael needs Purgatory to be opened.[]
Raphael wants to jump-start the Apocalypse again. Just one problem: Lilith's Deader Than Dead, destroyed with Sam's demon-killing power at the end of Season Four. She was the last seal needed to open the Pit. If Raphael knew another way to open the Pit, he'd have used it already. So, he needs to resurrect Lilith.
The Alphas are plotting to Take Over the World[]
The hunters would be the first line of defense against such a plot for world domination. The monsters are acting off pattern because their Alphas are commanding them to. They are prodding the hunters for weaknesses. Also, certain recent changes to the status quo (i.e. Heaven and Hell being in disarray from the loss of Michael and Lucifer) might be the window of opportunity these monsters have been waiting for. The Alphas, in all likelihood, despise the thought of having to work together but know that the rewards would be enormous.
Death is the Alpha Reaper[]
He can kill via touch (possibly more easily, considering he's going to kill an entire city), and he describes killing God as "Reaping."
- This is pretty much true, but not in the same sense as the other Alphas, because Eve created them, and Death is (at least) as old as God.
God is the Alpha Angel[]
- Alternatively, God is the Alpha Prophet.
- And BOTH Michael and Lucifer are the Alpha Angels.
Sam got intentionally Blessed with Suck[]
As he said in the latest episode ("You Can't Handle the Truth"), he's a better hunter than ever before because of his inability to feel. That first bit was the goal of some unknown entity, who didn't care about the second bit. The general jerkassitude represented by that reminds me of some of the angels, but other aspects make me not so sure of it.
Samuel's deal with Crowley[]
Samuel's dealing with Crowley in order to resurrect Mary and the rest of his family.
- Quite possible.
- Confirmed.
- Now that he's dead, it won't happen. His daughter wouldn't have wanted him to resurrect her after all the things he's done.
How Crowley became so powerful so quickly.[]
The thing about being the "King of Hell" is that it's not just a title.
It kind of works the same way like items works for humans. When you equip, say, a body armor and a gun you suddenly become much more 'powerful' in combat. It's not a case of any sort of gradual growth, gaining new skills or experience. When you're equipped you're simply much more powerful, instantly.
I propose that a similar mechanism exists for titles in hell. So someone who is, say, "The Grand Inquisitor of Hell" isn't simply someone who has a lot of juice and can convince the other demons to call him that. Becoming the Inquisitor is similar to putting on a suit of body armor and taking a gun - except that the "items" are entirely supernatural in nature and non-physical. We can steal a word from Dresden Files and call them "mantles"
So, this is what happened with Crowley. When Armageddon was over (or at least put on hold), he collected all those mantles from the major demons who died. He probably has Lilith's mantle (maybe something like "The Mother of Monsters", "The First Demon", "The Queen of Hell" or simply "The Alpha"), Azazel's mantle (whatever it was that gave him yellow eyes, maybe "Prophet of Lucifer" or something), Alastair's mantle (the "Grand Inquisitor of Hell") and his already-existing "King of the Crossroads". The mantle of "King of Hell" might also exist and if it does, he has it now.
So, how did he do it? King of the Crossroads, as he's fond of reminding us. He probably suckered several humans into doing a deal for their souls. He convinced them to add a "locate mantle of X" to their deals and that was that. With his powers as King of the Crossroads, he might have been able to prevent other demons from using the same tactics.
This gave him an unprecedented level of power as far as demons go. In all the history of demonkind, the mantles were divided among different demons. He is the first one to have them all - because frankly, with his current level of power he probably already convinced any other mantle-holders to give them to him. He might not be the most ancient and powerful demon around personally (though he is certainly in the upper leagues) but when combined with all the mantles that he collected, he now enjoys a truly terrifying level of power.
- Guess we're never going to find out now.
- It could just be Crowley's that good. He's strong enough to take out an entire nest of demons by himself, controls hellhounds roughly the size of small bears, and is clearly one of the smartest demons out there. It wouldn't be hard to imagine him wheeling, dealing, and killing his way to the top spot in the pit.
Crowley's not dead[]
Seriously, he's Mark Sheppard. You can't just get rid of him like that.
- Confirmed!
- Castiel has been working for Crowley the whole time.
Gabriel wasn't bored.[]
Gabriel wasn't bored when he decided turn back time and bring Dean back to life. Think about it: Gabriel left Heaven because he couldn't stand to watch his brothers fight and rip each other apart. He only wants it all to be over because he loves his family, even Lucifer. He brought Dean back because he realised that he could give Sam back a part of his family that Gabriel could never have.
The Impala is God.[]
Chuck was just a prophet, not God. And Chuck said the Impala was the most important thing in the universe.
- How often has Cas teleported the boys away from danger leaving the car behind only for it to appear later, or in the next episode with no explanation?
- It was the Impala that got through to Sam at the critical moment in Swan Song.
- John gave the car to Dean, but Dean's the one who convinced John in the first place (long before he was even born), creating a self fulfilling cycle.
- The car reflects the state of the world/main characters. The damage to the car in 2014 reflected the state of the world. The car was trashed right before the first major death in the show, and was "douched up" while Dean was in hell, and was put away under a tarp while Sam was in hell/souless.
- In the 6th season episode 'Clap Your Hands If You Believe' the special X-Files intro features the words 'The Truth is in Here' super imposed over the Impala.
Gabriel is alive[]
An important part of the plot from the episode was Kali using Blood Magic to bind the Winchesters and Gabriel to her to prevent them from straying away from the Gods, she even tells Gabriel that he is bound to her forever so when he confronted Lucifer the Gabriel Lucifer killed was just another illusion and he is now biding his time waiting to help the boys again, Gabriel is known for faking his death in this series
- If that's true, I don't think he'll show up this season; maybe next.
- Somewhere, I read the theory that while Gabriel the archangel was dead, Gabriel the pagan god was still alive, since gods are sort of like tulpas, with their strength and existence depending entirely on the beliefs of their followers. As long as someone still believes in Loki, or one of his other many trickster god personas, he'll exist as a god, if not as an almighty archangel.
- Another possibility is a sort of "angel-horcrux" He told Dean to protect the Casa Erotica DVD with his life. Sure, the information on it was really important, but he seemed really insistent. Maybe he put a little bit of his Grace into it because he knew he was going to die, and wanted to make sure the DVD would be safe. He did say he'd gone to the future, and saw how the battle would end, wouldn't it make sense that he saw his death, too?
- I have this one theory and it goes something like this. There is no way to kill an archangel. Period. God caged Lucifer because it was the only way to get rid of an archangel. None of the archangels knew this little factoid simply because none of them have ever died before. God knows because God knows. Gabriel might have "died" but there's no guarantee that he stayed dead.
- Lucifer said he "taught Gabriel everything [Gabe] knew", but Gabriel has had millennia messing around on Earth to practice his reality-warping, while Lucifer was stuck in the Cage. So Gabriel still could've faked his own death well enough to fool his brother.
- I'd consider the S7 episode "Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie" proof that Gabe is alive and well, because it was simply too ridiculous to be anything but the Trickster.
Gabriel is alive...[]
...And stole his horn of truth from Heaven. He knew that there was going to be a war, so he decided to take the weapon that is rightly his and is now hiding out somewhere.
- To add to this, the only person that could have presumably taken the Horn of Truth would be Balthazar but it is implied that the angelic weapons he stole were taken directly from Heaven, not from a random music store. And it was before Balthazar had to collect the weapons again to help Castiel stop Raphael so assuming that it was the real Horn of Truth, this weapon is still in the wind.
- And who is just the kind of guy that would steal his own weapons? Gabe.
- Additionally, lore states that Gabriel is the one who defeats the Leviathans. Imagine the look on the Winchester's faces if they find out about that!
- There's also the fact that the Horn is supposed to signal the end of days when it's blown. And Gabriel does seem rather attached to Earth. If he was alive, he'd probably want to keep his Horn far away from anyone else.
Gabriel is alive...[]
...And hiding out as a Pepsi Zero spokesperson. In the most recent Pepsi Zero commercial, the "salesperson" snaps his fingers and Snoop Dogg magically appears.
The "mother of all" at the end of "Like a Virgin" is Echidna, from Greek mythology.[]
She is, after all, believed to have mothered most monsters in Greek mythology, and is even sometimes known as "Mother of All Monsters."
The Mother Of All is as strong as Lucifer and Michael[]
She does have dominion over Purgatory, much like Lucifer and Michael had control of Heaven and Hell. I really want this to be true because Raphael being the Big Bad of this season would have been cool, but it would not have been as awesome as Lucifer and Michael.
The Mother Of All is a Half-Human Hybrid.[]
After his brother Lucifer was caged in the pit, Michael sought out a mortal woman much like Dean did with Lisa after Sam's Heroic Sacrifice. Using his mighty archangel powers, the woman conceived of a child who, like the Nephilim of Biblical mythology, turned into a grotesque cannibal giant. Michael was forced to kill her but by then she had grown too powerful and it was only a matter of time before she found her way out of Purgatory. Fast forward ten thousands years ...
Soulless Sam is a separate entity.[]
Not only will the wall in Sam's mind will break, but Soulless Sam will fight for dominance. He'll also get back on Dean, and kill Bobby just for spite.
- More or less confirmed in the Season 6 finale.
Demons (and/or Angels) go to Purgatory[]
Well, we know that monsters go there when they, so why not Demons? Admittedly, it makes more sense for angels to be there than demons because they aren't already dead, but either way, it would be cool to see Azazel, Lilith, Ruby, Crowley, Uriel, and Zachariah back.
- Maybe even Gordon, who became a vampire.
Ark Mobile is owned by the Ark Corporation.[]
Ark Mobile is the name of the cell phone company that Sam has a phone under at the start of Season 4.
John's calls in Long-Distance Call really were John.[]
Throughout the episode, the soul-eating thing has a pretty constant MO. The same phrase, the same kind of tricks, the same lies. However, he does stuff quite differently in the case of Dean. First off, he uses more facts than normal and generally knows stuff that he shouldn't. Also, the demonic omens that Dean looks up shouldn't have been there if Lilith wasn't tailing them, and she had shown up where they, just hours before, had been. So, the data and the "lies" match up and the MO of the thing seems a bit off when dealing with Dean. Perhaps it really was John and the number was related to the supernatural method of calling or he was popping in when the soul-eater was using it, sort of piggybacking onto it. The thing finds out and sends the cop to where Dean is, getting him to leave before Lilith shows up, making them think it was him all along (as well as claiming it was him to fool them). Had Dean waited a bit longer, Lilith would have shown her demonic ass and they could have killed her with the exorcism (or here's an idea, trap her, call up Ruby and use the Kill Everything Knife). Plus, it's John. The guy took 100 years of torture in hell, climbed his way out and then proceeded to cause the death of YED before going to heaven. If anyone is a big enough badass to pull all of this off, it's him.
Dean never escaped during "What Is And What Should Never Be."[]
Instead, the illusion was altered to become the shittiest world possible for him as a punishment for fighting back. While it was angsty before, after that episode the angst skyrocketed, starting with the next two episodes and continuing from there on. In reality, it's still 2007 and it's been a few hours or a day at most.
- Implied in the premiere of Season 7. Lucifer tells Sam that he's still trapped in Hell. The next episode will reveal how much truth he speaks.
Samuel Colt sold his soul[]
He built a gun that kills anything. The one people we've seen be capable of restocking it with bullets are demons. Obviously Samuel Colt was not a demon, because he built the iron Devil's trap. So how did he gain the knowledge required to build the Colt? Clearly, he had help. No demon would ever help a hunter make such a gun without anything in return, so he had to trade his soul and promise not to come after the demon he made the deal with.
- There's the possibility that he tortured demons for the information, but we've seen time and again that most demons are unwilling to give anything up unless threatened with death or Sam's super-duper demon powers (which makes sense, given how much time they spend in Hell anyways). Without the colt, Colt had no such leverage. The chances of him finding a demon that WOULD give in to torture is pretty low because prior to the beginning of the series, demons didn't show up all too often, as Bobby said, "1 or 2 a years, tops".
- More likely, he had help to create the gun from an archangel, maybe Michael, or God Himself. Or even more likely, from Death. After all, Death obviously has a connection to anything that, well, kills things, we know he likes things that even the odds and tend to bring balance (and the Colt definitely does that, putting humans and supernatural entities on a much more level playing field), and the Colt seems to be kind of like a slightly less powerful version of Death's Scythe, which Crowley said could kill anything, no exceptions, even Death himself. Whichever it is, a gun that can kill anything in creation with only five exceptions, seems far beyond the power of any human, or even any demon, to construct.
- We're probably going to find out in the upcoming episode.
- I call Stable Time Loop.
The Big Bad of Season 6 is...[]
- And her music videos cause the viewer to become a Jefferson Starship. It's a far swifter method of taking over the world.
The show will end with Dean and Sam being Killed Off for Real.[]
Afterwards there will be no Heaven, no Hell, just... Nothing. The screen goes black and: cut to Chuck sitting in a beautiful room, much like the "greenroom" from the season four finale, a knowing smile on his face. Another voice-over by Chuck during the Winchesters' final hours is optional.
- Alternatively, the boys die and return to the The Matrix-esque Heaven as seen in Dark Side of The Moon. This has the benefit of it being a bittersweet ending: yes, they are reliving some of their greatest memories, but it's all fake, all an illusion.
- Alternatively alternatively, the show will end with the boys driving off into the sunset in the Impala. As they're driving off, we'll hear the last two words of dialogue on the show: "Dean: Bitch; Sam: Jerk".
- It would be kind of hard to end the show without Sam and Dean being Killed Off for Real because that is the only way to truly end it. Driving off into the sunset to hunt more monsters would feel sort of like a cop-out, like their story isn't completely over. Plus, don't they deserve a happy ending? As seen in the more recent episodes, Dean is tired of hunting and chances are, Sam is as well. They want out. Unfortunately for them, the only exit from the life of a hunter is death. Back to the happy ending bit, if they lived, they would spend their life hunting various supernatural creatures until one killed them. They wouldn't be able to have any sort of family or relationship because those always go downhill once monsters with a grudge find out. If they died, they'd go to heaven, and they could finally be at peace.
Beacuse stranger things have happened in Wild Mass Guessing. And also that they share last names and it would make an awesome crossover fanfic.
Sam wasn't hallucinating during his detox in 'When the Levee Breaks'[]
It was just the First Evil manipulating him.
Sam's hallucinations during his detox were crafted by Zachariah[]
Zach is constantly trying to manipulate people by showing them alternate versions of people they know---in "The End" with future!Dean and Lucifer!Sam, in "Dark Side Of The Moon" with illusion!Mary, and in "Lucifer Rising" with Dean's voice. During the intervention, when illusion!Dean calls Sam a monster, it’s very thematically consistent with the message Zechariah fabricated on Sam’s phone. Furthermore, Zachariah's tampering with the boys' memories during "It's A Terrible Life" suggests that he could access Sam's memories to create believable illusions.
Mother is[]
A super-powerful tulpa that was created by fearful humans many years ago.
Balthasar is The Mole for Raphael.[]
The whole "running away from Heaven with all the weapons" was a ploy to earn Castiel's trust. It wouldn't be hard considering that they were once friends. Balthasar's turning Raphael's vessel into salt could have been staged. Plus, the audience never saw Balthasar get attacked by Virgil, Raphael's right-hand man. His wound could have easily been self-inflicted. Raphael is planning to do something far worse than just killing Cas.
Purgatory is inhabited by Lovecraftian monsters.[]
The trailer for "Let It Bleed" showed a manuscript by H.P. Lovecraft covered in blood. The souls of the monsters that have ever died go there because they are the spawn of a Cosmic Horror. Eve, the Mother of All, describes herself as being older than angels. If Purgatory is opened, the universe will be flooded with entities like Eve. And if just one of her species could create all the monsters on Earth, imagine what a legion of them could do.
- Confirmed in the premiere of Season 7. God created Purgatory to trap the Leviathans, the first beings he created before anything else.
Eve is[]
Eve from the bible it's just that obvious.
- What about The Mother of All is at all similar to Eve?
- Besides their name and function not much but my theory is that Eve was a normal human being until Lucifer altered her somehow a few thousand years ago. The reason Lucifer changed Eve was because she confronted him about what he did to daughter Lilith. So Lucifer turned her into the first monster in existence and Eve started creating monsters and somehow she got locked up in purgatory.
- This might've jossed your theory [1]
God (possibly in the form of Chuck), Death, and Eve (Mother of All) were the first sentient creatures to ever exist.[]
God's role is creation, Eve's role is providing conflict and introducing violence so that evolution can progress through conflict and change, and Death is the one who takes out the trash and turns off the lights when the party's over. We know that Death is universal and ultimately going to reap God, that Eve was around before the angels (or at least before Castiel), and that God is an over-deity with unlimited power who can control anything (including putting back together flying pieces of flambeyed angel), and we know that all three are perfectly happy with the arrangement when it isn't messed up (hey, Chuck looked pretty content at the end of season 5!). The three of them together established the natural order, and all three of them get really pissed - to differing degrees - when someone messes around with that natural order. This includes the angels. Of course, the apocalypse is really just something the angels concocted because Michael and Lucifer couldn't play nice, and they wanted something official to put down in the history books[1]. So they bribed Destiny to chalk up a script and tried to force humanity and the forces of nature to play along. God doesn't really care just as long as life keeps on going and creation continues, Eve doesn't really care just as long as you don't try to imbalance things too much (i.e. take all violent monsters out of the equation), and Death is just extremely pissed off with the angels A) because they've been fucking over the natural order since Sodom and Gomorrah, and B) because Lucifer had a hissy-fit and got mad with daddy so he chained one of the most powerful creatures in creation to a leash so it could do his dirty work for him![2] There's also the possibility that Death went to God and told him to keep his kid from smashing up the furniture, which was why God helped out with the Winchesters.
- So does that means they're the Supernatural verison of the Trinity?
More theories about the angels vessels bloodlines[]
I have three theories about why Sam and Dean are the Michael and Lucifer vessels.
1. John was a neutral vessel and could've been used by either Michael or Lucifer depending on which archangel got to him first. Then when he had his two kids the vessel bloodlines broke into two seprate ways with Dean and his kids being the Michael vessels. Then with Sam and his kids being the Lucifer vessels and when John had Adam. Adam and his kids become a lineage of neutral vessels to be used by either Michael or Lucifer. The reason John was a neutral vessel was because one of his parents was the Michael vessel while the other was the Lucifer vessel.
2. John's family was from the Michael vessel bloodline and Mary's family was from the Lucifer vessel bloodline and that's why they were targeted by the cupids and why Dean and Adam were Michael vessels while Sam wasn't.
3. Azazel when he was a human was Lucifer's vessel and was possessed by Lucifer last time Lucifer caused a bunch of trouble on earth a few thousands years ago. So when Lucifer was tossed into the cage so was Azazel and during those long years in the cage. He eventually become a demon the second of his kind and that's why there has been only one yellow eyed demon and why he was so strong. Also because he was sent into the cage the Lucifer vessel bloodline ended with him that's why he talked to Lucifer during the 60's and found out he needed to create a special child. He went around dipping his demon blood into the mouthes of babies who were from other angel vessel bloodlines. Thus corrupting angel and archangel vessels into Lucifer vessels and that's why Sam was one true vessel. Cause he was a corrupted Michael vessel from his dad's side and that's why Sam could be used by Lucifer and a corrupted archangel vessel would be the best fit for Lucifer. That's why Sam could be possessed by Lucifer while Adam and Dean could only be possessed by Michael. Also only Azazel's demon blood can turn an angel or archangel vessel into a Lucifer vessel.
Even more bloodline thoughts[]
Similar to theory 2 above, but with a slight twist.
John and his Winchester relatives are descendants of Abel while Mary and all (Hunter) Campbells are from Cain. Since Sam and Dean's angelic bloodline was said to be tied all the way to Cain and Abel, this makes the most sense in the bloodlines of Earth's second pair of angsty brothers coming back together to create the vessels for the very first angsty brothers. It could also explain why the Campbells have all become Hunters — Hunting is an unnamed part of the punishment described for Cain's descendants in The Bible.
Since the Bible follows the descendants of Adam and Eve's third son, Seth, it stands to reason that there are very few decendants of Cain and even less of Abel (since he died before he could have a ton of kids).
So, Abel's descendants can host Michael while Cain's can host Lucifer. This also explains why Adam was, as a Winchester only, able to host Michael but was never sought by Lucifer. But if Lucifer had picked one of those other Campbells...
- Cain and Abel might have only had a few children, but after six thousand years, their number of descendants will either be zero or everyone on Earth; firstly because the Flood is mentioned in 6.20, so everyone on Earth is descended from Noah anyway (ETA: scratch that. I checked the Bible and, to give the SPN writers some credit, Noah is not a descendant of Cain or Abel, his ancestor is Seth. That actually works, provided one of his daughters-in-law is descended from Abel and another from Cain.) But even ignoring that: Dean and Sam have two parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents... take this back five or six thousand years and their ancestors encompass every member of the human race. Just like everybody else on the planet. The only way the bloodline thing makes any sense is if the angels have been using to Cupids to selectively breed Cain and Abel's descendants with members of their own family (like in Preacher (Comic Book)), finally leading to one Abel-descendant and one Cain-descendant. (Actually, given that we know the angels did get Mary and John together, that kind of makes sense...)
- Seeing that Cass claimed that the Bible got a lot of stuff wrong, it seems highly likely that the Cupids and other angels worked their mojo to make sure that everyone leading up to Dean and Sam worked out just right. They might have saved a Cain-descendant and Abel-descendant from the Flood for the exact purpose of keeping the bloodlines separate from Noah/Seth. They just had to make sure that there was at least one surviving member every generation.
How Season 7 will end[]
1. Sam and Dean will open the cage, say "yes" to Michael and Lucifer, asborb the souls of Heaven and Hell, then they'll team up and kill Castiel.
2. They found out someway to exorcise all those souls from Cas or Jimmy takes control of his body.
3. God comes down and kills Cas.
4. They use the Colt or the scythe on him.
5. They send Cas into the Cage.
6. Sam and Dean teams up with all the monsters to take down Cas.
7. Chuck stops Cas somehow or the faires help the boys out.
I've made seven so we are in heaven and it would be real cool if they combine all these into a super ending somehow. I think that will be a great way to end the series and the series will most likely end. With Michael and Lucifer killing each other or Cas and the Winchesters end up stuck in the cage forever either way everybody ends up crying.
- Well, Death did say he'd eventually reap God. Could be he either reaps Chuck, Cas gets his shit together and becomes a reasonable new God, or Death reaps Cas and sets things back in order.
How the Boys will handle Cas[]
1. They worship him and stall for time.
2. Crowley or some angel teleports them out.
- If an angel, then Raphael (only his vessel was destroyed). He decides on a "temporary" truce until they deal with Cas, and then he's STILL gonna start the Apocalypse.
3. Cas kills them and they come back to life.
4. Joshua tells Cas he needs to deliver a message from God to the boys.
- I was thinking an epic Chuck!God vs. Cas!God battle. I mean, Misha Collins isn't signed on for the seventh season, is he? So Castiel will either die in the premiere, or only be in a few episodes.
5. Michael and Lucifer somehow escape and save them. They are STILL pissed at them for cheating them out of their epic fight.
6. The boys absolutely refuse to obey him right to his face. Hurt and angry, Cas decides to kill them. The boys close their eyes and embrace the coming pain. We see them explode! But then we see them, eyes still closed and out of harms way. They meet with Jesse from the season 5 episode "I Believe the Children Are Our Future". He's the one who saved them and faked their deaths to be momentarily safe from Cas. As it turns out, after he left his foster home, he was thinking about what Sam and Dean said, and he decides he really wants to use his powers for good. So he's been training to use his powers better. He's been watching them from afar for sometime. And he wants to help them stop Cas. But he would only make a few appearances to help the boys out of tougher jams. He essentially takes over the position Cas left vacant.
7. It'll begin the same way as number 6. But instead of being saved by Jesse, the boys meet with a mysterious woman. She takes the form of Mary Winchester, Jess Moore, and Karen Singer, making the boys uneasy. She tells them she's not a demon, angel, or any other supernatural monster. She's really God's mother, the TRUE creator of the universe. God is one of her many children (which includes Death and Eve, see theory above). She tells them that God has "retired" after the Apocalypse has been averted (explaining why he didn't give Castiel a sign). Though the boys are skeptical at first, considering that all the higher beings they've encountered turned out to be jackasses. But, even though she was offended by the word "jackass", she assures them she's nothing like the angels or demons. She's very loving and caring to ALL her children. And she loves the humans deeply and doesn't want the Apocalypse to happen. She's disgusted by how the angels and demons act, always using the humans as cannon fodder. She takes over the "Cas" role and wish to help the boys stop Cas. But reasons known only to her, she cannot interfere, so she can only give out hints and tips to the boys.
Why angels don't use soulless vessels[]
The reason why angels don't use soulless vessels is because angels draws power from a soul or souls, so a soulless vessel won't be as powerful.
During Season 7[]
An angel or angels will send the boys and Bobby back in time to prevent all of this, but we already know how that will all work out.
Something evil from Purgatory[]
Is controlling Cas. 'Nuff said.
- A lot of the fanbase (at least, the fanfiction writing fanbase) seems to have made the executive decision that "real" Cas was overpowered by the millions of psycho, evil monster souls. And this does seem like a likely way for them to go - having the boys spend the season trying to save "real" Cas, because we all know how the fangirls will react if they kill off Cas.
- Eve is controlling Cass. She was killed off much too easily for something that ancient and powerful.
- Confirmed in the premiere of Season 7. The Leviathans are controlling Cas, making him kill several people he had no intent on killing (just only the running senator). By the end of the episode, Cas is dead and they (or one of them) possess his vessel now.
The pagan gods in "Hammer of the Gods"...[]
Were originally angels who absorbed the souls of humans, increasing in power and ascending beyond their angel status.
- Then that gives Lucifer's speech about the so-called "gods" a whole new meaning.
- Or maybe they were originally demons who ate humans and absorbed the souls, increasing in power.
The 5 Things The Colt Cannot Kill[]
There is five things that the Colt can't kill, according to Lucifer. These five things are...
- An angel
- A God
- The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
- The Anti Christ
- The Grim Reaper
- These are creatures of existence, that either have power equal to that of an angel or greater. The Anti Christ and the Horsemen are extreme variations of demons. God is the creator of angels, a great power in it's own right. Lastly a reaper is a being imbued with power, to carry souls over to the Great Beyond, and can only be killed by a Death Scythe, or their master, Death, the horseman on the sickly green pale Horse.
- Actually, Lucifer said there were five beings the Colt couldn't kill. He was one, I imagine God and Death would definitely be on the list, the Anti-Christ is a possibility, and perhaps the Mother of All was the last one? Maybe, as of the end of Season Six, there's another being the Colt can't kill.
- Excuse my ignorance, ¿Mother Of All?
- Ah, sorry, have you seen Season Six? She's an antagonist late in the season. Basically, all the original monsters were born from her, making her the Mother of All Monsters.
- Jeez I know I'm in for a treat, and I thought you meant Gaia, Earth Mother Goddess
- To be clear this is what's happening.
- Original replier back again...another option just occurred to me; rather than the Mother, since she hadn't been introduced at that point (and since Season Six was a Post Script Season, she probably hadn't even been thought of), it's possible that if Luci is immune to the Colt, Michael is too.
- These are creatures of existence, that either have power equal to that of an angel or greater. The Anti Christ and the Horsemen are extreme variations of demons. God is the creator of angels, a great power in it's own right. Lastly a reaper is a being imbued with power, to carry souls over to the Great Beyond, and can only be killed by a Death Scythe, or their master, Death, the horseman on the sickly green pale Horse.
- I'd say the 5 are God (duh,) Death (even more duh,) Lucifer (confirmed,) Michael (because he and Lucy are sort of a pair,) and Eve, because being the Mother of All Monsters ought to come with perks like that.
- Lucifer talked about "only five things in all of Creation". Since both God and Death are older than Creation, they may in fact not be on the list. Still too strong for the Colt, though.
Sam has He Who Fights Monsters Syndrome[]
This is hardly a WMG. It has been stated clearly through most of his hunts, he acts out of vengeance, and calls it Justice.
Cas will Fall during Season Seven.[]
Okay, so it's been mentioned somewhere that Cas is only definite for the first two episodes of the new season (though this could be just to disguise a Cas plotline for the new season...or something). However, it's unlikely that he'll be killed off completely; we all know how the fangirls would react to that. But it's a possibility that the Winchesters, what with their ridculous luck and all, may find a way to rid Cas of his crazy God-complex. This may come at a price; that price being Cas falling from angel status. It'd be a good way to incorporate him into the show further, if that's how they wanted to go. There are some flaws, however; that angels are supposed to be reborn when they Fall, and also that Cas isn't terribly effective without his angel mojo, which means he'd either have to spend the season being taught how to hunt, or being cannon fodder.
According to the episode, Something Wicked, The Stritga is impervious to all weapons made by man or god (sam's words, off a paper)[]
Maybe The Stritga is impervious to the Colt. When not feeding.
Castiel's name will change...[]
And that will be important somehow. In the official material, he is always refered to as either Castiel, or Cas. In the teaser for season 7, it features the phrase "In Cass we fear.", an allusion to "In God we trust." But why is his name spelt differently? It could just be a network typo, but it's also possible that he gets permanently renamed Cass upon taking his new position as God. There are plenty of symbolic reasons why that might happen. It's also worth noting that Dean's nicknaming of him eliminates a very important part of his name. In the traditional Hebrew, -el means 'of God' and each angel's name is fairly rich with symbolism. Uriel, for example, means something along the lines of 'light of God' or 'God is my light'. So Cas(-tiel) gets nicknamed by Dean, starts getting more and more involved with humanity in general and the Winchesters in particular, to the point where he falls and literally isn't 'of God' anymore.
- As far as I know he's always been "Cass" in the scripts, subtitles and the tie-in books - "Cas" is a fandom spelling. The fanfic side of fandom periodically argues about this.
Season 7 will deal with a full-grown Anti Christ[]
Since the Supernatural verse doesn't have them as sons of the devil, that means there could be other demons (or just that one from "I Believe the Children Are Our Future") with children. In particular, Sam and Dean will face the Jersey Devil, son of a witch and a demon and one of the most famous monsters unique to American history. And it will be awesome.
- Well, the Jersey Devil is the focus of an upcoming episode, but no word if it's an Anti Christ.
The series will end with Sam and Dean leading The Salvation War.[]
Honestly, neither angels nor demons have anything to recommend them. They both kill, maim and hijack humans for their own purposes, and even angels have demonstrated deep contempt for humanity. The brothers will conclude that the only way of "saving people (and finishing) hunting things" is to destroy both sides. Mass producing The Colt would do it.
God!Castiel is weak to phoenix ash[]
Eve was already using the power of the souls in Purgatory. When she died, they became free for the taking. However, the weakness to phoenix ash comes with the souls.
The season (or even the entire series) finale will end with Sam becoming God.[]
After defeating Castiel (or possible some other character) (either by killing him or simply removing the souls), Sam will be given the mantle of God. Dean tries to stop it, but Sam says its okay, since now he can undo all the damage that has been done and be at peace which he's never been able to have since the day their mother died. We have a tearful good-bye between brothers, because even though Dean will eventually die and go to Heaven, he might never see Sam again. The finale ends with Sam in Heaven, looking down on the world, and a tear falls out of his eye.
After Dean threw away his amulet, Sam kept it[]
And it will be used in the desperate attempt to find some being more powerful than the new Castiel.
Bill O'Reilly was next on God!Castiel's list before the Leviathans possessed him.[]
The "Boss" is God[]
Death said that the Leviathans were locked up because God was worried that, being so powerful, they would destroy the rest of the "Petri dish" (basically, the rest of the world). The reason the Leviathans are being careful about who they eat is to prove to God/the Boss that they won't destroy all humanity and should be allowed to stay on Earth.
- This might make sense, except it is apparently the Boss that really wants the Winchesters dead. Since it's basically canon that it was God who teleported Sam and Dean after Lucifer's cage was opened, it kind of gives the impression that God would prefer it if they stayed alive.
- He only wanted them alive during the Apocalypse. Now that it's over, anything goes. It might also be a case of the Levis unofficially considering God their Boss.
- This might make sense, except it is apparently the Boss that really wants the Winchesters dead. Since it's basically canon that it was God who teleported Sam and Dean after Lucifer's cage was opened, it kind of gives the impression that God would prefer it if they stayed alive.
The "Boss" is Eve[]
Eve was dispatched of too easily. And it'd explain part of why The Boss wants the Winchesters dead so badly — she wants Revenge for what they did to her. Perhaps Phoenix Ash doesn't kill Eve, just sends her back to Purgatory. This makes even more sense, as we haven't seen the boss yet, meaning that they want to keep it a secret for some reason — perhaps because we already know who it is.
The "Boss" is Urizen[]
The reason God created them in the first place is to have helping hands in creating the Universe. The head Leviathan, Urizen, was the "architect", just like in William Blake's mythology. But at some point, Urizen wants to recreate the universe in his own image, by destroying this one.
Since the angels are, for the most part, dead, we'll encounter much more powerful entities who are the Leviathans' counterparts - the Zoas/Emanations from Blake's mythology. It'll be revealed that Urizen was one of them before becoming leader of the Leviathans.
Dean is an Alternate Universe Ichigo.[]
And Tessa is Rukia. As of "Appointment In Samarra", Dean has Soul Reaper powers.
A theory about Eve and the Leviathans.[]
For a while, this troper found it really repetitive that all of the recent monsters have been able to possess people. It seemed uncreative and unlikely, but then they introduced the Leviathans. Now, according to some myths, God created two Leviathans so that they could mate. However, the offspring would have been much too destructive, so God killed the female Leviathan. In Supernatural's universe, however, there is obviously more than one Levi walking around. So what if God created several Levi's, who in turn gave birth to beings like Eve? Since Levi's can possess other people, and because Levi's predate angels and man, this could explain why Eve gets around via possession; she inherited it, and why she predates angels. Additionally, the Levi's could have been reproducing all this time while in Purgatory, even giving birth to whatever it was that possessed Dr. Visyak (the "Purgatory native"). This theory potentially has even MORE credence as of "There Will Be Blood," in which Edgar the Leviathan and the Alpha Vampire were referred to as "cousins," and Edgar stated that he knew Eve and called her a "mutt," which could be interpreted to mean that she is part-Leviathan (she did bleed some sort of black fluid when she was killed in "Mommy Dearest." Furthermore, both Eve and the Leviathans have been shown to be able to block angelic powers, which could be another inherited trait.
The writers of Supernatural read TV Tropes[]
They definitely read Television Without Pity. Part of it is the series being Reference Overdosed and using well-known fanspeak, but sometimes it almost exactly quotes trope titles:
- "Everybody Loves A Clown":
Dean: Well, I know what you’re thinking, Sam: why did it have to be clowns? |
- "Bloodlust":
Gordon: It's all black and white. There's no maybe. You find the bad thing, kill it. |
- "Simon Said":
Andy: When I got my mind thing, it was like a gift. Like I won a lotto. |
- "Tall Tales":
Trickster: Those people got what was comin’ to em. Hoisted on their own petards. |
- "Sympathy For The Devil":
Chuck: Becky, it’s all real. |
- "The Real Ghostbusters":
Becky: Hey! If you don’t like the books, don’t read ‘em! |
- "The Real Ghostbusters":
Hookman Cosplayer: Yah. How original. Supernatural bringing in more creepy children. Sigh. |
- "Sam, Interrupted":
Martin: Lore says a wraith will show its true form in a mirror. |
- "Point of No Return":
Sam: But there’s another way. |
- "Point of No Return":
Dean: So Screw Destiny. Right in the face. |
- "Unforgiven":
Samuel: So what, Roy’s just some Red Shirt to you? |
Where Tricksters come from[]
They're Gabriel's children with human women or possibly pagan gods; thus, he is the Alpha Trickster.
The dead priest Mot W from "Houses of the Holy"[]
...was actually a fallen angel reborn as a human, like Anna. Dying triggered some of his angelic memories and abilities, which allowed him to manifest as a bright light, as well as explaining why he believed he was an avenging angel attacking evil-doers. At the end of the episode, he merely returned to Heaven.
The events of "The Song Remains the Same" went exactly as planned[]
Castiel himself said that nobody got out of Heaven unless they were allowed. So how did Anna escape? She gets brainwashed, the higher-ups tell her to kill the Winchesters to stop the Apocalypse, and send her back to do so. Michael shows up (convenient how he turned up just in the nick of time, right?), kills her, and meets Dean, like he had planned all along, with the added bonus of getting to look like the good guy.
"Father" is what demons call their current leader[]
Which is why Meg addressed both Azazel and Lucifer as such. Or Azzy was the demonic version of a priest.
Alastair was lying[]
Seeing as how all Azazel knew was that he needed to feed his blood to children to find Lucifer's "special child" and he needed to bust Lilith (the only one who knew the seals) out of Hell for the endgame to work, it's doubtful that any of the demons knew how to break the first seal. So, John was tortured in Hell, but he probably wasn't offered to go torture other souls. Suprise suprise, Alastair was lying to mess with Dean. Who would have thunk it?
YED and Alastair were very close[]
As yet another parallel to Sam and Dean's relationship, only this one is with demons. Both are evil mentors to the boys. They could even be considered their evil counterparts. Hey, when one's the King of Hell and the other is its Grand Inquisitor for centuries, you gotta be pals, right? Might play into Alastair's obsession with Dean, seeing as how he ended up killing YED.
- I really like this WMG because it creates this very interesting thing where Dean was the one to kill Sam's demon counterpart, and Sam was the one to kill Dean's. Like, it represents how the boys need each other to face their personal demons, metaphorical and literal. Deep man, deep.
Michael fell and was reborn as a human named Adam Milligan[]
Yes, yes, ignoring that the show's already kind of disproved that. Bear with me, okay? This troper has a theory that the prospect of having to kill his brother unsettled Michael enough that, when the vessels were born and started putting the Apocalypse into motion, he got cold feet. Like Dean going to Hell rather than live without Sam, Michael chose to rip out his Grace and become another unassuming human rather than be forced to kill Lucifer, who he still loved despite it all. It wouldn't be the first time the angels lied about what was going on and who was in charge. When Adam is trapped in the Beautiful Room with Michael approaching, it was actually Raphael, who took him back to Heaven, possibly tortured him to change his mind, and restored his power and memories. That's why he is so cold and resigned in "Swan Song". Just look at the Adam-Michael connection entry over at the Fridge Brilliance section. Also, Adam is John's son, so he'd be keeping to his bloodline. (With all that out there, this troper would like to add that this WMG is purely to soothe her thoughts on Adam being stuck in Hell with Lucifer and Michael.)
Eve was a Leviathan[]
Death has something big planned with regards to the Leviathans[]
One thing I noticed back from series 6 is that Death had no reason to care about the souls (and the Leviathans) in purgatory, yet he went out of his way to help Dean and Sam by both giving Sam his soul back, trying to keep Sam sane, and by advising Dean on the importance and power of souls, telling them they are "digging at something", which he clearly has significant interest in.
Then at the beginning of season 7, he first informed the brothers about the Leviathans, and then (apparently) gave them the chance to put them back into purgatory, despite them seriously pissing him off and insulting him (which he has killed for before).
However, if he cared enough to go against the natural order by pretty much hacking into reality to bring another eclipse (needed for the door to purgatory), why did he not kill Castiel when he had the chance? and also why did he not simply wipe out the Leviathans before when god clearly wanted them dead?
Simple, he knew the new ceremony would not work enough to bring back the Leviathans, he just did not want the Leviathans to take control of Castiel's gargantuan power, and he does not kill the Leviathans because they are immune to death, and thus effectively outside of his power. This of course pisses him off a great deal.
In short he is using the events of the Leviathan's emerging to essentially tie up the loose end they represent to hum, but to do that they need to be made somehow killable, and that is where Dean and Sam come in, and Im guessing that the plan will hinge on human souls as a major part of it.
However, as this is death who has often stated and demonstrated how insignificant he finds humans, it is likely that he may well be every bit as much of an antagonist as the leviathans.
Castiel became human in the Bad Future of "The End" because Jimmy's family died.[]
Think about it. Castiel is whoring and drugging and all the things that the devout Jimmy would never do. My first thought was, what happened to Jimmy now that Castiel is permanently possessing his body? Then I remembered in "The Rapture" Castiel promised to protect Jimmy's family. What could have driven an angel to trying to drown his sorrows in drugging and whoring? Breaking that promise, that's what.
Any inconsistencies in the show are because of all the time travelling[]
"The End" showed that the future could be changed by the past. "My Heart Will Go On" showed that even one changed detail (the Titanic not sinking) in the past results in hundreds of changed details in the future (the Winchesters use a different car, Ellen and Jo are alive, Dean wins at scissors in rock-paper-scissors. and so on). The Winchesters have now personally gone back in time... four times. Thus explaining away any on-screen contradictions.
Balthazar is Gabriel in another vessel[]
Meaning that he's been killed by a brother of his twice now. Poor guy.
God is going to bring Gabriel back, and possess him in order to beat the Leviathans[]
In lore, it's been mentioned that either Gabriel or God will defeat the Leviathan- so why not a combination of both? After all, Gabriel would be unlikely to intervene and defeat the Leviathans by himself. not to mention episode 22 is called 'God'
- Michael has also been described as the one who will slay the Leviathan, so if they do indeed take that route, then perhaps Adam could finally return and get his plot resolution. However, I couldn't find a source to back up the included spoiler, and without one, both the Michael and Gabriel guesses seems a lot less likely.
5x04 "The End" is going to happen[]
Lucifer was right - they will always end up in the 2014!verse, no matter what choices are made.
Castiel comes back (or eventually becomes) more-or-less human. After acknowledging Hallucifer's presence, Sam either gets possessed by the real Lucifer through a link between vessel and angel, or goes so insane that he begins to act like Lucifer has possessed him. Then, Sam and Dean somehow get separated. The Croatoan virus makes a comeback, possibly after some debacle with the demons or directly because of Lucifer's presence. And thus, 2014 rolls around exactly like it does in "The End".
- I'm leaning towards the possibility as well. Bobby's dead. Cas's personality is becoming similar to that of 2014!Cas. The angels have been more or less wiped out. Dean's become more ruthless this season (killing Amy). Sam's the only one who doesn't quite fit, since he no longer has Lucifer in his head (although there's nothing saying cage couldn't be opened again). Season 8 isn't supposed to be the last season, which means the show will (probably) still be running in 2014. Everything seems to be getting into position to make the End!verse happen.
The next season will be about a third war in Heaven, but this time its the souls of dead humans vs what's left of the angels/demons[]
Since Season 5, Heaven has lost God, both archangels, and nearly every high ranking angel, not to mention Castiel and his faction of rebel angels. This means that those like Ash who are able to jump across different personal heavens and bring souls together are now utterly unchecked. This would enable the souls in Heaven to congregate, and likely get some explanation as to what has been going on. They likely learn about the angels' utter Jerkassery both with them and with the world over the past few seasons, not to mention their utter incompetence and maliciousness in general, and most importantly the fact that their souls are considered unspeakably powerful by the angels. Unimaginably pissed off by this, they decide to overthrow the angels and take control of the afterlife.
Using the Leviathans' emergence as a distraction they begin to slowly take control of heaven, and also start infiltrating Hell in order to get the souls there on their side, and are able to instigate another war between the remaining angels and demons, and thus remove any possible threat to their plans before they rebel.
This will cause a massive case of mixed loyalties for the Winchesters, as the rebel souls are pretty much embodying every criticism the two have ever made of God and Heaven, and by opposing them they will be opposing everyone they knew and loved.
- Whatever happened to Joshua? I always assumed he took over in Castiel's/Raphael's absence, but if this WMG came true, perhaps they could shed some light on that.
The Winchesters are literally a twisted alternate version of The Hardys[]
Two brothers following their father in the family business of helping people at great personal risk? Check. Father is the best in the business, with the boys not far behind? Check. Younger brother's girlfriend get killed in the first episode/book? In one version, check. Older brother trying harder to live up to Dad's reputation? Check. Father touted as pretty much the best hunter/detective ever, yet in literally all of his appearances he needs to be rescued? Check!
Bobby's ghost is not around[]
I don't think Bobby would make the choice to stay and be a ghost. Especially since with his mind disintegrating he'd be increasingly unstable, unable to remember the helpful things like that. It's probably one of the Fates or someone else with time stopping powers helping the boys out.
- If it is Bobby's ghost, he's probably not sticking around of his own free will. Remember, Dean has his whiskey flask. That's personal enough to keep a ghost around, especially when goodness knows Dean doesn't want him to be gone.
- Jossed to the extreme in "Party On, Garth." What the consequences of this are for everyone remain to be seen.
Garth is Gabriel.[]
He was just a random guy in Gabe's possessable bloodline until Gabe faked his death-by- Lucifer. Gabe wanted to help keep humans safe from Things That Go Bump in the Night, but he wanted to fly under the radar of Heaven (and possibly above that of Hell,) so he concocted a whole backstory and started Hunting.
Proof? You want actual proof? Here's a quote from "Party On, Garth": "Hey, I love [wine coolers]. Anything sweet."
The Winchester Brothers are going to break the masquerade wide open.[]
What's Dick Roman's golden rule? That the humans don't become aware there are monsters in the world. So faced with a seemingly unstoppable invasion of Leviathans, the brothers, perhaps with Crowley's help, will expose the Leviathans to the world... along with demons, angels, ghosts, and everything else with claws and fangs. Season 8 will deal with this post-masquerade world, enabling the writers to recycle the standard Monster of the Week plots with the angle that everyone knows what's going on. Other predictions: the Ghostfacers will hit it big time, Hell will go legit, and the Winchester brothers will become either celebrities or deputized government agents.
Oh, and Season 8's big bad? Humanity.
(There are downsides to breaking the masquerade, after all.)
- Please let this happen. It would be so inventive and have the potential to save the show from its current state.
Kristin McGee will show up and get Adam out of The Cage.[]
Because someone needs to get poor Adam out and his half brothers don't seem to care at all. Maybe there's something supernatural about her, or maybe she just finds someone to do it for her, but she's going to appear in the show and free Adam.
Brady, Sam's pal from "The Devil You Know", had a great relationship with his family (at least before he got possessed)[]
Word of God is that Brady's full name is Tyson Brady, thus making Brady his surname. In the pilot, Sam says that his family isn't exactly the Bradys. Since the guy with him might not know Brady personally, he (and the audience) mistook it for a Shout-Out to The Brady Bunch. Why? Because why not?
God really does help more than anyone knows[]
When you hear the list of things Sam and Dean have fought, you'd think they'd have to have been killed by the gods, dragons, or leviathans. And yet, they've never been killed by any of those guys. Why? Because God transforms them from their giant monstrous forms into human-sized ones to give hunters a chance. However, he doesn't make the methods required to kill them any simpler, because God still has a boner for "free will" and acting in "mysterious ways."
Ruby really was trying to help Sam in Season 3[]
She was one of Azazel's "children"/followers, so when he died, she decided to follow his heir apparent, Sam, in his stead. She spent the whole season protecting him, trying to make him stronger so he could beat Lilith in a throwdown for the crown of Hell, and helping him because she saw him as her new leader. After the Season 3 finale, though, Lilith sent Ruby to Hell and tortured her until she agreed to start batting for Lilith's team. When Ruby said she'd been playing Sam "the whole time", she actully meant "since I got back from Hell and convinced you to slurp my yummy demon blood".
Shtrigas are "fallen" reapers[]
In the show, reapers seem to be Death's analogue to angels/fates, except that they're weaker and cannot take a vessel. Normally, their job is to harvest souls of the dead. So what if a reaper were to force itself to take a physical form, like an angel tearing out its grace? It would probably be decayed and starving, since they were never meant to have anything but an astral body. However, it would also explain why so few weapons work on them; because pretty much nothing so far has had an effect on reapers either (excluding the scythe). Also, Shtrigas feed on "life essence," which seems to be a more physical complement to the soul, and it makes sense that reapers would have knowledge of how to access the life essence.
The three Gods with no speaking parts in "Hammer of the Gods" are:[]
- The blonde woman (seated next to Ganesh): Venus (Aphrodite)
- The guy in the tan suit(seated next to Odin): Apollo
- The guy in the blue suit (seated next to Zao Chen): Mars (Ares)
At the end of the episode, the blonde woman is unaccounted for - perhaps she learned from past experience?
Charlie used to be Elaine Roberts of XKCD.[]
Extremely tech-savvy, defies authority, ran away and changed her name, and did we mention she's a hacking genius?
Jesse used his Reality Warper powers to retroactively wipe all evidence of his existence[]
Thus explaining why he was never mentioned again in-series: he erased knowledge of his existence from everyone's heads, from his parents to the Winchesters to demons. He's already ridiculously powerful, so why not?
- He's only ridiculously powerful when Lucifer is on Earth. They said this in the episode, but it is frequently overlooked. Under the current circumstances I'd wager that his power is roughly equivalent to a trained Psykid or maybe a low-level witch.
That special package Dick had dug up in Iran is clay from what was once the Garden of Eden.[]
Specifically, it's the clay that God used to shape the first humans. Dick wants to use it in order to generate his own humans, perhaps a more docile version. Heaven and Hell are going to want it because it gives them a chance to play God and actually create something new.
- Jossed, It was in fact a "Word of God" tablet, which contained instructions of how to kill Leviathans.
The mental state of ghosts can be gauged by their appearances[]
Most of the vengeful spirits shown in the show tend to be sporting the wounds that killed them. On the other hand, Mary in "Home" and Molly in "Roadkill", both "friendly" ghosts, looked fine. Rule of Scary aside, could it be that vengeful spirits are so consumed by rage over the thought of their own demises that it starts manifesting in their spiritual appearance? (Will probably get confirmed or disproven by next episode by Bobby, if he's really gone vengeful.)
When angels remove their grace by force, they are reborn within their corresponding bloodline[]
Hence why Anna was able to use her human body as a vessel; technically, it was within her bloodline.
For the Season 8 opener...[]
While Dean tries to get out of Purgatory, he'll encounter many of the monsters he and Sam encountered over the series. Though many of them may be characters we never encountered before, so they may be a Faceless Masses. Some may try to help Dean, some may want to kill him (for personal reasons, for food, or for sport).
- Gordon Walker: He's a vampire when Sam killed him. He won't be happy to see Dean again because he didn't kill Sam when he had the chance and blames them for his transformation as a vampire. But at the same time, he's embraced it and is happy to be with his sister again. Perhaps his sister will help Dean escape because she hated Gordon for killing her. So the two will end up killing each other, giving Dean a chance to get away.
- Gabriel: He'll help Dean escape. After all, he owes him for giving him courage to stand up to Lucifer.
- Uriel
- Anna
- Zachariah
- Raphael
- Balthazar
- Azazel
- Ruby: She really hates Dean so much.
- Crossroad demons
- Lilith
- Eve
- I'm pretty sure angels and demons don't go to Purgatory when they die; with the exception of Dean and Cas (which was under a special circumstance), it appears to be a monster-exclusive thing. Eve and Gordon are still viable, though.
- Where else would they go, into complete nonexistence? At one of the cons recently, someone said Gabriel had a chance of coming back. Having dead angels and demons in Purgatory makes sense, especially if they're leading up to Gabe's return. Anyways, if nothing else, don't demons count as monsters?
- Yes, for angels and demons it's Cessation of Existence. Cas said "every soul here is a monster." Demons were once human, so their souls are technically just twisted, deformed human souls. Cas, in The Man Who Would Be King, also said that he was an angel an as such, had no soul, and said that when he died, he just "stopped" until God put him back together. As for Gabriel's possible return, I personally wouldn't give much thought to Con teasers, but even if he is to return, there are other ways of going about that (flashback, hallucination, resurrection by Death/God/Metatron, the last Gabriel to die was yet another fake, etc.)
- Where else would they go, into complete nonexistence? At one of the cons recently, someone said Gabriel had a chance of coming back. Having dead angels and demons in Purgatory makes sense, especially if they're leading up to Gabe's return. Anyways, if nothing else, don't demons count as monsters?
- I'm pretty sure angels and demons don't go to Purgatory when they die; with the exception of Dean and Cas (which was under a special circumstance), it appears to be a monster-exclusive thing. Eve and Gordon are still viable, though.
During the six months Dean was dead in "Mystery Spot"...[]
Sam accepted Ruby's deal in "Jus in Bello" when she offered to kill herself and the virgin to wipe out the other demons with a spell, since Dean wasn't there to argue with him. Sam was already pretty cold and dark at that point and he was willing to do it in the episode. As a result, Ruby didn't start training Sam to use his powers, so Lilith couldn't be killed by him (or alternatively she was caught in the blast), so the angels didn't bother resurrecting Dean, which is why he didn't return after four months. Or... something. I dunno. Somebody come here and say what I'm thinking but in better words, please?
- In the alternate timeline created by the Trickster in "Mystery Spot" (the one in which Dean was dead for six months), Ruby used the spell she offered to use in "Jus in Bello," since Dean didn't convince everyone to not go along with it. Since the spell killed Ruby, Ruby never taught Sam to use his powers. Since Sam never used his powers, he couldn't kill Lilith. If Lilith could never die, the apocalypse couldn't be started. If the apocalypse couldn't be started, there's no reason for the angels to bring back Dean and be Michael's vessel. Which is why they didn't revive him in six months in "Mystery Spot," when it only took them four months to revive him in season 4.
Gabriel created our world.[]
Or, at least the version in The French Mistake. Which, technically, is our world. The version of himself that was killed by Lucifer was a copy. Gabriel predicted that whole thing would happen. So, while his Supernatural!world self was getting Impaled with Extreme Prejudice, he was kicking back as the Pepsi Zero guy.
Gabriel is the father of Jesus Christ[]
In the Biblre, Grabriel is the one who told Mary that she was pregnant with Jesus, who he said was the Son of God. However, Gabriel, being the Trickster as well as an Archangel, has a habit of doing things that are funny for him. So it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to believe that Gabriel impregnated Mary with his Archangel powers, then lied and said that her son was the Son of God (because he thought it would be funny). Also, Jesus would be no different from any other human, as it is (so far) not possible to have an angel-human hybrid.
Crowley still wants access to Puragtory[]
There is something there he still wants, which is why he hasn't killed Sam and Meg. He is going to get Meg to help Sam open Purgatory so he can finally get what he wanted in Season 6 before Castiel betrayed him.
Season Eight will feature the Fair Folk[]
For everything that the leprechaun mentioned in "Clap Your Hands If You Believe...", fairies have apparently not been seen in the series since then, leaving Dean's ability to see them rather redundant. So after dealing with Demons, Angels, and Leviathans, so dealing with the worst of the worst among Fairy kind could be next. We might even see Puck in the season, and he'll become a recurring ally of the Winchesters.
Dean will end up as his own father[]
During "Dream A Little Dream of Me" Dean expresses his anger at what his father put him through. If we take into account the WMG's that say Gabriel is still alive, doesn't it seem like the kind of way he'd ensure that Dean and Sam were ready to face the things they have to? An older, battered and altogether more broken Dean is sent back through time to train his younger self in the things he will one day have to face on his own, becoming the thing he most hated, not a demon, but the father who made him what he was
- ↑ Said history books could be the books that Chuck has been writing (the word of god, logos), which would make the Supernatural books the, uh, Torah... which makes for some pretty weird implications and the idea of which is probably offensive to like... twenty different religious subcultures
- ↑ Seriously, what did he think Death would do? Play nice when the spoilt brat is breaking the fine china?