A recurring sketch comedy that appears on Current TV. Recently it has been expanded to a half hour show, featuring recurring characters such as the cast of The Hills, politicians, anthropomorphic representations of My Space, Friendster, and Facebook and the Hipsters in Space.
Features Examples of
- Catch Phrase: "LAME!" and "RAD!" for the hipsters.
- Fan Hater: Invoked with The Hipsters
- Hartman Hips: Most of the women fulfill this trope, if they aren't Impossible Hourglass Figure, or Rosie O'Donnell and Paris Hilton.
- Only Sane Man: Obama in one sketch with his Cabinet.
- Hipster Bot also counts...when he's out of drugs, that is.
- Rich Idiot With No Day Job
- Strawman Political: Most of the politicians.
- Take That: Way too many to list.
- What the Hell, Hero?: The fashion episode of Hipsters in Space has Hipster Bot call out the other hipsters on their choices of "rad" fashion which are a homeless man, a prisoner in a totalitarian country, and a starving child. The last one sends him into a rant about how not everyone has the privileged life the hipsters lead, culminating in this gem...
Hipster Bot: You're all! Horrible! Horrible! People! (Beat) |