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Characters from Surviving Romance include:

See also the Korean Namu Wiki for more details.

Eun Chaerin[]

Surviving Romance Eun Chaerin

Huisu Kim transmigrated into Eun Chaerin's body. It is later revealed that Huisu Kim is actually the author of the novel I'll Love You Every Day.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Yu Jeha[]

Surviving Romance Yu Jeha

The male lead of the original novel. He has dark brown hair and pitch black eyes.

Ha Minwoo[]

Surviving Romance Ha Minwoo

The second male lead of the original novel.

Black Chaerin[]

Surviving Romance Black Chaerin

When she first realized she was trapped in a novel, she was distraught and stopped trusting anything

Choi Jinhui[]

Surviving Romance Choi Jinhui

She has black hair with a greenish hue and bright crimson reflective hightlights. Her eyes are empty ashen blue. She is somewhat of a chuunibyou and becomes a great fighting asset when wielding her sword.

Do Hana[]

Surviving Romance Do Hana

She is described as unsentimental, making sure to gather as much information about a situation as possible and using her own judgement to make the most reasonable decision. Because of this, everyone in class trusts and relies on her.


File:Surviving Romance Juyeon.png

Hana Do's friend who called her for help.

Ma Juri[]

Surviving Romance Ma Juri

She has red hair in a pixie wolf haircut and gray eyes. She bears a ball piercing underneath her left browtail and a ring piercing on the right side of her lip. She appears to be a punk style character and rides a red motorcycle.

Jin Seyeong[]

Surviving Romance Jin Seyeong

Chaerin's sasaeng due to the novel's voices. She wears a white hairband on her leaf green hair that curls at the ends. Her eyes are the same color and contains several swirls.

  • Yandere: She is obsessed with Eun Chaerin, and will take measures to make sure Chaerin is isolated from her class, so that no one will steal her away from her. It is later revealed that this is fueled by the Voices of the narrative.

Song Rina[]

Surviving Romance Song Rina

A muscle bunt of a character. She is a big fan of Romance of the Three Kingdoms and has a crush on Minwoo. She wears her long black hair in a slick pony tail, and wears glasses covering her black eyes.

Ham Seeun[]

Surviving Romance Ham Seeun

The class' rumor monger.

Ha Seonwoo[]

Surviving Romance Ha Seonwoo

Minwoo's younger sister.

Kim Seonyeong[]

Surviving Romance Kim Seonyeong

Yang Mihui[]

Surviving Romance Yang Mihui

It is later revealed that she is the unnamed extra that Chaerin has been looking for.

Yeom Jinseon[]

Surviving Romance Yeom Jinseon

Yun Shinbi[]

Surviving Romance Yun Shinbi

Jung Jihyeon[]

Surviving Romance Jung Jihyeon

Pyeon Yeri[]

Surviving Romance Pyeon Yeri

Han Cheram[]

Surviving Romance Han Cheram

The Devil[]

Surviving Romance The Devil

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