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Jenna Morasca
- Action Girl: Believe it or not. She won four out of the eight individual challenges during the merge.
- Alpha Bitch
- Ascended Fangirl: Like Rob, Jenna has seen every season since the show began back in 2000.
- Beauty Mark
- Cool Shades
- Coming of Age Story: She admits during the reunion that even she thought she came off as too bitchy, but has come to terms with it and is trying to do better.
- Erotic Eating: Her chocolate and peanut butter during the "Perch" challenge.
- Femme Fatale
- Hello, Nurse!
- Honor Before Reason: Cleverly subverted - she pretended to want to take a Worthy Opponent to the final two, because she claimed it was the honorable thing to do. However, she later admitted that she was lying to make herself look better and was perfectly willing to bring a goat to the finals, as is traditional.
- Ms. Fanservice: Justified in that she's a swimsuit model.
- Plucky Girl
- Shut UP, Hannibal: To Rob during the final immunity challenge.
- So Beautiful It's a Curse: Complained about something along this line of thought at the Final 6. While most interpreted it as her claiming it was an actual handicap (given the way Christy was looking at her during her spiel, it couldn't have helped) it was really about how young, attractive model types are not usually perceived to be good at Survivor.
- Sole Survivor: The youngest woman to ever do so.
- Spanner in the Works: Much like Kim Johnson and Kelly Wigglesworth before her, she overcame the alliance against her by winning Immunity when it really counted. If she hadn't, Butch would have had her spot in the final three.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Villain Protagonist: To an extent. She wasn't really evil or mean, just kind of bratty.
Matthew Von Ertfelda
- Badass
- Batman Gambit: Just like Richard Hatch, he threw the final challenge because he knew that both Rob and Jenna would want to take him to the final two.
- The Big Guy/The Starscream: Depending on where you are in the season, he's either a free vote that Rob can use or he's going behind Rob's back by cutting deals with the other players to ensure that he gets to the final two.
- Bilingual Bonus: Spoke Mandarin with Daniel in one episode.
- Cloudcuckoolander/Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Mr. Fanservice
- Genius Bruiser: He may not be that good of a player, but he's well spoken and is obviously very intelligent. He is also probably the most knowledgeable person about how to survive in the wild in this season.
- Hard Work Hardly Works: Loses in the most one-sided Final Jury vote up to that point.
- Sanity Slippage: Was accused of this. Hilarity Ensues.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Took a Level In Badass: As the season progresses, he becomes much, much more strategically capable.
Rob Cesternino
- Adorkable
- Ascended Fanboy: Probably the first overt fan of the show to make it on(there were other people in past seasons who were fans, but not to the degree that Rob was).
- Badass
- Pop-Cultured Badass: He makes frequent references to various things like Seinfeld, Peanuts, old pop songs, and Al Capone.
- The Chessmaster
- Cough-Snark-Cough: After Butch accidentally burned down the camp.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Mr. Fanservice
- Evil Genius / The Smart Guy
- Genre Savvy: Rob was probably the first person on Survivor who had seen the show before and utilised every little tidbit of knowledge he had of it to turn it on its head. He makes subtle references to past seasons all the way through Amazon and knew exactly how to position himself to always be the swing vote.
- Hollywood Homely: Invoked by Rob himself constantly on the season.
- Manipulative Bastard: Consider that post-merge he managed to play alliances against each other, continually shift his allegiance to whatever best suited him at the time, managed several coup d'etat's while putting his neck on the line the entire time and it took him to the final three. No player up to that point was able to pull off that risky of a playing style that well, excluding Vecepia, who granted wasn't in nearly as much danger as he was.
- One of Us: Rob's a self described Survivor geek, and just like John Cochran many seasons later, he did his college thesis on Survivor(as well as other Reality TV shows) entitled "The Impact Of Reality Television".
- Security Blanket: His Magic 8 Ball. It was also used by Rob as a way to break the ice and to distract his tribe mates from talking strategy.
- Smug Snake: Occasionally he played so overtly strategically without considering how people would react that it blew up in his face (mainly Jenna and Heidi).
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Too Clever by Half
Butch Lockley
- Be Yourself: His luxury item was a poster he got from the high school he is a principal at that said "BELIEVE IN YOURSELF". When the camp accidentally burned down(which Butch most likely caused), he exclaims "Well, now we're really going to have to believe in ourselves."
- Cool Old Guy
- Older Sidekick: To Matthew.
- Pyromaniac: Rob called him one, presumably because he collected so much firewood. Said firewood was responsible for causing a huge fire back at camp while everyone was away at the reward challenge.
- Sanity Slippage: Was also accused of this late in the game. Hilarity Ensues too.
- Unwitting Pawn: Unfortunately, Butch never really seemed to have much power in the Amazon, first being strung along by Roger's alliance, then by Rob's alliance, and finally was cut loose by his partner Matthew during the final four.
Heidi Strobel
- Brainless Beauty: Definitely portrayed as this by the edit.
- Dumb Blonde: See above.
- Erotic Eating: Her chocolate and peanut butter during the "Perch" challenge.
- Femme Fatale
- Genius Ditz: Believe it or not, Heidi was the smartest person cast on Survivor at that point in the show's run, with an IQ of 165. Nobody actually knew about this little fact (at least the other contestants didn't know) until the reunion.
- Hair of Gold
- The Lancer: To Jenna.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Plucky Girl
- Ted Baxter: Said something along the lines of "These men are all threatened by me" during her last Tribal Council before being booted. The men, as well as Jeff Probst, not so silently snickered to themselves (on the jury, Dave actually buried his head in his hands).
- The Quisling: Turned on Jeanne and Christy after the tribal switch to join Dave, Roger, and Butch, only to be indignant when after she voted Jeanne out her position hadn't really changed. Luckily for her her tribe won the next Immunity Challenge and the tribes merged soon after.
Christy Smith
- Cool Teacher
- Hair of Gold
- Handicapped Badass: The Ur Example.
- Nice Girl: Possibly subverted. According to Jenna's version of events, Christy had moments where she was just as bitchy and rude as her or Heidi was, but used her deafness as a way to avoid any criticism. The way she was portrayed on the actual show though is a straight example.
- Plucky Girl
Alex Bell
- The Dulcinea Effect: Both supported and subverted. He was perfectly willing to betray all the men so he could align with Jenna, but during the pre-merge, he was the one who convinced Shawna to forget about her alliance with Jenna, Heidi and Deena.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He made it clear to Rob, not one round after they blindsided Deena, that he would be voted out at the final four. This was what caused Rob to make a counter alliance of Matthew, Butch and Christy to vote Alex out.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
Deena Bennett
- Distaff Counterpart: To Roger. She was the unofficial leader of the Women's Tribe, and seemed to not respect men. Manipulative Editing perhaps had a part to play.
- Hoist By Her Own Petard: Ironically goes out in a much similar way to Roger; she more or less threw her shot at Immunity away not thinking she needed it, and it turned out she did. And on an even more ironic note, the people who got rid of her were the very people that she thought that she was manipulating into doing her bidding.
- Mistaken Age: Inverted. Even though she is only two or three years older than the compartively younger acting Alex, Deena is often referred to as one of the older contestants.
- Odd Friendship: With Rob.
- Straw Feminist: Was edited to seem this way, though Manipulative Editing surely had something to do with it.
- Too Clever by Half
Dave Johnson
- Always Someone Better: Why Alex and Rob wanted him gone.
- The Dulcinea Effect: After the tribal draft, he had the perfect opportunity to get rid of Jenna's best ally(Heidi) and fracture the women's tribe. For some bizarre reason, which can only be explained by this trope, he decided to spare Heidi and get rid of Black Sheep Jeanne instead.
- They were even on numbers 3/3 between him, Butch, and Roger and Jeanne, Christy and Heidi. For whatever reason they perceived Heidi to be the easiest one to flip.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Hot Scientist: Both a Real Life version of this trope, and a male inversion example.
Roger Sexton
- Butt Monkey
- Spear Counterpart: To Deena. He was the unofficial leader of the Men's Tribe, and seemed not respect women. Manipulative Editing perhaps had a part to play.
- Straw Misogynist: Was accused of being this by almost everyone on his season, though he denies it.
- Stupid Boss: Was also accused of being this.
Shawna Mitchell
- The Chick: In the Jaburu tribe's Girl Posse, Jenna was the Alpha Bitch, Heidi was The Lancer(or if you will, The Dragon), and Shawna was this.
- Fiery Redhead
- Hello, Nurse!
- Suicide by Cop
- Unexplained Recovery: Was on the verge of quitting the game on Day 13 or so until there was a tribal switch that swapped out some of the female members from her tribe for a few members from the all male Tambaqui tribe. Then she forgot all about being sick or having thoughts of quitting.
- When She Smiles
Jeanne Hebert
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Joanna.
- I Ate What?: After Joanna was voted off, and she was the one cooking Jaburu's meals...
Joanna Ward
- The Fundamentalist: So religious in fact, that she considered the immunity idol an affront to the First Commandment "Thou Shalt Not Have Any Gods Before Me".
- Insane Troll Logic: When Joanna compared the Immunity Idol to a religious idol(as in the First Commandment "Thou shalt not have any other gods before me.") Rob summed up most people's reactions to Joanna's this best when he waxed philosophic about whether God had any real vested interest in Survivor.
- Shout-Out: When Ryan Howard from the U.S version of The Office name dropped her in the middle of an episode. It came somewhat as a shock to some Survivor fans who were expecting, if anything at all, a name drop to a more famous contestant such as Rupert Boneham or Boston Rob. Or at least Jenna Morasca. Someone working for The Office is clearly a secret Survivor fan.
- Tomboy: An adult, self-admitted version.
Daniel Lue
- Dumb Muscle: He was portrayed this, fair or not.
- Limited Social Circle: After Ryan got voted out, Matthew became his Only Friend.
Janet Koth
- Ill Woman
- Mis Blamed: The one blamed for smuggling a granola bar into camp.
Ryan Aiken
- Mis Blamed: For losing the first Immunity Challenge. It was actually Daniel's fault.
- Shout-Out: References the John Woo movie Hard Target when voting for Roger by stating "Don't Hunt What You Can't Kill".
- Worthy Opponent: To Roger, both of whom were battling from Day 1 over control of the men's tribe.