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Todd Herzog

Courtney Yates

Amanda Kimmell

Denise Martin

  • Fish Out of Water: A big theme of her story was her experiences on reward trips where she was completely amazed and humbled by the culture she'd never experienced.
  • Hidden Depths: Would you believe she's a black belt in Kenpo?
  • Out of Focus: Early in the season entire episodes would go by without her having a single confessional. It's only after James and Aaron are sent to Zhan Hu that she starts getting attention.
  • Perpetual Poverty: Denise discusses how that while Todd will have his flight attendant job, Courtney will have her waitressing job and Amanda will have her modelling career after the show, this trope is all Denise has to go back to after the show is over.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Duped and dumped at the Final Four.

Peih-Gee Law

Erik Huffman

James Clement

Michael Zernow

Jean-Robert Bellande

  • Character Development: Invoked - his plan was to be lazy and uncooperative at the start of the game, so when he did start to become helpful around camp, his tribemates would mistake that for the aforementioned trope.
  • Designated Villain
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: On poker programming since the game (ex. the World Series of Poker Main Event), he usually gets ID'd as "Jean-Robert Bellande from Survivor."
  • Hidden Depths: Shocks everyone when it turns out he speaks semi-fluent Mandarin, which comes in handy when a Chinese fisherman and his family visit Fei Long as a Reward Challenge prize.
  • Jerkass: Liked by basically nobody else on his tribe.
  • Lazy Bum: Deliberately invoked this trope in order to lower the tribe's expectations of him and then pleasantly surprise them when he did start working hard. It only worked partially.
  • Sitcom Arch Nemesis: To Courtney.
  • The Strategist: Attempted to be this, but it never really panned out.
  • Tall, Dark and Snarky
  • Smug Snake
  • Ted Baxter: Genuinely believed himself to be the best player in the game. The actual sequence of events that leads to his being voted out proves otherwise, and he actually refuses to admit he made mistakes as a player at the reunion in spite of it.
  • Worthy Opponent: Considers Todd this when all is said and done.

Jaime Dugan

Sherea Lloyd

Aaron Reisberger

Dave Cruser

Leslie Nease

Ashley Massaro

Steve Morris