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Yul Kwon

Oscar Lusth

Becky Lee

Sundra Oakley

Adam Gentry

Parvati Shallow

Jonathan Penner

Candice Woodcock

Nate Gonzalez

Jenny Guzon-Bae

  • The Cassandra: Tries to convince Raro that keeping Jonathan would be a bad move considering he had a high chance of flipping back to Aitu at the merge.
  • Diabolus Ex Machina: She's voted out in a vote right after Rebecca, with little-to-no time for strategising or scrambling. She's, not surprisingly, miffed at how that went down.
  • Last of Her Kind: The last Asian on Raro, which the tribe sans Nate believed was good enough reason to keep her from the merge, seeing as Becky and Yul were still on Aitu and they feared she would flip back.
  • Older Than She Looks: Would you believe she's 36? She barely looks a day over her twenties.

Rebecca Boreman

Brad Virata

Jessica Smith

  • Expy: Of Courtney Marit from the previous season... at least in terms of fashion – not so much the latter's bipolar personality.
  • Granola Girl
  • Known Only By Their Nickname: "Flica"
  • Odd Friendship: With Cao Boi and Ozzy to a lesser extent.
  • Something Completely Different: Most people go onto Survivor to win it - others are at least looking for their fifteen minutes of fame. Jessica is one of the only people in the show's recent run who went onto Survivor simply for the experience. Indeed, she seems repelled at the very idea of trying to vote people out strategically, much to her ally Jonathan's frustration.
  • Strange Girl: Strange for a game like Survivor, at least. She seems very anxious to avoid offending anybody, and just acts hurt and confused when people try to talk strategy to her.

Christina Coria

Anh-Tuan Bui

  • Badass
  • Cassandra Truth: He wanted Jonathan and Candice out because he didn't trust them and thought they'd turn on Aitu. Lo and behold, a couple challenges later...
  • Cloudcuckoolander
  • Irony: He never once considered that Yul would have the idol, which was made apparent when he made sure that Yul is the first to know of "Plan Voodoo."
  • Known Only By Their Nickname: "Cao Boi"
  • New Age Retro Hippie: He even said that he identifies more so as a hippie than as an asian.
  • Odd Friendship: With Ozzy and Flicka
  • Pyromaniac
  • Cooky Old Asian Guy Has A Point: Even though he was totally irrelevant to the overall story of Cook Islands, Cao Boi did technically invent the idea of splitting up the votes in order to flush out the hidden immunity idol as well as maintain majority control of the tribe, AKA "Plan Voodoo."
  • Younger Than They Look: Cao Boi was around 42 years old in Cook Islands, but looks at least ten years older.

Stephannie Favor

  • Disproportionate Retribution: She told Nate she wished she had some "mashed potatoes and gravy" - Nate uses this against her by telling the tribe that she's given up and wants to go home, despite not even saying that in the slightest (at least not that episode).

Jean-Paul Calderon

Cecilia Mansilla

Billy Garcia

  • Ascended Fanboy
  • Romance on the Set: With Candice before his elimination. Or, well, he thought it was.
  • The Load: His team threw the challenge so they could vote him off.
  • One of Us
  • Too Clever by Half: According to Billy, Ozzy told him that the real reason he wanted him gone immediately was that he was a Survivor superfan and Ozzy didn't want someone like that going too far.

Sekou Bunch