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Earl Cole
- Black Best Friend: To Yau-Man.
- Born Winner
- Flawless Victory: The Ur Example. Only one dummy vote thrown at him in the third Tribal Council kept him from achieving a No Damage Run.
- Hot Dad
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Yau-Man.
- Made of Iron
- Nice Guy
- Sole Survivor
- The Smart Guy
Andria Herd
- Accentuate the Negative: Did you know he was visibly showing signs of regret and months later, was still sore about going back on the deal to Yau-Man? The way everyone (especially Edgardo and Lisi) and the fans went on... you'd be surprised.
- Being Evil Sucks
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
- Digging Yourself Deeper: Pretty much his entire story arc.
- Even Evil Has Standards: To be fair, he cried and said sorry to Yau-Man before eliminating him, visibly showing signs of having regretted it.
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- I Did What I Had to Do: And he was criticized for it! You just know that if he gave up the immunity or thrown it, he'd likely have been eliminated!
- Jerkass
- Jerkass Woobie: He really doesn't deserve all the crap he gets.
- My God, What Have I Done?: After saying he would keep the immunity, you can see him looking down and mentally saying "My God, What Have I Done??!"
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Dreamz.
- Second Place Is for Losers
- Sixth Ranger Traitor : To every alliance he was ever in, especially The Four Horsemen
- Ted Baxter
- Ungrateful Bastard
Cassandra Franklin
- Guile Heroine: A very, very subtle version. The one challenge she actually did flawlessly in was a challenge based around how well you knew your fellow tribemates, and her social game was her only saving grace.
- Lazy Bum: In challenges.
- The Load
- Out of Focus
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: She plays Survivor a lot like Vecepia Towery did, but not nearly as well.
Yau-Man Chan
- Asian and Nerdy: And he uses those skills to great effect.
- Awesome By Analysis
- Badass Grandpa
- Breakout Character
- Cool Old Guy
- Cool Teacher
- Intergenerational Friendship: With everyone.
- Keep the Reward: The infamous car deal with Dreamz. It doesn't end well.
- Kid Appeal Character
- Magnetic Hero
- My Death Is Just the Beginning: His elimination pretty much cost Dreamz any chance of winning. (Then again though at the reunion, the cast said that Yau-Man was going to win even if Dreamz kept his deal - it was likely that they'd have targeted Dreamz.)
- Nice Guy
- Shorter Means Smarter
- The Smart Guy
- Team Dad
- Took a Level In Badass
- Weak but Skilled: One of the most deceptively strong challenge players in the history of Survivor. Especially in the archery challenge.
- And in busting open a crate by smashing its corner.
Kenward Bernis
- Butt Monkey: Where to start? He gets something in his eye first, so they wash it out with water. Then when he's chopping wood, the axe slipped, slid down his skin and hit his knee. He is then put on the hammock so he doesn't hurt himself any further...and then the hammock fell down.
- Later, he tore his ACL in a challenge.
- In his final challenge, he was supposed to lower platforms and cross a river using them whilst blindfolded. He was doing fairly well up until near the end, when he somehow managed to wander through the river and ended up on the wrong side of the platform.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Boo was the person who recommended James Clement, Russell Hantz and maybe a few others to apply for Survivor, so while he wasn't that important in his own season, Boo indirectly had a very big influence on future seasons.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Embarrassing First Name: Probably why he prefers to be called "Boo".
- The Klutz
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Boo.
- The Big Guy
Stacy Kimball
- Alpha Bitch: With Lisi early on. Unlike Lisi, Stacy Took a Level In Kindness after the tribal shuffle.
- Backstab Backfire: Tried to aid in the blindside of Yau-Man to take him out at the final five. He played the Hidden Immunity Idol and she went out instead.
- Manipulative Bitch / The Strategist : The Edgardo blindside was her idea.
- Out of Focus: After the tribal shuffle.
Alex Angarita
- Alliterative Name
- Anti-Villain
- Irony: At Tribal Council, he goes into a speech about how karma in Survivor is quick and painful aimed at the opposing alliance, which at that point had him and Mookie outnumbered 6 to 2. He then proceeds to vote for Mookie in order to save himself for three more days, only to get voted out the following episode.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: At Final Jury, on Dreamz.
- Smug Snake
- Took a Level In Jerkass: At the start of the season, he was the nicest person on his tribe and showed disgust at the way Stacy and Lisi treated Dreamz and Cassandra, but later on he's decidedly more of a Jerkass.
Mookie Lee
Edgardo Rivera
- Oh Crap: Edgardo and Alex have an EPIC Oh Crap the moment Ed's name first comes up on the votes.
- Shocking Elimination: Not for viewers, but definetely for his alliance
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- The Dragon: To Alex.
- Token Good Teammate : To Four Horsemen alliance.
Michelle Yi
- Diabolus Ex Machina - The tribe is split up into two groups at merge for a challenge, where the entire losing group has to go to Tribal Council whereas the other half gets Immunity. Michelle is put into a tribe of aligned/indifferent members, and is voted out because the only ally she has is Mookie of all people.
- Genki Girl
- Nice Girl: She was one of the only people in the final Tribal Council not to throw Accentuate the Negative, personal attacks, or other mean-spirited comments at the final three.
- Plucky Girl
Lisi Linares
Her vote for Liliana: "The alliance is five, not six." |
- Alliterative Name
- Alpha Bitch: In the early episodes, she refuses to even talk to Cassandra and Dreamz because she had an entire alliance behind her and they were not in it.
- Butt Monkey: From the tribal switch onwards she more or less turns into a walking punchline.
- Dye Hard: She isn't a natural Fiery Redhead.
- Spicy Latina: Well, a white Latina.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Goes into a big, and somewhat nonsensical, one on Dreamz and Cassandra at Final Jury.
James Reid
- Celebrity Resemblance: To Sylvester Stallone, henceforth his nickname
- Disc One Final Boss
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Jerk Jock
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk
- Known Only By Their Nickname: "Rocky"
- Schoolyard Bully All Grown Up: To Anthony
- Surrounded by Idiots: How he felt in pre-merge Ravu
- Ted Baxter: In the episode he was voted off, there's a montage about how Rocky's attitude problem causes disharmony within the tribe while Rocky is completely oblivious to how the others see him.
- Quit Your Whining: Again, to Anthony.
Anthony Robinson
- All of the Other Reindeer: Especially after the tribal switch where he was stuck on a tribe with four incredibly macho guys.
- Black and Nerdy: Although he doesn't display many of the characteristics of the trope, he's definitely black and definitely a nerd.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Finally snaps on Rocky in a big way in his final Tribal Council.
- Deadpan Snarker: Particularly in his last episode.
- Informed Flaw: Apparently unlikable and shifty, but there's really no evidence of this on the show.
- One of Us: Although he was a Survivor recruit, his bio talked about his interest in video and role playing games.
Liliana Gomez
- Living Prop
- Noodle Incident: Lisi calls her a "diabolical Mexican". Something must have been going on to get her that label. But what?
Gary Stritesky
- Ascended Fanboy: Only applying contestant in Fiji, the rest was recruited
- Cool Old Guy
- Non Gameplay Elimination
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Papa Smurf
- Team Dad
Sylvia Kwan
- All of the Other Reindeer: As a result of her supposed Stupid Boss tendencies and bossiness.
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!
- Pointy-Haired Boss
Erica Durousseau
Jessica De-Ben