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Danielle "Danni" Boatwright

  • Dark Horse Victory: Seemed to have no shot post-merge and yet managed to claw her way to the final two.
  • Guile Heroine: Managed to claw her way into the finals by taking every advantage given to her in the game, including going into the merge with three stronger guys which would ensure she would be the last of her alliance standing, planting the seeds that led to Jaime's ouster over Gary, getting rid of Stephenie's ideal finals partner in Judd, and letting Rafe and Stephenie eat away at their own alliance until before anyone noticed, she was sitting in the finals against a former player who nobody wanted to vote for.
  • Hey It's That Girl: She's a former beauty queen and a sports talk radio host.
  • Hot Scoop
  • Needs More Love
  • Nice Hat
  • Out of Focus: Possibly the most out of focus winner since Vecepia.
  • Plucky Girl
  • Sole Survivor
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
  • Thigh-High Boots: Danni wore these during the Finale.

Stephenie LaGrossa

Rafe Judkins

  • Badass Bookworm
  • Honor Before Reason: Twice; first by ensuring Danni made the final three and not Lydia because of their agreement to get that far, and then to actually tell her it was okay to not honor their agreement to get to the final two because Stephenie had tried so hard in the final challenge.
  • One of Us: One of two(the other being Brian) superfans of the show this season who have watched and studied Survivor since their youth.
  • The Smart Guy
  • Straight Gay
  • Too Clever by Half
  • Wrong Season Savvy: The other reason he decided to vote out Lydia at the final four was that older women usually do well in the Final 3 endurance challenge. Unfortunately, this season's was one where Lydia's lack of height would have been a major disadvantage.

Lydia Morales

  • Cool Old Lady
  • Out of Focus: Has a couple of moments but mostly just sort of stays off to the sidelines, being kept in the game because she was incapable of winning anything. Though according to Rafe the edit really didn't do her personality justice.
  • Shout-Out: Does an impression of Keenan Ivory Wayans as Little Richard on In Living Color at one point.
  • Team Mom: Of Stephenie's alliance.

Cindy Hall

  • Friend to All Living Things: A zookeeper, and early on she was the only one not complaining about the local wildlife and instead seemed to be delighting in it.
  • Laser Guided Carma: Wins the car challenge and decides to take the car instead of giving it up and letting the other four get cars instead as to prevent the Curse of the Car from keeping her from winning Survivor, and says she can beat the odds and overcome the curse. Guess what happens next.
  • Out of Focus

Judd Sergeant

Gary Hogeboom

  • Badass
  • Cool Old Guy
  • Elimination Houdini: Was the first player to ever find (and use) a Hidden Immunity Idol in Survivor, and it bought him an extra three days.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: An ex-NFL quarterback pretends to just be an ordinary landscaper in a game where another player (and the eventual winner) is a sports reporter. Hilarity Ensues! Amazingly, though, she doesn't really call him out on it in a lasting way.
  • Team Dad

Jamie Newton

Bobby Jon Drinkard

Brandon Bellinger

Amy O'Hara

  • Determinator: See below.
  • Handicapped Badass: Screwed up her ankle relatively early in the season. In spite of it, she kept going, actually was a force in challenges, and lasted much longer than one might expect.
  • LadySwearsALot: According to Rites of Passage.

Brian Corridan

Margaret Bobonich

Blake Towsley

Brooke Struck

Brianna Varela

Morgan McDevitt

Jim Lynch