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Vecepia Towery
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Betrayed Kathy at the final three immunity challenge by making a deal with Neleh (right in front of Kathy even!) and letting her take it, which at the time was one of the most underhanded and despised moves the game had ever seen.
- Dark Horse Victory: The first person to win the game when their tribe entered the merge in the minority.
- Guile Heroine
- Hypocrite/HolierThanThou: Certainly in the eyes of Tammy.
- Nakama: With Sean. They were both devoutly religious, both African-American, and both had similar upbringings. His vote to her was basically guaranteed.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: "V"
- Out of Focus: Played under the radar, especially when in contrast to early alliance mates Rob and Sean. It caused a lot of uproar at the time when a "nobody" or "unknown" won the game over a Final Four including people with much more screen time.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to Sean's Red.
- Sole Survivor
- What Measure Is a Non-Badass?: Is frequently overlooked as a competent Survivor winner, despite the fact that she was the first person to win in a game where her tribe entered the merge in the minority, not to mention she kickstarted the downfall of Hunter, seamlessly backstabbed Rob, played a big part in the downfall of the Rotu 4, and was able to switch sides and backstab allies in such an efficient way that the jury still voted for her in the end.
Neleh Dennis
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Basically what Sean accused her of being.
- Digging Yourself Deeper: Was completely incapable of answering jury questions at the final Tribal Council in a way that didn't sound like pandering to the jury, which led to 3/4ths of the Rotu alliance voting for Vecepia (who was fully willing to admit that she played the game and had a strategy from day one).
- Hair of Gold
- Hypocrite: At least according to the jury.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Paschal in arguably the tightest alliance in Survivor's history.
- The Only One I Trust: With Paschal.
Kathy Varvick-Obrien
- Badass
- Character Development: Kathy starts out this season as being seen by her tribe as "that blonde, bitchy person"(her own words) and ends it by being seen by the jury as the overall best player who just missed the cut(at winning) after being betrayed by Neleh and Vee. In some respects, her story arc is very similar to Yau-Man from Survivor: Fiji.
- Cool Old Lady
- Defeat by Modesty
- Genki Girl: She seemed to be the most excited at being there.
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!
- Graceful Loser: Although she was rather shellshocked afterwards.
- Hair of Gold
- Its Pronounced Tropay: Kathy always pronounces "Marquesas" as "Marque-SAH". It gets slightly irritating after a while.
- Never Mess with Granny: Ended up being the most pivotal player when it came down to just the alliance that formed to get rid of the Rotu alliance. Sean putting words in her mouth at Tribal Council when she was the swing vote sealed his fate, and the knowledge that she wasn't going to be able to break up Paschal and Neleh's alliance led to Pappy's Shocking Elimination. She's also tied with Vecepia and Tammy for winning the most immunity challenges this season(two apiece).
- Plucky Girl
- The Pollyanna
- Too Cool to Live
- The Woobie: Especially in the wake of meeting Boston Rob for the first time.
Paschal English
- Badass Grandpa
- Cool Old Guy
- Diabolus Ex Machina
- Four Is Death: Fourth placer in this fourth installment, and was eliminated in the most controversial way ever.
- Graceful Loser
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Neleh, to the point that they were inseparable on the show.
- No Damage Run
- Non Gameplay Elimination
- Shocking Elimination: The first and so far only victim of the purple rock.
- The Only One I Trust: Neleh
- The Pollyanna
- Team Dad
Sean Rector
- Angry Black Man: In the earlier episodes he was this, but he mellowed out later on.
- Badass Boast: As he made his vote against John and kicked off the downfall of the Rotu alliance:
"Checkmate, bro. Thought you had me. Tell you any time you go to Vegas, bet on black." |
- Black Best Friend: To Boston Rob.
- Dragon Ascendant: Closely aligned with Boston Rob right up until his elimination, after which he had a big hand in forming the five-person alliance with V, Kathy, Paschal, and Neleh.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: His Achilles heel, and one of the main reasons he only finishes fifth.
- Large Ham
- Lazy Bum: In the first few episodes.
- Nakama: With Vecepia.
- Plucky Comic Relief: Filled this role from time to time, particularly with The Morning Show in the first few episodes. He even did a Dr. Evil impression during his final Tribal Council vote.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red to Vecepia's Blue.
- Religious Bruiser
Rob DeCanio
- The Big Guy: To the Rotu alliance.
- Made of Iron
- One Steve Limit: With Boston Rob.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: The General.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Subverted. It turns out that Robert hated the pink merge buffs that everyone had to wear.
Tammy Leitner
- Action Girl
- Brainy Brunette
- Ice Queen
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Lancer: Of the Rotu alliance. She was often referred to as a "pitbull" because of this.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Just like Sue of Borneo and Kelly of Africa, she opts to rant about everything she hates about the final two.
Zoe Zanidakis
- Alliterative Name
- Backstab Backfire: Attempted to ditch the Rotu alliance once John was voted out, and claimed she was never loyal to them. She still got voted out next.
- Bad Liar: When Kathy asks her if she's going to vote Kathy out, Zoe pauses for over ten seconds. Then she says no. Oops.
- The Chick: Of the Rotu alliance.
- Graceful Loser: The only member of the Rotu alliance willing to admit that Neleh could beat her. As a result, she's also the only member to vote for Neleh to win.
- Out of Focus
- The Quisling: In Episode 8 she betrays the Rotu 4 by voting for John, seemingly for no good reason.
- Shout-Out: She references Kon-Tiki(the famous raft used to demonstrate that indigenous people from South America may have settled in Polynesia at one point) in one episode.
John Carroll
- Ascended Fanboy: He applied three times to get casted(ever since Season One), and this is the lucky time he made it on.
- Big Bad Wannabe
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Attempted to be the mastermind behind an alliance that would take him to the end, and had some early success (most notably getting rid of Boston Rob immediately after the merge). He then got cocky about it and paid the price immediately, as everyone not in his alliance former a counter-alliance against him.
- Kick the Dog: Voting out Gabriel under a baseless assumption that he would align with the new Rotu members after the swap.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Fans that have met him say that he's one of the more "approachable" contestants out there.
- Out of Focus: Until the fourth episode, odds are you only knew him as the male nurse on Rotu
that once got peed on by Kathy.
- Smug Snake: Slightly. He was mostly a pragmatic villain, but he did make an incredibly arrogant comment about how Paschal and Neleh were rooting for his success(that they were willing to lay down their own chances at winning for him).
- Straight Gay / Camp Gay: At least by 2002 standards he was, but Society Marches On.
Rob Mariano
- Badass
- Disc One Final Boss
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Mr. Fanservice
- Evil Genius / The Smart Guy
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk
- Manipulative Bastard
- Memetic Outfit: His Nice Cap. Slight subversion, though, as his first time around he's wearing a New England Patriots cap instead of the Boston Red Sox cap more commonly associated with him.
- My Elimination Is Just The Beginning: He manages to plant just enough dissent to speed up John and the rest of the Rotu Four's downfall.
- One Steve Limit: After he went to Rotu, he was on the same tribe as Rob DeCanio. His tribe mates used Location Theme Naming as a solution, thus named him "Boston."
- Only Known by Their Nickname: After the tribal swap, and he started sharing the same camp as DeCanio, they started referring to him as "Boston" Rob.
- Self Proclaimed Liar
- Smug Snake: Has little aptitude for the social aspect this time around.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
Gina Crews
- Ms. Fanservice
- Ship Tease: With Hunter.
- Only Sane Man: Gina saw herself as this when her tribe Maraamu voted out Hunter.
Gabriel Cade
- Afro Asskicker
- The Heart: Of the Rotu alliance. After he's gone, they begin to implode.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Paschal.
- Mr. Fanservice
- The Nicknamer: He dubbed Pashcal "Pappy" and Neleh "Sweet Pea". John was called "Johnny Pots And Pans", but that may have been invented by someone else.
- The Pollyanna
- Something Completely Different: Most players on Survivor are in it to win it. They may appreciate the experience, but by and large people want the money first and foremost (Either this or they are looking for their Fifteen Minutes of Fame). Gabriel was one of the few people, except for maybe Greg from the first season, "Flica" from the thirteenth season, and Jimmy Johnson from the twenty-first season, who seemed to have little to no interest in actually winning and was genuinely there for the experience.
- Spanner in the Works: After Gabriel revealed that he had no interest in playing the game to get ahead, John became paranoid and thought that Gabe would become this to his alliance, so he orchestrated a blindside. That's why he was unanimously booted a day or two later.
Sarah Jones
- Elimination Houdini: She was targeted to leave on Day 9 until Rob and Sean decided that they wanted to get rid of Hunter.
- Establishing Character Moment: Her Cleopatra like posing on the raft and her refusal to help row as her tribe made it's way to camp on the first day.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Unwitting Pawn: Of Rob's, until the swap.
Hunter Ellis
- The Ace: The physically strongest and most capable member of his tribe.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Sacrificial Lion: Unfortunately for Hunter, he was at odds with Rob, who had absolutely no regard for his leadership, and once he got enough votes behind him...
- Ship Tease: With Gina.
- Shocking Elimination
Patricia Jackson
- My Beloved Smother: After she survives the first vote, she becomes this to her entire tribe!
Peter Harkey
- Cloudcuckoolander: And HOW!
- One-Scene Wonder: His discussion about holes has to be seen to be believed.