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Parvati Shallow
- Action Girl
- Affably Evil
- Badass
- Butt Monkey: She's somewhat clumsy.
- The Charmer
- The Chessmaster
- Femme Fatale
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Parvati was the replacement for Candice Woodcock, who declined the chance to play on this season in order to finish medical school. She was considered one of the most controversial casting choices due to her lack of notoriety, with it being somewhere along the lines of Amber being cast for All Stars. Everyone expected her to just be another pretty face. Boy, were we wrong.
- Hello, Nurse!
- Hotter and Sexier: If you think she's already these in Cook Islands, see her now.
- Lovable Alpha Bitch
- Manipulative Bitch
- Meaningful Name: Subverted. Parvati is anything but shallow.
- Ms. Fanservice
- My Greatest Second Chance
- Sole Survivor
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Tease
- Unwitting Pawn: Of Cirie.
- Zen Survivor
Amanda Kimmell
- Always Second Best
- Being Good Sucks: Gets judged much more harshly than Parvati for her actions because Parvati is the more overtly devious of the two.
- I Surrender, Suckers: Her Batman Gambit.
- Ms. Fanservice
- My Greatest Second Chance: Finished third in China, finishes second in Micronesia.
- Nice Cap
- Plucky Girl
- Poor Communication Kills: Deja vu.
- Romance on the Set: With Ozzy.
- The Runner Up Takes It All
- Statuesque Stunner
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Zen Survivor
Cirie Fields
- Anti-Hero
- Badass Boast: And Cirie's playing style in a nutshell, to boot;
"My mother always told me 'you may not be able to beat 'em with these all the time,'" (she points to her muscles), "'but you can always beat 'em with this.'" (she points to her brain) |
- The Chessmaster
- Genius Bruiser
- Hello, Nurse!
- Manipulative Bitch
- My Greatest Second Chance: Finishes a place higher than she did in Panama playing a more aggressive style against tougher competition.
- Shipper on Deck: Ships Amanda and Ozzy
- Shocking Elimination
- The Smart Girl
- The Strategist
- Team Mom
- Verbal Tic: Her habit of laughing her way through confessionals returns for this season, primarily in the first half.
- The Woman Behind The Women: A big part of her strategy this season is proposing an incredibly audacious plan (blindsiding Ozzy, suggesting that Erik could give the Immunity Necklace away) and then letting another member of her alliance come off like the one who spearheaded the idea (Parvati on the former, Natalie on the latter).
- Zen Survivor
Natalie Bolton
- Ascended Extra: For most of the season she was barely even shown, but when Jason's boot episode came around, she suddenly turned into a cross between a Femme Fatale and a militant Straw Feminist.
- Bi the Way: She actually outright hits on Parvati at Final Jury, much to the shock of basically everyone.
- Hot Amazon
- Large Ham: During the last few episodes, Natalie turned completely over the top catty.
Erik Reichenbach
- Ascended Fanboy: The poster-child for Survivor.
- Action Hero: The reason he lasts so long, as outline by Survivor writer Mario Lanza: "For all their strategic mastery, for all their wicked blindsides, for all their awesomeness at the game of Survivor, there is still one problem that the Black Widow Brigade faces. And it is something that is going to be hard for them to overcome. Erik is really really good at challenges. And they are just a bunch of girls."
- Adorkable
- Being Good Sucks: He was more or less forced to hand over immunity, since a generous gesture like that would have been the only way he'd beat a jury vote over the other four women still in the game. He took a calculated risk, and it was so blown out of proportion you'd think it was the only thing he actually did in Micronesia.
- Humiliation Conga: The producers delight in turning his final Tribal Council into this; they don't even bother to pretend there's any suspense in who's going out and instead show every single vote (with Parvati and Natalie gloating over how dumb Erik is, Cirie busting out a Badass Boast, and Amanda just sort of dumbstruck with amusement). To make matters worse, the jury outright laughs at his decision to give away the necklace, and after Erik's voted out James actually speaks up (which jurors are not supposed to do unless prompted by Probst) to make a joke about no longer being the dumbest Survivor ever.
- Idiot Hero
- Improbable Hairstyle
- Last of His Kind / The One Guy: Pre-merge, he was the only fan left on his tribe - post-merge, he's the only male left after the Black Widow Brigade takes control.
- Meaningful Echo: A quick one, but Erik, after being eliminated, runs after his torch is extinguished, just as Ami did when she was eliminated. Erik was the next boot choice after Ami before the merge.
- One of Us: Of the fans, he's one of the most obviously starstruck.
- Senseless Sacrifice: Gave up his immunity to save Natalie - guess who gets eliminated next tribal council?
- Shout-Out: Gets the post-merge tribe to be named "Dabu," a word used by orcs in Warcraft.
- Stupid Good
- Unwitting Pawn
- Would Hit a Girl: Dragged Eliza and gave Amanda an FU during an early challenge!
Alexis Jones
- The Chick: In Parvati's side alliance after the swap (Parvati, Natalie, Alexis), Alexis is this.
- Out-Gambitted: By Amanda's use of the Hidden Immunity Idol.
- The Rival: Amanda thought that Alexis was competing for Ozzy's affections/spot in his alliance. It wasn't entirely true or false.
James Clement
- Bald of Awesome
- The Big Guy
- Black Best Friend: To Amanda.
- Catch Phrase: Various permutations of "don't eat the apple."
- Mr. Fanservice
- Game-Breaking Injury
- Heroic Build
- My Greatest Second Chance: Although he still finished seventh, his game here is much better compared to China.
- Non Gameplay Elimination
- Take That Me: After Erik gave his immunity necklace, he made a Call Back to his Epic Fail experience in China.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Zen Survivor
Jason Siska
- Butt Monkey: His last three episodes are pretty much an endless parade of the show mocking him.
- Companion Cube: Not during the real show, but in the Lividmanda fanfic parody of Micronesia, the stick that Jason mistakenly thought was a hidden immunity idol ends up becoming his only friend. Hilarity Ensues.
- Fan Boy: Of Ozzy.
- Nice Character, Mean Actor: According to the other fans, he was probably the most unbearable and obnoxious person on the tribe, which apparently did not make it to the cameras until after the tribal swap.
- The Rival: Of Ozzy as well, though a lot of that was in his own head.
Oscar Lusth
- Badass
- The Big Guy
- Mr. Fanservice
- Et Tu, Brute?
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Yau-Man.
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Ozzy.
- Romance on the Set: With Amanda.
- Shocking Elimination: One of the most shocking ones in Survivor history.
- Shoot the Dog: He doesn't want to vote off Yau-Man and lobbied for him to stay, but he ultimately stuck with the majority to avoid being the odd man out.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: To Parvati at Final Jury.
- Zen Survivor
Eliza Orlins
- Badass Adorable
- Beware the Nice Ones: Almost singlehandedly started Ozzy's fall.
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted.
- Plucky Girl
- Taking You with Me: "If that's fake, then Ozzy must have the real one."
- Zen Survivor
Ami Cusack
- Being Good Sucks: Tried to play a much nicer, more under-the-radar game this season. It ends with her just missing the jury and leaving in tears.
- Bi the Way
- Character Development
- Hair of Gold
- Ms. Fanservice
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted.
- Out of Focus: Compared to Vanuatu; she only really got screen time as part of the Jonathan/Ami/Yau-Man/Eliza alliance on Malakal.
- Plucky Girl
- Power Hair
- Took a Level In Kindness
- Zen Survivor
Tracy Hughes-Wolf
- The Chessmaster
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!
- The Smart Girl
- The Woman Behind The Man: Tracy was the one who was really calling the shots on Airai (Fan's Tribe) even though Joel was the leader.
- Worthy Opponent: To the Favorites. She and Joel were the first fans specifically taken out by them.
Kathy Sleckman
- Ascended Fangirl: Of all the "Fans", she's one of the few who has clearly watched every season.
- Fan Nickname: "Krazy Kathy".
- Lampshade Hanging/ Leaning on the Fourth Wall: When asked a question about Mary at the Fans first Tribal Council, Kathy (who had spent majority of the last few days on Exile Island) asks "Mary Who?". This is ironic since Mary is one of the least visible characters on the show.
Chet Welch
- Camp Gay
- Friend to All Living Things: Or chickens, anyway.
- The Load: The only reason he survived as long as he did was everyone wanting to use him as a pawn, which Mary, Mikey and Joel could not be.
- That's Gotta Hurt: When he was dragged by Joel through one of the obstacle courses like he was an inanimate object.
Jonathan Penner
- Badass
- Cool Old Guy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Determinator: Seriously injures a leg and in spite of this, helps his tribe win multiple challenges before he's forced to quit.
- Game-Breaking Injury
- Hot Dad
- I Coulda Been a Contender
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Yau-Man
- Large Ham
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted.
- Nice Hat
- Non Gameplay Elimination
- Shipper on Deck: Ships Amanda and Ozzy.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Zen Survivor
Joel Anderson
- The Big Guy/ The Brute
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Ozzy accidentally calls him "Troy" during the tribal swap. Joel probably did not appreciate it.
- Out-Gambitted: By Cirie.
- The Starscream: Was not pleased by Mikey B and his attempt at leading the tribe.
- Xanatos Gambit: His plan to get rid of Mary so he can undercut Mikey B's influence.
Mikey Bortone
- I Coulda Been a Contender: In any other season, the duo of Mikey and Mary would have done fine - in the Fans tribe, he was outdone by the rest of his tribe wanting to pull off big moves, especially Joel and Tracy, who were especially threatened by his scheming.
- Known Only By Their Nickname: "Mikey B"
- Out-Gambitted: By Joel.
Yau-Man Chan
- Awesome By Analysis
- Badass Grandpa
- Cool Old Guy
- Hot Dad
- I Coulda Been a Contender
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Jon, Jonathan and Ozzy.
- Kid Appeal Character
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted.
- Nice Guy
- Nice Hat
- The Obi-Wan: To Ozzy, whom used his strategy in Fiji.
- Odd Friendship: With Johnny Fairplay.
- Shocking Elimination
- Shorter Means Smarter
- Sudden Sequel Elimination Syndrome
- The Smart Guy
- Team Dad
- Worthy Opponent
- Zen Survivor
Mary Sartain
- Living Prop: "Mary Who?" indeed. It's doubly funny when one finds out that Mary rarely spoke to most of the tribe other than Mikey B, and none of them really knew who she was.
Jon Dalton
- Affably Evil
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Breakout Character
- Character Development
- Dead Star Walking: Heavily used to promote the season, one of the primary focuses of the first episode in terms of strategic play, and gone at the end of the very same episode.
- Evil Genius / The Smart Guy
- Evil Gloating
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He quit to be with his pregnant wife.
- Johnny McCoolname: Jonny Fairplay
- Large Ham
- Mauve Shirt: Literally and figuratively.
- My Greatest Second Chance: Subverted.
- The Napoleon
- Odd Friendship: With Yau-Man.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Jonny Fairplay
- Shocking Elimination: You could have predicted Fairplay going out early, but perhaps not in the way he did, especially since for much of the episode he seemed to be in full-on game mode with both alliances on the Favorites tribe trying to use him as a swing vote.
- Sudden Sequel Elimination Syndrome
- Suicide by Cop
- "V" Sign
- Villain Decay: Went from the single most villainous person to ever play Survivor to someone who decided to troll the show by asking to be voted out.
- Zen Survivor