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Judson Birza

Chase Rice

Matthew Lenahan

  • Ambiguously Brown
  • Backstab Backfire: His refusal to give Brenda his immunity idol when she needed it ended up biting him in the ass during the final jury questioning.
  • The Chessmaster
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Unlike Chase, didn't really seem as remorseful to have done so.
  • The Dandy: Wears an expensive-looking three-piece suit to the finale.
  • Idiot Ball: After the tribal shuffle, he immediately starts targeting Marty since he's the strongest strategically and has an idol. Eventually, it comes to a tie between Marty and Kelly B at tribal (Marty did not play his idol), and during the revote... he votes for Kelly, giving Marty ample opportunity to cause more dissent against him and Brenda.
  • Jerkass
  • Loophole Abuse: Allegedly bribed Purple Kelly to quit so she could sell him to the jury - unfortunately, he did such a bad job when she supposedly tried to make him look good that she had no justification to vote for him so she was forced to vote for Fabio instead.
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • Mistaken for Gay: By Shannon. Hilarity Ensues!
  • Noble Demon
  • Noodle Incident: Something involving Sash got edited out of the tribal council in Jane's last episode which all of the players are apparently under strict orders not to discuss. It's implied in both his and Jane's voting confessionals (available from CBS's website) [2], and it's notable that Jane abruptly changes her vote without explanation (from intending to vote Holly, which made the most strategic sense, to voting for Sash, even though she knew perfectly well his immunity idol would nullify it). It's been speculated that this may have contributed to him getting no votes at the end.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Sash.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Tries pandering to the jury too much, and as a result gets no votes.
  • The Smart Guy

Holly Hoffman

Dan Lembo

Jane Bright

  • Arch Enemy: To Marty, somewhat inexplicably. The source of her resentment is never really explained, and he's clearly baffled by it.
  • Base Breaker: Either she's really good at this game and doesn't get enough appreciation for it, or she's lucky to have survived as far as she did. Alternatively, she's either a charming and feisty old lady who takes no guff from anyone, or a spiteful and mentally-unstable hypocrite with a nasty vicious streak.
  • Cool Old Lady: In. Spades.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Jane can get downright scary if she even thinks she's been betrayed or slighted. Her reaction to learning she was about to be voted out practically makes Lex look civilized.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: It wasn't even close for the Fan Favorite.
  • Genre Savvy: Quoted Jeff Probst on why people don't know how to make fire.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Heroines Love Dogs: She's a dog trainer.
  • Holy Shit Quotient
  • Intergenerational Friendship
  • Irrational Hatred: Nurses a bitter grudge against Marty throughout the entire game, for reasons unknown. This includes ranting that he's a wretched scumbag at every opportunity, trying (with some success) to turn other players against him, and calling him a worthless failure as a father. When asked at the reunion, she claims that she felt Marty didn't respect her, even though he'd repeatedly told anyone who'd listen that Jane was the most dangerous player in the game.
  • Never Mess with Granny: And Holy Shit How! She regularly beat men half her age in challenges. Not to mention what happened when she was told she would be voted out...
  • Noodle Incident: Something certainly happened at her final tribal council, which CBS edited out from what was broadcast, and which all of the players are under orders not to discuss. According to rumors, she accused Sash of secretly offering (earlier in the game) to pay off her mortgage if she helped him win. He denied it, and there was no way of knowing which of them was lying. If true, it would've been illegal (and if not, it was slander), so CBS edited it out and ordered everyone to stay quiet. Evidently nothing more was done as they didn't want two more people being ejected after NaOnka and Purple Kelly quit.
  • Shocking Elimination: A lot of fans thought she'd have made it to the finals.

Ben Henry

Kelly Shinn

NaOnka Mixon

  • Evil Teacher: She's a gym teacher.
    • Alicia Rosa from the One World season drew comparisons to her in the first episode.
  • Foe Yay: With Fabio and Kelly B. You gotta admit though...she did get Fabio to go along with a gameplay plan despite hating him. Even some of her haters had to admit that getting Fabio on board was a good gameplay move.
  • Jerkass
  • Jerkass Woobie: Came across as this near the end, especially when it got hard for her and she felt like quitting.
  • Kick the Dog: Even after announcing that she was going to quit the game at the next tribal council, she refused to step out of a reward so that her whole tribe could get some much-needed food. Holly, who had been desperate to finally get a reward, volunteered to make the sacrifice in her place.
    • Her treatment of Kelly B is generally this.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk
  • Non Gameplay Elimination
  • The Resenter
  • Sassy Black Woman
  • Sitcom Arch Nemesis: With Fabio.
  • Spanner in the Works: Her quitting utterly destroyed Sash's ideal final two, given that she was an easy goat to use.

Brenda Lowe

Marty Piombo

Alina Wilson

Jill Behm

Yve Rojas

Kelly Bruno

Tyrone Davis

Jimmy Tarantino

Jimmy Johnson

Shannon Elkins

Wendy DeSmidt-Kohlhoff

  1. (and you can literally spot the exact point in the game where he decides to do this)
  2. Jane's in particular shows obvious censoring