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Sandra Diaz-Twine[]

  • Anti Heroine
  • Badass Boast: Her Wham! Line below was the first ever time Fairplay's "Dead Grandma" ploy failed to convince someone he was being truthful (which, of course, he wasn't). Her refusal to believe Jon and stick the woman's alliance together was the ultimate event that turned the game around for the three remaining women against Jon and Burton.
  • Born Winner: The woman played twice, and only had one real vote cast against her in both her games combined.
  • The Cassandra: Talk about Meaningful Name.
  • Establishing Character Moment: "I was like ohhhh shit."
  • Foe Yay: With Johnny Fairplay
  • Griefer: Almost immediately after Rupert's blindside, she dumps all the fish that he'd caught for the tribe as revenge. Then, in the penultimate episode she decided to start hiding the camp equipment, believing that she was the next to go - it was only because of Lili deciding to betray Jon and Burton that she cut short that plan.
  • Guile Heroine
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: With Rupert.
  • Lady Swearsalot: While she's nearly as bad as Fairplay in this regard, half their dialogue consists of sound effects in the early episodes. It's still hard to believe she's a mother of two with dialogue like that:

 "You know what, I CAN GET LOUD TOO, WHAT THE F%#K!"

"Where the f$%k is the water jug?"

"Where's that snake mother f#$ker Jon?! I tell you what no one can trust that f$%king bitch right there, I never trusted you from day one and you can't be trusted, ladies he cannot be trust he will backstab you in a f%$king heartbeat like he did in everybody here!"


Lillian Morris[]


 Jon: "Lill, you wanna make a deal right now?"

Lillian: "No sir!"

Jon: "You're crazy."

Lillian: "My daughter wants to be a doctor."

Jon: "Do you understand how the-"

Lillian: "Jon, don't talk to me."


Lillian: "Shut. Up."

  • Team Mom: Evident at the very end of the season - the reason she chose Sandra as who to take to the finals was because she knew she would lose anyway, and she didn't want to be responsible if Jon won the million dollars and indulged himself to death. She may have lost Survivor, but she may have saved Jon's life.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Morgan voted her out. She returned and proceeded to be the deciding factor in getting rid of all of them but Ryno.
  • The Eeyore: Take a picture of her face at any point during the series - nine times out of ten, she'll be frowning and unhappy.

Jon Dalton[]


  "If you wanna be the man, you gotta beat the man. Woo."


Darrah Johnson[]

  • Action Girl: Won three Immunity Challenges in a row, finished fourth because nobody wanted to compete against her in the endurance challenge.
  • Memetic Mutation: Some message boards made a meme based on how Darrah pronounced the word "firewood". FAHRWOOD!
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Darrah works as a mortician, and her audition tape involved invoking this trope for laughs.
  • Out of Focus: While she did have a few lines before she started winning immunities, she can be compared to Brett of Samoa by how suddenly she's in the limelight.
  • Plucky Girl: In the face of everyone in her tribe being gone long ago after the merge.
  • The Unintelligible: Depending on the viewer - however, one has to admit though that her Mississippi accent was pretty thick.

Burton Roberts[]

Christa Hastie[]

  • Action Girl: Lasted the longest out of her entire tribe in the 'hold a bar with weighted sandbags on it longer than anyone else' immunity challenge, and always came in extremely close to winning individual immunity (only loosing to Rupert or fellow Action Girl Darrah).
  • Cute but Cacophonic: While not 'cacophonic', the most memorable part of Christa is that she sounds like she has a perpetual cold.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: With Sandra.
  • Ms. Fanservice
  • Nice Girl: Seems like the friendliest person in the whole cast.
  • Power Trio: Of the Beauty, Brains, and Brawn variety with Rupert and Sandra. She was Beauty.
  • Statuesque Stunner
  • The Woobie: Was apparently hated a lot around camp: the reason Drake threw immunity challenge? To get her out. Ryno's throwaway vote in his boot episode? For Christa. Who was blamed for sabotaging the tribe after Rupert was blindsided? Christa. You just had to feel sorry for the poor girl when she had most of the camp apart from her Power Trio plotting against her.

Tijuana Bradley[]

Rupert Boneham[]

Ryan Opray[]

Andrew Savage[]

  • Awesome McCoolname: Savage anyone?
  • Badass
  • Berserk Button: Upon being told by Jon while he was 'looting' the Morgan camp that Drake actually threw the first challenge they won. Andrew uses his fury to propel Morgan into the next Morgan immunity challenge win, ensuring equal numbers at the merge.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Andrew was the leader of the Morgan tribe, and always kept a positive attitude in face of loss after loss, and managed to recoup his tribe's losses during the episode six immunity challenge in spite of all the naysayers, included the host himself. The challenge involved brute strength and willpower, and Andrew held out the longest, winning his tribe immunity and making sure Morgan went into the merge with equal numbers.
  • Diabolus Ex Machina: If it weren't for Lil coming back, there would have been almost no doubt he could have made the jury, possibly even the finals. Instead, she comes back, aligns with the former Drake tribe at the merge, and sends him packing.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse
  • Last-Name Basis
  • Manly Tears: See Crowning Moment of Awesome
  • Perma Stubble
  • Red Baron: "Savage"
  • World of Cardboard Speech: His confessional in episode three about why his tribe was stronger than Drake came across this way, and would have been an extension of his Crowning Moment of Awesome had the Morgan tribe managed to survive to the end.

Osten Taylor[]

Shawn Cohen[]

  • Disc One Final Boss: Certainly for Jon.
  • With Friends Like These...: With Jon. Before the Outcast twist came along, Shawn and Jon were planning to team up during the merge in a manner pretty much identical to how Burton and Jon ended up working together after the merge. However, it probably wouldn't have been as successful as the Burton/Jon duumvirate was since the two hated each other fiercely.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: Him and Burton during the pre-merge.
  • Jerk Jock: To Rupert
  • Small Name, Big Ego: According to his CBS bio, his friends and family like to call him "World's Greatest Salesman" or something similar. He seemed to believe this, despite being even more disliked on his tribe than Jonny Fairplay.
  • Smug Snake
  • The Quisling: First by betraying Burton, then by betraying Trish. Not that he had much of a choice with Burton, however.

Trish Dunn[]

  • Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: More cute than hot than the normal forty-ish woman, but the trope still applies.
  • I Coulda Been a Contender: In possibly the best position possible strategic-wise - everyone liked her, she had a good alliance with Fairplay and Shawn, and was extremely close to eliminating a potential post-merge threat (Rupert) - if Sandra hadn't ratted her out, and Shawn hadn't flipped back to the triumvirate, Trish could have taken control of the game.
  • The Starscream: Made a failed attempt just before the merge to overthrow the Rupert/Christa/Sandra triumvirate on Drake by recruiting Drake's most hated members, Jon and Shawn, into voting out Rupert. Shawn initially agrees with the plan, but later changes his mind, which leads to a 4-2 vote out against Trish.

Michelle Tesauro[]

  • The Chick: On Drake, there was a three member alliance(four if Jonny Fairplay had joined up with them), consisting of Burton, Shawn and Michelle.
  • Hoist By Her Own Petard: The plan during the food-eating competition mentioned below was for Michelle to fake being disgusted by the food and get it down as slow as possible, so she would get chosen for the tiebreaker by Morgan, after which she would scoff it down faster than anyone. Unfortunately for her, she got it down way too fast, Morgan chose Sandra, who ACTUALLY had trouble, that lost them the challenge, and Michelle was left to take the blame. Bye-bye, Michelle.
  • Meganekko
  • Tomboy: Admits to loving to eat and drink gross things, and proves it during the food eating competition in Episode 5.

Ryan Shoulders[]

Nicole Delma[]