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Natalie White
- Beehive Hairdo: At the reunion.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She managed to plant the seeds at the merge which turned all of Galu against Erik, which gave Foa Foa their chance to make it further in the game.
- Catch Phrase: If you did a drinking game based on how many times she says "oh mah werd" in a single episode you'd pass out in 15 minutes or less.
- The Charmer: And holy shit how! Just What Measure Is a Non-Badass?
- The Chick
- Dark Horse Victory
- Defeating the Undefeatable: She could have gotten rid of Russell any old time she wanted, just by saying the word. There's a reason she didn't.
- Ditzy Genius
- Dumb Blond: Subverted? Try obfuscated!
- Flawless Victory: Almost. While she was on a losing tribe for the first half of the season, and was almost voted out at the final ten, she scored seven votes, over a strategist and her tribe's Standardized Leader.
- Hair of Gold
- The Heart
- Humble Hero
- Lucky Seven: The only votes she didn't get were from John and Shambo.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Obfuscating Stupidity: The one player Russell never feared. Exactly as she planned.
- Out of Focus: The Wikipedia list of Survivor contestants includes people who were famous from the show and not just outside... look at the list of all the seasons and there's literally only one from Samoa... Natalie, whom you'd think was only put on because she won!
- The Pollyanna
- Plucky Girl
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Next to her, everyone else was the red.
- The Smart Girl
- Sole Survivor: The first female winner to amass seven jury votes and against two male finalists.
- Southern-Fried Genius
- Statuesque Stunner
- The Woman Behind the Man: They were a power of one and the only two players whose every vote was for the eliminated contestant.
- Worthy Opponent: Subverted, see Obfuscating Stupidity.
Russell Hantz
- Anti-Hero: Type IV/V
- Asshole Victim
- Badass
- Bald of Evil
- Beard of Evil
- Being Evil Sucks
- The Big Guy: Visually subverted, as he was five six.
- Breakout Character / Breakout Villain: Your Mileage May Vary on this one though. He wasn't truly a breakout character since they naturally become popular through good word of mouth, while Russell was shoved down our throats by the editing the entire time.
- Card-Carrying Villain
- The Chessmaster
- Determinator
- Dragon-in-Chief: Mick may be the leader of Foa Foa, but...
- Entitled Bastard - Potential Trope Namer.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: See Genre Blind below.
- Evil Genius
- Evil Gloating: He'd have about as much screen time as Jaison or Shambo if you cut this out.
- Evilly Affable
- Fat Bastard
- Genius Bruiser
- Genre Blind: Early in the season, he chose to keep Natalie as an ally instead of Liz because "If we merge, we need somebody on the inside, and Natalie's doin' a good job talkin' to Laura around the camp." In other words, he took her to the end knowing that she'd get in good with the jurors, overlooking the very reason why Natalie eventually won in a landslide.
- Guttural Growler: Being five six, there was an excellent case for Vocal Dissonance.
- Hero-Killer
- I'm Not Here to Make Friends
- It's All About Me
- Jerkass
- Large Ham
- Manipulative Bastard
- Memetic Outfit: His Nice Hat.
- The Napoleon
- Never My Fault: He refuses to accept responsibility for the way the jury voted, though it was for a very valid reason.
- Not Good with People
- Nothing Can Stop Me Now: At the finale. He honestly couldn't understand why he lost.
- One Steve Limit: With Russell Swan.
- Poor Communication Kills: He doesn't know how to work the jury.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Next to him, they were all absolutely blue.
- The Runner Up Takes It All
- Second Place Is for Losers
- Smug Snake
- Short Dark And Snarky
- The Sociopath
- Southern-Fried Genius
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Managed to hold the spotlight for the entire season and got more screen time than the winner. It's obvious that his appearance here was merely a commercial for his soon-to-be appearance on Heroes vs. Villains. The big boys.
- Ted Baxter
- Too Clever by Half
- Villain Protagonist
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: To everyone he blindsided and voted out, especially John, Shambo, and Jaison.
Mick Trimming
- Determinator
- Foil: Ended up being one to Russell Swan — the older, harder-working, capable leader taken out by his own work ethic, while Mick was the younger, lazier, incompetent leader who made it to the end of the game.
- Generic Guy
- Good Is Boring
- Out of Focus: Part of it is because the producers seemed to forget he was there (same with most of the Galu tribe), but he also blends into a crowd easily, so it can be easy to miss him until the end when the numbers start to dwindle. Shambo and Russell at least had distinctive appearances, and Jaison was large.
- Standardized Leader: Subverted. He didn't do anything. This was savagely used against him in the Final Tribal Council. Considering that eight of the nine jurors were Galu, and their leader had been one of the most determined tribe leaders since Andrew Savage, they seemed to see Mick as a failure.
- Supporting Leader: Being more of the "supporting" than the "leader" bit him hard in the end.
Brett Clouser
- Bishonen
- Boring but Practical: His strategy; the only reason we even noticed him was his immunity run.
- Determinator
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower: There's a reason he was called a Worthy Opponent by Russell.
- Even the Guys Want Him
- Graceful Loser: See Thanatos Gambit below.
- Informed Ability: Zig-zagged. We're told by Probst he's not revealed a lot in the cast.
- Kid Hero: He's in his 20s. He looks like he could be in his mid-late teens.
- Last of His Kind: The last Galu member.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Nice Guy
- Out of Focus: Several people had joked on boards about saying "Who's this 'Brett' guy they're talking about?" He did get some screentime at the end, though. In fact, Funny 115 made a page dedicated to how the editors suddenly realized that there was someone called "Brett" in the game.
- Spear Counterpart: To Ashley Underwood a few seasons later. Both were victims of a Creator's Pet ravaging the screentime, both remained silent and made the person(s) in charge of the game think they were worthless and saved them for last. Both then start going on challenge runs.
- Thanatos Gambit: According to interviews, he actually sat down with Natalie before they went to Tribal Council when he was eliminated and worked on her strategy in front of the jury with her.
- The Quiet One: Normally you don't see these people cast on these sorts of shows because there's making an interesting show and an interesting game. What makes a good show doesn't always make a good game, and vice versa. And to be honest; look how far it got him. He was literally the last Galu member to be elminated... and the last to even be targeted, for that matter. Having immunity runs certainly didn't help, either.
- Religious Bruiser
- Shocking Elimination
- Worthy Opponent: To Russell. Russell has apparently told people in real life he honestly thought Brett was one of the few people in the game who would have beaten him.
Jaison Robinson
- Bald of Awesome
- The Big Guy
- Black Best Friend
- Its Pronounced Tropay: Pronounced "Jay-SAHN", with emphasis on the second half of the name.
- Genius Bruiser
- Sharp-Dressed Man
Shannon Waters
- Adult Child
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cool Old Lady
- Fish Out of Water
- Friend to All Living Things: Especially to chickens.
- Improbable Hairstyle
- The Lancer: To Russell Swan.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Shambo
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Flipped to Russell's alliance and more or less was the final nail in the Galu coffin. When it comes to just his five and Brett... and Brett becomes immune to the vote... three guesses who the first to go is. The first two don't count.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: With Laura, and then once she's gone Dave becomes this for her.
- The Quisling
- Turncoat
- Unwitting Pawn
- We Hardly Knew Ye: Averted; along with Brett and Russell Swan she's the only Galu member that the editors weren't afraid to show us.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness
Monica Padilla
- A Death in the Limelight
- I Shall Taunt You: Isn't even afraid of being voted off, and openly mocks Russell at her Final Tribal Council, including an impersonation of him.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Nerds Are Sexy
- Spicy Latina
- Statuesque Stunner
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- We Hardly Knew Ye
- Worthy Opponent: Russell admits before voting her out that if she was on the same tribe as him before the merge, he would have seen her as this.
Dave Ball
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Casanova Wannabe: In the Tee-Ball challenge...
Jeff: Danger Dave. Baseball your sport? |
- Deadpan Snarker
- Full-Name Basis: Jeff Probst almost never refers to him as just "Dave".
- Large Ham: In confessionals.
- Logic Bomb: During a later Tribal Council:
Jeff: "Dave, think it's gonna be a shocking vote tonight for somebody?" |
- Often Known By His Nickname: "Danger Dave."
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: To Shambo.
John Fincher
- Backstab Backfire
- Insufferable Genius: And how.
- Mr. Fanservice
- The Smart Guy
- Out of Focus: Like most of Galu.
- The Quisling
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves
- Small Name, Big Ego
Laura Morett
- Absurdly Youthful Mother
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!
- Hot Mom
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: Also to Shambo.
- We Hardly Knew Ye
Kelly Sharbaugh
- Hair of Gold
- Informed Ability: Russell really really REALLY wants her out. For what purpose? She didn't appear to pose any threat. We saw maybe... three minutes of her.
- Out of Focus: To the point of being a Living Prop.
Erik Cardona
- Large Ham: His jury speech.
- Number Two: To Russell S.
- Out of Focus: Until the evacuation of Russell S.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: One of the more memorable ones of the series - he calls out Mick on his lack of leadership, Russell on his gameplay, and tells Natalie that despite others assertions, she's just as dangerous as either of the aforementioned and deserves recognition.
- Running Gag: A recurring visual of the season is that most of Erik's confessionals were either delivered in a tree or very close to one or more trees.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
Elizabeth Kim
Russell Swan
- Ascended Fanboy
- Badass
- Bald Black Leader Guy: Subverts the bald part.
- Cool Old Guy
- Determinator
- Foil: Ended up being one to Mick - the younger, lazier, incompetent leader who made it to the end of the game, while Russell was the older, harder-working, capable leader taken out by his own work ethic.
- Genius Bruiser
- I Coulda Been a Contender
- Non Gameplay Elimination
- One Steve Limit: With Russell Hantz.
- Shocking Elimination: The editors foreshadow the way he goes out in the preceding episodes, but it's still perhaps the nastiest way a Survivor has gone out since Mike Skupin in The Australian Outback.
- Team Dad
- Worthy Opponent: Another one Russell Hantz sees this season (The other being Brett).
Ashley Trainer
Yasmin Giles
- Sassy Black Woman: Her nickname was "Sassy Yassy".
- Talkative Loon
Ben Browning
- Crazy Survivalist: Which is why he felt he could last long in the game.
- Dumb Muscle
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: Put him around Yasmin or even Jaison and just watch the fireworks.
Betsy Bolan
- Cool Old Lady
- Informed Ability: Like with Marisa, Russell thought she could have beaten him.
- Sacrificial Lion: Was heavily edited as an assertive strong woman, to be a winning choice...only for Russell to take her out in the second episode.
- Worthy Opponent: According to Russell, he had her evicted from the game because she, like Marisa, could have beaten him.
Mike Borassi
- Ascended Fanboy
- Born Unlucky: Was slated to be in Tocantins, but fainted pre-game in Ponderosa. So he was moved to Samoa, but in the second episode ...
- Cool Old Guy
- Determinator
- Last-Name Basis
- Non Gameplay Elimination: Had the record for the earliest - Episode two until Kourtney Moon's evacuation in One World in the first episode. According to him, this turned out to be for the better because he lost around 60+ pounds. (While not obese)
Marisa Calihan
- I Coulda Been a Contender: According to Russell Hantz.
- Informed Ability: Because of how poorly the season was edited as well as how she was eliminated first, Russell Hantz said that she and Betsy could have beaten him.
- Worthy Opponent: Russell Hantz said that he had her eliminated first because she could have beaten him.