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Brian Heidik

Clay Jordan

  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Determinator
  • Fatal Flaw: He has a tendency to lash out at people when they aggravate him. He did just that to Jake (the one Sook Jai that didn't vote for him) at the jury questioning.
  • Fetish: He has a thing for asses.
  • Grumpy Old Man: Bordering on misanthropy.
  • Jerkass: Almost certainly brought to the final two by Brian because nobody liked Clay or thought he deserved the million in the slightest.
    • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: On the other hand, Clay took an active interest in all of the ex-Sook Jai members when the two tribes merged, unlike Brian. While this was undoubtedly only due to strategy (all three of the votes he received to win during the Final Tribal Council came from ex-Sook Jai's), at least he tried to know who each of them were. When it came to the Final Jury questioning, while neither came off well, Clay at the very least was able to pass Penny's "what do you know about me" question with flying colors whereas Brian failed in completely embarrassing fashion.
  • Lazy Bum
  • Malicious Slander: Clay was accused of potentially being a racist during the Final Tribal Council by Big Ted. Of course Clay is going to deny this, but given all the other other accusations leveled against him by the jury (that he's lazy, a jerk, a liar, etc.), he doesn't come off looking too well. Ted indicated during an interview though that it was in fact Helen that told him Clay uttered a racial epithet, and given Helen's intense dislike of Clay (she also accused him of being a sexist earlier in the game based on nothing in particular), this accusation comes off more a form of petty payback by Helen then something with any weight to it.
  • Mistaken for Racist: Some fans actually believed that he might have been one, despite the unreliability of Helen's testimony. Unfortunate Implications arise when it seems like people just assume that he must be racist because he's from the Southern United States.
  • The Napoleon
  • Nice Hat
  • The Nicknamer: "Bye, Bye Denver Diva"
  • Odd Friendship: With Brian
  • The Pawn: Somewhat subverted(though in the end played straight) in that Clay knew he was a pawn of Brian's, and tried to invoke feelings of resentment towards Brian from the jury. He didn't win, but he got three votes, so how bad could he have been?
  • Took a Level In Jerkass: Starts the season as likable, cheery guy, but as the game progresses he's becoming more and more blunt and misanthropic
  • Sitcom Arch Nemesis: With Jake
  • Self-Deprecation: While Clay can be pretty harsh to some of his comrades during confessionals, he's not above making fun of himself either.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Jan to a degree. While Clay isn't really best buds with her, his tongue lashings against Jan in the confessionals are betrayed by the general friendliness he shows to her back at camp. He also seemed to like Ted despite Ted severely disliking Clay.
  • Younger Than He Looks: He certainly doesn't look like he's only 46.
    • Lampshaded by Clay himself in the second to last episode. A full length mirror appears at the Chuay Ghan camp after the tribe gets back from collecting shellfish, and Clay remarks with some surprise "I look... sixty."

Jan Gentry

  • Adult Child: Particularly her reaction to the bidding challenge ("see ya, wouldn' wanna be ya!"), as well as finding a dead baby bat on the beach.
  • Lady Drunk: As well as Jan herself, her friends and family who couldn't attend the Reunion show were all seen at a pub celebrating her third place finish.

 Jeff: Where else would they be?


Helen Glover

  • Boring but Practical: Clay called her this, with different phrasing ("personality of an encyclopedia").
  • The Cast Showoff: She has a surprisingly nice singing voice (though of course Your Mileage May Vary).
  • Deadpan Snarker: With a huge emphasis on deadpan.f And on snarker.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: As well as happening to her, she quoted that in her speech against Brian at the Final Tribal Council.
  • Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!
  • Hot Scoop
  • Only Sane Man: While she was the only relatively sane person in her alliance, her husband who won the Loved One's Visit (he got to hang out with Chuay Ghan for twenty-four hours) was also one. He observes right away that Brian is the one who's really controlling the tribe, and he tries to convince Helen to listen to him and vote Brian out. She doesn't listen.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives the mother of all speeches to Brian at the Final Tribal Council.
  • Unwitting Pawn: She was sadly "strung along" by Brian the entire time time, only be duped and dumped at the final four.
  • Woman Scorned
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Even though she appeared to be Genre Savvy when speaking in confessionals, Helen bought in to the Big Bad's charm and his used car salesmen BS (believing that Jake was a liar, etc). Even if her plan to get rid of Clay at the final five had happened, there's no evidence that she would have tried to get rid of Brian afterwards.

Ted Rogers, Jr.

  • Bald of Awesome
  • The Big Guy
  • Black Best Friend: To Brian. What's especially sad is that he seemed to actually want to be friends with Brian before learning who Brian really was.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: While Big Ted says that he's never drinken alcohol before, the first time he did, he became totally plastered
  • Genius Bruiser
  • Gentle Giant: You can see him getting a little misty eyed during Chuay Gahn's first vote, and when his tribe was planning to cook one of the chickens after the merge, Ted couldn't handle it(since he saw the chickens as pets) and went further down the beach to exercise.
  • Large Ham: When he got drunk for the first time.
  • Happily Married: According to him, he's "150-200% satisfied" with her as well.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Big Ted.
  • The Pawn: He was the first one that Brian cut loose when all the Sook Jai members were gone.
  • The Teetotaler: Ted comments more than once that he abstains from alcohol, except of course for that one time.

Jake Billingsley

  • Badass Grandpa
  • Blatant Lies: In one episode he told stories about his life that would make even Coach Wade shake his head.
  • Cool Old Guy
  • Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: In one episode before Sook Jai went to Tribal Council(at this point there were only four Sook Jai's left, and they all seemed pretty close to each other), Penny suggested that whoever the three that were left should all sleep together that night, and Jake suddenly blurts out "That sounds almost erotic". Either this comes off as hilarious or as Squick depending on your point of view.
  • In-Series Nickname: The Chuay Gahn members started calling him "Jake the Snake" post-merge because of his attempts to find some way to keep in the game.
  • Noodle Incident: We don't get to hear about the amazing adventures that Jake has had over the years(in the episodes where he told stories about his life), but one of them apparently involves something happening in the middle of an airport.
  • Team Dad: To Sook Jai in a big, big, big way.
  • Worthy Opponent

Penny Ramsey

Ken Stafford

  • Big Brother Mentor: To Robb. In Episode 6, after a quarrel over a misunderstanding, Ken takes Robb under his wing and becomes this to him, teaching Robb how to better relate to his tribe. This calmed down the normally very unpredictable Robb into having an epiphany about himself and suddenly becoming much nicer to his tribe mates.
  • The Big Guy: Of Sook Jai.
  • Only Sane Man: Incredibly level-headed and logical, and not prone to the weirder quirks of basically anyone else left at that point.
  • Out of Focus: Almost invisible until episode six and his quarrel with Robb

Erin Collins

Shii Ann Huang

Robb Zbacnik

Stephanie Dill

  • What Could Have Been: Stephanie's audition video (clips of it were shown during the Reunion) show her being a lot more entertaining and rambunctious than the dour, quiet Stephanie we saw during the show. This can be summed up due to her sleeping out in the rain and subsequently becoming too sick to much around camp. If she hadn't slept in the rain, who knows how she would have been?

Ghandia Johnson

  • Four Is Death: Fourth one out.
  • Gossipy Hen
  • Malicious Slander: See Rashomon Style. She made Ted out to be far worse than how he really seemed to be.
  • Rashomon Style: Sort of. Ted allegedly made sexual advances towards Ghandia in the middle of the night when they were both snuggling in the cave. Ted claims that he was half asleep and not in his right mind, thinking he was back home with his wife, and the next morning he makes what seems to be an honest apology to her. Ghandia proceeds to tell the rest of Chuay Gahn that Ted was an unrepentant jerk who practically raped her.
  • Screaming Woman: After the tribe decides that they believed Ted's side of the story concerning the alleged sexual harassment, she has a fit and suddenly screams, causing Jan who was much further down the beach to ask "What was that?"

Jed Hildebrand

Tanya Vance

John Raymond

  • I Coulda Been a Contender: At the Reunion, Jeff Probst comments on how John was probably the most well prepared first boot ever (for surviving in the wild), and he says that on any other season John probably could have done much better.
  • Pointy-Haired Boss: His tribe voted him off for being too bossy.