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Tina Wesson
- Dark Horse Victory
- Defeating the Undefeatable: Defeated Colby, the favourite to win, in a close vote.
- Guile Heroine
- Hair of Gold
- Hot Mom
- No Damage Run
- Noodle Incident: Tina somehow got Kimmi(who was from the other tribe) to admit who had past votes against them during a Reward Cahllenge, insuring that Ogakor had an information advantage that could break ties in their favor over Kucha during the merge. Alas, we never see this.
- The Pollyanna
- Plucky Girl
- Sole Survivor
- The Strategist: Definitely overlooked as one due to the edit. Practically everyone from her season described her as the one who made all of the decisions on who to vote out.
- Supporting Leader
- Team Mom: To Ogakor
- The Woman Behind The Man: Colby may have won most of the Immunity challenges, but it was Tina who decided the boot order.
- Yamato Nadeshiko
Colby Donaldson
- The Ace
- Badass
- Batman Gambit: He pulled one on the Kucha tribe during the first merge round by pretending to be irritating and annoying in order to get the Kucha's to vote for him instead of Jerri, who had several votes cast against her previously while he had none(this was back when prior votes broke up ties). His tribe also had info that Jeff had prior votes against him from his tribe, so when there was a 5-5 deadlock between Jeff and Colby to leave, Jeff was the one who had his torch extinguished.
- Being Good Sucks: Had he took Keith with him to the final two he probably would have won, but he disliked Keith and was loyal to Tina.
- Chick Magnet
- Cool Shades
- Determinator
- Foe Yay: With Jerri.
- Good Ol' Boy
- Graceful Loser
- Hard Work Hardly Works
- The Hero
- Heroes Want Redheads: Inverted with Jerri, as she is the one who "wants" him.
- Honor Before Reason: His Fatal Flaw.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Mr. Fixit: He's an Auto-Customizer.
- Nice Guy
- Nice Hat
- Patriotic Fervor
Colby: When I wake up in the morning, there's two things I'm thankful for: I'm thankful I'm alive, and I'm thankful I'm a Texan. |
- Perma Stubble
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: Just listen to his Establishing Character Moment.
- Rated "M" for Manly
- The Runner Up Takes It All: The Ur Example for Survivor.
- Ship Tease: via Foe Yay.
- Southern Gentleman
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Wearing a Flag on Your Head: Occasionally wears the Texas flag as a bandana.
Keith Famie
- Chef of Iron
- The Comically Serious
- Cool Old Guy
- Determinator
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk
- The Lancer: To Ogakor.
- Supreme Chef
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Team Chef
- The Rival: Besides Nick, he's the only real competition for Colby in the challenges, and he manages to win a few of his own.
- Wacky Marriage Proposal
Elisabeth Filarski
- The Chick: To Kucha.
- The Fundamentalist
- Hair of Gold
- Hello, Nurse!
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Rodger.
- Plucky Girl
Rodger Bingham
- Cool Old Guy
- Farm Boy
- Graceful Loser: Actually requests to go out fifth so Elisabeth can make the final four.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Elisabeth. When he gave her a rock shaped as a heart to give to her boyfriend, there was, for once on Survivor, a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming that wasn't over-dramatized.
- Nice Hat
- Only Known by Their Nickname: "Kentucky Joe".
- Team Dad: To Kucha
Amber Brkich
- Catch Phrase: "Oh my god, it's so good!" To Memetic Mutation levels.
- The Chick: To Ogakor.
- Covert Pervert: Enjoyed her conversation with Jerri regarding Erotic Eating.
- Graceful Loser: Revealed in her Elimination Statement.
- The Quiet One
- Plucky Girl
- The Pollyanna
- Shorttank
- Teen Genius: Revealed in the final immunity challenge (which was a quiz regarding the contestants).
Nick Brown
- The Hero: To Kucha.
- Lazy Bum: Subverted. He was edited this way, but by all accounts from fellow cast members, this was Manipulative Editing.
- The Stoic: By far the least emotional player in the game. Even when one of his Kucha tribemates ends up badly burned his reaction is far more understated than anyone else's.
- Worthy Opponent
Jerri Manthey
- Affably Evil: She's pretty nice in person.
- And There Was Much Rejoicing
- The Baroness
- Cool Shades
- Dark Chick
- Erotic Eating: She wants to eat chocolate "covering
Colby'sa hot dude's bod." - Feisty Girl
- Femme Fatale
- Fiery Redhead
- Foe Yay: With Colby, Oh so much.
- Jerkass
- Ms. Fanservice
- Nice Hat
- Red Baron: The Black Widow.
- Ship Tease: With Colby,
slightlymainly due to Foe Yay. - Smug Snake: For all her scheming and ambition she finishes eighth entirely because even her own tribe members (aside from Amber) were willing to get rid of her before the two (far more likable) members of Kucha they could have voted for instead.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Tall Redheaded And Bishoujo
- The Tease
Alicia Calaway
- Badass
- Black Best Friend: With Jeff.
- The Big Girl: To Kucha.
- Hot Amazon
- Sassy Black Woman
Jeff Varner
- Deadpan Snarker
- Mr. Fanservice
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Loved stirring the pot and antagonizing people. He was actually the catalyst for Alicia and Kimmi's throwdown over the chickens.
- Straight Gay
- Too Dumb to Live: By volunteering to quit the first individual immunity challenge.
- Unwitting Pawn: See Colby's Batman Gambit above.
Michael Skupin
- The Big Guy
- Crazy Survivalist: He seriously manages to catch and kill a pig. The editors also had fun portraying him as this every now and then with some judicious use of close-up shots and eerie music.
- Cool Old Guy
- Dead Star Walking: The early episodes build Michael up as the undisputed(well, other than Alicia) Large Ham leader of Kucha, with some viewers even seeing him as the second coming of Richard Hatch. He's arguably the biggest character from this season other than Jerri. And he ends up falling into the fire a day or two before the merge.
- Game-Breaking Injury
- Gory Discretion Shot: Averted. They show the burns on his hands after he falls into the fire, and they are very, very cringe-inducing.
- Keet: Michael is a GROWN version of this.
- Large Ham
- Shocking Elimination: The first castaway to be eliminated by the actual day-to-day life in camp as he accidentally inhaled smoke and passed out, falling into the fire. Not only was this hugely pivotal in how the game played out as Kucha was forced to go into the merge even instead of having a chance to go in with the numbers advantage, but on top of that it happened to the person with very arguably the strongest survival skills on the show.
Kimmi Kappenberg
- Alliterative Name
- Break the Cutie: After Mike caught and killed the pig, Jeff started to mock Kimmi for her vegetarianism. Later, Jeff instigated an argument between her and Alicia over when to cook the chickens. The latter argument is what contributed towards Kimmi getting getting voted off.
- Fatal Flaw: Kimmi is a vegetarian who is on a game show where she might have to eat food made from animals.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: According to her audition tape, she enjoys being in the nude, but only because she enjoys to and she doesn't consider anything sexual about it.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: She accidentally revealed to Tina during a reward challenge that Jeff had a previous vote against him. This knowledge caused Ogakor to have an advantage during the merge when they manipulated the votes so that Jeff would leave after a 5-5 deadlock tiebreaker.
- Noodle Incident: There was a montage of Kimmi chatting it up with her tribe during the first night, and the excerpts of what we heard sounded pretty kinky.
Mitchell Olsen
- The Load: Considering he's taller than most of the cast, he needed way more food and nutrients than the rest of his tribe. As said by Tina when she votes him out:
Tina: "This game isn't easy. I didn't come out here to starve myself and face the elements to keep the weakest person." |
- One Head Taller: Than the entire cast - he's seven foot.
Maralyn "Mad Dog" Hershey
- Cool Old Lady
- Genki Girl: Believe it or not, Maralyn is an older version of this.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Amber, who was her "Mad Pup".
- Large Ham
- Shout-Out: She makes a thinly veiled parody of Sue Hawk's "Rats And Snakes" speech when voting for Kel (whom she mistakenly thought was named "Cal").
Kel Gleason
- Arch Enemy: Jerri was this to him. On the post show "Back From The Outback" special, he even had a Dartboard of Hate with her face on it.
- Fish Out of Water: Like Debb below, he had trouble relating to people who weren't from the military.
- Noodle Incident: The infamous "Beef Jerky Incident" (the question of whether or not he smuggled food into the game) has never been answered, and we never actually saw the footage of Kel chewing on whatever it was that he was chewing on (he claims it was a shard of grass).
Debb Eaton
- Fish Out of Water: Had trouble relating to her tribe, leading to her tribe ousting her first.
- Tomboy: A prison guard, and particularly intimidating one at that.