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James Thomas, Jr.

Stephen Fishbach

Erinn Lobdell

  • All of the Other Reindeer: Nearly all of the Timbiras hated her and most of them didn't bother hiding it, she would've been the second Timbira booted if Jerry hadn't gotten sick, and if Timbira had gone to a third tribal council, she would've definitely been sent packing. Which is ironic because in interviews, she comes off as friendly and polite.
  • Brainy Brunette
  • Deadpan Snarker: Especially where Coach is concerned - after one of his Cloudcuckoolander moments:

 "Who is this jackass?"

"I think Coach really truly wants to be this, like, Survivor Man. I would not be surprised if when this game is all said and done, Coach said, "Gotcha! I'm an accountant! I've never left Nebraska.""


Tamara Johnson

Benjamin Wade

Debra "Debbie" Beebe

Sierra Reed

Tyson Apostol

Brendan Synnott

Joe Dowdle

Sydney Wheeler

Spencer Duhm

Sandy Burgin

Jerry Sims

Candace Smith

Carolina Eastwood