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James Thomas, Jr.
- The Ace
- Badass
- Born Winner: AND HOW!
- The Charmer
- Determinator
- Mr. Fanservice
- Farm Boy
- Flawless Victory: The Trope Codifier. No votes cast against him a unanimous Jury Vote, and wins the fan favourite prize.
- Fun with Acronyms
- The Hero
- Ho Yay: With Stephen.
- Keet
- Kid Appeal Character
- Kid Hero: Despite being 24.
- Magnetic Hero: And how. How many people were willing to lay down their chance at winning for him, again?
- No Damage Run: Which in turn gave him an awesome Flawless Victory.
- Odd Friendship: Him and Stephen.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: J.T.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Stephen and him.
- Sole Survivor
Stephen Fishbach
- Awesome By Analysis: He won his first and only Individual Immunity by memorizing an entire ten-symbol code on his first try, by translating it into a series of numbers.
- Badass Bookworm
- Determinator: Managed to worm himself, JT and Taj into the Final 4, despite being down 3-6 at the merge.
- Genius Bruiser: In Real Life he's actually a pretty big guy, and his intelligence goes without saying.
- Graceful Loser
- Ho Yay: With J.T.
- Nerds Are Sexy
- Nerd Glasses
- Odd Friendship: Him and J.T.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Him and J.T
- The Smart Guy
- The Strategist
Erinn Lobdell
- All of the Other Reindeer: Nearly all of the Timbiras hated her and most of them didn't bother hiding it, she would've been the second Timbira booted if Jerry hadn't gotten sick, and if Timbira had gone to a third tribal council, she would've definitely been sent packing. Which is ironic because in interviews, she comes off as friendly and polite.
- Brainy Brunette
- Deadpan Snarker: Especially where Coach is concerned - after one of his Cloudcuckoolander moments:
"Who is this jackass?" |
- Foil: To Coach, most certainly.
- Genki Girl
- Graceful Loser
- Horrible Judge of Character: Her first impression of Tyson is that he's "a good guy to have around."
- Meganekko
- Nice Girl
- Plucky Girl
- The Quisling
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Worthy Opponent: Would have most definitely harmed J.T's perfect victory if he took her over Stephen.
- The Woobie: Poor girl was picked on the whole season.
Tamara Johnson
- The Big Girl
- Cool Big Sis
- Genius Bruiser
- Graceful Loser
- Hot Mom
- Idol Singer
- Lady in Red
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Taj.
- Out of Focus: Drifted here post-merge. Pre-merge she was one of the biggest players in the game but eventually the power shifted to J.T. and Stephen and she didn't seem to realize it.
- Sassy Black Woman
- Shocking Elimination
- Team Mom
- Worthy Opponent: Was voted out over Erinn because of this.
Benjamin Wade
- Attention Whore
- Animal Battle Aura: Esp. during Zen trip to Exile Island, either sincere for Warrior Poet or deadpan snark for Miles Gloriosus.
- Badass
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Butt Monkey: Probst all but openly mocked him at every opportunity.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Creator's Pet: But not to the level of Russell Hantz or Rob, and he later became Rescued From the Scrappy Heap in Heroes vs. Villains and South Pacific.
- Designated Hero: Different than prior incarnations in Survivor, because he designated himself as The Hero.
- Fake Ultimate Hero: Bordering on The Load
- Honor Before Reason
- Ho Yay: With Tyson.
- Miles Gloriosus: Some see him as this.
- The Munchausen: Not everyone found his stories believable.
- Name's the Same: With a major league player and a former U.S. senator.
- The Nicknamer: Calls J.T. "The Warrior" and Stephen "The Wizard."
- Only Known by Their Nickname: "Coach."
- Red Baron: The Dragonslayer.
- Renaissance Man: Subverted. He only thinks that he is this.
- Social Darwinist
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Ted Baxter
- Warrior Poet
- Worthy Opponent
Debra "Debbie" Beebe
- Cool Old Lady
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!
- Hair of Gold
- Hot Mom
- Hot Principal
- Team Mom: To Timbira.
Sierra Reed
- Butt Monkey: Had strep throat before the show began and had just finished antibiotics, has the most votes cast against her in the season, constantly bullied and badmouthed by other players (Especially Tyson).
- The Chick: To Timbira.
- Elimination Houdini
- Hair of Gold
- Hello, Nurse!
- Plucky Girl
- Well, Excuse Me, Princess!
- The Woobie: Constantly gunned for.
Tyson Apostol
- Attention Whore
- Badass
- The Big Guy / The Brute: To Timbira.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Camp Straight
- Deadpan Snarker
- Establishing Character Moment: His first impression of Erinn: "The younger brunette? She comes off to me as kind of being... the bitch."
- Evilly Affable
- Ho Yay: With Coach, and especially Brendan.
- Jerkass
- Jerk Jock
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Explicitly stated he "loves making people cry"
- Lean and Mean
- Naked People Are Funny
- Number Two: To Coach. He even Lampshades it in the memorable "assistant coach" confessional.
- Religious Bruiser: He's Mormon.
- Shocking Elimination: Just ask Sierra.
- Worthy Opponent
Brendan Synnott
- Disc One Final Boss: He had an Idol, he had an alliance that spanned both tribes, and he was blindsided at the first Tribal Council after the merge.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: With Coach.
- The Strategist: But too overtly so.
Joe Dowdle
- The Big Guy
- Game-Breaking Injury: One very reminiscent of Jonathan's in Micronesia
- Glass Cannon: One of Jalapao's strongest members, but...
- I Coulda Been a Contender
- Nice Guy: He was very well-liked by other the other contestants, Erinn in particular
- Non Gameplay Elimination
- Unwitting Pawn: Was strung along by Sydney prior to the merge, and was duped by Stephen's fake Immunity Idol.
Sydney Wheeler
- A Death in the Limelight / Out of Focus
- The Dulcinea Effect: Pulled it on Joe, but wasn't able to use it on any of the other Jalapaos
- Hair of Gold
- Ms. Fanservice
Spencer Duhm
Sandy Burgin
- Cool Old Lady
- Cute and Psycho: Comes very close to this.
- Often Known By Their Nickname: Mama K
Jerry Sims
- Determinator
- I Coulda Been a Contender: The Timbiras were all set to vote Erinn off until he got sick.
- Ill Guy
- Mercy Kill
Candace Smith
Carolina Eastwood
- The Complainer Is Always Wrong: One of the reasons she was targeted first, the other being...
- Wall of Blather