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Chris Daugherty

  • Anti-Hero: Particularly for guys.
  • Badass Boast: This line in the penultimate episode showed us just how much control he had in the game:

 I don't trust Scout, I don't trust Twila, I don't trust Eliza, I don't trust Julie. And they don't trust each other. And the most screwed-up thing about it is I think they all trust me.


 You question a woman's character... you question a woman's ability, she'll snap your neck! ...You open your heart, show a woman you're vulnerable, then they start thinkin' with their heart.. That's when they open up that back door.


  Chris: I will burn every one of them. Just let 'em open the door. This [vote] is for you, not against you.


Twila Tanner

Scout Cloud Lee

Eliza Orlins

Julie Berry

Ami Cusack

Leann Slaby

James Crittenden

Lea Masters

Rory Freeman

John Kenney

Travis Sampson

Mia Galeotalanza

John "J.P" Palyok

Dolly Neely

  • Farm Girl
  • Hair of Gold
  • The Quisling: Subverted. Eliza was paranoid that Dolly would turn into this, and orchestrated Dolly's exit, but Dolly never planned on betraying the younger girl's alliance.

Brook Geraghty