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Wonder why other countries hate us? We have a game show in our country called Survivor. That's a game in our country ...You can win a million dollars for surviving on a place where people already live. Do you realize what kind of message that sends? Not a good one! 'Excuse me, I've been here for 60 years. May I have some bread?' 'Haha!!! No! We're Americans! This is a game! OH NO! We don't have our cell phones! This is so hard!'
Daniel Tosh[1]

You know what, I CAN GET LOUD TOO, WHAT THE F%$@!!!
Sandra Diaz-Twine, two-time winner of the show

Thirty-nine days, sixteen people, One Survivor!
Jeff Probst, at the start of each season [2]

  1. Apparently Daniel doesn't realize that Survivor is popular in these countries anyway, and that many other countries besides America have their own versions of the show.
  2. Note that 16 is occasionally replaced with 18 or 20, depending on the number of contestants