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  • Five words: Gatemaster as the Crocodile Hunter.
    • Or, for that matter, just about every time he appeared in Season 5.
  • Montana singing the Full House theme song at Tribal Council.
  • Norman hitting on Hogan to get him to stop talking strategy.
  • P. Bear winning Immunity while asleep.
  • Kala losing it on Exile Island.
    • Any scene involving Kala and her imaginary friends could count.
  • Hogan's Rainbow Afro Hand asking a jury question to Kala's Happystick. Could double as a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
  • The Who's on First? routine in All-Stars.

 Hogan: "Let's make sure a Nobody wins this season."

Gatemaster: "Why do we want Beth to win?"

  • In Season 8, Penny plays her own fake idol.
  • Donovan getting Brenton to throw a rock at Mercy.

 "Brenton has startled the Witch!"

  • Prescilla freaking out over... some bugs. This eventually ends up in one getting in her mouth.
  • Robert's mental breakdown in his boot episode.