Susumu Chiba is a seiyu from Kanagawa born on September 13, 1970. His roles were formerly of Bishonen variety. However, with Kondo of Gintama, it seems that he now prefers the Butt Monkey role.
Notable roles:[]
- Rosiel in Angel Sanctuary
- Aki Mikage in Ayashi no Ceres
- Huey Laforet in Baccano
- Kufadis in Banner of the Stars
- Hayao Ichimonji in Burst Angel
- Gorou Yorozuyo in Cosplay Complex
- Seiji Hayami in Cutey Honey Flash
- Mitsuo Yamaki in Digimon Tamers
- Kondo Isao in Gintama (You want Butt Monkey? He takes it up to extremes.)
- Fujiwara No Sai in Hikaru no Go
- Wil Raynard in Tales of Legendia (Token old man)
- Welkin Gunther in Valkyria Chronicles
- Oswald in Odin Sphere
- Father Yuri in Seikon no Qwaser
- Kidomaru in Naruto
- Rasputin in Lime Iro Senkitan
- Exceedingly Exceptional Super Genius Scientist Marc McBrine in Atelier Totori
- Jetfire and Rampage (Wheeljack) Transformers Armada
- Noisemaze (Sideways) in Transformers Cybertron