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  • Good Bad Bugs: Encountered by Deceased Crab during his Let's Play, when he flees the boulder and the wood breaks, causing his middle team member to hang for her life and stranding all three. The rock goes over Emi and vanishing without triggering the usual instant death.
  • Nintendo Hard: There are only twenty-one tonics in the game, and tonics are the only way to restore health points. Prayer points can only be restored through tonics, or one hidden late-game item. As stated several times before, if a character dies, they're not coming back. Oh, and the game has Random Encounters (i.e. potentially infinite enemies) to go along with those extremely limited supplies. However, if the player is careful, this will only be an issue near the start of the game. Even the strongest enemies can be defeated in 2 or 3 hits (the size of the average party) if the characters are at a decent level, and enemies always attack last.
  • The Problem with Licensed Games: Averted, as both the movie and the game are considered to be very good.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Thanks to the 8-bit sprites, with Akiko wearing a flat medical coat and Asuka wearing some sort of blue cape thing, both can be mistaken for males. The main clues otherwise are the gender-divided Really Dead Cutscenes and the portraits of their doppelgangers seen in the final area.