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  • The Sword of Truth series has a few of them.
    • Zedd defusing the mob to back off first by saying that he's insulted for them calling him a woman, and then making them think he'd made their * cough* manoods disappear.
    • The end of Stone Of Tears, when Richard is in Aydindril, and Zedd and Kahlan are on the run after faking Kahlan's execution in front of thousands of people. Her head has also been shaved. Then Denna's spirit enables them to make it in a pocket dimension...long story. The best part is when Kahlan comes back. I can only hope that this happens in the TV show, too...or some variation of it.

Zedd: Kahlan! Bags, girl! Where have you been all night! it's just turning to dawn! You've been missing since dusk! We've been searching the town all night for you! Where did you go?
Kahlan: I went to be with Richard...

  • Zedd can see her a little better now*

Zedd: Wh . . . who the hell grew back your hair?
Kahlan: Richard, he has the Gift, you know.
Zedd: * after a bit of sputtering* You're all in a lather girl. Why are you sweating? And your hair is all tangled! What kind of wizard would grow hair back all tangled? That boy has a lot to learn. I'll have to show him how to do things right.
Kahlan: [distant look in her eyes] Oh no, he did it right believe me.
Zedd: You've been gone the whole night. What have you two been doing?
Kahlan: Oh, I don't know. What do you and Adie do when you're together alone all night?
Zedd: Uh, well . . . well we . . . we talk. That's what we do. We talk.
Kahlan: That's what we did too. We talked. All night. My hair got tangled while we were talking. It was . . . quite hot in the other world.

    • Annalina's description of Zedd's reaction to some of Nathan's antics:

"Zedd has succumbed to a bout of loud cursing and arm flailing, he is swearing oaths about what he intends to do to Nathan, I am sure he will find most of his intentions physically impossible."

    • The description of Ann and Zedd's antics in Temple of the Winds when they're trying to convince their captors that they're insane.
    • Closely followed by Ann and Zedd's 'it's your fault' bickering/description of their utterly brilliant failure as useful slaves.
    • Nicci, Death's Mistress, former lieutenant to the Keeper, wielder of the magic of the Underworld, who never wears any color other than black, falls unconscious . . . and when she wakes up, discovers that one of the Mord-Sith has dressed her in a satiny, pale pink nightdress. Nicci, undaunted, then proceeds to tell everyone about The End of the World as We Know It and then confronts and intimidates Shota, all the while still wearing the same nightdress. Nicci's Comically Serious attitude about the whole thing just makes it all the more hilarious.
      • And then, in the final book, Confessor, the same thing happens again, with Nicci ending up in the same pink nightdress. Her response is basically, "WTF? Again?" And then she uses magic to delete the dye from the nightdress. And afterward turns it pink again and gives it to one of the Mord-Sith.