"Then my third thought was, 'Hold on, what's it doing on the SCI-FI CHANNEL?' Since then BRAVEHEART has been shown on the Sci-Fi Channel, live action movies are shown on Cartoon Network and there isn't a music video to be seen on MTV so channel formats straying from the channel names doesn't really surprise me anymore."
—Triple Kelly, Wrestlecrap
"Who Wants to Be a Superhero? was a reality show developed by Stan Lee and the Sci Fi Channel, before they decided poor literacy is cool and that women prefer the letter Y as opposed to C and I."
—Linkara, "Top 15 Comics I'll Never Review"
Announcer: Coming soon on Ninja Movie Week! Ninja Dry Cleaner, Ninja Shoe Repair, Ninja Video Rental and Ninja Dentist! Coming this week on... See-Fee?... S-Y-F-Y? Eh. Um. That wrestling channel!
—The Nostalgia Critic, "Raiders of the Story Arc: TMNT"
"The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular."
—Tim Brooks, a Syfy network executive.