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"I'm not very good at, uh, singing songs, but, uh, here's... here's a try..."

Symphony of Science is a Web Original series of music videos created by John Boswell ("melodysheep"). Most of the videos consist of autotuned quotes from Carl Sagan's Cosmos, along with quotes from other scientists who vary with each video.

To date there are fifteen songs in the series:

Tropes used in this series[]


 "These beings, with soaring imagination

Eventually flung themselves and their machines

into interplanetary space..."

    • And of course, Carl Sagan's "We are a way for the cosmos to know itself".
  • Loads and Loads of Characters - The Poetry of Reality, which has more singers than the previous four songs combined. The recent songs tend to have more and more different singers compared to the early ones.
  • Measuring the Marigolds - Hugely inverted.

 "The beauty of a living thing

is not the atoms that go into it

but the way those atoms are put together.."

  • Schedule Slip - The first five songs were released at a rate of about one a month, but this has slowed down considerably with five months between songs six and seven. This is due to the fact that John is now making a point of gaining permission from copyright holders before uploading. It's quickened with the eighth song again.
  • The Universe Is Just Awesome - Damn right!
  • Voice Clip Song