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Covertv 512

From left to right :: The Chick, The Action Girl, The Tagalong Kid, The Hero, The Big Guy


What happens when you take a massive roster of superpowered characters, give them techniques and powers in the vein of Naruto or the X-Men and spice things up with the gritty brutality of Frank Miller.... IN SPACE!

A science-fiction series featuring The Genesis 6, your friendly neighborhood terrorist cell with magical superpowers. Their homeworld got blown up, and Spectrum, a megacorporation that also has magical superpowers, has pinned the blame on them. Two superpowered groups with irreconcilable differences and serious anger management issues take them to the logical conclusion.

Unfortunately, it appears that author Shayne Liess never followed up on the explicit promise of a "saga". After releasing Book One: Fade to White in 2010, he never wrote anything else.

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Tropes used in Synergenesis Saga include:
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