Synergy Animation is a Chinese animation studio.
Based in Shanghai, Synergy Animation is one of the newer Asian animation houses, founded in 2005 by former Disney animators Cindy Ge and Michael Benet. Their goal is to provide animation at small budgets. However the company has an advantage over the similarly-cheap AKOM in that it uses not only traditional animation, but also Flash Animation and CGI.
Currently, being a newer studio, Synergy isn't really quite well known yet, lacking an article on The Other Wiki. The studio is best known for their work on Phineas and Ferb, one of their top projects, having done numerous episodes, including "Summer Belongs to You!" and the Christmas Special with Wang Film Productions.
Compare Yearim Productions, also one of the newer studios. Also compare the aforementioned Wang, Rough Draft Studios, and Hong Ying, Synergy's partners on their shows
Besides Phineas And Ferb, Synergy has worked on the following series:[]
Tropes associated with Synergy:[]
- Animation Bump: Happens a bit.
- Conspicuous CG
- Medium Blending
- Off-Model: A newer studio, they're not immune, having shown this in several P&F episodes (particularly "Bubble Boys" and "Attack of the 50 Foot Sister", the former of which has a flash animated sequence).