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Exactly What It Says on the Tin: It's the That Guy With The Glasses one-year anniversary special, which consists of a brawl between the site's most prolific contributors. The Nostalgia Critic/The Angry Video Game Nerd rivalry comes to a head, splitting the Glasses crew roughly across medium lines: reviewers of video games (plus the guy who does the Nerd's theme music) versus the other reviewers.
The TGWTG Year One Brawl provides examples of:[]
- Battle Boomerang: Wielded by That Aussie Guy, of course.
That Aussie Guy: Time to whip out the stereotype of doom! |
- Battle Royale With Cheese
- Big Damn Heroes: Members of each side show up one after the other just in time to stop the Nerd or the Critic from getting the shit kicked out of them. By the time there's about five people on each side, people stop saving each other's asses and just show up randomly.
- Big Lipped Alligator Moment: Invoked: The Chick uses one to get out of being cornered by two gamers.
- Brick Joke: Giant Robotic Donkey Kong Jesus Riding a Puff of Smoke was introduced during the Cloverfield hype, and then finally trotted out for a duel with Super Mecha Death Christ in the Tag Team Brawl.
- Butt Monkey: Angry Joe & Ma-Ti both qualify.
- Call Back: To the Critic's Cloverfield review, and Handsome Tom/Benzaie's Street Fighter match.
- The Cameo: Rob Walker is seen kicking a parking meter during the opening number, and Michaels Michaud and Ellis are seen in passing while the Nerd and the Critic chase each other down the halls.
- Cavalry Betrayal:
Critic: Benzaie! I knew you'd come to our aid! Quickly, clench your fists in rage and score one for our side! |
- Cat Fight: Spoony faces off against That Chick With the Goggles and the Nostalgia Chick faces off against Sage. Suddenly, Spoony suggests that he and the Nostalgia Chick switch opponents, then he and Sage pretend to fight for about a second before stopping and taking pictures of the off-screen catfight between the two girls. Toward the end of the Brawl, about five of the guys just stand around enjoying the view while the Nostalgia Chick and Little Miss Gamer beat each other with pillows.
- Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys: The Nostalgia Critic calls Benzaie a surrender monkey and a backstabbing snail-eater.
- Combat Commentator: The podcasters serve as this in a sports-commentator-esque fashion.
- Department of Redundancy Department: "It's time we had the final battle... for the last time."
- Dynamic Entry: Most of the participants - Of particular note, is Spoony appearing out of nowhere & hitting Little Miss Gamer with a Shoryuken.
- The Elevator From Ipanema: The Nerd/Critic chase from the beginning provides the page image.
- Et Tu, Brute?: "Et tu, Lee from Still Gaming?"
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The Epic Fail Guy!
- Full-Name Basis: Kyle Justin, of KyleJustinMusic.com
- Funny Background Event: Damn near the entire thing features these.
- Funny Bruce Lee Noises: Angry Joe.
- Fridge Logic: In-Universe. In the Making Of video, in reference to Giant Robotic Donkey-Kong Jesus Riding a Puff of Smoke:
Critic: Heyheyhey, you on my team? |
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Mike Dodd just kinda turns up out of nowhere towards the end of the Brawl, purely because he'd heard there was a fight.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Enough to make guys on both sides stop fighting and take pictures.
- Guy-On-Guy Is Hot: In the bloopers, Critic and Nerd shout at each other for a few seconds before the women tell them to make out.
- In a deleted scene, Bennett the Sage and Spoony have a pillow fight, causing everyone to collapse with laughter.
- Guy-On-Guy Is Hot: In the bloopers, Critic and Nerd shout at each other for a few seconds before the women tell them to make out.
- Groin Attack: The Nerd delivers a massive one to the Critic.
- Hat Damage: Linkara shoots Kyle Justin (of KyleJustinMusic.com)'s hat off after the Nerd refuses to acknowledge the magic gun as a threat.
- Also, at a certain point Linkara's own hat is thrown at the announcers.
- Hiss Before Fleeing: The Angry Video Game Nerd in the first few minutes.
- Hypocritical Heartwarming: Chick saves Critic from getting beaten up, Critic defends Chick from getting (he believes) insulted and he tells people on the other team to leave Ma-Ti alone.
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: The Critic only manages to shoot a few things at point blank range with his gun and no one seems to be able to hit the broadside of the barn with the SuperScope.
- In fact, only 3 shots are shown to actually hit anything in the whole brawl: Critic shoots the SuperScope out of the Nerd's hands, Nerd hits Critic with a thrown pen, and Ma-Ti hits Chester A. Bum with a shot from the SuperScope.
- Insistent Terminology: Referring to Kyle Justin as "Kyle Justin of kylejustinmusic.com".
- Instrument of Murder: Kyle Justin hits people with his guitar.
- Insult Misfire:
Linkara: "Let the wussy go!" |
- Kung Fu Jesus: Giant Robotic Donkey Kong Jesus Riding A Puff Of Smoke, to be precise. Later on it fights Super Mecha Death Christ "whatever version you are at the moment", who also qualifies.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: And the site's only gotten worse in the two years since the video came out, even counting the contributors whom have since left.
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover
- Medium Awareness:
Benzaie: (in French) Sorry, Mr. Critic, but I'm a gamer first and a friend second...and quite frankly Mr. Video Game Nerd is a god among gamers. So sorry, but I must deliver you unto a world of pain. |
- Mythology Gag: Although Rob Walker said that it wasn't intended as such - When Handsome Tom (And 8-Bit Mickey) first appears, he remarks that he has an issue with someone he's known for a while. Whilst it's a Call Back to Tom & Benzaie's Street Fighter match, it at first seems to be setting up Tom (And 8-Bit Mickey) being after The Angry Video Game Nerd aswell, due to the real life issues that lead to Tom (And 8-Bit Mickey) leaving ScrewAttack.com a year earlier & the AVGN's long standing affiliation with the site.
- Oh Crap: In the Brawl: "Look out! MA-TI IS PACKING!"
- The Pen Is Mightier: The Angry Video Game Nerd makes deadly use of his.
- Rousing Speech: The Nerd's is about what you might expect, while the Critic is forced to admit that he's not actually very good at these and fails to even grab the attention of his teammates.
- Also, the Critic introduces mostly everyone by saying their names.
Critic: The Epic Fail Guy! |
- Stock Aesop: The Critic caps off his rousing speech with a bundle of them.
Critic: So, um...buck up, drink milk, stay in school and don't do drugs. Let's go! |
TheCat: As the Nerd is apparently uppercutting the Critic's jaw... And slamming him to the ground... And finally... nailing him in the privates. |
- Talking to Himself: The whole thing is broken up by Ask That Guy, who talks directly with Nostalgia Critic and takes his photo with the others. (and in just Acting for Two, Chester A. Bum pummels the AVGN while Nostalgia Critic is on the ground scrambling for his gun)
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch:
Linkara pulls out his magic gun |
- This Is the Final Battle: Used just before the big gamers and critics fight starts:
Nostalgia Critic: "All right Nerd, this is it! No more to be continues, no more do-overs, it is time that we have the final battle! For the last time!" |
- The Windy City: Is sung about by the Critic to the tune of Oklahoma's opening number. Corruption's as high as an elephant's eye...and the meters cost 74.25...
- Team Shot: The video ends with one of these being taken. Lampshaded by Ask That Guy With The Glasses.
- Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
- Video Credits
- What Could Have Been: In the Year One Brawl, there was a brief scene with the Nostalgia Chick & Little Miss Gamer hitting each other with pillows and to balance it out, Spoony & Bennett the Sage volunteered to shoot a scene with them pillow fighting. When they actually shot the scene, however, Spoony & Sage then started acting as if they were sorority girls, giggling whilst telling each other to "stop it", before Spoony declared "I'm so horny right now!" This immediately forced everyone to break down in laughter, and render the footage unusable.
- Film Brain was going to be part of it, but he couldn't participate because of finals.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Ma-Ti, as is par for the course.
- What the Hell, Benzaie?: Critic delivers the line to Benzaie after Benzaie punches him in the face.
- Wimp Fight: Probably done on purpose.
- World of Ham