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  • Just the fact that it's an ALL OUT BRAWL between him, The Angry Video Game Nerd, Nostalgia Chick, Linkara, Benzaie, Bennet the Sage... ah hell, pretty much EVERYBODY on the site. Also includes Super Mecha Death Christ and Robotic Donkey Kong Jesus Riding A Puff Of Smoke (which appears in his Cloverfield review) and also the appearances of That Guy With The Glasses and Chester A. Bum.
    • Other highlights include every character getting a dramatic entrance from offscreen (about 20 of these in a row makes it go from awesome, to slightly monotonous, to hilarious and awesome again), The Nostalgia Chick using a Big Lipped Alligator Moment as a weapon, Spoony's entrance with a Shoryuken ("Roots, smoots. We are here to RUMBLE!"), the entire portion of the video where the teams are lined up and preparing to fight, and... Hell, the whole video is basically one giant string of Crowning Moments of Awesome.
  • "Look out! MA-TI IS PACKING!"

 Ma-Ti: "Heart! Heart! Heart! Heart! Suck my big fat fucking HEART!"

  • Linkara's entrance.
    • And his exchange with AVGN.

 "I'm not an idiot. I AM A MAN!"

Followed by:

Linkara: (Uses magic gun)

AVGN: How the fuck did you do that?

Linkara: It's magic, bitch.
