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  • The one year anniversary video, its original name aptly titled What We Spent Our Money On, is one big combination of this and Crowning Moment of Awesome. Perhaps the funniest part would be Nostalgia Chick managing to weaponize the Big Lipped Alligator Moment.
    • Seconding the Big Lipped Alligator Moment. Though a close second is the Angry Videogame Nerd escaping Chester A. Bum's angry hobo beatdown by throwing change.
  • "Look out! MA-TI IS PACKING!"
    • "Heart! Heart! Heart! Suck my big fat fucking HEART!!!"
  • During Spoony's behind the scenes vlog, there's his account of Benzaie learning about sales tax while buying deodorant at Walmart. "There's this phantom charge that gets applied at the cash register? Thats Bullshit!"
    • That vid was especially funny for this troper because her british BF made the exact same rant word for word (yet never saw this vid) when he was stateside.
      • This troper should point out that other countries do have sales tax, it's just that it's already accounted for on the price tag.
  • I adored the bit in Spoony's vlog where they imagine if he had tried to board the plane dressed as Dr. Insano. "Sir, step over here, please." "RACIAL PROFILING! IT'S BECAUSE I WEAR GOGGLES, ISN'T IT?!"
  • When Nostalgia Chick and Goggles are fighting, and the guys just take pictures.

 "That is so hot!"


 Spoony: "Oh, I'm so horny!"

  • "What are you, some kind of idiot?" "I'm not an idiot. I AM A MAN!"
  • The opening of the video had me in stitches, The Nostalgia Critic was walking along an open rooftop, singing an abridged version of "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning", which promptly ends with him exclaiming, very loudly, "FUCK ME!!" As the AVGN walks in.
  • In the outtakes, Handsome Tom is apparently having trouble getting the right motivation for his response to Little Miss Gamer, so Rob tells him to think "asshole". The result?

 Tom: Stay out of this Little Miss Gamer, you bitch! (Everyone erupts in laughter)

Doug: Whoa!

Rob: We didn't say Hitler, Tom! Just asshole!

  • The commentary mentions a Throw It In that was cut, with Ma-Ti saying "It is time" as he picks up the rocket launcher.
  • Another outtake had 8-Bit Mickey, immediately after clotheslining Angry Joe, declare, "I'm 8-Bit Mickey, bitch!"