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  • Ask That Guy defusing the entire fight, and encouraging everyone to just have fun with this opportunity to make videos together.
  • The look on The Nostalgia Critic's face when The Nostalgia Chick saves him from the The Angry Video Game Nerd.
    • The Nostalgia Chick coming to rescue him in the first place. For all her Lack of Empathy, she does look rather happy to see him safe.
    • And even though it was an Insult Misfire, he wasted no time at all in yelling at Linkara when he thought he was calling her a wussy.
  • Linkara also being the badass hero and saving the Critic. Again.
  • The Bum defending The Nostalgia Critic and calling him a nice man. Awww...
  • The first time Ma-Ti's getting beaten up on, the Critic shouts at them to leave him alone.
  • After Ma-Ti runs out of ammo, he starts crying and turns to That Chick With The Goggles, who hims him a hug.