TRU-Life Adventures is a long-running webcomic set primarily at a toy store. The characters regularly deal with all the hazards that come from working retail: bad customers, worse management, an epic time-travel war that threatens to destroy reality. So yeah, things can get a little strange.
Oh, and you can find it here. As of May 2020, it's still active.
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Tropes used in TRU-Life Adventures include:
- Art Evolution
- The Atoner: Jack
- Cloudcuckoolander:Jack
- Crossover: Two, to be precise. One with Tao Of Geek, and another, much earlier, with A Better Life Than This
- Everything's Better with Bob
- Fictional Counterpart: Star*Squad takes the place of most Star Trek or Star Wars references.
- Ditto Hyperforce and the Superhero universe of your choice.
- Toymania=Toys R Us.
- First Girl Wins: Averted. Darby is the third female to appear in the strip, after Stephanie and Kendall.
- Fun with Acronyms:The good guy time travelers are the Time Line Authority. The bad guy time travelers are the Chronal Hierarchy: Advanced Operations Syndicate.
- CARD unit--Controlled Applications of Reality Distortion
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Jack spends a week claiming to see the audience. He never actually looks directly as us, however.
- MacGuffin: the Bleak Diamond.
- Meta Origin: Anyone exposed to the timestream gets superpowers.
- Only Sane Man: Everyone gets moments like this, with Bert, Stephanie, and Kendall having the most legitimate claims.
- Schedule Slip:The cartoonist used to have trouble maintaining a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule. Then he signed on for the Daily Grind Iron Man Challenge, and hasn't missed a Monday-thru-Friday update since 2005.
- Shout-Out: Several webcomic characters have popped up as customers. Others have appeared as toys.
- Take That: Derek, the Friendly Neighborhood Vampire, doesn't think much of Twilight.