Honestly if I was teaching a class on Machinima, I would present yours to the students and tell them, if you want to make a good machinima, take everything this guy did and do the opposite of what he did. —Craig K, machinima.com forum member.
Tactical Noobs is a Machinima made using Halo 3 by a guy who calls himself Matt Sonic. It is a series of comical vignettes. And it's bad. Like, infamously bad. You'll just have to see for yourself.
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Tropes used in Tactical Noobs include:
- Axe Crazy - The Crazy Burger King Guy.
- Bring Out Your Gay Dead
- Disproportionate Retribution - A customer orders a Big Mac sandwich at Burger King, so the man at the drive-through window tells them that Burger King doesn't sell those--and then he throws plasma grenades at them.
- Two guys announce that they just voted Barack Obama for president. The Crazy Burger King Guy states, "I voted for McCain," and whips out a flamethrower on them.
- Driven to Suicide - The F**.
- Ho Yay - The first skit is of Halo 3 players playing a custom gametype called "Capture the F**."
- Jittercam - Probably not on purpose.
- Kill It with Fire
- Mood Whiplash
- "No! Ben, no! ... He's dead..." [Ben Astley music starts playing and a Burger King logo appears out of nowhere]
- One-Episode Wonder - Matt Sonic got enough negative critisism that he never premiered episode 2.
- So Bad It's Good (YMMV)
- Word Salad Title - There's nothing "tactical" about any of this. And it's not the characters who are the noobs.