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Tails Adventure Cover Art

Tails Adventure is an Action RPG Spin-Off adventure game from the vast Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, released for the Sega Game Gear in 1995. It is one of two spin-off games that the fox cub received.

While taking a nap outside his workshop, Tails is woken by an explosion. Battle Kukku Army has invaded the island in order to find the Chaos Emeralds, and it's up to Tails to stop them.

This title is different from other games in the Sonic series in that the emphasis is on visiting and revisiting different stages in a similar vein to Metroid. Also, unlike previous titles, Tails actually reaps benefits from collecting just one chaos emerald (an increase in HP and Flight stamina).

The Japanese manual says this game takes place before Tails first met Sonic. The western manuals say it takes place after Sonic and Tails' last adventure and Tails is just on vacation. Of course, Sega has chosen to pretty much Retcon anything the western manuals said about the Sonic series ever since Sonic Adventure was released, so the Japanese manual is more likely canon.

Has a comic book tie-in in Sonic Universe, though it took a few liberties with the plot (such as it is).

Tropes used in Tails Adventure include: