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Main Characters[]
Miles "Tails" Prower[]
- Butt Monkey: Tails can't catch a fucking break. He's mocked to tears by trolls in the beginning, has his ass kicked by Alex, and his best friend Sonic dies
- Heterosexual Life Partners: As in the games, he's best pals with Sonic the Hedgehog
- Tagalong Kid: During the opening chapters he serves mostly as the sidekick to other characters like Sonic and Shadow.
- The Chosen One: He's the fabled warrior Pac Man saw in his dream, the only one cacable of defeating the Troll King.
- The Hero: Obviously, though he's currently sitting on the sidelines being trained by Pac-Man and The Defenders.
Sonic the Hedgehog[]
- Actual Pacifist: The only one in the comic who seems to think using violence against the Trolls is overreacting. Right up until they say his girlfriend has a penis and is a slut.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: "Sorry Tails if this looks Gay to the viewers"
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today??: Oh boy! At first Sonic uses the "I have a girlfriend variant" as a weak comeback to being called a f***** by the Trolls but then keeps up bringing up his girlfriend and heterosexuality up randomly throughout the comic...even to the readers of the comic.
- Killed Off for Real: By the Troll King in one hell of a one sided fist fight
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Evil Sonic is more then willing to kill trolls and seems to have around the same power as Super Sonic.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Sonic seems to think he's in a Saturday Mourning Cartoon, he couldn't be more wrong.
The Troll Slaiyers[]
Shadow the Hedgehog/The Awesome[]
- Anti-Hero: A type IV to V at best.
- Blood Knight: Absolutely revels in the deaths of trolls. "I know about the taste of blood man"
- Defector From Decadence: Was originally a troll up until he find how much he trully hate them.
- Even Evil Has Standards: While not exactly evil, he is one hell of an asshole. Still when Knuckles talks about hitting on Amy after Sonic dies, he calls Knuckles out on being such a dick
- Pay Evil Unto Evil: His whole gimmick.
Mario/The Fire Power[]
- Freudian Excuse: He's obsessed with killing the trolls because his parents trolled him.
Hulk/ The Power[]
- Mr. Exposition: About half of his panel time is devoted to explaining Shadow's awesome fucking plan.
Temo/ The Batsard[]
- Killed Off for Real: Dies thanks to Knuckle's retarded plan.
- Informed Ability: Is called "The bastard" by Shadow even though he isn't especially evil compared to the other Troll Slaiyers.