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  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Rob, Elmer Fudd, and Silver the Hedgehog if comments on Lazerbot's Deviant ART page is any indication.
  • I Am Not Shazam: Chester Cheetah is named "Cheeto Guy".
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Alex the Emo Troll. Some people unknown with the comic have commented on him being a girl.
  • The Woobie: Tails. The title says it all, "Tails gets trolled." He also gets beaten down constantly by the trolls, gets ridiculed by them, and loses his best friend Sonic to the trolls.
    • Porky Pig. He's a religious fellow that got involved in a ton of bad events, eventually making him one of the Neutrals. When the Church he is a part of finds out, they see him as evil incarnate and kill his father and his mother before he has a chance to see them, and then murder his wife and child in front of him. It's no wonder that he is Driven to Suicide.
    • Mario and Luigi. One of the biggest moments of Mario's flashback is them meeting their parents, only to be told that they aren't loved and that their father just enjoys having unprotected sex. Luigi more so, because he was mostly dragged into doing all of this for the sake of his brother.